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Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

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Funny to see anti Iranian rants in saudi threads and anti Saudi rants in Iranian threads. Muslim Umah yea right.

my suggestion to USA and Israel , You need not burden yourself with Taking care of King doom of Saudia, or Iran or for that mater any other so called enemy of yours.. they are more than capable of destroying each other. sit back relax have some Cola and Pop-corn and enjoy the show :)
I'm happy and proud as a muslim that my moral standards and values resent that totally, it is what islam taught us Alhamdu Lillah

How can you be happy and proud to be a muslim ? Especially an Arab muslim !

Arab Muslims are being mascrare by Jews, bombed by US and Isreal , Pee on by US soldiers, your Koran burned. Even your own Arabs are killed by your own Arabs. Arabs even invite Christain Europeans to kill more Arabs. European already destroyed the must prosperous Arab country Libya and Iraq. Now they want to destroy Arab Syria cheered on by other Arabs.

Do not Arabs have wisdom to solve their own problems peacefully ?
Neither is Gaza, but Iran is shoving its long nose here all the time.
Because it can, unlike Chechnya, Palestinians are removed from their land and their property is given to Israelis who settle that land. Secondly, Islam's third holiest city Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque is there in Palestine.

Secondly even if if its not ur reponsibility at least u should not take them as allies and hug with them.
Why not, they are a Asian giant, and majore player in the region, unlike USa that is halfway across the globe sticking its nose every nook and corner of the world.

Turkey does not claim to be Islamic country unlike Iran.
It has nothing to do with Turkey being a secular or Islamic country, fact is it is involved in occupation of Afghanistan and suppression of Taliban, which from Afghan people's perspective are fighting foreign occupation, but why not hue and cry for Afghan freedom from Saudis, Israelis, or Turks? Why only freedom for Syrians, Libyan and Iranians.

They dont.
They don't????

The LWOT: WikiLeaks: Saudi citizens "most significant" terrorism funders

Saudis faulted for funding terror-LA Times

Terror support is Iranian thing.
No it isn't, terror support is a Saudi, Israeli, and American thing, proof: Libya and now Syria.

US perfectly could ignore it. Yet they protected Muslims.
They entered 3 years after Serbs butchered thousands of Bosnians, i already stated that in my earlier post but you cut that part out purposely like a little sissy.

And u hate USA.
No i don't, you hate the USA since you sympathize with their enemy's (al-caeeda's) cause.

Number of Muslims in Palestine today is 3 times bigger than it was in 1948,
Very bad example on your part :tdown:, the bigger number only goes to show how many more Palestinians have been kicked out of different parts of Palestine and cramped into smaller territories comprised of refugee camps.

while karabakh was cleansed from Muslims.
No they weren't, most of them fled to either Azerbaijan or Iran.

Secondly in case of Karabakh Iran can easily return Muslim refugees if it wanted to. But they dont do.
It can't since war between Azerbaijan and Armenia can break out any day so what benefit would it be to repatriate the people only to have them come back? Secondly, the land has been populated by Armenians.

Because they are most hypocrite regime in human history.
No they aren't, israel and saudi arabia are. Proof: Israel suppressing Palestinians in Gaza while yapping about Syria, Saudi Arabia suppressing Bahrainis while yapping about Syrians.

No. Actually Iraq offered cease fire to Iran all the time,
Yea, right, after gassing thousands of the people to death and raining scuds on their cities the whole time while USA and world shook hands with Saddam.

but Iran refused.
Completely understandable considering what Iraq did to them. Heck they made a mistake to not chase the Iraqi army all the way to the gates of hell.

How does it change the fact that Muslims were cleansed from Karabakh?
They weren't, there is no such thing as Azeri genocide.

Jewish state is not religious. Jews always lived in this land.
Native Palestinian Jews have, but you don't since you are probably a eastern European Jew. Your country is called the Jewish State of Israel for a reason.

It does not.
Yes it does, it has more than 700 military bases worldwide.

Yes. Iran was first who introduced suicide terror against civilians.
No it didn't, you have no proof.

Other things are details. If u kill civilians by plane or truck loaded with explosives - its changes nothing.
But Iranian didn't do any of that, only Wahabi AQ does that.

And gain, i will re-post from my previous post because you purposely cut it out:

1) Iran did not blow up hospitals

2) Iran did not blow up Mosques

3) Iran did not blow up Market places

4) Iran did not hijack planes and fly them into buildings

5) Iran did not blow up girls schools

If you prove my argument wrong by giving me an example of Iranians doing any of the above and i will believe you, otherwise you're making false accusations.

Iranians teached Al Qaeda suicide terror.
No Iran did not, al-caeeda received its training from NATO in Libya and now in Syria, also from USA in 1980's. Iran and al-caeeda are enemies due to sectarian differences and al-caeeda is Saudis child.

First of all, main opponents of Assad are simple poor civilians,
No they aren't, majority of them are al-caeeda wahabi terrorists who fled Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other terrorist sanctuaries (created by NATO and allies) into Syria to destabilize Syria and turn it into a terrorist safe haven.

who are tired from 40 years old brutal dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood.
So are Bahrainis, but nobody gave two hoots about their freedom.

Branding all of them Al Qaeda makes u a pathetic demagogue and liar.
There is no lie in my posts, i back my statements up with facts while you just continue to pull strange comments out of thin air to justify a terrorist organizations cause.

Secondly I dont take any side in this conflict,
Yes you are taking sides, you're justifying the cause of the Wahabi terrorist outfit al-caeeda, if anyone is pathetic then its you, how would you feel if you lost a family member in the twin tower attacks??

You want Syria to become a terrorist launchpad for future attacks against innocent civilians all over the world. Pathetic are your ilk who only care for their own interests and use lies and mass propaganda to justify the death and destruction of innocent people as well as destabilization of stable countries.

I just expose your hypocricy and demagogy.
No you don't, i provide facts while you continue to :blah: nonsense with no facts, on top of that you cut parts of my post and quote me out of context.

I just showed how stupid and pathetic is ur argument.
You showed nothing other than exposing your sympathy for terrorist cause, as i said if anything here is pathetic than it the the likes of you and your sensationalist propaganda.

Yep populationloved him but mighty al qaeda overthrew him. What a joke.
Al-caeeda alone didn't do it since they lack the brains and capability to do so, they are only good at blowing up hospitals, mosques, market places and girls schools (i can see why you, a israeli, would support their cause), it was NATO air support as well as intell along with training and supply that led to the fall of Ghaddafi.

Hugging like lovers is worse than holding hands for me.
But kissing and walking around holding hands for a prolonged period of time with a men responsible for the deaths of more than a million Iraqis and thousands of Afghan is even worse:







There is no any milliuon dead, spare me that nonsense.
You say that every time and i prove you wrong yet again:

U.S. Media Ignores Estimate of 1 Million Iraqi Deaths-Huffington Post

Iraq conflict has killed a million Iraqis-Huffington Post

Iran largely reponsible supporting terrorists groups in Iraq.
No its not, and there was no terrorism in Iraq until after USA invade and occupied it.

I already answered this: today in Palestine live 5 million Muslims, more than ever in history.
So you're proving my point that Palestinians forced out from their lands from all over occupied Palestine (now recognized by world Israel) are cramped into smaller leftover areas making their population too big for the area they are forced to inhabit.

Karabakh on the other hand was cleansed. Iran can return them but does not do it.
No it doesn't and i already addressed this point.

LOL, now u also justify ethnic cleansing of Muslims.
No i didn't, i don't know what the hell you're reading...................?

What a pathetic joke u are.
Just because you are one doesn't mean everybody else is.

NOTE: Stop cutting portions of my post and quoting me out of context, you're only making yourself look desperate
i cant understand why the saudis are doing this they lost egypt as an allay and of course syria will never forget what have they done and now russia iran what do they have left ? us and isreal .
Just for the record, in Bahrain, roughly 60% of the population was against the rulers, and, yes, they were suppressed, there were deaths, but to compare that to Syria is to completely blow the situation out of proportion. In Syria, close to 90% of the population is fighting against the Alawi dictatorship and thousands have been killed, in this uprising alone. We won't even mention 1982.
In fact, for those who are mentioning Israel, and blaming Saudi Arabia for not doing anything for the Palestinians, the situation in Israel is far less severe than that in Syria. The Assad regime must be one of the most tyrannical dictatorships in the world.
Because it can, unlike Chechnya, Palestinians are removed from their land and their property is given to Israelis who settle that land. Secondly, Islam's third holiest city Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque is there in Palestine.
I told you there was no any removal: since 1948 in Palestine Muslim population grew more than 3 times, in Jerusalem - more than 6 times.
In Chechnya over 100,000 were slaughtered.
In Darfur there was also mass slaughter, rape, starving.
In Karabakh 800,000 Muslims were ethnically cleansed. Large territory where Muslims lived for more than 1000 years now is cleansed from Muslims.

All that happaned just recently and Iran did not give a damn, on contrary, they are even hugging with those who commit these crimes. Most hyporcite regime in history. And your support makes you a biggest hypocrite as well.

Why not, they are a Asian giant, and majore player in the region, unlike USa that is halfway across the globe sticking its nose every nook and corner of the world.
So, its OK to hug with murderers of Muslims if its good for interests. Why they attack USA then? USA is 10 times bigger economy than Russia and did not slaughter Muslims like Russia did. Why they hug with tiny economies like Armenia and Sudan?

It has nothing to do with Turkey being a secular or Islamic country fact is it is involved in occupation of Afghanistan and suppression of Taliban, which from Afghan people's perspective are fighting foreign occupation
Of course it has to do. Turkey is secular country and should not protect Talibans. By the way, Iranians consider Talibans as enemies. Thats one of the reasons why I oppose war in Afghanistan: it only helps Iran.

You dont even understand the difference between Saudi citizens and Saudi state. There are many Pakistanis who commit terror attacks, that does not mean that Pakistan commits terror attacks. On the other hand Iran supports terror as a state.

They entered 3 years after Serbs butchered thousands of Bosnians, i already stated that in my earlier post but you cut that part out purposely like a little sissy.
Iran would not enter ever. Your beloved Russia tried to stop them. Stop your hypocricy and say thanks to America.

Very bad example on your part :tdown:, the bigger number only goes to show how many more Palestinians have been kicked out of different parts of Palestine and cramped into smaller territories comprised of refugee camps.
I already told you: in Jerusalem number of Muslims grew even faster: more than 6 times.

No they weren't, most of them fled to either Azerbaijan or Iran.
Thats called ethnic cleansing.

It can't since war between Azerbaijan and Armenia can break out any day so what benefit would it be to repatriate the people only to have them come back? Secondly, the land has been populated by Armenians.
It can: say to Armenia return refugees or we will join the blockade. They wont have a choice. You and Iran support ethnic cleansing of Muslims. That makes u both biggest hypocrites.

Yea, right, after gassing thousands of the people to death and raining scuds on their cities the whole time while USA and world shook hands with Saddam.
Gassing started much later, learn history. In fact thanks to gasing Iranians understood than they cant take over Iraq and stopped this useless war.

They weren't, there is no such thing as Azeri genocide.
There is ethnic cleansing.

Native Palestinian Jews have, but you don't since you are probably a eastern European Jew. Your country is called the Jewish State of Israel for a reason.
All kind of Jews lived. There is no such term as native Palestinian Jew. DOt talk about things u have no clue about.

it has more than 700 military bases worldwide.
So wut?

No it didn't, you have no proof.
Suicide bombing of Iraqi embassy in 1981 was first suicide terror attack. It was made by Iranian supported group.

But Iranian didn't do any of that, only Wahabi AQ does that.
Iranians were those who introduced attacks of civilians with suicide bombers. Thats fact. Later Iran also supported Hamas terrorits who blew up markets, school buses etc.

All Muslims killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.

So are Bahrainis, but nobody gave two hoots about their freedom.
Yes. I never said that all Bahrainis who protest against government are terrosts, like you do when portray all poroitestors in Libya and Syria as wahabbi, Al Qaeda and so on. Unlike you I am not hypocrite demagogue. But in Bahrain there is no slaughter like in Syria.

Yes you are taking sides, you're justifying the cause of the Wahabi terrorist outfit al-caeeda, if anyone is pathetic then its you, how would you feel if you lost a family member in the twin tower attacks??
1) I am not taking sides. If opposition wins in Syria, Muslim Brotherhood will take power there (not al qaeda, wahhabi and other nonsense as u claim). So Israel will be surrounded by Muslim Brotherhood from all sides. For Israel its better secular Baath regime which fears Israel and kills own people.
2) Thanks for proving again my point: everyone who protest against your beloved bloody dictators is al qaeda and wahhabi. What a pathetic joke you are.

You want Syria to become a terrorist launchpad for future attacks against innocent civilians all over the world. Pathetic are your ilk who only care for their own interests and use lies and mass propaganda to justify the death and destruction of innocent people as well as destabilization of stable countries.
Border with Syria is our calmest border. Of course I dont want Syria to turn into terrorists launchpad because rockets wil fly to Israel.

But kissing and walking around holding hands for a prolonged period of time with a men responsible for the deaths of more than a million Iraqis and thousands of Afghan is even worse:
USA saves millions of Muslim lives while Bashir slaughters.

NOTE: Stop cutting portions of my post and quoting me out of context, you're only making yourself look desperate
You are repeating on and on nonsense, which I answered many times.
I told you there was no any removal: since 1948 in Palestine Muslim population grew
In Chechnya over 100,000 were slaughtered.
In Darfur there was also mass slaughter, rape, starving.
In Karabakh 800,000 Muslims were ethnically cleansed. Large territory where Muslims lived for more than 1000 years now is cleansed from Muslims.

All that happaned just recently and Iran did not give a damn, on contrary, they are even hugging with those who commit these crimes. Most hyporcite regime in history. And your support makes you a biggest hypocrite as well.

It's almost finished, and you haven't got it yet?

Iran is not after saving every single person that's being wronged in this world!
This project (...) was set up for a different purpose.
We Muslims have been ordered to solve the Palestine problem. And we are at it with full force and we will do it for SURE.
It's certain. And God willing it's the last few months. Don't waste your time.

This takes priority over anything else. Any other goal that might get in the way of this, has been (and will be) suspended.
It's almost finished, and you haven't got it yet?

Iran is not after saving every single person that's being wronged in this world!
This project (...) was set up for a different purpose.
We Muslims have been ordered to solve the Palestine problem. And we are at it with full force and we will do it for SURE.
It's certain. And God willing it's the last few months. Don't waste your time.

This takes priority over anything else. Any other goal that might get in the way of this, has been (and will be) suspended.
Palestinians are high class while Azeris, Sudanese, Chechens are lower class? Interesting logic. Not talking that Palestinians live better than Iranians themselves.
Palestinians are high class while Azeris, Sudanese, Chechens are lower class? Interesting logic. Not talking that Palestinians live better than Iranians themselves.

Nope, there is no high/low class issue here.

It's just that occupied Palestine should be set free.

Let me put it this way. Even if Palestinians themselves give up, Iran won't give up Quds.
So, it's not just about Palestinian people. Something much bigger is at stake.
Even if Palestinians themselves give up, Iran won't give up Quds.
So, it's not just about Palestinian people. Something much bigger is at stake.
Thats the main problem if Iranian regime: you want to me more Arabs than Arabs themselves.
Thats the main problem if Iranian regime: you want to me more Arabs than Arabs themselves.
quds is for all muslims
its not our fault that arab leaders cant feel honor.its our duty to take it back.
Saudi needs to start from HOME. Abolish MONARCHY, arrange a free election. I think thats a good start.
Let's think about it.
We care for Palestinians and should help them as much to have a good life . I agree.
But i don't agree with taking Jerusalem.
First point: the Jews were a longer time ago in the land and it always have been for Jews the very important place of Jerusalem. This is a religious place for us too. Yes. And? If Israel let muslims to be there there should be no problem.
remember as well when the project of two states occured : they were the Arabs that attacked Israel. Why doing this? What they expected from them when they wanted to eliminate them from the soil there???

Understand my point: they should live together with respect. Both sides have problems they should fix it peacefully
i know it seems hard but why us, we should involve in any terrorism or fight against Israel?
this not logic

don't say about religion. i know enough my religion to understand that our prophet respected the prophets of Jews
and in Jerusalem he was among them
Like our prophet we should act the same

Our region will keep being weak if we still go on with these stupid fights
Let's all work together and help for Palestinians (the ones who want fair peace) to make their life much better in a peaceful and wealthy region
I told you there was no any removal: since 1948 in Palestine Muslim population grew more than 3 times, in Jerusalem - more than 6 times.

What a blatant lie, there was no removal of Palestinians from their homes?

Then what the hell is this?


In Chechnya over 100,000 were slaughtered.
In Darfur there was also mass slaughter, rape, starving.
In Karabakh 800,000 Muslims were ethnically cleansed. Large territory where Muslims lived for more than 1000 years now is cleansed from Muslims.
Your source for these numbers?

So, its OK to hug with murderers of Muslims if its good for interests.
So what do you want Iran to do, start supporting Wahabi al-caeeda to blow up innocent people? alcaeeda are only going to make the situation worse.

Why they attack USA then?
They didn't attack USA, al-caeeda did.

Of course it has to do. Turkey is secular country and should not protect Talibans.
Then why is it supporting and protecting al-caeeda? al-caeeda is more extremist than Taliban.

By the way, Iranians consider Talibans as enemies.
Iranian also consider wahabi al-caeeda as enemies, but you're here trying to associate Shiah Iran to Wahabi al-caeeda.

That's one of the reasons why I oppose war in Afghanistan: it only helps Iran.
So in other words you're confirming everyone's belief that israel/Saudi/NATO only wants to destabilize Syria to hurt Iran, even if it means israel/Saudi/NATO has to support a extremist terrorist groups al-caeeda which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.

You dont even understand the difference between Saudi citizens and Saudi state.
It doesn't matter, Saudi state spawned that terrorist group al-caeeda, they are all in the same boat. They can spend all of that money on expensive jets and Tanks but no effort in stoping terror funds from their country right? Yeah right!

Saudi Arabia is the world's largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba – but the Saudi government is reluctant to stem the flow of money, according to Hillary Clinton.

The cables highlight an often ignored factor in the Pakistani and Afghan conflicts: that the violence is partly bankrolled by rich, conservative donors across the Arabian Sea whose governments do little to stop them.
WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists-guardian.co.uk

There are many Pakistanis who commit terror attacks, that does not mean that Pakistan commits terror attacks.
Yes it does, according to your media that can't stop bashing Pakistan, its Armed Forces, and its intelligence agency (ISI) 24/7, Western Journalists make a living on bashing Pakistan otherwise their papers won't make it to the front page, meanwhile NATO, Saudi, and Israel support terrorist wahabi al-caeeda in Libya and now Syria.

On the other hand Iran supports terror as a state.
No it doesn't, i don't see Iran overthrowing stable governments and replacing them with Wahabi extremist terrorist organizations that are known to fly planes into buildings, blow up mosques, hospitals, market places and girls schools..

Iran would not enter ever.
Iran did provide support to the Bosnians in the form of weapons and fuel, while NATO refused to allow the Bosnians to defend themselves against the Serbs. NATO only interfered 3 years after the Serbs butchered enough Bosnians, that's too little too late.

Stop your hypocricy and say thanks to America.
Ok, thank you Bush for butchering more than a million Iraqis and thousands of Afghans.

I already told you: in Jerusalem number of Muslims grew even faster: more than 6 times.
I doubt these numbers until you provide a source.

Gassing started much later, learn history.
It doesn't matter, they still killed thousands of innocent people.

In fact thanks to gasing Iranians understood than they cant take over Iraq and stopped this useless war.
Gassing is banned and violates the rules of law implemented after WW1, so that only makes Iran's case stronger.

All kind of Jews lived.
No, not Eastern European and Russian Jews, they only came after WW2, before that the Eastern European/Russian Jews were only in Palestine in small numbers because they were refugees.

There is no such term as native Palestinian Jew.
Yes there is., they are called the Old Yishuv since they were there before the Eastern European/Russian Jews migrated to Palestine during and after WW2.

DOt talk about things u have no clue about.
I don't, i only talk about things i know

"So wut?"??? What do you mean "so wut?"???? The fact that USA has more than 700 military bases worldwide only goes to prove my point that they do act like the superman of the world.

Suicide bombing of Iraqi embassy in 1981 was first suicide terror attack. It was made by Iranian supported group.
The two countries were in a state of war, just as MOSSAD blew up hotels and cafes to assassinate PLO members after the Olympics hostage issue.

Iranians were those who introduced attacks of civilians with suicide bombers.
No they didn't, they don't fly planes into buildings, or blow up Mosques, Hospitals, market places or girls schools.

All Muslims killed by suicide bombers should thank Iran.
No they should thank Israel,Saudi, and NATO for wahabi al-caeeda.

Yes. I never said that all Bahrainis who protest against government are terrosts,
That's because Bahrainis are not terrorists, i didn't see them holding AK-47's and shouting at the top of their lungs, firing RPG's and machine guns, unlike wahabi al-caeeda which was and still is supported by NATO, Israel, and Saudi in Libya and now Syria.

like you do when portray all poroitestors in Libya and Syria as wahabbi, Al Qaeda and so on.
That's because they are wahabi al-caeeda, i provided proof on page 8 or 9 of this thread, al-caeeda put their flag on Ghaddafi compound, that is proof enough that wahabi alcaeeda has a strong presence in Libya and now they are blowing people up in Syria.

Unlike you I am not hypocrite demagogue.
You're hypocrite enough, i can't compete with your hypocrisy even if i try.

But in Bahrain there is no slaughter like in Syria.
That's because the Bahrainis weren't blowing up hospitals, mosques, or hiding behind civilians like wahabi alcaeeda does. Not to mention Bahrainis didn't have weapons to defend themselves with, unlike wahabi alcaeeda in Libya and now Syria.

1) I am not taking sides. If opposition wins in Syria, Muslim Brotherhood will take power there (not al qaeda, wahhabi and other nonsense as u claim).
No, wahabi alcaeeda will win, not Muslim brotherhood. Muslim brotherhood didn't win in Libya, but alcaeeda did, just as alcaeed's leader now released message that he supports Syrian rebels against Assad, proof enough that alcaeeda is fighting in Syria.

So Israel will be surrounded by Muslim Brotherhood from all sides. For Israel its better secular Baath regime which fears Israel and kills own people.
That's what you want people to believe, but everyone know's that it is in israel's interest that a militarily strong and stable Syria must collapse and become engulfed into anarchy and civil war just like Afghanistan.

2) Thanks for proving again my point:
Lol, i didn't prove any of your points but you're welcome.

everyone who protest against your beloved bloody dictators is al qaeda and wahhabi.
I already provided proof to back up my statements

What a pathetic joke you are.
if anyone is pathetic then its you who supports wahabi terrorists, how would you feel if you lost a family member in the twin tower attacks?

Border with Syria is our calmest border. Of course I dont want Syria to turn into terrorists launchpad because rockets wil fly to Israel.
Don't worry, we all know alcaeeda won't attack you, your Saudi allies will tame them for you so take a chill pill.

You are repeating on and on nonsense, which I answered many times.
Whatever :enjoy:
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Let's think about it.
We care for Palestinians and should help them as much to have a good life . I agree.
But i don't agree with taking Jerusalem.
First point: the Jews were a longer time ago in the land and it always have been for Jews the very important place of Jerusalem. This is a religious place for us too. Yes. And? If Israel let muslims to be there there should be no problem.
remember as well when the project of two states occured : they were the Arabs that attacked Israel. Why doing this? What they expected from them when they wanted to eliminate them from the soil there???

Understand my point: they should live together with respect. Both sides have problems they should fix it peacefully
i know it seems hard but why us, we should involve in any terrorism or fight against Israel?
this not logic

don't say about religion. i know enough my religion to understand that our prophet respected the prophets of Jews
and in Jerusalem he was among them
Like our prophet we should act the same

Our region will keep being weak if we still go on with these stupid fights
Let's all work together and help for Palestinians (the ones who want fair peace) to make their life much better in a peaceful and wealthy region
The point isn't about kicking Jews out of Jerusalem, there are a lot of good Jews who have no bad intentions for anyone, i personally know good Jews who are against Israeli tyranny and would only like to share the holy land with Muslims. Israel can exist now that it's there, but they need to stop kicking people out of their homes and stop inciting terrorism, violence and hatred in other countries.
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