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Saudi Arabia ‘Vision 2025’: Soaring ambitions

you're now grasping at straws.
Nothing has changed since 2005. Look at that chart again. From 2005-2009 Iran had a higher growth than SA so what changed? Goldman Sach's original report regarding the BRICs back in early 2000 talks a lot about the future and it gives a ton of different lists, KSA is in none of them (top 25).

Again, get back down to earth. Beat Iran first then think about beating Western Euro countries. I have said this many times, the industrial capacity of KSA is the same as Chad. The proof is in the fact that even with 4 times the oil exports, you can't beat sanction hit Iran. Some people say that the mullahs love to talk but I would argue that the Saudi monarchy has a bigger and better propeganda machine.

1- Compare these two yourself:
Iran:Iran GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia GDP Data & Country Report | Global Finance

2- There is nothing int he Media about GDP growth etc. We are not as loud as some people I had to look and dig all these info myself.
Oh. And please do keep believing that our Industrial capacity is the same as Chad....Boy will you be in on a big surprise.
Saudi industries draw SR500 billion investment

Published: Sep 24, 2011 23:15 Updated: Sep 24, 2011 23:15

JEDDAH: Investments in the Kingdom’s industrial sector have reached more than SR500 billion, bringing the total number of operating industries in the country to 4,952, according to a statistical report carried by the Saudi Press Agency on Saturday.

“The total capital investment in the industrial sector reached SR509 billion by the third quarter of this Hijrah year,” said the report, adding that the number of workers in the sector reached more than 617,000 during the same period.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah has visited the Jubail Industrial City three times since he ascended the throne in 2005. This reflects the importance given by the government to the industrial sector, the report pointed out.

It said there are 42 industrial complexes in the twin industrial cities of Jubail and Yanbu, consisting about 400 downstream and upstream industries. Two new industrial cities have been established in Ras Al-Khair and Rabigh, the report pointed out.

The report also indicated that the Saudi Industrial Development Fund gave 3,226 loans worth SR87.5 billion until the end of 2010 to establish 2,284 industries in different parts of the country.

Petrochemicals received about 40.8 percent of the total industrial investment or SR208 billion while chemical industries received SR79 billion, mineral industries SR54 billion, and other basic industries SR43.8 billion. There are about 775 food industries in the Kingdom with a total investment value of SR42 billion.

The report also pointed out that the Kingdom’s non-oil industries grew by 5 percent in 2010 while its nonoil exports in 2010 reached SR124 billion, up by 14 percent compared to 2009.

There are 2,811 industries licensed under the foreign investment scheme with a total investment of SR444 billion, the report said, adding that they employ more than 242,000 workers.

Saudi industries draw SR500 billion investment - Arab News
30,000 jobs for Saudi women in industries

By Hamid Al-Attas

Okaz/Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH – In the next three years, the industrial sector will provide 30,000 jobs for Saudi women, Ulfat Qabbani, deputy chairperson of the Industrial Committee at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and deputy chairperson of the Higher Committee for the Federation of Arab Women Investors, told Okaz/Saudi Gazette.
Saudi women have proven their roles in pushing forward the wheel of economic and industrial development, she said.
Qabbani praised Saudi women’s contribution in the industrial sector mainly in four fields – pharmaceuticals, clothing, food and manufacturing.
The Kingdom has taken a number of initiatives to employ Saudi women.
Since 1992, the rate at which women participate in the Saudi national labor force has nearly tripled, from 5.4 percent to 14.4 percent, according to a report by Dr. Mona Al-Munajjed, Senior Adviser at Ideation Center, a leading think tank in the Middle East.
The public sector is the largest employer of Saudi women, and women currently represent around 30 percent of government employees. Around 95 percent of working Saudi women are in the public sector: 85 percent in education, in both teaching and administrative positions, six percent in public health, and four percent in administration.
According to the report, only five percent of working Saudi women were employed by the private sector, the majority in a narrow range of jobs such as private business and banking. At the same time, the number of Saudi women working in the private sector increased by 27 percent over two years, from 40,000 at the beginning of 2006 to 51,000 at the end of 2007.
As part of the Saudization process, the Ministry of Labor has recently stated that it would be suitable for women to work as receptionists, tailors, banquet-hall employees, nutritionists, governesses, photographers, beauticians, caterers, and hospitality and recreation-industry workers.

Saudi Gazette - 30,000 jobs for Saudi women in industries
I joined an Iranian defense forum some time ago thought about doing my part and bridging the gap between us maybe I offered them a hand in friendship in return I was called a "lizard" "an Arab" which i found later is an insult "mud house dweller" "camel fuccker" among many more extremely racist insults that I could not go on anymore " also being banned on the stupidest of things" so instead I joined here.

I used to have no problem with Iranians and I still don't but that is an experience that will be hard to forget. I am sorry if this seems out of place but just something I wanted to say.

There are racist scum everywhere, there are alot of saudis that sayd bad thing about persians but i am not for a second taking it out on you. before i am a persian i am a human. i am sorry for things they said to you but why do you let them bother you? You're a nice guy and they are @ss holes.
I joined an Iranian defense forum some time ago thought about doing my part and bridging the gap between us maybe I offered them a hand in friendship in return I was called a "lizard" "an Arab" which i found later is an insult "mud house dweller" "camel fuccker" among many more extremely racist insults that I could not go on anymore " also being banned on the stupidest of things" so instead I joined here.

I used to have no problem with Iranians and I still don't but that is an experience that will be hard to forget. I am sorry if this seems out of place but just something I wanted to say.

Lol, your not the only one, i also joined an Iranian defence forum and those Persians have a serious superiority complex, and the Moderators and Administrators there are also biased. Its like that forum has no rules with regards to racist, bigoted posts aimed at non-Iranians.
Now thats a question world should worry of such scenario happening in reality. Bcoz every country is using oil at high level,when world should have move to hydrogen especially transport industry should start manufacturing Hydrogen base cars
Alternative energy sources will never be allowed to take root for the simple reason that oil cartels would go bust. They control the world's economy. H2O or even 'zero point energy' systems, especially the former have been tested privately and proved to be a great success. However the inventor was shot and killed by the Men In Black.

In other words, 'free energy' systems is very possible but it would NEVER be allowed commercially by the oil cartels. The stakes are too high.
Lol, your not the only one, i also joined an Iranian defence forum and those Persians have a serious superiority complex, and the Moderators and Administrators there are also biased. Its like that forum has no rules with regards to racist, bigoted posts aimed at non-Iranians.

If you mean Irandefence forum then I must say that the site is run by pro-western zionist Iran-monarchists who are racists. Almost all of them live in Los Angeles now and if they even as much as enter Iran, mullahs there will execute them. But they have the powerful backing of west to bring down mullahs.
Lol, your not the only one, i also joined an Iranian defence forum and those Persians have a serious superiority complex, and the Moderators and Administrators there are also biased. Its like that forum has no rules with regards to racist, bigoted posts aimed at non-Iranians.

let me guess, Irandefence?
That website used to be run by pro IR Iranians until the nationalists had a virtual revolution and kicked all of them out lol
Now it's run by the other extreme. The ADMIN is a funny character. He hates Arabs and Jews with an equal passion (Jews more) but he's very pro American.

The best part is that most of the members on that site are actually arab, Pakistani and Europeans. Iranians are actually in a minority.
I remember when I was like nice an Islamic country making it on its own and was kind of proud of it but during recent years Iran's actions doubled with what I saw coming out of Iranians directed at me I lost a lot of respect I once had towards them.

I realized that the hate machine in Iran is 10 times stronger than that in any other place.
I remember when I was like nice an Islamic country making it on its own and was kind of proud of it but during recent years Iran's actions doubled with what I saw coming out of Iranians directed at me I lost a lot of respect I once had towards them.

I realized that the hate machine in Iran is 10 times stronger than that in any other place.

Mosa, you're acting like a victim on a Pakistani forum. How brave of you. The history that you arabs and us Iranians have is very well documented.
Let's reverse roles. Imagine if in the 6th century a bunch of desert dwellers had came to your fertile lands and raped and pillaged a modern civilization in the name of Mohamad. Why should we Iranians have any respect for you?

Why are you surprised that we don't like you? Frankly I'm shocked that you would even expect us to like you lol
Mosa, you're acting like a victim on a Pakistani forum. How brave of you. The history that you arabs and us Iranians have is very well documented.
Let's reverse roles. Imagine if in the 6th century a bunch of desert dwellers had came to your fertile lands and raped and pillaged a modern civilization in the name of Mohamad. Why should we Iranians have any respect for you?

Why are you surprised that we don't like you? Frankly I'm shocked that you would even expect us to like you lol

So Iranians are out for revenge? And it is not about Islam at all. Interesting.
let me guess, Irandefence?
That website used to be run by pro IR Iranians until the nationalists had a virtual revolution and kicked all of them out lol
Now it's run by the other extreme. The ADMIN is a funny character. He hates Arabs and Jews with an equal passion (Jews more) but he's very pro American.

The best part is that most of the members on that site are actually arab, Pakistani and Europeans. Iranians are actually in a minority.

The only Pakistani members on that forum are Abu, Pak Army (because of that idiot i got banned), A1Kaid (he also got banned), and of course me, but my account got wiped out of existence, so in all only about 4-5 Pakistani members last time i was there.

That one member "IranianGuards" started posting racist posts against Pakistanis after i refuted the claims of many Iranian members on one of their threads, i guess when they can't intelligently refute you, they resort to name calling and belittling, but i'm sure not all Iranians are like that.

I don't hold a grudge against Iranians because of what happened on that forum.
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