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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

Assalam alaikum

Some of the pakistanies r doing with u what the international press paint about us pakistanies ( blood thristy pakistanies, terrorists etc ) and they complain about it.

Some of them will never accept the ppl from ur place coz ur forefathers destroyed their empire.

The saudies have supported the syrian uprising from beginning and afters yesterdays speech of the king these ppl feel proud of their king and ready to do anything. I believe and know ppl of saudia love all their muslim brothers and i say it coz i was born there grew up playing with them, live there many years ( i will keep repeating the sentence for those ignorants lol )

I m suprised by my pakistani brothers they treat our brother and a guest from a friendly country like an enemy , why?


walikum salam bro.
yara you are generalizing,
i only seen hate towards arabs in this forum and that too from people who have affiliation with particular ideology.
i am sure if Mosamania and other arabs member visit Pak and exchange views with ordinary people they get 220 v shock.
in real world we very pro arab in cyber world i don't know from where this scum pop out.

i will ask a Syrian to comment the situation in syria from my account.soon inshallah.
I agree more with the ideals of the Ba'ath party than I do with the theocratic Saudi Regime; however, historically, Saudi has been the only Arab country which has better ties with Pakistan than it does with India, though that too has come with strings attached.
I agree more with the ideals of the Ba'ath party than I do with the theocratic Saudi Regime; however, historically, Saudi has been the only Arab country which has better ties with Pakistan than it does with India, though that too has come with strings attached.

May I know which strings are we talking about ?

And when you talk about relations of GCC, you might have spared a moment to think what Pakistan did ??

Have you no knowledge of UAE's relations with Pakistan ?
Oh wait, that is where your knowledge of GCC ends ??

In Amreeka, i suppose they don't teach you enough history of Pakistan.
Aslam u alikum.
bro this forum is dominated by people of very particular mentality.they suffer from identity crisis,in the search of their identity they curse arabs in general and Saudia in particular and praise Iran.
you can identify them in threads of MQM & IRAN.
they are not more then 8-10 people but make lot of noise like heaven will gona fall.i request you when you became successful in identifying them try to ignore them and don't burn your blood for this scum.
Majority of them have no idea of Arab world,they never met an arab but have a bias against you don't know why.

When will you be a clever man !!
I am still praying.
they curse arabs in general and Saudia in particular and praise Iran.
you can identify them in threads of MQM & IRAN.
It is no surprise to me that a Saudi Supporter tends to be Sectarian Scum and Ethnic Thug.
The Syrian and Bahraini situation are not comparable. Although I do support a republic in Bahrain rather than a monarchy, atleast they are not bombing their people and raining down artilerry on them.

After Libya, Syria is the worst country when it comes to killing their own people.

It is heartening to note that the GCC, Arab League Turkey are all taking on the Syrian regime.

India has also sent its special envoy to Syria, hopefully they will impress upon Assad to stop this madness.
asad will never stop it otherwise he has to leave the office .he and his father has bloody history of bombing there own people .i would like to see this bastard in international criminal court .
After the speech of the Saudi monarch the Alawis are even more furious on the Sunni kingdom. Why not, when the Alawis are backed by Iran.

Just to share an info I came to know 2-3 years back that Syria had politically naturalized "some" Iranians in Syria. And now a few days back Iran denied allegations that it was supporting the Assad government to crush the protestors. Majority of the times during times like these when government officials deny something it means that that thing is being worked out in contrary to the denial or has been accomplished already.

EU targets Iran for supporting Syrian protest crackdown | World news | The Guardian

Iran Denies Role in Syria Crackdown | Iran | English

tehran times : Iran denies supporting Syria in dealing with protestors

That makes sense now as surely there are "Iranians" in the ranks of the military and police working closely with the Alawi regime inside Syria.
The arbi Hypocrites are at it again - While they point fingers at Syria's use military to quell protests, they imagine that the world will forget that Wahabi Arabia sent military forces into Bahrain to quell what Arabia claims was a Shi'ah rebellion -- And who can forget that the Arbis used their police and military against it's own citizens ?

But this hypocrisy aside -- It is good to hold Syria accountable -- But should Arbi wahabis not be held accountable for the religious tyranny they run? should they not be held accountable for discriminating against Asian Muslims?

If Arbis are such frriends of "rights" and Freedom and democracy -- why is it that they do not practice it themselves??
Why is it that the Arbis are always in line with Israel and US policy in the region?
Saudia should do more than "protest". But then trying to depose Syrian regime will send poor message to Saudi people. What to do, what to do.
Saudia should do more than "protest". But then trying to depose Syrian regime will send poor message to Saudi people. What to do, what to do.

Hypocrisy is mother's milk to the Arbi Wahabi, that's why they are on the side of Israel and the US when it comes to opposition to Muslims, when it comes to supporting TTP and Al-Qaida, when it comes to denying freedom and liberty to the tribals of Arabia -- so it's really unhelpful when these tribals who have earned a reputation for incest among other things, imagine that they should comment on anything other than the tyranny they inhabit.
Assalam alaikum

Al Bhatti , it is not alawi it is nusairi regime which is helped by iran yesterday group of activists from the same sect have declared that this regime should be held accountable and not the whole sect and bashar doesnot represent them i guess they r feeling he is going down ( to be honest there r some opposition from the same sect but since the regime is so brutal their voice is not that loud ). The defence minister ( ali habib ) which is replaced, is from the same sect and some claim he was against the use of force in hama'a.

Nobody is holding syria accountable it is only the regime and the ppl who gained with it ( including sunnies along with others )

Usually i dont like to praise kings or ppl in authority but honestly syrians have wellcomed the speech and kind of injected a new spirit in them. I say it coz i m dealing with syrians.

Interestingly, on the internet a syrian chat room owner asked the question if they support if turky interfere militarily only few ( less then 10 ) objected out of more then thousand users.

The Wahabi prince, along with his masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, points fingers at Syria, yet dares not allow liberty in Arabia - Pakistani "slaves" in Arabia and their children hoping to win acceptance, will have to choose, Liberty as Muslims or Slavery with Wahabi princes - let them be responsible for their choice.
Hypocrisy is mother's milk to the Arbi Wahabi, that's why they are on the side of Israel and the US when it comes to opposition to Muslims, when it comes to supporting TTP and Al-Qaida, when it comes to denying freedom and liberty to the tribals of Arabia -- so it's really unhelpful when these tribals who have earned a reputation for incest among other things, imagine that they should comment on anything other than the tyranny they inhabit.

Blind with hatred....I would really hate to be in your shoes.
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