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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed


That was a sad self pitying post - unworthy.

It means we are on the right track and you know what they say "You know you are successful when you have more enemies".
Good, success - happy?

What I am trying to do is to help you see that this arrogance and self pity game is unworthy of you --- You imagine you are so important that you should be hated?

Why not just try and be human, just be real - if the criticism is valid accept it, if you think it's not valid, explain yourself, don't go about making hysterical scenes of self pity and crying hate - again, please just be human, be real. All these people who read on this forum want to be your friend and they want to like you, so do right by them, be real, be honest, explain yourself, and no hysterics, please.
Friendly troll06 - My Champion:yahoo:
Thanks, I appreciated the sentiment.

That was a sad self pitying post - unworthy.

Good, success - happy?

What I am trying to do is to help you see that this arrogance and self pity game is unworthy of you --- You imagine you are so important that you should be hated?

Why not just try and be human, just be real - if the criticism is valid accept it, if you think it's not valid, explain yourself, don't go about making hysterical scenes of self pity and crying hate - again, please just be human, be real. All these people who read on this forum want to be your friend and they want to like you, so do right by them, be real, be honest, explain yourself, and no hysterics, please.

I was under the impression that me and the two other Saudi members here have explained ourselves. And we did so time and again but you do exactly what you did just now...Take one little piece of the post and comment on it. And everyone who read this post will agree with me when I say that we tried to reason with you but you kept doing what you do best. ^this
Saudi Arabia should put more pressure on Syria and ask other Muslims nations too but should not take help of USA and NON MUSLIM nations

Assalam alaikum

u r right more pressure should be applied by all the countries and since king's speech it is a whole new spirit among the syrians since i participate with them in a chat service.

Nobody ask for non muslim nations to interfere. But they had gr8 hope that turky would do something.

I meantioned it somewhere that a syrian chat room owner asked if they prefer turky interfere militarily more then 1000 users said yes accept a few. How sad they want their own army be destroyed ( which they paid taxes for ) by other country.

Assalam alaikum

u r right more pressure should be applied by all the countries and since king's speech it is a whole new spirit among the syrians since i participate with them in a chat service.

Nobody ask for non muslim nations to interfere. But they had gr8 hope that turky would do something.

I meantioned it somewhere that a syrian chat room owner asked if they prefer turky interfere militarily more then 1000 users said yes accept a few. How sad they want their own army be destroyed ( which they paid taxes for ) by other country.


I really wish that we would take care of our own mess for a change and not give the west a reason to interfere into our business. Our Air force should take care of their air force and Turkey should take care of their land forces. This is the best way to rid the Syrian people of their blight fast but we do not want to resort to war at all. And it should be avoided by all means necessary. I believe the Syrian people will take care of Bashar and we will all see him Hang soon enough.

Not the entire army is Alawati just the high commanders. When a syrian unit separates from the army and sides with the people the syrian army has special Alawati units that kills and pacifies that entire unit. And this info was given to me by a syrian I know.
we tried to reason with you

Again, with the self pity - Explain yourself does not mean going ballistic or crying "hate" when you encounter a argument that is valid - that in itself should give you pause to think it over -- listen, you come over like a attorney for the defense, then you will get prosecutor - but if you come over like a human beuing you get a human being .
Look it, revolution good in Syria but bad in arabia?

Be honest -- and my point was that it's hypocrisy - how can Syrian house burning be good but Saudi house burning be bad? Instead of seeing that this is a complex situation, and it's true that there is no point in arguing that revolution is Syria is good but bad in Arabia - you guys start going ballistic and saying I hate ya
Again, with the self pity - Explain yourself does not mean going ballistic or crying "hate" when you encounter a argument that is valid - that in itself should give you pause to think it over -- listen, you come over like a attorney for the defense, then you will get prosecutor - but if you come over like a human beuing you get a human being .
Look it, revolution good in Syria but bad in arabia?

Be honest -- and my point was that it's hypocrisy - how can Syrian house burning be good but Saudi house burning be bad? Instead of seeing that this is a complex situation, and it's true that there is no point in arguing that revolution is Syria is good but bad in Arabia - you guys start going ballistic and saying I hate ya

We did not go ballistic and did not step out of line and called you not civilized when you did say that to us.

And we will tell you why Revolution in Syria is good but Bad in Arabia.

One: There is a revolution in Syria in which thousands are massacred. On the other hand there is No revolution at all except for a few hundred in the eastern province who hoped that entire Saudi Arabia would protest with them but nobody did. We are happy with our rulers so far. They treat us right. It does not matter if it is a republic or a democracy or a monarchy when the Government is taking the country into a positive direction we will respect them.

That is why I repeat what I said. If King Fahad was still alive the Arab Spring would have hit Saudi Arabia as well but that did not happen because the people love King Abdullah. He changed our country for the better in everything and we respect and love him for that. And I am prepared to die defending his rule but I would not bother to lose a hair if it was any other royal since I hate them all except for him. You understand now??
I really wish that we would take care of our own mess for a change and not give the west a reason to interfere into our business. Our Air force should take care of their air force and Turkey should take care of their land forces. This is the best way to rid the Syrian people of their blight fast but we do not want to resort to war at all. And it should be avoided by all means necessary. I believe the Syrian people will take care of Bashar and we will all see him Hang soon enough.

Not the entire army is Alawati just the high commanders. When a syrian unit separates from the army and sides with the people the syrian army has special Alawati units that kills and pacifies that entire unit. And this info was given to me by a syrian I know.

Assalam alaikum

True entire army is not nusairi but the high ranks but that there is another factor druz and christian also have high percentage. The most brutal is the fourth brigade ( الفرقة الرابعة ) which is led by mahir alassad his brother the same brigade that was commanded by rifa'at alassd in first hama't massacre.

Assalam alaikum

True entire army is not nusairi but the high ranks but that there is another factor druz and christian also have high percentage. The most brutal is the fourth brigade ( الفرقة الرابعة ) which is led by mahir alassad his brother the same brigade that was commanded by rifa'at alassd in first hama't massacre.


Yes I remember something about a numbered brigade but couldn't remember which so I did not mention it.
Assad the Alawite bad, Abdullah the Wahabi good - Syrians unhappy, Saudis happy - I got it - thanks

Syrians are happy with the support and people from Bahrain were involved in creating trouble in Saudi Arabia too that is why they sent their troops
Friendly troll06 - My Champion:yahoo:
Thanks, I appreciated the sentiment.

I HATE your opinion of KSA, but admire how you make a white heron out of a crow and vice versa with your debating skills and how you argue your case like a pro. Too bad you’re anti arab/wahabi while I’m pro arab/wahabi.
Time to cast the grave stone of nusairies and rawafid has come!
And those who are too quick to point "arabi" fingers..Syrians are no Arabs ethnically, they are Syriac / Roman people. Syria is a land where the future of Muslims is attached for enternity. When Damascus was strong, Ummah was strong when Damacus is ruled by heretics, The Ummah is weakest of all.!

Please go read some Ahadiths and history.
Arab news
Dozens of Saudis held in Syria


Published: Aug 11, 2011 01:37 Updated: Aug 11, 2011 01:37

RIYADH: Saudi citizens have been arrested in Syria for no apparent reason, a human rights official has claimed in Riyadh.

“There is no justification for the arrest of dozens of Saudis in various cities in Syria apart from the fact that they are Saudi citizens,” Chairman of the National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) Muflih Al-Qahtani told Al-Watan daily on Wednesday.

Al-Qahtani said the NSHR received a number of calls from the relatives of Saudis who were arrested while traveling in Syria.

“It is unfortunate that Syrian authorities arrest many Saudis because of their nationality. There are also reports of hostile treatment of Saudis and Gulf citizens,” he said.

He, however, said the NSHR did not have the precise number of Saudis in Syrian jails.

The families of the imprisoned Saudis also do not know the locations of the jails where their relatives are being held. “Even the Saudi Embassy finds it hard to locate the detained people,” Al-Qahtani said.

NSHR has been keeping in touch with the Saudi Embassy in Damascus to obtain precise information about the jailed Saudi citizens.

“However, there are also unconfirmed reports that some of the arrested Saudis were facing criminal charges against them,” Al-Qahtani added. He said according to complaints received from affected families, the arrested citizens were not involved in any criminal acts and were incarcerated only because of their nationality.

Unable to supply clues about the whereabouts of their relatives to the NSHR, many families expressed worry over the fate of their relatives when they did not respond to phone calls, he said.

He called on Syrian authorities to either prosecute the arrested citizens or let them go free. He also demanded the authorities inform the Saudi Embassy of their locations.

© 2010 Arab News
I really wish that we would take care of our own mess for a change and not give the west a reason to interfere into our business. Our Air force should take care of their air force and Turkey should take care of their land forces. This is the best way to rid the Syrian people of their blight fast but we do not want to resort to war at all. And it should be avoided by all means necessary. I believe the Syrian people will take care of Bashar and we will all see him Hang soon enough.

Not the entire army is Alawati just the high commanders. When a syrian unit separates from the army and sides with the people the syrian army has special Alawati units that kills and pacifies that entire unit. And this info was given to me by a syrian I know.

You give them a tiny opening and they barge in like mad dogs, claiming to give you western democracy and put no fly zones and bomb the crap out of innocent kids like they did in Libya yesterday. For goodness sake i wish the Arabs would pull the finger out and sort themselves out. Divided they are nothing. United they could be so so powerful
All of you Arabi bashers were run at first chance if subject to even 1% what going on in Homs, the Assads are butcher of Homs, I have friend whose family has been killed in the first uprising under Hafez al Asad regime. At least respect the dead! It is a shame that Pakistani rafidi president has not issued an statement yet. We were quick to arm the Bosnian but seems to be sleeping here.

Arms flowing to Syrian rebels from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon
WASHINGTON — Arab tribes have been smuggling weapons to fuel the revolt in Syria.

Syrian opposition sources said tribes in Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon have been relaying weapons in an effort to oust President Bashar Assad. They said the weapons were sent to avenge the killing by Syrian security forces of tribal members over the last month.

"One of Assad's biggest mistakes is that his security forces have been killing members of powerful tribes with a presence in neighboring countries as well," an opposition source said.

Full Article:
Arms flowing to Syrian rebels from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon

People like muse are of no use to debate on history and most likely they not good for any other subject either.

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