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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

Assalam alaikum

Muse u should be ashamed of ur self i see some ppl r demonstrating and the police is watching if it was our beloved pakistani police we could have seen many broken noses shame on u lolz

Man why r u so angry if these ppl don't have the western form of govt. ( u always call the other slave mentality i knew it and everybody knows that u think all the ppl r like u shame on u ).

I will give u my own observation on saudia just like these brothers have mentioned it above nobody is calling for any democracy , republic or any other form ppl r happy with this family ur or mine opinion doesnot matter.

Muse thanks for the pm i replied but i dont know it tells me i need to have 700 post or something like that to pm anyone accept mods.


Why do you guys runaway? You claimed you were a supposedly educated person, and not a hypocrite, so please do explain to us why revolution is good for Syria and not good for you in Arabia? Why using force against protestors is bad in Syria but good in Arabia? Tell us why being a "citizen" is bad and being a "subject" is good.

Please do tell us why Saudi tanks in Bahrain are better than Syrian tanks in Syria??

Because I want to hold you to your claim that you are educated, I want to offer you a chance to educate us to the Saudi point of view, please address the simple questions put to you and defend yourself against the charge of being a hypocrite

muse ,

for the second time you did not answer my questions . instead you ask more questions that i have already answer .

revolution is good for Syria because Bashar is killing his own people . more than 2,000 died . tanks firing at civilian houses .
revolution is bad for Saudi Arabia because none of what happens in Syria happened in Saudi .

Now please go back and answer my questions , please show us any proof of a Saudi Soldier , vehicle or presence in the streets of Bahrain cracking down protesters . .
Please do tell us why Saudi tanks in Bahrain are better than Syrian tanks in Syria??

Please show us any Saudi Tank being used against Bahraini protesters in Bahrain
Please don't runaway - please address the simple questions put to you --- if your argument is that arbis are less civilized than Syrians then of course, we may take your "scholarly" obfuscation of the Saudi aversion to Republican ethics -- but if you are a less civilized lot, by what right do you imagine that you have anything to offer the Syrian??

Isn't it true that the action of the Wahabi prince in recalling his ambassador is in keeping with US policy and of course israeli policy?

And please do not hide in religion because that will cost you, a lot of credibility -- please explain to the rest of us why revolution in Syria is good but bad in Arabia

And no running away - I wish to talk to you some (I'm not done with you)

Posting alot and repeating the same things would not help me nor help you .
I'm here and not going anyway . so for god sake slow down .

Isn't it true that the action of the Wahabi prince in recalling his ambassador is in keeping with US policy and of course israeli policy ?
Yes true . We also drink water and breath air just like the US and Israel policy .

And please do not hide in religion because that will cost you, a lot of credibility -- please explain to the rest of us why revolution in Syria is good but bad in Arabia
I'm not an Imam nor a sheikh and i have answered you question in a previous post even thought You still did not answer any of mine

Revolution in Syria is good and is even better for Arabia - What you have proved is that the arbi is a hypocrite - he wants republicanism and liberty in Syria and wants monarchy and repression in Arabia.

Simple questions were put to you - you chose to hide in religious obfuscation and history and ended up ceding that the arbi is uncivilized compared to the Syrians and so unfit for Republicanism and liberty.

You may imagine that you are being victimized by me - but I assure you that is not the case - I have offered you opportunity after opportunity to show us why revolution in Syria is good not bad in Arabia, similarly you will agree with the rest if us that the Wahabi prince was not very happy about the revolution in Egypt, right? Was that good? And of course revolution in Tunis is good as well?? but bad in arabia.

You only defense is to say show us imagines - is that not bankruptcy? And there may not be images but there are educated persons and they can read:

Bloodshed in Bahrain as Police and Saudi Security Forces Fire on Unarmed Protestors - Forbes

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Please don't runaway - please address the simple questions put to you --- if your argument is that arbis are less civilized than Syrians then of course, we may take your "scholarly" obfuscation of the Saudi aversion to Republican ethics -- but if you are a less civilized lot, by what right do you imagine that you have anything to offer the Syrian??

Isn't it true that the action of the Wahabi prince in recalling his ambassador is in keeping with US policy and of course israeli policy?

I'm the one running away here ?
let's take your post - this post - and analyze it here, I'll respond to every point .

1- using the term Arabis when refereeing to the Arabian people is not accurate .. I just thought someone who knows so much about the history and geopolitics of the region would know that, but apparently you're not that person .

2-as to the "less civilized" bit .. my argument was simple, a door knob can understand it : you can't compare Saudi to freaking Syria .. it's apples and oranges , deferent history different societies .. etc . that's my argument

3- what's happening right now in Syria is not a revolution but rather a popular uprising .. a peaceful one that is . the Syrian people took this way as the best way for them to bring about change and reform in their country and now that they are facing this brutal crackdown by a regime that did not ever respect this holy month, you should be thrilled if any, that the Saudis are siding with the people in this fight . If the saudi government sided with the Bathist syrian government you and the likes of you will never stop talking about these heartless wahabis who see the innocent people of syria being killed in front of them and yet they're not doing anything .

4- "action of the Wahabi prince" who the heck is that prince ? last time I checked it was a king ( .. lol )

5- are you saying that we should dump any policy that is liked by "The Washington" even if it's to our benefit and to the benefit of the syrians in this case ? according to your logic Turkey and Russia are slaves of "The Washington" and so are all the other countries that condemned Syria !

Revolution in Syria is good and is even better for Arabia - What you have proved is that the arbi is a hypocrite - he wants republicanism and liberty in Syria and wants monarchy and repression in Arabia.

Simple questions were put to you - you chose to hide in religious obfuscation and history and ended up ceding that the arbi is uncivilized compared to the Syrians and so unfit for Republicanism and liberty.

You may imagine that you are being victimized by me - but I assure you that is not the case - I have offered you opportunity after opportunity to show us why revolution in Syria is good not bad in Arabia, similarly you will agree with the rest if us that the Wahabi prince was not very happy about the revolution in Egypt, right? Was that good? And of course revolution in Tunis is good as well?? but bad in arabia.

You only defense is to say show us imagines - is that not bankruptcy? And there may not be images but there are educated persons and they can read:

Bloodshed in Bahrain as Police and Saudi Security Forces Fire on Unarmed Protestors - Forbes


you answered one question of mine you ignored the rest but still we are progressing . but I see no Saudi soldier in that video of yours .

muse , you would be a bad therapist . You have done this and you have done that .. . please save us alot of time by simply answering our questons or at least ask a question for us to answer .
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as to the "less civilized" bit .. my argument was simple, a door knob can understand it : you can't compare Saudi to freaking Syria .. it's apples and oranges , deferent history different societies .. etc . that's my argument

You guys need elementary logic classes - for what passes as educated in arabia If it's apples and oranges then Arabia does not have a thing to say about events in Syria because they are two different things -- but see, this stuff might work in arabia but in the real world such arguments are met with not just ridicule and derision, but by a simple observation, Arabia and Syria are both states in the middle east - are they at least apples in that sense?

are you saying that we should dump any policy that is liked by "The Washington" even if it's to our benefit and to the benefit of the syrians in this case ?

That is certainly not what I am saying - I'm asking you to tell the truth - the policy to recall the ambassador and to take take the diplomatic stand that arabia has, is US dickat - the truth.

See, you guys would not be in the hot water you are in if it was not for the hypocrisy -- In this bathhouse we are all naked -- today it is Syria, tomorrow, whether you will agree or not, the fire will come to your house and perhaps you may not want to have been seen as people who cared nothing for when others house was on fire -- you know it's coming your way, we all know it -
but I see no Saudi soldier in that video of yours .

Try reading - read the article I linked - after all, information is more than images and we know saudis work hard at ($$) keeping negative stuf about them out of the news -- and there is still so much - how do you guys do it
thank you for analyzing my character and telling us what you have done here to help me answer your questions that i have already answered .
Try reading - read the article I linked - after all, information is more than images and we know saudis work hard at ($$) keeping negative stuf about them out of the news -- and there is still so much - how do you guys do it

why ?

Is it really that hard to see a Saudi tank Attacking protesters ?

then why you said this earlier ?
Please do tell us why Saudi tanks in Bahrain are better than Syrian tanks in Syria??
Its obvious when OIC makes comments on Kashmir why we laugh our but*s off!!!

Well done Sauds in Syria and Bahrain! Doesn't matter what OIC says, as long as their actions are on our side.
Oh oh - playing the victim again?

Not with me you don't -- It's really simple Khalid, you imagine that your govt policy is yours - but clearly you have not given it much thought, you are just in "defense mode"

I'm no enemy - but I do like people to be real -- you could not possibly have thought sure revolution in Syria good but bad in Arabia - because we are different -- so different that we don't want liberty, we like repression, that there are no pictures of our tanks and there are pictures of Syrian tanks -- I realize in arabia these might be considered worthy arguments -- but if you will be real with us, I will tell you, I have shown you, that there is no reason to be defensive, just be honest - that's all, just be honest.
^^I just love how this guy calls Washington : "The Washington" :cheesy: and how he says "theses tribals" instead of tribes .
Masters in [the] Tel Aviv and "The Washington" ? what are you smoking, kiddo ? :crazy: some twisted logic you got there in that little head of yours .

Many saudis (me included) are pro-reform not "revolution" and there's no one calling for a republic or anything of that sort . The king here ( believe it or not )is actually quite popular, I'm not a big fan of him but there's no reason for me to deny the truth .

The house of Saud is the glue that's holding this huge peninsula of different "tribals" and people together . can you imagine what would happen if there's a revolution in Saudi Arabia ? all the deferent "tribals" will either fight each other or clime independence and the one Kingdom will become hundred sheikdoms vulnerable to "The Washington" and "The" London and even to "The" Tel aviv and The Wak-Wak island. we can only take the path of peaceful and gradual reform and stay away for the path of fitnah and chaos .

Muse is our respected think-tank and by calling him kiddo not only are you insulting him, but angering his fans also. The way he debates is too posh for grammar rookies to get on first go.:frown:

The word ‘tribals’ is pretty much legit and can’t be declared as a non-word. Google will give you 3,510,000 results if you type ‘triblas’ in the search bar. Wikis have defined this word and have explained its use.:azn:

When he said ‘the Washington’ he intended a pun I guess. By ‘the washington’ he probably meant a place where badasses are turned into loyal slaves by having their disobedience germs washed way.:P
Oh oh - playing the victim again?

Not with me you don't -- It's really simple Khalid, you imagine that your govt policy is yours - but clearly you have not given it much thought, you are just in "defense mode"

I'm no enemy - but I do like people to be real -- you could not possibly have thought sure revolution in Syria good but bad in Arabia - because we are different -- so different that we don't want liberty, we like repression, that there are no pictures of our tanks and there are pictures of Syrian tanks -- I realize in arabia these might be considered worthy arguments -- but if you will be real with us, I will tell you, I have shown you, that there is no reason to be defensive, just be honest - that's all, just be honest.

What would I pay for a machine to enter that brain of yours. Wow dude the hate you have for us is outstanding. It actually makes me even more proud of being "arbi" and "suudi" that there are people that hate us this much. It means we are on the right track and you know what they say "You know you are successful when you have more enemies".

Yeah we LOOOOVE repression we ADOOOORE repression. You know the free education the free health care the almost free Gas the free college education the free foreign scholarships. The right to go any time to any city council and speak all what you see wrong in the way the government handles things. (My father went to the city council one week later a telegram from the King himself came to correct the situation). Yeah this is sooo repression.

Are you jealous that we are happy? Proud of being who we are and what we are?? I really wonder why you hate us so much and drilling into everything we say looking for a slip and lets not forget what you said there (Arabis are less civilized than Syrians then of course) and I am sure this is something that you will ravel for decades unless a giant piano falls into your head decapitating you and crushing you into little pieces god forbid.

PS: I can not spend my entire say glued to this forum so do not go with your usual (Why do you run bwah bwahs) we happen to have a life by the way.
Saudi Arabia should put more pressure on Syria and ask other Muslims nations too but should not take help of USA and NON MUSLIM nations
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