The above is uncalled for. I never said we should go the Iran way, i only gave an example of Iran because it is the only Muslim country that is developing, advancing technologically, and not "starving" despite being under sanctions. Maybe if there were an Sunni Arab country who were also advancing technologically, developing, and not "starving" under sanctions i would have given you an example of that.
Funding madrassahs or religious fanatics is different from building schools that teach a child about Math, science, and English in order to prepare and make the youth competent in today's world, religion is important, but that should be reserved for the Mosques, not schools. Regarding the rest of the above statement, it should be discussed on another relevant thread.
Where am i hoping for war, its your country who's buying all of these sophisticated weapons, if not for war then for what

, unless of course your implying that your country's leadership is somehow adhering to my "warmongering" statements.
BTW, what does your country need nukes for, its not going to go to war or anything.
No one is discussing your personal life
And so can you, right back at you.