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Rahul Gandhi Declared Disqualified As A Member Of Lok Sabha Following His Conviction In Defamation Case

I understand but what's the need for such tactics. Only reason I can think of is Rahul is starting to look like a possible threat. So he needs to be cut to size.
Nah, he's no threat to Modi and gang.

Langda Khan was a lot smarter than people noticed.
Was ? .. he is !

He'll be back after serving his current time out, hasn't been perma'd yet I'm told.

Yeah, he's a smart guy. I would say sometimes came of as smarter than @-=virus=- too :D

Say, @-=virus=- , you referred to him as doc. There was a dude named padamchen, who ended his posts with "Cheers, Doc".
It's clear this isn't landga khan's first ID. Who is the doc?
Same guy, I got in touch with him over the e-mails.

Doc is VSDOC, Padamchen.

He used to be quite the firebrand nationalist before turning on the BJP. I think he's a Shiv Sena guy.. not sure which faction but :D
Was ? .. he is !

He'll be back after serving his current time out, hasn't been perma'd yet I'm told.

Same guy, I got in touch with him over the -mails.

Doc is VSDOC, Padamchen.

He used to be quite the firebrand nationalist before turning on the BJP. I think he's a Shiv Sena guy.. not sure which faction but :D
Yeah, I faintly remember padamchen. Guy could hold his own

BTW, what's the deal with shiv sena. Aren't they supposed to be BJP pro maxx? No veneer either. Straight up hindu nationalism. But, from time to time, they they seem to have issues with modi? is it Turf war? How strong is there rule over Maharashtara?
How does Maharashtara figure into your politics? Is it hte california or the florida or somewhere in between?
And finally what the abbreviation you guys use for Maharashtara? I am having to copy paste the long-a*s name

I understand but what's the need for such tactics. Only reason I can think of is Rahul is starting to look like a possible threat. So he needs to be cut to size.

I just happened to stumble onto this post in an old thread. Was thinking the same thing.
Well the main thing is that, the whole thing has been done very legally.

Defaming an entire community, and based on Court conviction the Parliamentary Ethics committee taking action.

Some local MP of Gujarat filed the case, as am sure top leadership of BJP will not get their hands dirty by going all out.

Only Rahul becoming a threat I doubt it, because the public is looking at him as a alternative.
Well the main thing is that, the whole thing has been done very legally.

Defaming an entire community, and based on Court conviction the Parliamentary Ethics committee taking action.

Some local MP of Gujarat filed the case, as am sure top leadership of BJP will not get their hands dirty by going all out.

Only Rahul becoming a threat I doubt it, because the public is looking at him as a alternative.
there is no such thing "defaming the entire community" in law. Its BJP propoganda that he defamed entire community. As per law, only agreived "person" can file defamtion case.
Well the main thing is that, the whole thing has been done very legally.
Imran khan was removed legally. but would you say there was nothing fishy about it?

Defaming an entire community, and based on Court conviction the Parliamentary Ethics committee taking action.
He probably thought he was being clever with the joke. Narendra modi, Lalit modi, nirav modi. Probably didn't mean to insult the community.

Some local MP of Gujarat filed the case, as am sure top leadership of BJP will not get their hands dirty by going all out.
When our army wants to make cases on someone, you'll see dozens of FIRs with the same exact contents filed in the names of random people from far flung areas.

Only Rahul becoming a threat I doubt it, because the public is looking at him as a alternative.
There's probably a long way to go but I am sure they wanted to clip his wings and dampen any hopes for people before things got anywhere near serious
Yeah, I faintly remember padamchen. Guy could hold his own

BTW, what's the deal with shiv sena. Aren't they supposed to be BJP pro maxx? No veneer either. Straight up hindu nationalism. But, from time to time, they they seem to have issues with modi? is it Turf war? How strong is there rule over Maharashtara?
How does Maharashtara figure into your politics? Is it hte california or the florida or somewhere in between?
And finally what the abbreviation you guys use for Maharashtara? I am having to copy paste the long-a*s name
Oh, more than. Smart guy, works with YYYYYY--XXXXXXXXX. Man's a proper knowledgeable PHD'd Doc or something. I was hilariously under the impression that he was a Veterinary Surgeon, hence the VS :sarcastic:

Think he even went to Turkey recently as part of the relief ops team from India. He's a good man, and a biker. Rest, we'll wait for him to get on here and you can read from the horse's hooves itself :P

Oh man, regional politics here is a mess. I don't live in Maha, don't keep up with much regional stuff.

Yeah, very much a big very important state like Fl or Ca in the US. UP rules with 80 seats, Maha is next with 48, followed by WB at 42:

call it Maha...
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Only in Pakistan a minority fake govt is able to squeeze popular public leader. Rest of the world, popular govts squeeze minority oppositions.

Reason: Their establishment isn’t for sale.
there is no such thing "defaming the entire community" in law. Its BJP propoganda that he defamed entire community. As per law, only agreived "person" can file defamtion case.
Bro there is no propaganda here, it's a court case heard upon and judgement passed by the Judge.

I think you wanted to say, dirty tricks by BJP. That I will agree, but they used law to take out opposition.

What you mentioned about only aggrieved person having locus standi, was one of the main arguments by defense lawyers. They still seemed to have lost.
Topi Drama.
Imran khan was removed legally. but would you say there was nothing fishy about it?

He probably thought he was being clever with the joke. Narendra modi, Lalit modi, nirav modi. Probably didn't mean to insult the community.

When our army wants to make cases on someone, you'll see dozens of FIRs with the same exact contents filed in the names of random people from far flung areas.

There's probably a long way to go but I am sure they wanted to clip his wings and dampen any hopes for people before things got anywhere near serious
Of course this is a dirty trick by a party, to teach some lesson to a opposition party's leader.

I am not denying that, and this sort of thing shouldn't be happening. However no one can stop them either, to use their legal right no?

This is not the first time Rahul got into legal trouble however, and he of all people should know BJP is baying for his and his party's blood for decades now. He and his mom did a sizeable ghotala in acquiring young India press (if I remember it correctly), you can look it up. People thought both mom/son might end up at Jail. The reason I mention this is because, he and his party by now should know the opposition's ways. So be careful how you tread etc, should be learnt by now.

Yeah, I faintly remember padamchen. Guy could hold his own

BTW, what's the deal with shiv sena. Aren't they supposed to be BJP pro maxx? No veneer either. Straight up hindu nationalism. But, from time to time, they they seem to have issues with modi? is it Turf war? How strong is there rule over Maharashtara?
How does Maharashtara figure into your politics? Is it hte california or the florida or somewhere in between?
And finally what the abbreviation you guys use for Maharashtara? I am having to copy paste the long-a*s name
After balasaheb Shiv sena saw a split in his son uddhav and nephew raj thakerey. The current right wing helm is taken by raj thakereys party. He leads the charge in everything bombastic and nationalistic. Although his party has little to no electoral representation.

The one led by uddhav thakery was allies with bjp untill they started outcompeting them in their core constituents and this resulted in both going their seperate ways. Udhhavs shiv sena was being increasingly vasalised while being subsumed by BJP, he took an issue to that and tried to charter a different path.

In order to fight the right wing bjp uddhav has had to move to a more central position to garner votes. The alliance with congress and ncp was a realisation of that. The story was fine untill BJP found a way to implode shiv sena from the inside, split it and dethrone uddhav thakerey from the chief ministers chair.

Theres bad blood now between bjp and uddhavs faction, the next poll will give a clearer pictures as to who ultimately benefitted. As both factions of now split shiv sena claim to be the real one.

Say what you want about BJP but that one was a political manuvering at its best.

You can just use MH for maharashtra.
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After balasaheb Shiv sena saw a split in his son uddhav and nephew raj thakerey. The current right wing helm is taken by raj thakereys party. He leads the charge in everything bombastic and nationalistic. Although his party has little to no electoral representation.

The one led by uddhav thakery was allies with bjp untill they started outcompeting them in their core constituents and this resulted in both going their seperate ways. Udhhavs shiv sena was being increasingly vasalised while being subsumed by BJP, he took an issue to that and tried to charter a different path.

In order to fight the right wing bjp uddhav has had to move to a more central position to garner votes. The alliance with congress and ncp was a realisation of that. The story was fine untill BJP found a way to implode shiv sena from the inside, split it and dethrone uddhav thakerey from the chief ministers chair.

Theres bad blood now between bjp and uddhavs faction, the next poll will give a clearer pictures as to who ultimately benefitted. As both factions of now split shiv sena claim to be the real one.

Say what you want about BJP but that one was a political manuvering at its best.

You can just use MH for maharashtra.
BJP right now is on 24/7 election mode
Damn they are planning even for 2029 I heard lol
Here we have Didi, Kejri etc having khayali pulao of third front haha.

BJP's political manouevring in GOA, is what I loved the most in recent times.
Congress with majority was said to be in hotel, discussing seats and BJP took away the entire lot lol.
BJP right now is on 24/7 election mode
Damn they are planning even for 2029 I heard lol
Here we have Didi, Kejri etc having khayali pulao of third front haha.

BJP's political manouevring in GOA, is what I loved the most in recent times.
Congress with majority was said to be in hotel, discussing seats and BJP took away the entire lot lol.
Bjp is currently the only consolidated and organised party on the national level. With PM Modi as a focal point they've managed to organise and optimise decision making process. This makes their decision making capability much more efficient and faster than any of their opponents. They also make it a point to reward only those who give verifiable results. For the tickets to contest UP elections, the BJP set the criteria of x number of follwers on social media. BJP Applicants vieing for the tickets had to prove that they had the reach and soft power to influence voters. This sort of internal competition makes merit ascend the organization ladder.

You take massive resources in the form of financial, man or soft power and combine it with an organised machinery with efficient decision making process and you get an idea what BJP has managed to achieved.

However, therein lies the problem :D . For a focal point you need a set of definitive ideas and actions that would rally people to your cause. Indias diversity and abundance ensures that statistically more people either don't care or oppose those definitive set of ideas.

Human beings are fickle and are not persuaded by logic but emotions, tell 10 people the sky is blue and approximately 4 will agree implicitly, 4 will oppose and 2 will tell you the earth is flat.

The problem is that the supposed leftists opposing party on the national stage like congress have been nothing but a disaster this last decade. No other political organisation has been able to appeal to so large a number and consolidate around a central idea. Multiple factions withincongress and their insistance with no central focus other than the Ghandhi family makes the entire machinery even more inefficient and discourages merit from moving up the ladder.

Specialized political parties like on the state level are a different beast though. To put it bluntly, voters prefer to vote for BJP on national elections, State parties on state elections and so on down to city level corporation elections. States with BJP goverments have the added benefit of being concurrent with the centre thus more intuned but the people in power are still the local satraps that commmand influence in the local area and have joined the party or successfully built their careers in it.

Other states where local satraps are not aligned with BJP do defeat it electorally. A national party like BJP cannot be as attuned to local problems and needs as State parties can.
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After balasaheb Shiv sena saw a split in his son uddhav and nephew raj thakerey. The current right wing helm is taken by raj thakereys party. He leads the charge in everything bombastic and nationalistic. Although his party has little to no electoral representation.

The one led by uddhav thakery was allies with bjp untill they started outcompeting them in their core constituents and this resulted in both going their seperate ways. Udhhavs shiv sena was being increasingly vasalised while being subsumed by BJP, he took an issue to that and tried to charter a different path.

In order to fight the right wing bjp uddhav has had to move to a more central position to garner votes. The alliance with congress and ncp was a realisation of that. The story was fine untill BJP found a way to implode shiv sena from the inside, split it and dethrone uddhav thakerey from the chief ministers chair.

Theres bad blood now between bjp and uddhavs faction, the next poll will give a clearer pictures as to who ultimately benefitted. As both factions of now split shiv sena claim to be the real one.

Say what you want about BJP but that one was a political manuvering at its best.

You can just use MH for maharashtra.
BJP right now is on 24/7 election mode
Damn they are planning even for 2029 I heard lol
Here we have Didi, Kejri etc having khayali pulao of third front haha.

BJP's political manouevring in GOA, is what I loved the most in recent times.
Congress with majority was said to be in hotel, discussing seats and BJP took away the entire lot lol.
Bjp is currently the only consolidated and organised party on the national level. With PM Modi as a focal point they've managed to organise and optimise decision making process. This makes their decision making capability much more efficient and faster than any of their opponents. They also make it a point to reward only those who give verifiable results. For the tickets to contest UP elections, the BJP set the criteria of x number of follwers on social media. BJP Applicants vieing for the tickets had to prove that they had the reach and soft power to influence voters. This sort of internal competition makes merit ascend the organization ladder.

You take massive resources in the form of financial, man or soft power and combine it with an organised machinery with efficient decision making process and you get an idea what BJP has managed to achieved.

However, therein lies the problem :D . For a focal point you need a set of definitive ideas and actions that would rally people to your cause. Indias diversity and abundance ensures that statistically more people either don't care or oppose those definitive set of ideas.

Human beings are fickle and are not persuaded by logic but emotions, tell 10 people the sky is blue and approximately 4 will agree implicitly, 4 will oppose and 2 will tell you the earth is flat.

The problem is that the supposed leftists opposing party on the national stage like congress have been nothing but a disaster this last decade. No other political organisation has been able to appeal to so large a number and consolidate around a central idea. Multiple factions withincongress and their insistance with no central focus other than the Ghandhi family makes the entire machinery even more inefficient and discourages merit from moving up the ladder.

Specialized political parties like on the state level are a different beast though. To put it bluntly, voters prefer to vote for BJP on national elections, State parties on state elections and so on down to city level corporation elections. A national party like BJP cannot be as attuned to local problems and needs as State parties can.
While I agree with all you wrote, you forgot another biggest focal point for all Indians I am sure (even though those who can't say it out loud, will not). Rahul Baba :lol:

The numero uno jab tak hai, BJP to jitake rahega. Sometimes I feel, BJP or someone too clever for all others planted him in Gandhi family lol.

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