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Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

^ wasnt talkin about delhi, goto bathinda moga guniana

and i mentioned it before khalistan isnt that much of a concern among the sikh majority..Im talking about discussing it the way you are, talk to one of those sikh people in delhi and say to him that you think naxals should be done away with the way we took care of khalistan

actually kathric, i find US and Canada to be the most concerned societies about natives..do you have any idea how much money government of canada gives to natives ? and they waste it all on booze

Did i bring in Canada into th discussion..?

So caring abt the native in the present erases the past blemish of absolute genocide of a race..?...I mean not even Hitler came close to any of that..
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caste system is the closest thing to apartheid that i can think of

such a backwards and medieval system. Thank God I dont have to worry about it here in this country.

You dont have to worry afterall its a state policy in your country to discriminate on the basis of religon.

and talking about a country which had a dalit president, muslim president, dalit chief minister, gives high reservation to low caste people.
You crush 2 million innocent children per year who never even protested.

So the moot point is that u dont have any moral superiority to question us...Got it bigot..?
Ur hands are not too clean either.

Guess what your ignorant bigot, I never stop criticizing the killing of Native Indians on this land, never stop criticizing slavery system on this land, unlike your clownish jingoistic fools! No wonder India is so backward compared with US...

Just read my posts, I’m still crying out for human rights on this land, even it is million times better than yours ugly.

What a joke!

U r crying for human rights..?!?! Now save us ur Crocodile tears after exterminating an entire race,...i repeat an entire race of Humans.... as if they were animals :angry:

Just look at how you still discriminate NE Mongoloids...Won't be surprised if whole NE will be teemed with maoists one day...

But still we dont crush them under tank tracks or round up on them and hunt them as if they were buffaloes.
caste system is the closest thing to apartheid that i can think of

such a backwards and medieval system. Thank God I dont have to worry about it here in this country.
Yes we know it exists,yes its bad,we are working to get rid of it.
At least im not living in a country which has
1) a number of Coup d'état
2)My country does not have the taliban sending notices to girls schools to shut down(on the contrary we are working towards a womens reservation bill)
3)Sir in my country military generals don't hang their prime ministers.
4)Not to mention the fact that people in my country don't pose such a threat to a ally and the ally does not sent over drones to destroy terrorist camps.

Sir i would humbly tell you to clear the log in your eye before pointing at the sand grain in mine.:cheers:
India says that IT represents shining india.

An equal number of starving children die per year as all IT professionals in india added together.

So why can't we say that starving children represents India?

do you call this representation of rights like killing innocent civilians

Dont use the IAF fighters...but USE THE ARMED HELIs...

We should create am impression among the Maoists that they r fighting a an enemy with unlimited resources at its disposal.
The use of armed helis even if it does not give any solid military advantage has a definite psychological advantage attached to it..jus like the mujaheddin used to shiver at the sound of the Russian Mils before they got their Stingers.
They arent going to use fighter jets. They will use Choppers and UAV's for surveillance and tracking.
I think India should deploy...
Arm forces in the region....
Use UAV IAI Searcher, Lakshya PTA , IAI Heron .............find the exact targets and destroy them.
Using Jets can increase civioian casualities...
India says that IT represents shining india.

An equal number of starving children die per year as all IT professionals in india added together.

So why can't we say that starving children represents India?

You can say whatever the heck you want, neither does it contribute to or take away from the reality that India is today.
Indian Cabinet torn over sending fighter planes after the Maoist rebels - Times Online
May 18, 2010

Palaniappan Chidambaram, the Indian Home Minister, believes that air power is essential to defeat the Maoists

India faces a dilemma as it considers whether to deploy the air force against homegrown Maoist rebels after their latest bloody attack yesterday, this time on civilians as well as security forces.

P. Chidambaram, the hawkish Home Minister, believes that air power is essential to defeat the Maoists — also known as Naxalites — who have been fighting since 1967 and are now considered a greater threat than Jihadist groups.

The chief ministers of all of the worst-affected states also want air support against the rebels, who have a presence in 20 of India’s 28 states and control a corridor of jungle from the east coast to the Nepalese border.

Most security officials and experts agree, saying that Operation Green Hunt — an unprecedented nationwide campaign launched last year with about 58,000 federal paramilitary troops — is doomed to failure otherwise.

They cite yesterday’s landmine attack, which killed 35 police and civilians on a bus in the central state of Chhattisgarh, and another ambush that killed 75 paramilitary police in the same area last month.

Yet Mr Chidambaram, for all his many talents, seems unable to convince his colleagues in the Cabinet, and the upper echelons of the ruling Congress party, including, it seems, the party leader, Sonia Gandhi.

He made that clear today in several television interviews, where he explained that he had been given “a limited mandate” to tackle the Maoists and was pushing for his remit to be expanded.

The main issue seems to be his colleagues’ reluctance to deploy the armed forces against their own people in such a vast area — effectively admitting that there is a civil war raging across a third of Indian territory.

Even if the air force is limited to surveillance and logistics, as Mr Chidambaram suggests, they fear that it will soon end up carrying out airstrikes on the Naxalites, especially if its jets come under attack.

They rightly worry about civilian casualties — not least because the air force is designed more for carpet bombing Pakistan than carrying out surgical strikes on tiny rebel encampments in the jungle.

They also worry that they would have to extend the unpopular Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which protects the armed forces from prosecution in Kashmir and the northeast, to much of the rest of the country.

There are, however, deeper reasons for their intransigence, chiefly a desire to appear pro-poor before local elections and an instinctive sympathy for left-wing politics which dates back to Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister.

Mr Chidambaram’s strong-armed approach has come under increasing criticism in the past few months from a lobby of left-leaning intellectuals and artists, including the writer Arundhati Roy.

They say that the government should call off Operation Green Hunt and address the poor governance, corruption and poverty that drive landless labourers and poor farmers to join the Naxalites.

Mrs Gandhi added her voice to that lobby last week when she wrote an article in the Congress party journal calling for the Government to tackle the “root causes” of the conflict.

It was as close to outright criticism of Mr Chidambaram that she has ever come.

When the Cabinet discusses the issue this week, Mr Chidambaram will argue that the problem is indeed rooted in poor governance, corruption and poverty but those are problems that will take decades to resolve. The short and medium-term priority, he will say, is to prevent the Maoists from killing more police and civilians.

The idea of the Indian Air Force flying missions against its own people is understandably repellent, and should be considered only as a last resort, but after ignoring the Maoist threat for so long the Government may not have any choice.

Long before Operation Green Hunt. Actually for over 4 DECADES, GOI have been systematically committed genocide against the poor and tribal, not only by starvation BUT ACTUAL BRUTAL BEHEADINGS, TORTURE, BEATINGS, EXECUTIONS! This is documented by outside observers. This is the major reason for the Media Blackout, so Bharat can portray the Naxals-Maoists, Tribals and Dalits as "evil terrorists".

What you see is villager against villager, where one group of villagers betrays his/her people to do GOI's evil biddings.

This is not simply a "few" Naxals against the "majority" Indians. No, rather tens of millions of Dalits and those discriminated are rising up to defend their human rights. That is why you see increasingly large numbers of brutal heinous violence against these Dalits to "keep them in their place" --- this reality is being religiously covered up by the criminals in government. Because in reality it is the MAJORITY of Dalits, poor, minorities, Mongoloids, women, Naxals fighting against the FEW Brahmin retardos that any attempt to use the full force of violence by GOI will fail. It will absolutely fail. :sniper::sick:
Only madness can bring Army and Airforce to the situation. They need something along the line of Gray Hounds of AP. They successfully tackled the Naxals in past.
Long before Operation Green Hunt. Actually for over 4 DECADES, GOI have been systematically committed genocide against the poor and tribal, not only by starvation BUT ACTUAL BRUTAL BEHEADINGS, TORTURE, BEATINGS, EXECUTIONS! This is documented by outside observers. This is the major reason for the Media Blackout, so Bharat can portray the Naxals-Maoists, Tribals and Dalits as "evil terrorists".

What you see is villager against villager, where one group of villagers betrays his/her people to do GOI's evil biddings.

This is not simply a "few" Naxals against the "majority" Indians. No, rather tens of millions of Dalits and those discriminated are rising up to defend their human rights. That is why you see increasingly large numbers of brutal heinous violence against these Dalits to "keep them in their place" --- this reality is being religiously covered up by the criminals in government. Because in reality it is the MAJORITY of Dalits, poor, minorities, Mongoloids, women, Naxals fighting against the FEW Brahmin retardos that any attempt to use the full force of violence by GOI will fail. It will absolutely fail.

really what's up with all the Chinese in this forum? :|
Four more CRPF jawans feared martyred: These Maoist B****ds again

Kolkata: Suspected Naxals exploded an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) targeting a Central Reserve Police Force vehicle in West Midnapore district of West Bengal killing at least four security personnel.

The IED was planted on a road between Pingboni and Ramgarh on the outskirts of Lalgarh. Some CRPF personnel are suspected to have been injured.

The attacks come just two days after the rebels blew up a bus killing at least 41 people in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh. Monday’s attack in Dantewada was the second major strike by the Naxals in the state after the April 6 massacre of 75 CRPF personnel and one state policeman.

Naxals have called for a five-day bandh in the states of Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh starting Tuesday to protest against Operation Green Hunt launched by the Government to neutralise their threat.

Naxals blow up CRPF vehicle, 4 feared dead - India - ibnlive

Fu*****g Ba****ds. :angry:

R.I.P CRPF martyrs. :cry:
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