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Second batch of J-10B

Finally, it is using the WS-10A engine, and it is not the prototype aircraft 1035.

someone said that this picture has been edited using Photoshop
but i cant see it
We are expecting our 36 Jets end of the year , would be great to have this wonderful plane in our forces
Dude, F-22 is a failed and discontinued product from last century. It's uphill to the tip to you, but it is nothing to a country has a R&D spending as huge as all these countries adding up together:

R&D spending China = Germany + South Korea + France + United Kingdom + India + Canada + Russia + Brazil
F22 is not a failed product.
A failed and discontinued product from the last century? They made the F22 to counter any future fighters for many decades to come. And it was discontinued because it was expensive. Same as Seawolf class boats. Are they failures? Or just too expensive they made a Virginia class boats to be cheaper versions of the same similar boats?

Are those F-35s cheap? You guys have trillions for F-35 and say no money for F-22?

F22 is not a failed product.
Approve it.
Are those F-35s cheap? You guys have trillions for F-35 and say no money for F-22?

Approve it.

The same thing why China don't just all build an all J-20 fleet when they have spend trillions and trillions of money for J15, J-16, J-31 and J-Whatever unveiling anytime in the future.

There is a point when you only need a certain amount of the type aircraft. Being advance does not mean we should change them all to F-22 or J-20. But disregarding all other aircraft regardless of their role and functions.

Of course, being in technological edge is good, and country would also have money to develop it, but spending those money in those area in overly obsess scale is a big draw back. When sometime you don't need to use those kind of edge to do menial thing, you inadvertedly overkilled the equipment

So, by your logic, China spend billions and billions of dollar in J-20 but then spend even more on J-10, J-15, J-16 and J-31. Can we say J-20 is a fail project of last century?
The same thing why China don't just all build an all J-20 fleet when they have spend trillions and trillions of money for J15, J-16, J-31 and J-Whatever unveiling anytime in the future.

There is a point when you only need a certain amount of the type aircraft. Being advance does not mean we should change them all to F-22 or J-20. But disregarding all other aircraft regardless of their role and functions.

Of course, being in technological edge is good, and country would also have money to develop it, but spending those money in those area in overly obsess scale is a big draw back. When sometime you don't need to use those kind of edge to do menial thing, you inadvertedly overkilled the equipment

So, by your logic, China spend billions and billions of dollar in J-20 but then spend even more on J-10, J-15, J-16 and J-31. Can we say J-20 is a fail project of last century?
Maybe yes or no.

China will have a mass production of J-20 to 1,000+ for both airforce and navy, if it's approved capable, as what US did with F15/16/18.

Meanwhile, China will deploy J-20 less than 200 and invest hugely on J-31 or any other alternative, if J-20 is failure, as what US did with F-22.

F-22, a legend of failing.
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Maybe yes or no.

China will have a mass production of J-20 to 1,000+ for both airforce and navy, if it's approved capable, as what US did with F15/16/18.

Meanwhile, China will deploy J-20 less than 200 and invest hugely on J-31 or any other alternative, if J-20 is failure, as what US did with F-22.

F-22, a legend of failing.

First of all, what you say did not make sense.

If you ordered 200 J-20 for use and only to find if they are capable, then China will mass produce J-20 in thousands.

The problem is, when you order the initial J-20 Production (in 200 as you said) will you order other J-series aircraft? If you do, then what happened to all those J-series aircraft (J-10/15/16/31) when you order 1000 more J-20, which is in thousands? You are going to scrap them? Or you want to sell them? If you do not order other J-series aircraft and wait to see if J-20 is capable, then are PLAAF.

It would be super fail either way as if you did order other J-series aircraft, you waste billions of dollar for producing other J-series to back order J-20, or if you don't order other J-series aircraft. Then you only have 200 J-20 to defend the Chinese skies until you can make 1,000 of them, as you say, and you cannot make 1000 J-20 appear out of no where, you need at least 10 years to make them, giving if the Chinese Aircraft industry is as mature as the US, which turn out 30 aircraft at per years.

And you actually have no idea why the US cancel the order of F-22.

US Stop making F-22 simply because the edge is over the next competitor, the Russian.

When US start making F-22 in 1990s, Russian did not have a single aircraft that can fight F-22 1 on 1.term. And the edge is secure with the F-22 even though there are only 180 F-22, simply because US does not only have 180 F-022, they have 300 F-15E, 1600 F-16, 500 F-18 as well. US DOD Calculated that it will be at least 2030 before any country can amass a stealth fighter force that can answer to the F-22 in a 1 on 1 scale.

Depending on manufacturer capability

China claim J-20 will enter IOC in 2017, that mean in 10 year, in 2027, China would have about 200-300 J-20 in service.
Russia Claim PAK-FA will enter IOC in 2020 which mean by 2030, Russia would have 200-300 PAK-FA in service

By 2030, however, US would have already move on to 6th Generation Jet Fighter (Due at 2025) and about 600-700 F-35 in service, it would be wise to invest on the next gen as any F-22 make now is actually counter productive to cost. US could have 500 F-22 now, but what for? They don't need that much F-22 to go against Su-35 or J-15 which in low hundreds. Making that much is simply waste of money. US stopped production of F-22, does not mean they cannot make it anymore or the production line is dissembled, they can pump out F-22 as we speed, if they were in need of those, 24 F-22 is waiting for 1 year of time and about 2 billions of dollars away.

You have 600 billions US Dollar budget, that does not mean you have to waste them, it's far better to get involve with 6th Gen program than to keep making F-22. That is the reason why F-22 is not making at this moment.

However, if China claim and showed proof that they actually have 500 J-20 now, US will reopen the F-22 production line. Otherwise it would be both a waste of time and money.
So, by your logic, China spend billions and billions of dollar in J-20 but then spend even more on J-10, J-15, J-16 and J-31. Can we say J-20 is a fail project of last century?

I dont think we have spent that much even in RMB term
I dont think we have spent that much even in RMB term

billions of dollars on this kind of R&D project is peanuts.

AMG Mercedes annual research budget is 1.2 billions Euro. F-22 have a project cost of 66.7 billions, F-35 at 857 billions dollars. Are you saying Chinese J-20 development is under 1000 millions (1 Billion) USD??

If that is true, then I guess either Chinese labor is really, really cheap (like 6000 % cheaper), or J-20 is rubbish
billions of dollars on this kind of R&D project is peanuts.

AMG Mercedes annual research budget is 1.2 billions Euro. F-22 have a project cost of 66.7 billions, F-35 at 857 billions dollars. Are you saying Chinese J-20 development is under 1000 millions (1 Billion) USD??

If that is true, then I guess either Chinese labor is really, really cheap (like 6000 % cheaper), or J-20 is rubbish

you havent changed a bit 8-)

forget about the trash
you claimed this which is nonsense::
So, by your logic, China spend billions and billions of dollar in J-20 but then spend even more on J-10, J-15, J-16 and J-31. Can we say J-20 is a fail project of last century?
you havent changed a bit 8-)

forget about the trash
you claimed this which is nonsense::

then can you tell me how much Chinese spend on J-20? Which you so sure that it was not in billions of dollars?

assume J-20 is 10 millions US dollar each (Which is nearly impossible), then China already spend 1 billion in J-20 if China buy 100 of those. and we are discounting the R&D cost, so are you saying China buying less than 100 J-20?

So can you show me how trashy is my comment "China spend billions and billions in J-20"??
then can you tell me how much Chinese spend on J-20? Which you so sure that it was not in billions of dollars?

assume J-20 is 10 millions US dollar each (Which is nearly impossible), then China already spend 1 billion in J-20 if China buy 100 of those. and we are discounting the R&D cost, so are you saying China buying less than 100 J-20?

So can you show me how trashy is my comment "China spend billions and billions in J-20"??

1. there isnt a price tag for J-20. just yet. It hasnt tagged itself for export
2. your description of "China spend billions and billions in J-20" is just purely absurd. Use your brain just for once if it is still functioning!
1. there isnt a price tag for J-20. just yet. It hasnt tagged itself for export
2. your description of "China spend billions and billions in J-20" is just purely absurd. Use your brain just for once if it is still functioning!

1.) If there is a single plane rolled out of the assemble line, there already price tag involved. Otherwise you are saying that PLAF is getting the first 3 J-20 for free? And up to now you did not pay anything for it??

2.) You still have not answer me how absurd it is, when I ask how you know, you simply say there are no price tag yet. SO you literally have no idea how much China did spend on J-20, and yet you call me absurd.

Either you have inside information and know exactly how much China has already spend on J-20 and then you can prove to me that they have spend less than a billions in the 10 years research window. Otherwise how would you know what I said is absurd? Because you think so??
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