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Science is a dwarf in front of astrology, says BJP MP in parliament.

Revisionism and stealing ideas is the hallmark of you guys. I know your scientists were calculating the orbit of the Earth by adding 1+1 and using Roman numerals. Also Aristotle is now 5000 year old. Very good.

come back when you tell here that "hindusim" invented math. Wonder when Hinduists teached basic math to crows and even monitor lizards. Sorry but i have problems to debate with someone who mistakes a numerical system with math.
come back when you tell here that "hindusim" invented math. Wonder when Hinduists teached basic math to crows and even monitor lizards. Sorry but i have problems to debate with someone who mistakes a numerical system with math.

Yeah without numerical number system and the concept of Zero, decimal numbers, trignometry, Europeans were doing maths 5000 years ago. Now I have heard it all.
Yeah without numerical number system and the concept of Zero, decimal numbers, trignometry, Europeans were doing maths 5000 years ago. Now I have heard it all.

the concept of zero was invented in babylonia and went later on into the greek and roman sphere of influence in the west and at same time to india in the east. So what do you try to accomplish here? To see who first "stole" zero from the babylonians?

0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trigonometry was a speciality of the greek and roman world. Otherwise most of the buildings build would not have been possible. You don´t fine architecture like in rome anywhere in india. Come back when you show something like the pantheon. And yes, Europeans did math 5000 years ago. Even betetr, Humans already did math 300.000 years ago. Again you fail to see what math is and what a numerical system is.

Serious...some people should realize when they are shown as clowns...
the concept of zero was invented in babylonia and went later on into the greek and roman sphere of influence in the west and at same time to india in the east. So what do you try to accomplish here? To see who first "stole" zero from the babylonians?

0 (number) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trigonometry was a speciality of the greek and roman world. Otherwise most of the buildings build would not have been possible. You don´t fine architecture like in rome anywhere in india. Come back when you show something like the pantheon. And yes, Europeans did math 5000 years ago. Even betetr, Humans already did math 300.000 years ago. Again you fail to see what math is and what a numerical system is.

Serious...some people should realize when they are shown as clowns...

LOL. At the amount of lies Europeans have to invent to just prove they had civilization.

Indian mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also leave alone your anemic looking pantheon, we had entire cities with waterworks and sophisticated sewage system more than 5000 years ago in Indus valley civilization.
Animal body parts have been transplanted on human beings for quite a while now. Porcine heart valves for example have been used in heart surgery for a long time now.
Brain budy, We are talking about Brain, have anyone ever even thought about tranplanting Animal brain to a Human body? & in this ancient indian case "miraculously" the human still remains Human, which should have become Animal.

No i did not take any offence and i know you probably didn't mean it as well. My contention is that people who make fun of these claims themselves go to a maulvi or a tantrik/pandit with gay abandon. But let one utter one's matter of faith publicly and all hell breaks lose.

For example look in this thread everybody is embarrassed ! how could he have said such a thing. Oh my god surgery! Nuclear weapons !

What we call science today is science that we can understand. And everything happens for a reason and has a cause. once we understand how it can be achieved it becomes the foundation of science of that particular branch.
It did sound stupid i agree, but to make fun of it is hypocrisy when we ourselves are witness to ample miracles in this age and day.
At least for myself I can say that I take nothing that negates reason. Religions have been distorted by those who were given the responsibility of guarding it's purity. For example after a hundred years there may would be two groups of Muslims, one giving holy & miraculous place to Taliban & Al-Qaeda in their literature while the other will be writing them as ignorant savages. But both will write this with devotion. Ar every point you can apply reason, you can't say then that both are right.
Brain budy, We are talking about Brain, have anyone ever even thought about tranplanting Animal brain to a Human body? & in this ancient indian case "miraculously" the human still remains Human, which should have become Animal.

Brain is just a receiver and processor of information. It does not generate information of its own and nor does it store memory, feelings, identity, or anything of that sort. So no it would not make a human an animal anymore than the porcine heart valve made the human have an animal soul.
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Nor should you. Nobody in europe cares about india either. Obviously there are far more indians who care what the pope says, since there are many christian indians, than europeans who care about hinduism. Basic fact is, that hinduism is seen as strange cult here. I personal don´t like the way they joke about it here but thats the way it is. Hindusim is a one culture religion and has zero acceptance in the world around it. Its a very closed thing and i think from outside it looks quite weird.
At least we Indians didn't invaded or looted any nation...We all know what your colonial ancestors did to the world and their greed for money....
tricky subject, they do the whole 'baap ka naam R se, ek matra, do matra .. etc and you have to do some of the math yourself apparently, right ?

IMO its not good to put absolute faith in any predictions for the future they give but getting your present birth name and family details right is.. wow .. they running some kind of PRISM thing on the akashik net or what ? :woot:

not sure what to make of the past life stuff though :what:

I just know I'm not going anywhere near them :sarcastic: but I have heard some insane stories from real people I know so..

go figure :blink:
Yes they do, but how they arrive at the conclusion of the whole name,father,mother and family details and where you live or were born is astonishing and the names and details are not only for Indian sounding names but also foreigners.
Its like checking a phone directory in the first part where they just ask you to say if the corresponding letter is the first letter in your name thats all they ask yes or no etc.,later comes the other part.
They also tell you how your departed family members died and how natural , accident ,ailment or unnatural.
Yes you should try them.
In the end you make your destiny not anyone,so no harm done in knowing the future, it helps you manage things better ;) .
Before people forget, they must be told that the iPhone was first invented by sage XYZ in 50000 BC. Everyone should look at XYZ Upanishad. It clearly shows a blu-ray disc being played amidst an appreciative audience & that too in high-definition.Supersonic cruise missiles were used in Kurukshetra by Pandavas against chariots of Kauravas. And did I tell you about the Anti-lock Braking System,, the horses in the Patanjali Yogasutra were equipped with it :partay::dirol:

The pseudosecularists have so far tried to suppress these achievements of ancient Indians, but no more under our strong, decisive & entertaining PM, Shri Modi ji. :big_boss::nana:
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Dude, you need to put a check on these clowns.

What are you working on?

Astrology and Palmistry are at best pseudo science. Treat it as such. BJP clowns would not know the difference though.

BJP is bored in India Don. This is what happens when we have a weak opposition. The governing party talks nonsense and gets away with it :D
The MP seems to be an idiot.

Astrology in its pure sense, whether Indian or western is hardcore mathematics and mathematics is logic.

Lets keep aside what MP said and look into what is Indian astrology all about.
It predicts future based on circumstantial situations which includes entire Universe or things known to mankind.
You cannot predict a future unless all the branches and versions of science is put together as ultimately what ever happens is in someway or other a scientific outcome.

Majority of the scientific knowledge, research, education system and further development of known science was lost in history and what we now have is bits and pieces of information and practices which are still used by many on trust values. This bits and pieces of ancient scientific practices proves that existed a very advance science, probably much advance then current era science in certain fields and areas.

As today we can talk and write about wireless video chats or reaching extreme planets in solar system, because we know its possible because of current era science and technology achievements. 100yrs ago no one thought of human going to moon because science at that point to time was not advanced to make people think and right about it. So if ancient hindu scriptures or books have something which says about flying objects, mass destruction weapons or some other form of scientific tools or practices, then we should understand that its only possible if there was something like that.

As they say half information is more dangerous than no information. I think its good to feel proud of being part of a civilization that was way to advance in past. But then we have to move ahead and see where we stand today vis-a-vis world. If we can build upon the past knowledge its good, otherwise keep that knowledge at back of mind and work towards developing new scientific achievements that are relevant to current era and could be helpful in future.

no, math was not developed in india. Math was used since the first individual could count one and one. Math was even here way before humanity. Crows are able to do math and so are monkeys. Math is the language of the universe. indian numbers and roman numbers are simple different letters. But one + one is two. No matter if i write 1+1=2 or I + I = II. And thats why any discussion between us is fruitless. You simply don´t have my educational level.

@MarkusS: What you are talking about is basic logical deductive conclusions, Maths in totality is much more than that.
I am not sure if its your racist feeling that you think others cannot match your educational level, or its the level of stupidness that would be hard to match on educational level.

And no, western scientists did not "start" to work about this now. Our scientists calculated the orbit of the earth already 3000 before christ. Aristoteles, Epikur, Seneca, Ptolemeios and all the other great scientists of the old hellenic and roman world.

According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by twin sons Romulus and Remus who were raised by a she-wolf.
Prior to that as per western educations system it was Stone Age (to 3000 BC), Bronze Age (ca. 3000 BC-1000 BC), Etruscans (ca. 1000 BC-500 BC). I dont remember any western scientist from Stone Age.
Infact in totality if we see Roman civilizaiton is not even 3000yrs old, forget about going 3000BC.

While your ancestors prey to some gods...our build computers that calculated planet constellations and navigated ships through the ocean:

Antikythera mechanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


When your ancestors where running naked, we had a civilized world, read Indus Valley Civilization.
Expect the Indian arses espcially the bongs Bhadralok to make fun of themselves and their nation,culture,religion,tradition,history in front of foreigners just to earn acceptance from a westerner or a white man, typical bong mentality.While thinking its funny,What they dont know is these white folk chuckle at these brown coconuts (brown on outside,white on inside) trying to leave no stone unturned to the extent of insulting the beliefs of their countrymen to be accepted by their white colonial masters.These brown coconuts are in the league of Jawaharlal Nehru,and the Turncoat sellouts we see nowadays, If anyone who happens to be Anti-Indian Intellectual they sure do have the names sounding like this-------------------->----------->------------>------------>-
>mukherjee,chaterjee,bose,sudipto,dasgupta,maity,banerjee,bhattarcharya,sengupta,majumdar,guha,ghosh,sen,basu,chakraborty,biswas,roy,thakruta etc.

If you see these names just assume these idiots will always talk anti-Indian and make fun of Indians to earn kudos from their western masters,Check all Anti-Indian articles in western papers or the Intellectuals who try to be more white than the whites themselves you will find these bong names.Some even join the enemy camp to undo India like ISI organized meetings which are full of Bong intellectuals.
Their own state no industry, no employment,they come running to other states for employment and livelihood and these same f*ckers make fun of other states and their beliefs.
They Should atleast have some shame before criticizing others.People wouldnt mind a normal migrant looking for employment from another state, but people hate those who try to make fun , just to show they are being bharadlok.
"British gore chale gaye lekin bangali bhadralok chor ke chale gaye":woot:
Someone should drop a nuke on WB and be done with it, its already gone to the dogs earlier with commies and now its gone to jihadis.:sarcastic::sarcastic:
Atleast in case of mallus there is some hope left.
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The superior quality BH-98 purified of cryogenic centrifuge i was talking about. Your Afghan smuggled Opium is shit compared to it. @Horus
Before people forget, they must be told that the iPhone was first invented by sage XYZ in 50000 BC. Everyone should look at XYZ Upanishad. It clearly shows a blu-ray disc being played amidst an appreciative audience & that too in high-definition.Supersonic cruise missiles were used in Kurukshetra by Pandavas against chariots of Kauravas. And did I tell you about the Anti-lock Braking System,, the horses in the Patanjali Yogasutra were equipped with it :partay::dirol:

The pseudosecularists have so far tried to suppress these achievements of ancient Indians, but no more under our strong, decisive & entertaining PM, Shri Modi ji. :big_boss::nana:

Your post sounds atheist and I appreciate you believe in facts, judge the right from the wrong and arrive at a logical and somewhat practical answer.
But a society is a mix of things. Its a fabric, that is interconnected with energy drawn from each other. THis one thing is called culture. Just like in China they believe in their history and truly preserve it and call himself a great nation, we need to look deep into our history and find what our identity is.

The focus of any individual mentioned here to make people aware of their own legendry and I Don't think there is anything wrong in that. Wouldn't you be happy if someone in future, lets say 100 yrs after does find the evidence to anything we couldn't find today, was blessed by any inspiration we he had from any of us, about his history? Cant we generate curiosity?

Whats so wrong in that?
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