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Saudi Arabia, Zionism, Peace and the Palestinian Cause



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Jun 3, 2011
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"The importance of maneuvering so your enemy is hit in his weakest points." ~ Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War

Although the United States is unassailable from a military standpoint in the region, the Washington dollar and Treasury debt are our weakest points and the entire world knows this.

If you have noticed, whenever Saudi Arabia is mentioned, the establishment news coverage is always followed by a comforting statement stressing how the House of Saud will somehow escape the political change in the region. The fall of the Saudi monarchy or serious unrest in the Shiite oil producing region of Saudi Arabia is the "elephant in the room" that no one wants to discuss or write about and why the threat is being ignored and going unaddressed.

The reason is all of the oil produced in the Persian Gulf region outside of Iran is currently priced in US dollars thus allowing the United States and the Federal Reserve to create more dollars at will. 87% of the oil exported out of the Persian Gulf is priced in US dollars and as I explained last week in The Great Anglo-American Gaddafi Deception, the pricing of oil in dollars is a major contributor to maintaining the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency.
I believe the Washington Treasury debt and US dollar Ponzi scheme would risk collapse if these five nations mentioned above should threaten or seriously consider pricing oil in gold, Euros, SDR’s or any other currency other than dollars. In addition, Israel wouldn’t survive even with its feared Samson option for more than a few months if the US should lose in the region. Therefore the existence of Israel and the economic survival of the United States, our fiat dollar and the continued rollover of our Treasury debt are very dependent on friendly governments controlled and protected by Washington maintaining power at any price in the Persian Gulf.


So for those of you who are asleep please wake up. If this Saudi Royal family really wanted to support palestinians or twist americas arm they could. The fact that they dont shows me just one thing that is that they are only concerned with their own survival at any cost to the muslim or non muslim world. This persian/turkish obsession is just a cover for their real evil designs. They dont give a damn about palestinians or any other arabs, muslims or anyone else
brother what i think is the problem lies in the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran .... actually the region is divided on Shia , sunni and Wahabi basis and Saudi Arabia want to dominate on shias and Iranis want the same ... so everyone want to act like a master in the region that is why intentionally or unintentionally they are becoming the tools of other ... they dont know by thier act they are weakening each other and making the enemy strong .......
one other thing about Palestine is that these countries support different groups on the basis of shia and sunni and this thing did a great damage to Palestinian movement ..
brother what i think is the problem lies in the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran .... actually the region is divided on Shia , sunni and Wahabi basis and Saudi Arabia want to dominate on shias and Iranis want the same ... so everyone want to act like a master in the region that is why intentionally or unintentionally they are becoming the tools of other ... they dont know by thier act they are weakening each other and making the enemy strong .......
one other thing about Palestine is that these countries support different groups on the basis of shia and sunni and this thing did a great damage to Palestinian movement ..

I normally agree with you and have a lot of respect and time for you. But please go onto the link and read carefully. its by an american and simply he is stating the obvious. its nothing to do with shia or sunni, turk/arab or persian its simple if these arab countries wanted to they could overnight get the americans on their knees by refusing to accept american dollars aka as ious. israel would not survive,. Americans have killed so many muslims innocent and not innocent over the last 10 years. How many iraqis have to die? how many afghanis? how many libyans. pakistanis palestinians etc before our leaders get their act together. If they acted they could stop america but they simply wont.
well, one way to look at it:

with all their financial resources, they should be building their own airplanes and launching satellites and men to the moon.....but that isnt what they are doing

they spend their money on gold faucets in their airplanes; they spend money on aircrafts they dont even know how to fly properly (not our business though, its their money).....30% of their population is unemployed (or just working mediocre 4 hour shifts at government jobs) because its a welfare state that gives them free money every month..they promote laziness

they can afford to mismanage their finances because little needs to be done to suck the oil out.....ARAMCO handles it
I normally agree with you and have a lot of respect and time for you. But please go onto the link and read carefully. its by an american and simply he is stating the obvious. its nothing to do with shia or sunni, turk/arab or persian its simple if these arab countries wanted to they could overnight get the americans on their knees by refusing to accept american dollars aka as ious. israel would not survive,. Americans have killed so many muslims innocent and not innocent over the last 10 years. How many iraqis have to die? how many afghanis? how many libyans. pakistanis palestinians etc before our leaders get their act together. If they acted they could stop america but they simply wont.
i think you missed my point .... if these countries dont have conflicts among themselves then they will never make America stronger...... you know why saudis are buying so much weapons from USA .... they feel secure because USA is behind them.... so you can say its a type of deal ....
I agree with you that if Arab wants then America and Israel will collapse within days but they dont want because of above reasons
i may be wrong make me correct if i am
well, one way to look at it:

with all their financial resources, they should be building their own airplanes and launching satellites and men to the moon.....but that isnt what they are doing

they spend their money on gold faucets in their airplanes; they spend money on aircrafts they dont even know how to fly properly (not our business though, its their money).....30% of their population is unemployed (or just working mediocre 4 hour shifts at government jobs) because its a welfare state that gives them free money every month..they promote laziness

they can afford to mismanage their finances because little needs to be done to suck the oil out.....ARAMCO handles it

they can do whatever they choose with their money. Its just the fact that they actually support america in its excesses by accepting a worthless iou. Countries wwanting their oil have to buy dollars and then usse dollars to buy oil etc. point im trying to make is that they have far more influence on the americans than one would imagine. For example when US used its veto recently against palestinians saudis pretended they were for palestinians but not really they could have forced america not to use that veto thru diplomacy
i think you missed my point .... if these countries dont have conflicts among themselves then they will never make America stronger...... you know why saudis are buying so much weapons from USA .... they feel secure because USA is behind them.... so you can say its a type of deal ....
I agree with you that if Arab wants then America and Israel will collapse within days but they dont want because of above reasons
i may be wrong make me correct if i am

I think you may be right about Iranians they do want to lead the muslim world it would seem and they go out on a limb with propaganda etc. But mark my words the devil is in the al saud unroyal family they are only interested in self preservation and will and have done a deal with the devil to stay in power
I cant mention or bring figures to the table but i think its a well known fact. Saudi reject dollar, America will simply crash. When they crash Israel say goodbye to charity. This will mean Israel will suddenly cone to the negotiation table and im SURE they will want peace! Simples! :enjoy:
House of Saud will somehow escape the political change in the region

All article is based on this observation!!!

Why Political change is necessary? Is it for the sake of fashion?

You can't have 100% people in a state pro-state, what matter is majority.

In Saudi Arabia it was a Iran and Indian who attempted to trigger unrest, with the help of their handful stooges.

While after the elections in 2009, Iran itself escaped the political change.

While in case of Iran, it was majority which declared regime as their enemies.

Escape from such an inevitable political escape shall means even bigger support of Israel.

87% of the oil exported out of the Persian Gulf is priced in US dollars

Name 'Persian Gulf' does not automatically mean all oil belongs to Iran.
Infact, there is no Persia any more.. it is Islamic (so called) republic of Iran.
While Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom, same like England. Technically, they are free to make rules as it suits them.

The Great Anglo-American Gaddafi Deception, the pricing of oil in dollars is a major contributor to maintaining the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency.

Was it not the opposite way around? i.e. Qaddafi urged the oil producing nations to trade oil only with gold?

Apparently, Iran is the biggest deception and all the trouble in middle-east happened in states where Iran was playing his dirty sectarian conspiracy from years:

1- Afghanistan
2- Pakistan
3- Iraq
4- Egypt
5- Libya
6- Tunis
7- Lebanon
8- Syria
9- Bahrain
10- Saudi Arabia.

Spreading misinformation is deception and this is what you are doing!
Ibn Saud use to get 5000 ponds every month from British Empire after the dissolution of Ottoman Empire.
25% of American oil comes from the Middle East, 17% of which is imported from the KSA

so naturally, they have leverage. There is a chill in relations between KSA and USA at present; the Saudis have never taken kindly to democrats in power in Washington. They never see eye to eye. (same as the case with Pakistan and US)

The Saudi royals are still very irate over the fact that the Americans never came to the aid of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. They saw it as a betrayal. But in terms of investments and holdings in the U.S. --the Saudis still have a lot of money in the country. Land holdings, stock shares, equities, treasuries surely.

Saudis provide the oil at concessionary rates, and heed to western concerns to keep production going without minimizing it...in exchange, the ''western'' camps provide a sense of security to the paranoid royals.
I think you may be right about Iranians they do want to lead the muslim world it would seem and they go out on a limb with propaganda etc. But mark my words the devil is in the al saud unroyal family they are only interested in self preservation and will and have done a deal with the devil to stay in power
so Brother its a give and take phenomenon ..... they help USA by money and USA protect royal family's interests
they want to remain in power and they have no concern with anyone and for that power, they can do whatever USA will ask for
Apparently, Iran is the biggest deception and all the trouble in middle-east happened in states where Iran was playing his dirty sectarian conspiracy from years:

1- Afghanistan
2- Pakistan
3- Iraq
4- Egypt
5- Libya
6- Tunis
7- Lebanon
8- Syria
9- Bahrain
10- Saudi Arabia.

Spreading misinformation is deception and this is what you are doing!

Saudi Arabia does the EXACT same thing.....in fact, probably to a larger degree than Iran. They have their factions in Yemen, so does Iran. They have their ''factions'' and ''camps'' in Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Kuwait, Bahrain, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan and even Pakistan.

lets not kid ourselves here. Nobody is innocent.
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