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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause

So any country not going the Iran route is a slave country?? We must bark hold sermons and make fake weapons for you to cheer??
The above is uncalled for. I never said we should go the Iran way, i only gave an example of Iran because it is the only Muslim country that is developing, advancing technologically, and not "starving" despite being under sanctions. Maybe if there were an Sunni Arab country who were also advancing technologically, developing, and not "starving" under sanctions i would have given you an example of that.

We are non-aligned. We supported Muslim countries in the past and all we got was to be called the financier of terrorism

Funding madrassahs or religious fanatics is different from building schools that teach a child about Math, science, and English in order to prepare and make the youth competent in today's world, religion is important, but that should be reserved for the Mosques, not schools. Regarding the rest of the above statement, it should be discussed on another relevant thread.

Having good relations with the US is now a crime?? I have met many great and wonderful Americans who speak logically and in reason not like you who is only hoping for wars everywhere.

Where am i hoping for war, its your country who's buying all of these sophisticated weapons, if not for war then for what :lol:, unless of course your implying that your country's leadership is somehow adhering to my "warmongering" statements.

BTW, what does your country need nukes for, its not going to go to war or anything.

What you see is truth through your own limited perspective is not what I see as the truth. I live here I study here I work here and I sleep here. I know my own country better than anyone else who is claiming to know it.
No one is discussing your personal life

But when things are like this then you and everyone who is spreading this hate filled topics can go to hell.
And so can you, right back at you.
The above is uncalled for. I never said we should go the Iran way, i only gave an example of Iran because it is the only Muslim country that is developing, advancing technologically, and not "starving" despite being under sanctions. Maybe if there were an Sunni Arab country who were also advancing technologically, developing, and not "starving" under sanctions i would have given you an example of that.

Funding madrassahs or religious fanatics is different from building schools that teach a child about Math, science, and English in order to prepare and make the youth competent in today's world, religion is important, but that should be reserved for the Mosques, not schools. Regarding the rest of the above statement, it should be discussed on another relevant thread.

Where am i hoping for war, its your country who's buying all of these sophisticated weapons, if not for war then for what :lol:, unless of course your implying that your country's leadership is somehow adhering to my "warmongering" statements.

BTW, what does your country need nukes for, its not going to go to war or anything.

No one is discussing your personal life

And so can you, right back at you.

Again here you go again. the Saudi government is suffering terrorism itself why in the world would it support it?? Or maybe in your own lala land they do. We are also advancing only you choose not to see it.
Saudi Arabia should have supported the uprising in Bahrain if they were really concerned about the welfare of people in the arab world.
Honestly most of the weapons Saudi Arabia buys from the west will never be used against Israel, they are likely bugged or can be turned off if that happened.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

Saudi Arabia should have supported the uprising in Bahrain if they were really concerned about the welfare of people in the arab world.

They hate it when a Alwai( SHia) rules Sunnis but loves it when a Sunni Rules Shia hahah.
Honestly most of the weapons Saudi Arabia buys from the west will never be used against Israel, they are likely bugged or can be turned off if that happened.

---------- Post added at 07:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

They hate it when a Alwai( SHia) rules Sunnis but loves it when a Sunni Rules Shia hahah.

People like you being against Saudi Arabia is a source of pride.
People like you being against Saudi Arabia is a source of pride.

The weapons sold to Saudi arabia come with strings they likely are bugged or rigged in case of war with Israel they will be turned off, Bahrain comes in mind.

---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

People like you being against Saudi Arabia is a source of pride.

Generalizing now mosa :frown:
I do not think Saudi Arabia or Iran (their leadership) are inherently bad, but they are sure (& support for them is) divided as hell, as can be seen in this very thread. This is not good for the (Muslim) world. Neither Saudi Arabia nor Iran is the bearer of the Islamic flag (or the defender of Islam), they do things out of their geopolitical strategic interests. We just need to accept that & move on.
What saudis do is their concern, Why some so called Pakistanis forget, Pakistan is doing worse than what saudia arabia do. When someone comes on high horse personally attacking saudis and forgetting "LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP". that's what we calls a hypocrisy.

Saudis Royals Support Israel eH? Forgetting Our Ex president and foreign minister shook hands with Israelis? Did some one forget Pakistan begs to US every other day? at least Saudia is better that they earn by not begging and then come some moral brigade who forgot that The country in which we are living in.
Again Mosa has run away knowing it's the truth.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

When your own house is not in order and hundreds of innocents being killed on daily basis by your security forces, you should not point fingers at others.

Honestly never have I claimed Syria has a higher stance on morals then SA however Saudi Funded Terrorism has caused more carnage in the world then Syria's Security Forces have, lets not get off Topic Shall we.
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