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Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

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Thats the main problem if Iranian regime: you want to me more Arabs than Arabs themselves.

Why do you keep bringing in Palestinians, Arabs, etc. It's not just about people.

And actually, even Quds freedom is the apparent objective, and it is just part of the plan. I do not say it's just an excuse, but an objective which when achieved brings about a new order, not just for ME, but for the whole world.

And ... everyone should go home, while they still can.
Just for the record, in Bahrain, roughly 60% of the population was against the rulers, and, yes, they were suppressed, there were deaths, but to compare that to Syria is to completely blow the situation out of proportion. In Syria, close to 90% of the population is fighting against the Alawi dictatorship and thousands have been killed, in this uprising alone. We won't even mention 1982.
In fact, for those who are mentioning Israel, and blaming Saudi Arabia for not doing anything for the Palestinians, the situation in Israel is far less severe than that in Syria. The Assad regime must be one of the most tyrannical dictatorships in the world.
Can you inform us too how could you estimate those in Syrian streets were 90% of population?You counted every one of them?
Let's think about it.
We care for Palestinians and should help them as much to have a good life . I agree.
But i don't agree with taking Jerusalem.
First point: the Jews were a longer time ago in the land and it always have been for Jews the very important place of Jerusalem. This is a religious place for us too. Yes. And? If Israel let muslims to be there there should be no problem.
remember as well when the project of two states occured : they were the Arabs that attacked Israel. Why doing this? What they expected from them when they wanted to eliminate them from the soil there???

Understand my point: they should live together with respect. Both sides have problems they should fix it peacefully
i know it seems hard but why us, we should involve in any terrorism or fight against Israel?
this not logic

don't say about religion. i know enough my religion to understand that our prophet respected the prophets of Jews
and in Jerusalem he was among them
Like our prophet we should act the same

Our region will keep being weak if we still go on with these stupid fights
Let's all work together and help for Palestinians (the ones who want fair peace) to make their life much better in a peaceful and wealthy region

Yeah, but that's just on the paper. What if we get real?
Let's think about it.
We care for Palestinians and should help them as much to have a good life . I agree.
But i don't agree with taking Jerusalem.
First point: the Jews were a longer time ago in the land and it always have been for Jews the very important place of Jerusalem. This is a religious place for us too. Yes. And? If Israel let muslims to be there there should be no problem.
remember as well when the project of two states occured : they were the Arabs that attacked Israel. Why doing this? What they expected from them when they wanted to eliminate them from the soil there???

Understand my point: they should live together with respect. Both sides have problems they should fix it peacefully
i know it seems hard but why us, we should involve in any terrorism or fight against Israel?
this not logic

don't say about religion. i know enough my religion to understand that our prophet respected the prophets of Jews
and in Jerusalem he was among them
Like our prophet we should act the same

Our region will keep being weak if we still go on with these stupid fights
Let's all work together and help for Palestinians (the ones who want fair peace) to make their life much better in a peaceful and wealthy region
Hussein,it's not about how older Jews were there.It's important Muslims have lived there for 1300 years too.If i want to take your words as true,then the native Americans have every right to kick all current Americans out of US because they lived there before any white men came there.The same can apply to a lot of Iran neighbors were Iranians lived there before other immigrants came here,so can we claim their country?Of course not
No one says Jews can not live there,all we say is that it shouldn't be a Jewish state,there should be one country where in it every one can rule the country whether they are Muslims,Jews or Christians.There shouldn't be any Zionist or other stupid ideologies.Let the Palestinians decide for their fate.
Is that something unfair?
What a blatant lie, there was no removal of Palestinians from their homes?
Just like Jews are evicted.

I already many times pointed out that this map is stupid lying propaganda. Here is true one:


Your source for these numbers?
I already brought u:

Approximately 572,000 of the estimated 800,000 ethnic Azeris who fled during the Karabakhi offensives still live as internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan


So what do you want Iran to do, start supporting Wahabi al-caeeda to blow up innocent people? alcaeeda are only going to make the situation worse.
Not hug with genocide makers and ethnic cleaners. Tell Armenia ti return Muslim refugees. But you dont give a damn about ethnic cleansing and genocide when its done by your friends, because you are hypocrite.

They didn't attack USA, al-caeeda did.
Iran calls death to America, attacked and murdered US embassies, dimpomates, military.

Then why is it supporting and protecting al-caeeda? al-caeeda is more extremist than Taliban.
I told you: spare me of your cheap demagogy. The overwhelming majority of people who protest against your beloved dictators are not any al qaeda.

So in other words you're confirming everyone's belief that israel/Saudi/NATO only wants to destabilize Syria to hurt Iran, even if it means israel/Saudi/NATO has to support a extremist terrorist groups al-caeeda which is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.
You are retard or what? 5 minutes ago you whined that USA is fighting good Talibans, but when I said that Talibans are actually enemies of Iran you whine that US trying to destabilize Iran. How US is destabilizing Iran if it fights Iran's enemies?

It doesn't matter, Saudi state spawned that terrorist group al-caeeda, they are all in the same boat. They can spend all of that money on expensive jets and Tanks but no effort in stoping terror funds from their country right? Yeah right!

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists-guardian.co.uk
No it does not. There is a huge difference between "not doing enough against" and supporting.

Yes it does,
So according to you Pakistan supports terror? Interesting.

No it doesn't
It does: Islamic Dawa Party, Islamic Jihad, Hamas.. These are terrorists groups created or sponsored by Iran.

Iran did provide support to the Bosnians in the form of weapons and fuel, while NATO refused to allow the Bosnians to defend themselves against the Serbs. NATO only interfered 3 years after the Serbs butchered enough Bosnians, that's too little too late.
Iran did not provide anything, on contrary Iran is friend of Russia who supported Serbs. NATO saved Bosnians. No one else. But you are ungrateful hypocrite.

Ok, thank you Bush for butchering more than a million Iraqis and thousands of Afghans.
Again you are unable to thank America for saving Bosnian and Kosovo Muslims from ethnic cleansing, for providing enermous humanitarian aid to Muslims all over the wolrd, which saves millions of lives. You are nothing but ungrateful hypocrite.

I doubt these numbers until you provide a source.
British census numbers for Jerusalem:

13,413 Muslims in 1922
19,894 Muslims in 1931
For 1948 estimate is 40 thousands.
Today there are 240 thousands.

It doesn't matter, they still killed thousands of innocent people.
If Iran agreed to cease of fire they would not die.

Gassing is banned and violates the rules of law implemented after WW1, so that only makes Iran's case stronger.

No, not Eastern European and Russian Jews, they only came after WW2, before that the Eastern European/Russian Jews were only in Palestine in small numbers because they were refugees.
You are such an ignorant. Zionist immigration, mainly from Europe started in 1880. Tel Aviv for instance was founded in 1909. But even before that there were lange numbers of Jews. For example in 1850 majority of Jerusalem population were Jews, mostly European origin.

Yes there is., they are called the Old Yishuv since they were there before the Eastern European/Russian Jews migrated to Palestine during and after WW2.
Old Yeshuf are not Palestinian Jews. They were etheir European or Sephardic, kiust like everyone else.

"So wut?"??? What do you mean "so wut?"???? The fact that USA has more than 700 military bases worldwide only goes to prove my point that they do act like the superman of the world.
It has bases for its interests.

The two countries were in a state of war, just as MOSSAD blew up hotels and cafes to assassinate PLO members after the Olympics hostage issue.
Mossad did not blow up cafes and hotels. Interesting tahgt u justify murder of civilians with suicide bombers. But Iranians also used suicide bombers against French and US embassies. They invented suicide terror.

No they didn't, they don't fly planes into buildings, or blow up Mosques, Hospitals, market places or girls schools.
Civilians are civilians. And Hamas which is supported by Iran blows up market places and school buses.

That's because Bahrainis are not terrorists, i didn't see them holding AK-47's and shouting at the top of their lungs, firing RPG's and machine guns, unlike wahabi al-caeeda which was and still is supported by NATO, Israel, and Saudi in Libya and now Syria.
First monthes demonstrations in Syria were peaceful, but they were slaughtered like sheeps. Later they got weapons through smuggling and defectors.

That's because they are wahabi al-caeeda, i provided proof on page 8 or 9 of this thread, al-caeeda put their flag on Ghaddafi compound, that is proof enough that wahabi alcaeeda has a strong presence in Libya and now they are blowing people up in Syria.
Yeah everyone who dares to stand against brutal dictators is wahabi al qaeda. What a sad clown.

That's because the Bahrainis weren't blowing up hospitals, mosques, or hiding behind civilians like wahabi alcaeeda does. Not to mention Bahrainis didn't have weapons to defend themselves with, unlike wahabi alcaeeda in Libya and now Syria.
In Bahrain protesters were sitting in main square for many weeks before police removed them. In Syria protestors were slaughtered like sheeps when they just went to streets.

As for blowing Mosques, its done by your beloved Qaddafi and Assad:

**MUST SEE** Minaret of Mosque being targeted by Gaddafi's men - YouTube


No, wahabi alcaeeda will win, not Muslim brotherhood. Muslim brotherhood didn't win in Libya, but alcaeeda did, just as alcaeed's leader now released message that he supports Syrian rebels against Assad, proof enough that alcaeeda is fighting in Syria.
Give free elections and Muslim Brotherhood will win. Like in won in Tunisia and Egypt.
Don't think the Saudis can really slap anyone in the face. however they are free to cut relations with Russia their loss.
surfing through the pages of this topic gave me very good laugh :D

first racist and offensive comments from people who use false flags, it is funny how the same people talk out of topic out of desperation, also it is sad and funny in the same time, how some people still have the face to defend massacring genociding muslims/humans LOL, only some one is paid will do that not normal person :D



9 years old child murdered brutally by the baathist regime of syria


shooting randomly at defenceless civilians walking in the street


an injured protestor security forces first stomp him to death then shoot him


9 minutes videos of woman with her son on motorcycle in the city of daraa heading to the hospital to have kidney cleansing,they get sniped by assad's forces, when the people try to get them assad's snipers shoot the rescuers.


this video brought tears to my eyes though i'm a person who does not cry.

there are thousands of videos like this and even more barbaric, you can find it in seconds all over youtube.

who really defend these acts? not even animals can do, i'm sure no normal person from any religion or place in this world, with a single drop of humanity in his heart can defend these acts by bashaar and his elk.

any way it is over for bashaar, just matter of time if he kills more he will just make it harder for him self and those who support him.

لا إله الا الله محمد رسول الله ، حسبي والله ونعم الوكيل
surfing through the pages of this topic gave me very good laugh :D

first racist and offensive comments from people who use false flags, it is funny how the same people talk out of topic out of desperation, also it is sad and funny in the same time, how some people still have the face to defend massacring genociding muslims/humans LOL, only some one is paid will do that not normal person :D



9 years old child murdered brutally by the baathist regime of syria


shooting randomly at defenceless civilians walking in the street


an injured protestor security forces first stomp him to death then shoot him


9 minutes videos of woman with her son on motorcycle in the city of daraa heading to the hospital to have kidney cleansing,they get sniped by assad's forces, when the people try to get them assad's snipers shoot the rescuers.


this video brought tears to my eyes though i'm a person who does not cry.

there are thousands of videos like this and even more barbaric, you can find it in seconds all over youtube.

who really defend these acts? not even animals can do, i'm sure no normal person from any religion or place in this world, with a single drop of humanity in his heart can defend these acts by bashaar and his elk.

any way it is over for bashaar, just matter of time if he kills more he will just make it harder for him self and those who support him.

لا إله الا الله محمد رسول الله ، حسبي والله ونعم الوكيل

I don't really support Bashar's actions but the Islamists would do worse and none of that would get recorded. Their radicalized thinking and their gunman attitude would turn entire Syria's moderate mentality into something like Hizbulla or even like what pre-2001 Afghanistan was.

You must hope that someone from a non-Islamist party could come to power even if Bashar has to be replaced.
I told you there was no any removal: since 1948 in Palestine Muslim population grew more than 3 times, in Jerusalem - more than 6 times.

My suggestion to you, mate; don't bother explaining. Trust me, we're used to this bla-bla. In fact, we actually started encouraging this.

I mean come on; for all the humanity they pretend to show, they're perfectly okay with the fact that Jews were purged out of Arab lands but cannot digest the fact that you're a Jewish nation. Be proud of it and hold it strong. I am proud of my nation's ancestry and culture and everytime some loony comes screaming "secular.. non-dharmic" blah-blah, it embarrasses me to be called his fellow countryman.

Stand tall and stand proud of your ancestral heritage.

See there are two kinds of reasons why you shouldn't explain:

1- those who know you, don't need any explanation in first place.
2- those who are against you, would still not buy your explanations and would prefer seeing you downed.
Can you inform us too how could you estimate those in Syrian streets were 90% of population?You counted every one of them?

This is the line used by people who have no defense. Did you personally count every single one of them?
I don't really support Bashar's actions but the Islamists would do worse
you now literally sounds like bashaar and repeat the same words he is saying, beside how come you know what they will do? in Tunisia "islamists" as you call them took over they did not spill a single drop of blood, they did not even send a signle person to jail...beside how come you use assumptions about things never happened as justification dor murder and crimes against humanity today?

would you like a goverment in india that kills you like this? how about seikh minority goverment in india with a dictator and party like baath party in india, because when hindus take over they will do worst things and go unrecorded.

and none of that would get recorded. Their radicalized thinking and their gunman attitude would turn entire Syria's moderate mentality into something like Hizbulla or even like what pre-2001 Afghanistan was.

You must hope that someone from a non-Islamist party could come to power even if Bashar has to be replaced.

ok it is ironic how you criticise hezbollah and in the same time you support bashaar! , because Bashaar and his regime are one of the biggest supporters of hezbollah! iran is number one supporter of hezbollah and they are supporting Bashaar.

how about let the syrian people decide who leads them? whether they are communists/capitalists/islamists/secularists/atheists/buddests

they have voted against assad's with their blood thats the most credible vote in history, any way assad's is over even with out the UN, the brutal criminal regime of syria is crummbling and falling down, the Free Syrian Army reached damascus, protesters now inside damascus it self.
you now literally sounds like bashaar and repeat the same words he is saying, beside how come you know what they will do? in Tunisia "islamists" as you call them took over they did not spill a single drop of blood, they did not even send a signle person to jail...beside how come you use assumptions about things never happened as justification dor murder and crimes against humanity today?

Initially they'd need support. I would prefer Bashar removed for his atrocities but there has to be a third alternative for Syria.

would you like a goverment in india that kills you like this? how about seikh minority goverment in india with a dictator and party like baath party in india, because when hindus take over they will do worst things and go unrecorded.

:). You're not very familiar about our kind, my friend. Sikhism, mainstream Hinduism and my own path, Buddhism are not different "religions" as the western world has classified. We visit each others' temples, practise the common methods of worship and have similar beliefs. It is hard to describe this in english but in a nutshell we're branches of the same common tree.

So having a Sikh ruler would never be a problem for us or for that matter a Buddhist or a mainstream Hindu ruler. Heck, a Sikh just now is our PM, one is about to become the general of our armed forces in the coming days. :).

ok it is ironic how you criticise hezbollah and in the same time you support bashaar! , because Bashaar and his regime are one of the biggest supporters of hezbollah! iran is number one supporter of hezbollah and they are supporting Bashaar.

I never said Bashar was a good guy. Don' twist my words. He's crossed all lines of decency and must be removed. But a religiously moderate and a more civil government sort of a person would be most ideal for the moderate Syrian society rather than another hezbolla wannabe government coming to power there. That's the thing I am saying. Not supporting Bashar.

how about let the syrian people decide who leads them? whether they are communists/capitalists/islamists/secularists/atheists/buddests

It was just an opinion man. BTW you do realize that emotions run really strong at a turbulent time like this and people are ready to accept anyone who opposes the "Current evil". This is where radicals would show themselves as benign and capitalize on the serious situation.

Syria won't be the only one; Russians fell into this trap during the last days of the Czar thinking that Communism would rid htem off the tyranny. Instead it got them into even more shyte than before.

This is what I say should be avoided in syria.
Desert Fox... You really are a hypocrite you know that right?

There was no ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabakh?

February 25 to 26, 1992

613 people were killed, among them: 63 children, 106 women, 70 elderly. It was the most notorious massacre in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Military Communucation

6721 KHz Frequency, OSM-7 HQ IN VARDENS, ARMENIA

OSM-7: All the Kharitonian oaks trees and aspens be exterminetided at once. Notify the guys, They know what to do. Clear?

Hurricane-1: Yes, I've got it.

OSM-7: D it urgently by means of the big or small ones. Not a single should be left in the area whatsoever. Clear?

OSM-7: I am looking forward for your response. It should ideally clean everywhere.
Desert Fox... You really are a hypocrite you know that right?
I know you are a hypocrite, you know that right? Deno? Now stop acting like a belly dancer.

There was no ethnic cleansing in Nagorno Karabakh?

February 25 to 26, 1992

613 people were killed, among them: 63 children, 106 women, 70 elderly. It was the most notorious massacre in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Military Communucation

6721 KHz Frequency, OSM-7 HQ IN VARDENS, ARMENIA

OSM-7: All the Kharitonian oaks trees and aspens be exterminetided at once. Notify the guys, They know what to do. Clear?

Hurricane-1: Yes, I've got it.

OSM-7: D it urgently by means of the big or small ones. Not a single should be left in the area whatsoever. Clear?

OSM-7: I am looking forward for your response. It should ideally clean everywhere.

I don't know where you are getting these numbers from.
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