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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

The Wahabi prince, along with his masters in Washington and Tel Aviv, points fingers at Syria, yet dares not allow liberty in Arabia - Pakistani "slaves" in Arabia and their children hoping to win acceptance, will have to choose, Liberty as Muslims or Slavery with Wahabi princes - let them be responsible for their choice.

Sometimes I wonder how do you view us in that little head of yours... What do we look like. Do we eat babies and sacrifice virgins as well?? Do we whip foreign expats and scream "hyaaah" at them as we do it?? Really muse...A part of me wish you would go see a psychiatrist you are extremely ill brother. but I know what is in your head was only due to whoever fed you all these lies that you believe in them greatly.
Saudia should do more than "protest". But then trying to depose Syrian regime will send poor message to Saudi people. What to do, what to do.

People all over the world do not understand us here...You think saudi people want to revolt?? I am one of them and I know them better than anyone Saudi people would die defending King Abdullah. The same could not be said about Fahad But Abdullah even I am willing to die defending him and I am extremely critical about a lot of things in this country.
The Wahabi princes of Arabia make noises that their masters in the Washington and tel Aviv tell them to make - but When Will the people of Arabia be free to protest like the people in Syria and Egypt?

Oh, and I forgot what the army and police of the Wahabi princes did to the people of arabia in the East and in Bahrain - So it clear that these are hypocrites - these tribals imagine that because the US or Tel Aviv protects them, that their thrones are safe - but the US is in retreat and the Israeli along with him - nothing can save the princes now, not even bribes.
The Wahabi princes of Arabia make noises that their masters in the Washington and tel Aviv tell them to make - but When Will the people of Arabia be free to protest like the people in Syria and Egypt?

Oh, and I forgot what the army and police of the Wahabi princes did to the people of arabia in the East and in Bahrain - So it clear that these are hypocrites - these tribals imagine that because the US or Tel Aviv protects them, that their thrones are safe - but the US is in retreat and the Israeli along with him - nothing can save the princes now, not even bribes.

^^I just love how this guy calls Washington : "The Washington" :cheesy: and how he says "theses tribals" instead of tribes .
Masters in [the] Tel Aviv and "The Washington" ? what are you smoking, kiddo ? :crazy: some twisted logic you got there in that little head of yours .

Many saudis (me included) are pro-reform not "revolution" and there's no one calling for a republic or anything of that sort . The king here ( believe it or not )is actually quite popular, I'm not a big fan of him but there's no reason for me to deny the truth .

The house of Saud is the glue that's holding this huge peninsula of different "tribals" and people together . can you imagine what would happen if there's a revolution in Saudi Arabia ? all the deferent "tribals" will either fight each other or clime independence and the one Kingdom will become hundred sheikdoms vulnerable to "The Washington" and "The" London and even to "The" Tel aviv and The Wak-Wak island. we can only take the path of peaceful and gradual reform and stay away for the path of fitnah and chaos .
Oh, and I forgot what the army and police of the Wahabi princes did to the people of arabia in the East and in Bahrain

muse ,

Please inlight me and tell me what our army and police have done to the people in the east . I live in the west so could you please tell me and everyone in this forum how many were killed ? 1 ? 10 ? 100 ? a genocide ?

Also , could you please show us any proof of a Saudi Soldier , vehicle or presence in the streets of Bahrain cracking down protesters because last time i checked there was no picture or a proof what so ever of a Saudi dealing with protesters . i thought they went there to protect strategic places inside the cities and mostly outside .

UAE contributed and sent its men with the GCC forces , Kuwait sent its navy to protect the Bahraini Kingdom .why no one is making a fuss about it ? ..

waiting for your proofs .. don't think getting a picture of a Saudi soldier or vehicle cracking down protesters is hard as they are supposedly everywhere according to you .

The important thing is when will the Saudi people be free to protest like in Egypt or Syria? When will they have basic rights, for instance driving? See, you don't owe this to us, you owe it to yourselves - that is if you don't want to be seen as hypocrites

The reference ot the East is of course to the Shi'ah population - Simply claiming that there is no photo is not the same as doing research

Bahrain Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabian, gulf forces enter Bahrain - Los Angeles Times
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The house of Saud is the glue that's holding this huge peninsula of different "tribals" and people together . can you imagine what would happen if there's a revolution in Saudi Arabia ? .

And Yet the same consideration does not arise for Syria? Hypocrites - How is it your "tribal King" does not see for others what he reserves for himself? How come you as a supposedly educated person, imagine that a republic is something to reject and a monarchy something to accept? What's it like on planet tribe?

Come out and play - no use hiding - Another runaway arbi?
Calling any arbi - Come and tell us why revolution is good for Syria and not good for you in Arabia? Why using force against protestors is bad in Syria but good in Arabia? Tell us why being a "citizen" is bad and being a "subject" is good.

The important thing is when will the Saudi people be free to protest like in Egypt or Syria? When will they have basic rights, for instance driving? See, you don't owe this to us, you owe it to yourselves - that is if you don't want to be seen as hypocrites

The reference ot the East is of course to the Shi'ah population - Simply claiming that there is no photo is not the same as doing research

Bahrain Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabian, gulf forces enter Bahrain - Los Angeles Times


No one is saying no one protested in the East of Saudi Arabia . i did not ask you whether there were protest or not .
I asked you how many were killed in the brutally crackdowns and you still did not answer . perhaps i can answer it for you . the number is ZERO .

you also did not provide any proof of a Saudi soldier or a vehicle cracking down Protesters in Bahrain .

Please do not move away from the subject to discuss my rights . perhaps we can discuss my rights in another thread .
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And Yet the same consideration does not arise for Syria? Hypocrites - How is it your "tribal King" does not see for others what he reserves for himself? How come you as a supposedly educated person, imagine that a republic is something to reject and a monarchy something to accept? What's it like on planet tribe?

I never said a republic is better or worse than monarchy . I just don't think that my people are suited for a republic .. a constitutional monarchy ? maybe but then that's a different discussion .

The fact that you equate Syria with Saudi is a proof of your twisted and dare I say "naive" logic . Syria has a long history of civil society and being a "republic", we simply don't have that . Read the History of Arabia form the time of the prophet -PBUH- till the days of the Al saud and you'll find that Arabia has never been REALLY united throughout out all of its history .. the great Islamic "empires" and great Arab urban centers of the time were in Baghdad and Damascus .. etc and not in Al-yamamah (modern-day Riyadh) or Taif and Dammam theses places were not connected to the center in Iraq or Syria and people there lived in semi- independent states with tribes ruling the land and fighting each other but nonetheless paying the Zakat to the Umayyads and the abbasids after them .. this continued till about 90 years ago .. with King abdul Aziz uniting much of Arabia like never seen before in history . Under his rule and with the discovery of oil people were able to connect with the outside world in an unprecedented scale .

I guess what I'm saying is, this country has never been colonized by any foreign power ( even the turks were limited to parts of Hijaz ) and has lived in a closed environment for thousands of years .. change and reform will be hard and it'll take a long period of time and only an ignorant fool will compare it to Syria in that regard .

Why do you guys runaway? You claimed you were a supposedly educated person, and not a hypocrite, so please do explain to us why revolution is good for Syria and not good for you in Arabia? Why using force against protestors is bad in Syria but good in Arabia? Tell us why being a "citizen" is bad and being a "subject" is good.

Please do tell us why Saudi tanks in Bahrain are better than Syrian tanks in Syria??

Because I want to hold you to your claim that you are educated, I want to offer you a chance to educate us to the Saudi point of view, please address the simple questions put to you and defend yourself against the charge of being a hypocrite
Calling any arbi - Come and tell us why revolution is good for Syria and not good for you in Arabia? Why using force against protestors is bad in Syria but good in Arabia? Tell us why being a "citizen" is bad and being a "subject" is good.

Using force in Arabia ?
Again , no one was killed in the Saudi Shia" Hunain revolution " ( BTW Hunain supposed to be the battle where the Prophet's Sahaba ran away and left him and only Ali رضي الله عنه defended him accurding to shia Belief )

where as more than 2,000 died in Syria .
Please don't runaway - please address the simple questions put to you --- if your argument is that arbis are less civilized than Syrians then of course, we may take your "scholarly" obfuscation of the Saudi aversion to Republican ethics -- but if you are a less civilized lot, by what right do you imagine that you have anything to offer the Syrian??

Isn't it true that the action of the Wahabi prince in recalling his ambassador is in keeping with US policy and of course israeli policy?

And please do not hide in religion because that will cost you, a lot of credibility -- please explain to the rest of us why revolution in Syria is good but bad in Arabia

And no running away - I wish to talk to you some (I'm not done with you)
Calling Khaild:usflag:

Why is revolution in Syria good but bad in Arabia -- If Arbi is less civilized than the Syrian as you claim, suggesting that comparing the two is somehow twisted - what right have the arbi to tell the Syrian to not use force when the arbi does the same?

isn't it a fact that the Wahabi prince follows the policy of the US and Israel with regard to Syria?
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