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Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports

can i ask u aquestion ? do u believe in these reports or not ?

Axis of love :lol:

I don't, I think Saudi Arabia relies on USA more and only USA is able to pull up such an effective virus to harm Iran's nuclear program.

Maybe the help fund USA for cyberwar strategies but they don't need to talk with Israel.

And I think generally people are going to accept Iran the way it is because Europe and the US have vested interest with Iran and it makes them feel safe that if they become allies they will cooperate and not feel so much tension.
I don't, I think Saudi Arabia relies on USA more and only USA is able to pull up such an effective virus to harm Iran's nuclear program.

Maybe the help fund USA for cyberwar strategies but they don't need to talk with Israel.

And I think generally people are going to accept Iran the way it is because Europe and the US have vested interest with Iran and it makes them feel safe that if they become allies they will cooperate and not feel so much tension.

so after the first stuxnet attack ,which turned out to be programmed by us and israel , iran launched a lot of retaliatory attacks on us infrastructure and israel .

us backed off as they saw how vulnerable they are , but israel , NO . simply because israel wont give a shyt if for example their bank is hacked and is out of service for hours , unlike usa . iran hacked us banks , related facilities like aramco , ......

so thats why us wont dare to attack iran anymore , but israel has nothing to lose

u know what i mean ? if i'm not wrong you are computer engineer

I don't think that attacking will bring any peace.

it will bring peace when you all lose :lol: :cheesy:

anyway , let the animosity aside , your comments are a million times more mature and sophisticated than your friends ...

i really can REPLY yours based on logic .
so after the first stuxnet attack ,which turned out to be programmed by us and israel , iran launched a lot of retaliatory attacks on us infrastructure and israel .

us backed off as they saw how vulnerable they are , but israel , NO . simply because israel wont give a shyt if for example their bank is hacked and is out of service for hours , unlike usa . iran hacked us banks , related facilities like aramco , ......

so thats why us wont dare to attack iran anymore , but israel has nothing to lose

u know what i mean ? if i'm not wrong you are computer engineer

Yes I do, that's why Iran was smart to invest in cyber warfare. This is what ultimately would give them the upper hand and make things more complicated. Every time a military plan is put forward Iran would showcase what it can do and what it can hack. This way it keeps delaying a military plan as it's forcing Israel to be more active in an anti-cyber warfare and causing them to revise their strategy.

It's a very good thing for Iran but they should expect more to come still and should always be on high alert developing their capabilities. Cyber warfare will do them better than purely conventional warfare as the US has upper hand.

And I'm not an computer engineer, my friends are getting into that career but I'm going towards a pharmaceutical degree.
Farsi majoos "news" from PISSTV.

If one wants to be an idiot and believe this "news" then be my guest.

Nothing more to add.

Yes, I know that Qatar should be KSA territory but last time I checked Qatar is not KSA.:lol:

Anyway it is Mullahistan that was an key ally for Israel for years during the officer-son ("Shah") and I predict that you will become that again. Only natural in a Middle East region dominated by Arabs.
KSA has never been and never will be an ally of Israel. We have no single Jew living on our land contrary to your country that has the highest number of Jews outside of Israel.

So much for that.

What about those Facebook campaigns of "Iran loves Israel and vice versa"?:lol:

You will never see such scenes from Saudi Arabians.

Yes, the truth hurts, I know.
Iranian and Saudi brothers,

I doubt that you two realize the enormous impact your two countries have on the rest of the Muslims in the world.

Do you?

No it is not about Al-hassani or Hasbra.

you are just ordinary joes from your two countries.

I am taking about the place a typical Muslim automatically gives you guys based on his fiqh or maslik.

You the guys from Saudi, Do you realize what it really means to have Harmain Sharifain in your country?

You the guys from Iran, Do you realize what it really means to have a living embodiment of God aka Grand Ayatullah in your country?

It is like you both countries possess super duper powers to hold the Muslims of the world by their hearts and their jugulars.

The most precious thing any society can just dream of getting

To have billions of hearts in your hands.

Then please learn to handle these hearts carefully and gingerly.

Because this is a gift all dream but few ever get.

Figure out a way to co-exit,

For your country's sakes and for the sake of billions of Muslims.

Learn from history

and try not to repeat the same old mistakes.

Don't you know what the fork happened when two great and revered personalities like Umer and Ali became $tupid and fought each other?

or Usman and Ali $tupid tussle

or Aysha and Ali childish and $tupidest war

or the

pathetic and bloody political fight between Yazeed and Hussain?

100s if not 1000s were killed and maimed for what?

to prove one's $htick was bigger than the others.

OK so back then, information aka correct information was hard to come by

There were no internet and mobile phones.


Omer could have blogged about Ali's greatness

Perhaps Ali could have facebook friended Omer

And all that $hit would have gone away

But it did not

And it utterly and purely messed up the societies back then

But now we have a chance to cleanse the animosity

and move on

and develop your two societies


the societies of those countries who hold either one or both of you in reverence.

So think about the enormous responsibiltiy on your shoulders

and become humble

and responsible

Thank you.

Let's wish peace on Earth

in these months of celebration and mourning

the months that must teach us good lessons

and keep us from going astray.
Yes, I know that Qatar should be KSA territory but last time I checked Qatar is not KSA.:lol:

I know Qatar is not KSA, technically. But its a Gulf monarchy. If a Gulf monarchy can visit and make alliance with Israel, then its not exactly inconceivable that the KSA (another Gulf monarchy) would do the same, if they have common threats/ojectives.
I know Qatar is not KSA, technically. But its a Gulf monarchy. If a Gulf monarchy can visit and make alliance with Israel, then its not exactly inconceivable that the KSA (another Gulf monarchy) would do the same, if they have common threats/ojectives.

Qatar is in someways intellectual capital of the GCC

Well said.

However we should not spread rumors jut to bad mouth Saudis or Iranis by dragging Israel in the discussion.
Yes, I know that Qatar should be KSA territory but last time I checked Qatar is not KSA.:lol:

Anyway it is Mullahistan that was an key ally for Israel for years during the officer-son ("Shah") and I predict that you will become that again. Only natural in a Middle East region dominated by Arabs.
KSA has never been and never will be an ally of Israel. We have no single Jew living on our land contrary to your country that has the highest number of Jews outside of Israel.

So much for that.

What about those Facebook campaigns of "Iran loves Israel and vice versa"?:lol:

You will never see such scenes from Saudi Arabians.

Yes, the truth hurts, I know.

Middle East is not dominated by arabs (in terms of politics and decision making). Actually it is dominated by the regions only non-Arab states (Turkey, Israhell and Iran)

And Shah is gone. We threw him out. When are you gonna do the same in your country? Its never too late :)
I know Qatar is not KSA, technically. But its a Gulf monarchy. If a Gulf monarchy can visit and make alliance with Israel, then its not exactly inconceivable that the KSA (another Gulf monarchy) would do the same, if they have common threats/ojectives.

Are you joking or just trolling? KSA and Qatar are two different countries. Two different policies. KSA is not a "Gulf" country whatever that is. Not sure how many times this need to be told to people.

Care to answer to the few facts I mentioned?

Anyway it is Iran that was an key ally for Israel for years during the officer-son ("Shah") and I predict that you will become that again. Only natural in a Middle East region dominated by Arabs.
KSA has never been and never will be an ally of Israel. We have no single Jew living on our land contrary to your country that has the highest number of Jews outside of Israel.

So much for that.

What about those Facebook campaigns of "Iran loves Israel and vice versa"?:lol:

You will never see such scenes from Saudi Arabians.

Yes, the truth hurts, I know

Even under the Mullah's Israel has supported you in the most difficult moments.



The whole MENA region is dominated by Arabs. Only 3 non-Arab states in tiny Israel (25% of the population are Arabs and 50% of the Jewish population are Arab Jews), Iran composed of all kind of ethnic groups (including ironically Arabs) and Turkey. Arabs by far outnumber non-Arabs by a ratio of 3:1 in the MENA region. And GCC together with Turkey are dominating as of now.

If GCC was one country its economy would be bigger than Iran's and Turkey's combined. Despite having a significantly smaller population. Let alone all the Arab countries of the MENA region if they were one.
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