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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

Absolutely not, Bible merely contain fictional stories but wiki leaks speak nothing but the truth. If the Saudi regime really followed a true Islamic State, your regime would be guilty of treason for providing airspace to Israel and commit atrocities against others. But such rules only apply for the poor and weaklings. And should I remind you of this:
WikiLeaks cables: Saudi princes throw parties boasting drink, drugs and sex | World news | The Guardian
I sometimes wonder how such people sleep at night, while they hang others for the same crime they commit! Hypocrisy at its best !

Wikileaks bothered to go ALL the way to make a detailed report about Saudi Princes throwing parties?? lol dude that is some awesome hate tool you got there. LOL making a "secret document about rich people having parties"...HAHA OMG joke of the century dude.

WOW I can already see it "Today on the news we are reporting a wikileaks reviled secret document which shows how some Saudi Princes are and get this "THROWING PARTIES" and now to follow up on this latest discovery we go live to Jeddah" HAHAHA

Saudi Arabia recalls its ambassador from Syria | World | RIA Novosti
Absolutely not, Bible merely contain fictional stories but wiki leaks speak nothing but the truth. If the Saudi regime really followed a true Islamic State, your regime would be guilty of treason for providing airspace to Israel and commit atrocities against others. But such rules only apply for the poor and weaklings. And should I remind you of this:
WikiLeaks cables: Saudi princes throw parties boasting drink, drugs and sex | World news | The Guardian
I sometimes wonder how such people sleep at night, while they hang others for the same crime they commit! Hypocrisy at its best !

So you think owner of wikkileaks is GOD only a GOD CAN speak ULTIMATE TRUTH :rofl::rofl:
Wikileaks bothered to go ALL the way to make a detailed report about Saudi Princes throwing parties?? lol dude that is some awesome hate tool you got there. LOL making a "secret document about rich people having parties"...HAHA OMG joke of the century dude.

WOW I can already see it "Today on the news we are reporting a wikileaks reviled secret document which shows how some Saudi Princes are and get this "THROWING PARTIES" and now to follow up on this latest discovery we go live to Jeddah" HAHAHA
So, all the reports that the International Media has made and most important Israel itself has made that Saudi will provide assistance to attack Iran is a myth? Do you understand the grave consequences for making such a statement on the international arena? I am bit startled how you are denying all the accusations using rhetoric but with no evidence to back it up. The Saudi parties at Riyadh was always well known by everyone worldwide and this cables just validate the speculations, but I would hold judgement. Why hasn't Saudi charged Israel for making such a seditious lie or even America?
So you think owner of wikkileaks is GOD only a GOD CAN speak ULTIMATE TRUTH :rofl::rofl:

Only God can speak the truth? Did I somehow imply that the owner of wikileaks is God? So what about other mortal being who speak the truth? Are they God too? Wikileaks has provided what the world media has not been able to provide. It showed hypocrisy of the west and exposed Western imperialism and showed how the west supports brutal regimes to pursue its strategic interests. The truth is not always kind, and the truth here is the Saudi govt along with many other are at the back pockets of the US.
The hypocrisy shown by Iranians and Arabs is just mind boggling.Saudis support Bahraini Dictatorship while Iranians support Syrian Dictatorship.Both of these countries are using Palestinian and other countries people for their own goal.In my opinion Arabs and Iranians both are b@stards.Why Can't Iran and Saudi resolve their issue and focus on the large issues instead of fighting with each other for petty reasons.
Its okay for Bahrain to suppress their anti-Govt activists. KSA will even help them with men & material...but if Syria does the same its anti-Arab & anti-Muslim. Its nothing but double standard on the part of KSA.
Its okay for Bahrain to suppress their anti-Govt activists. KSA will even help them with men & material...but if Syria does the same its anti-Arab & anti-Muslim. Its nothing but double standard on the part of KSA.

And what about the suppression of the anti-government demonstrations in Iran?
And what about the suppression of the anti-government demonstrations in Iran?

Its about KSA applying different standards to different countries.

Sunni ruling class suppressing Shias in Bahrain.....Good

Alawite ruling class suppressing Sunnis in Syria.....Bad.
The hypocrisy shown by Iranians and Arabs is just mind boggling.Saudis support Bahraini Dictatorship while Iranians support Syrian Dictatorship.Both of these countries are using Palestinian and other countries people for their own goal.In my opinion Arabs and Iranians both are b@stards.Why Can't Iran and Saudi resolve their issue and focus on the large issues instead of fighting with each other for petty reasons.

Not only Iran and Saudi, but even the west support brutal, ruthless regime which feed their causes. Don't forget, how the west supported Mubarek during initial protests and Hillary claimed everything is under control. These imperialists mindsets don't mind playing with other people's life.
And we think of the ummah and expect the Caliphate just around the corner! And have a thread going fierce and strong in views!

The reality unfolds before our eyes!

Sold to the highest bidder!

Why blame the imperialist for one's own fault and weakness.

Why should the imperialists not take advantage?
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