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Saudi's Foreign Minister invites Iranian counterpart to visit

You are an arab nationalist so for you rivalry with persians is on racial and cultural lines, reality is, it is merely sectarian. Shia arabs are close to iran. I have also seen you making fun of pashtuns while argueing with iranis, just because you read some where that pakhtuns are iranic people. You are so ultra-nationalist that you consider islam an arab thing and you mock persians, turks, afghans etc as conquered people by arabs.

Are you still crying Pashtun because I put you in your place the last time you tried to speak ill of Arabs? It's not my problem that you can't deal with facts. Besides Pashtuns have little to do with Farsis and what they have to do with this debate I do not know when they are completely irrelevant. Most Arabs don't even know, like most other people, what a "Pasthun" even is.

Also making up lies about my person is not going to help your argument.

In short take a hike.
Are you still crying Pashtun because I put you in your place the last time you tried to speak ill of Arabs? It's not my problem that you can't deal with facts. Besides Pashtuns have little to do with Farsis and what they have to do with this debate I do not know when they are completely irrelevant. Most Arabs don't even know, like most other people, what a "Pasthun" even is.

Also making up lies about my person is not going to help your argument.

In short take a hike.
Are you a syed?
14 May 2014

Iran welcomes Saudi Arabia’s visit plan

Stressing the need to boost relations after years of strained ties with Saudi Arabia, Iran on Wednesday welcomed a plan for its foreign minister to visit the kingdom.

The two countries have been at odds over Syria's civil war and the fallout from unrest in Bahrain.

Iran’s statement came after Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal on Tuesday said he had invited his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, to visit the kingdom.

Iran's deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told the official IRNA news agency that Tehran had yet to receive Riyadh's formal invite, but a meeting was expected.

"We have not received the written invitation yet, but visits of the countries' foreign ministers are on the agenda of Iran," Amir Abdollahian said.

"We welcome negotiation and visits (aimed at) helping to resolve the regional problems, to clear up misunderstandings as well as expanding bilateral ties," he added.

Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel – who is currently visiting Saudi Arabia - promised U.S. allies in the Gulf that negotiations to contain Iran's nuclear program will not weaken their security.

He said Washington is hopeful of progress this week in the Iran deal-drafting talks in Vienna, adding that the negotiations "under no circumstances" will trade away Gulf security for concessions on Iran's nuclear program.

Hagel said that regardless of the outcome of the Iran negotiations, the U.S. will remain "postured and prepared" to ensure that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon. He said there are about 35,000 U.S. troops in the Gulf region.

Pak-one you lousy hypocrite, you turned my thread into a sectarian sh!tstorm by denouncing others as ahmadis and 'followers of ayatollah khomenei', and then have the nerve to accuse someone else of being a 'sectarian ultra-nationalist'.
Pak-one you lousy hypocrite, you turned my thread into a sectarian sh!tstorm by denouncing others as ahmadis and 'followers of ayatollah khomenei', and then have the nerve to accuse someone else of being a 'sectarian ultra-nationalist'.

Not to turn this rather interesting thread into more off-topic but that individual (apparently a Pashtun) once made nonsense remarks about Arabs out of nowhere in a thread that I had made on this section of the forum to which I replied in a similar fashion. Since then he has been crying 1-2 times about my "behavior". Although this was months ago. His false accusation about my person is not to be taken seriously. Anyway I don't know the person nor do I have a problem with him as I cannot have a problem with internet characters.

Anyway let us get back to the topic.

14 May 2014

Iran welcomes Saudi Arabia’s visit plan

Stressing the need to boost relations after years of strained ties with Saudi Arabia, Iran on Wednesday welcomed a plan for its foreign minister to visit the kingdom.

The two countries have been at odds over Syria's civil war and the fallout from unrest in Bahrain.

Iran’s statement came after Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal on Tuesday said he had invited his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, to visit the kingdom.

Iran's deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told the official IRNA news agency that Tehran had yet to receive Riyadh's formal invite, but a meeting was expected.

"We have not received the written invitation yet, but visits of the countries' foreign ministers are on the agenda of Iran," Amir Abdollahian said.

"We welcome negotiation and visits (aimed at) helping to resolve the regional problems, to clear up misunderstandings as well as expanding bilateral ties," he added.

Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel – who is currently visiting Saudi Arabia - promised U.S. allies in the Gulf that negotiations to contain Iran's nuclear program will not weaken their security.

He said Washington is hopeful of progress this week in the Iran deal-drafting talks in Vienna, adding that the negotiations "under no circumstances" will trade away Gulf security for concessions on Iran's nuclear program.

Hagel said that regardless of the outcome of the Iran negotiations, the U.S. will remain "postured and prepared" to ensure that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon. He said there are about 35,000 U.S. troops in the Gulf region.


Let us see to what it amounts to.
LOL. Are you now going to discuss this with an Arab? Egypt does not even admit Iranians to visit their own country. LOL. Egypt is of the strongholds of Arabism. Iran is certainly not their favorite country nor is that the case ANYWHERE in the Arab world outside of a small minority of our brainwashed Shia lot that follow some of the Iranian Mullah's like dogs follow food.

Yes, most Persians (I write Persians only since the other ethnic groups of Iran, the Shia Arabs included, have no historical hate for Arabs) do hate Arabs that's also a fact but keep living in a fantasy world where everyone loves each other. The events of the region, PDF and practically everything else shows this clearly.

You don't know even 1% of what is written about Persians/Iranians on Arab forums where Arabs from across the Arab world participate. Just like it only takes a few clicks to visit an Iranian forum with similar sentiments or the Iranian section on PDF.

Quit the joking.

It could be an interesting clip for you :
A lot of historical nonsense in that clip. Mostly unfunded. This Hamza Yusuf American is a well-known bullshitter.

It has apparently not been made official yet. So how is it fake when it was said openly? It was said during an Arab-Azerbaijan/Central Asia economic meeting held in Riyadh.


ECONOMIC TIES: Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal with his counterparts at the first Arab Economic and Cooperation Forum with Central Asia and Azerbaijan in Riyadh on Tuesday. (SPA)​
Pak-one you lousy hypocrite, you turned my thread into a sectarian sh!tstorm by denouncing others as ahmadis and 'followers of ayatollah khomenei', and then have the nerve to accuse someone else of being a 'sectarian ultra-nationalist'.

Hello Raphael. I know you weren't meaning to be funny, but I did lol when you said "sectarian sh!tstorm" Sorry your thread got messed up.
After starting such bloody wars against Iran in region they invite our foreign minister :crazy:.

Most people I've seen in Iran are more hostile towards Saudis than Israelis .

What a great Ummah prophet . Thanks for your legacy .
After starting such bloody wars against Iran in region they invite our foreign minister :crazy:.

Most people I've seen in Iran are more hostile towards Saudis than Israelis .

What a great Ummah prophet . Thanks for your legacy .

Which bloody wars are you talking about? Your regime has been more worried about the Arab world than vice versa. Understandably so given that the Arab world is huge, populous, extremely rich in resources and strategically located. After all we are talking about more than 20 countries from the Atlantic Ocean in the West to the Arabian Sea in the East. You have been creating troubles in numerous Arab countries without much success while your government should be worrying about supposedly brotherly countries such as Tajikistan and Afghanistan instead.

Iranians can be hostile towards Saudi Arabians and all other Arabs if that's what they want. Who is stopping them or complaining?

Well nobody tells you to follow Islam or any other Abrahamic (Semitic) religions be it Christianity or Judaism. So that I do not understand either.

It's all in your own hands. Cut the ties with the Arab world and move towards Afghanistan, Tajikistan instead. Or Israel. I for once hope that the Arab world will work together with Israel one day which some already claim to be the case. All the best of luck with that. Once again nobody is stopping you from doing that let alone Arabs.

news is about sending an invitation letter to Iran, yet there is no such a letter, so news is fake.

You must be unfamiliar with diplomacy. His Highness Prince Saud ibn Faisal stated an INTENTION. Such intentions are bound to be made official in this case by a formal invitation through a letter or other means of communication.

If that does not happen in the near future then you will have a right to say that it is fake news. Until then the jury is out.
You must be unfamiliar with diplomacy. His Highness Prince Saud ibn Faisal stated an INTENTION. Such intentions are bound to be made official in this case by a formal invitation through a letter or other means of communication.

If that does not happen in the near future then you will have a right to say that it is fake news. Until then the jury is out.
go to the first post and read the news again, it says: "We sent an invitation to...".
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