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Saudi security is a red line | Pakistan

Even though Nawaz is corrupt. He is the best choice we have for Pakistan. He is not tilted towards iran unlike zardari who made his community shia lobby strong during his tenure and signed iran-pak gas pipeline giving iran upper hand on penalty clauses.

Zardari's loyalty is towards iran and his PPP stance is support for Syrian assad regime. Even Imran khan is naïve and he doesn't have good relations with our allies and even some of his influencial party members support in breaking relations with arabs particularly Saudis as there are a lot of Sufis and shias in his party. Nawaz already enjoys good relations with its arab allies having him in power will benefit Pakistan in terms of economy and he is already building rail from china to gwadar to increase Chinese influence in the region and the easiest transit oil route from Dammam to china via gwadar.

Investing in defense projects cost an arm and leg though :/ ..

As I told you before, Nawaz the thief is exploiting both sides. I couldn't believe that he runs a lot of businesses in here.

We shouldn't interfere but we should define our policies. Army controls the foreign policy and they have it i.e To safe guard their allies security in case of conflict like was done during siege of Makkah in 1980s.

We shouldn't intervene anywhere. We need to look after our security first, only when our capability is in surplus, we can think of helping other friends.
We shouldn't intervene anywhere. We need to look after our security first, only when our capability is in surplus, we can think of helping other friends.

I just wished our fellow countrymen felt the same way, however they don't realise if you involve yourself in conflict of others then you must be prepared for your own demise too.
1-To become a dominating force you have to have a military on cutting edge in terms of technological advancements, and quality. Clearly, Iran lacks both, they can't even save their own dying patients.

2-Iran was responsible for two terror attacks on Mecca during Hajj, so yes, I guess @Ammad Malik was right.

3-I don't think KSA needs to demonstrate, confirms, denies, or admits what kind of weapons does she have.

4-Bahi, before making empty threats like " we will turn Lahore into ashes " please, try to rescue your own brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered like goats on daily basis, otherwise, we will take your word as some sort of a Persian ego :lol:

Good Israel shouldn't be the target of Iran, infact its good to have a strong Israel, Iran should pursue nuclear and other weapons at swift speed to ensure that it is the dominating force.

Bombing macca and medinah is what yahudia Arabia will plant in to your head to turn you anti Iran, Iran will not do this its just pure propaganda.

Arabs couldn't nuke iran firstly they don't have them secondly that will be the end of the Arab world and its supporters in Pakistan.

Don't think lahore is safe son we will personally burn it to ashes.
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Do you regard Medina as holy or somewhat important? Would you like to visit Medina?

Guess what? I lived in KSA and many Arabs there believed that Jews will one day come back to the borders of Medina because Islam already prophecize that....So Israel might reach the outskirts of Medina one day...you never know...

I respect all the Ex-Jewish lands. We don't quite have the same passion for recapturing our ancient lands as Arabs do. :cheesy: I hear many of them talk about retaking Spain etc.

I'd love to visit KSA. I probably could on my British passport, but my name and appearance is unmistakably Israeli, so would not feel safe just in case I was accused of spying and got the chop-chop.

I'd love a greater Israel. Not in terms if dispossessing others - I just think if we had a bigger country and resources, we could achieve so much more in Tech/Science/Medicine. We already achieve more than we should for a country our size, but I want us to be a real power (for good)

But this is just a dream and we have to be realistic. I'd quite like to start expanding Israel out into the sea like Hong Kong :cheesy:
Even though Nawaz is corrupt. He is the best choice we have for Pakistan. He is not tilted towards iran unlike zardari who made his community shia lobby strong during his tenure and signed iran-pak gas pipeline giving iran upper hand on penalty clauses.

Zardari's loyalty is towards iran and his PPP stance is support for Syrian assad regime. Even Imran khan is naïve and he doesn't have good relations with our allies and even some of his influencial party members support in breaking relations with arabs particularly Saudis as there are a lot of Sufis and shias in his party. Nawaz already enjoys good relations with its arab allies having him in power will benefit Pakistan in terms of economy and he is already building rail from china to gwadar to increase Chinese influence in the region and the easiest transit oil route from Dammam to china via gwadar.

We shouldn't interfere but we should define our policies. Army controls the foreign policy and they have it i.e To safe guard their allies security in case of conflict like was done during siege of Makkah in 1980s.

Who we choose to have a closer relationship is our own choice, Nawaz sharif is a fool he hardly speaks for Pakistan as he won the election purely ob ethnic lines and his ethnic group supported him.

Zaradaris PPP is a Pakistani party and they brought Zaradari in, people of Pakistan voted for PPP, him being a shia had nothing to do with it, he was pro Iran because we share more with them then the Arabs.

Imran khan is pushtoon an independent minded person who will lookout for the interests of Pakistan, he is not confused, confused are those who want him to be under their influence.

Imran won't choose any group but i am sure he will have soft spot for Iran as with them he shares blood and heritage while other then religion he shares nothing with the sand dwellers.
I don't think we should put our interests against theirs. But since Nawaz won the elections, I can't do anything about it.
Even though Nawaz is corrupt. He is the best choice we have for Pakistan.

He is not tilted towards iran unlike zardari who made his community shia lobby strong during his tenure and signed iran-pak gas pipeline giving iran upper hand on penalty clauses.

I don't like Zadari either, not because of being a Shia. In fact, Pakistani Shias are different, but Zadari is 20 times more corrupted to the teeth than Nawaz.

Even Imran khan is naïve and he doesn't have good relations with our allies and even some of his influencial party members support in breaking relations with arabs particularly Saudis as there are a lot of Sufis and shias in his party.

Imran wasn't naive, many people wished that he was the one who won the elections. Also, Imran was very friendly to us.
So hypothetically if there is a war between Iran and KSA, pakistan will take KSA's side and intervene militarily?
1-To become a dominating force you have to have a military on cutting edge in terms of technological advancements, and quality. Clearly, Iran lacks both, they can't even save their own dying patients.

2-Iran was responsible for two terror attacks on Mecca during Hajj, so yes, I guess @Ammad Malik was right.

3-I don't think KSA needs to demonstrate, confirms, denies, or admits what kind of weapons does she have.

4-Bahi, before making empty threats like " we will turn Lahore into ashes " please, try to rescue your own brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered like goats on daily basis, otherwise, we will take your word as some sort of a Persian ego :lol:

Take my word as yout like, my people don't need your sympathy or concern them being slaughtered or slaughtering is no concern of a sand dweller, My people are Pakistanis my people are ghilzais whom you on numerous occasions have begged for assistance.

Empty threats hay, we have spanked the army it is still licking its wounds, we can take down any group in Pakistan and beat best of the best we have been doing that for centuries so i don't think the threats are empty.
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Where did you pick that from :D
Do you regard Medina as holy or somewhat important? Would you like to visit Medina?
Guess what? I lived in KSA and many Arabs there believed that Jews will one day come back to the borders of Medina because Islam already prophecize that....So Israel might reach the outskirts of Medina one day...you never know...

What a liar LoLz. :lol:
So hypothetically if there is a war between Iran and KSA, pakistan will take KSA's side and intervene militarily?

If they manage to beat the north western people of Pakistan, which i doubt so no.
I don't think we should put our interests against theirs. But since Nawaz won the elections, I can't do anything about it.

I don't like Zadari either, not because of being a Shia. In fact, Pakistani Shias are different, but Zadari is 20 times more corrupted to the teeth than Nawaz.

Imran wasn't naive, many people wished that he was the one who won the elections. Also, Imran was very friendly to us.

Have you considered that Zardari and Nawaz may not be as corrupt as pakistanis consider them to be?
Have you considered that Zardari and Nawaz may not be as corrupt as pakistanis consider them to be?

I work for my Gov't, the pic is crystal clear to me, I'm not quite sure what would the Pakistani people think about them.

So hypothetically if there is a war between Iran and KSA, pakistan will take KSA's side and intervene militarily?

I don't think Pakistan should intervene at all.
@Yzd Khalifa

First of all, we Pakistanis need to start thinking like a nation state.

We need to realize that our own country is under a bigger threat than all arabs combined.

We need to secure our flank first. Once we have sufficient capabality to fight for ourselves,only then it is wise to help out our friends.

I ask you a question, 'can we' afford to have bad relations with either the Saudis or Iran?

We can't. Iran has a border with us and KSA has the hijaz region. Not to forget that they have stood up for us throughout time.

What we need to do is to first focus on ourselves, stabalize our internal security climate. Help out our angry cousins in Afghanistan. Once these two states are stable, we can open up a mediating window between Iran and Saudis.

Lastly, we need to help Saudis build their military capacity, so that they don't need us anymore. Real help is given in the times of peace not war.

We should have equally good relations with Iran. We have no beef with them, nor should we create one.
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