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Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports

A senior military delegation from Saudi Arabia has visited Israel to discuss a deal recently reached between Iran and the six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear energy program, media reports say.

Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Salman bin-Sultan Al Saud and two other officers secretly visited Israel, according to reports by the Palestinian news portal al-Manar and Israeli radio.

Bin-Sultan, who is the brother of Saudi Arabia’s spy chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, “met Israeli security leaders” and one of the “Israeli military bases accompanied by a senior member of the Israeli staff board”, the al-Manar report said, quoting "confidential sources".

On November 24, Iran and the six world powers -- the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany -- reached an interim deal to pave the way for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old dispute with Iran over its nuclear energy program.

In exchange for Tehran’s confidence-building measure to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities, the six countries agreed to lift some of the existing sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously clashed with US President Barack Obama and other Western countries over last month’s deal with Iran, describing it as a "historic mistake” that is bad for Israel. He added that Tel Aviv would not be bound by it.

On November 17, the British newspaper The Sunday Times reported that Riyadh has given the go-ahead for Israeli planes to use its airspace for possible attacks on Iran over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

Riyadh denied the Saudi-Israeli cooperation in preparation for an attack on Iran's nuclear program.

Iran has repeatedly warned that it will retaliate with its utmost power against any attack on its soil.

PressTV - Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports
this is the best mews possible...finally we can have paece in the middle east....
Abdullah bin mordchai bin ibrahim bin Moshe his crypto-Jew name aka Abdullah bin abdulaziz his arabic name nothing new here saudi Jew visiting his israeli Jew causin
Al Manar Hiizbullah $hit

Press TV Iranian $hit

Hizbullah $hit and Iranian $hit same same

So this is the level of journalism here?

lol think tank :D

very good language u have out there .... where did u study ? or did u ? cause i dont see anything sane or decent in your post .

back to topic , this is no news , we all knew that long long time ago .....

saudi family are very actively working with the regime of israel to harm other muslim nations ......

@Hazzy997 : so much for common enemy my friend :lol:

I saved me 15 mins of confusion, and laughter. By scrolling down to the sauce.

dude , u why did u scroll your mouse down to ketchup ? now u have to clean it all up .....
So Sad of this Development if its Really happened
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