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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

everybody know you are nothing but a terrorist, you can come on a Pakistani forum to get some sympathy but go out to the western world and you will see who is lying.

S-19 fell in love with this guy. Just goes to show the true nature of that guy.
Right...so some guy claims his relatives died in 9/11, and because Buzurg Shaytan relased tapes 'proving' that KSA was behind it, we should all start hating KSA. Not to mention we don't even know if this guy's claim is true.

Your opinion... your right. :rolleyes: Why do you disrespect others? :tdown:

If we had a DRaisinHerald whose father died in 9/11 terrorist attack, we would have a somebody here with a quite different view.. isn't it?
I met a huuuuge number of people online and when you confront them for their racism they immediately claim they know someone that died in 9/11. It has been over played so much that it is only .0001% chance it is true.

Hello fellow Wahabbi ! Why do they hate us so much ? I mean its ironic when the United States and the rest of the World claims that Osama, Al-Qaeeda and the rest of those vermin where 'Muslim Terrorists' they are quick to point out that 'Terrorism' has no religion or ideology and yet when the same logic is applied to 'Wahabbism' somehow the reasoning is binned in favour of an all out vitriol against us !

Any way...enjoy :

everybody know you are nothing but a terrorist, you can come on a Pakistani forum to get some sympathy but go out to the western world and you will see who is lying.

If I'm not mistaken the rest of the 'Western World' is pointing fingers at Iran or Pakistan ! Saudi Arabia isn't on the cards...yet !
If we had a DRaisinHerald whose father died in 9/11 terrorist attack, we would have a somebody here with a quite different view.. isn't it?

Actually is something like that happened, I wouldn't be on a internet forum crying about it. And I certainly wouldn't start hating a whole race, linguistic group, religious sect or country because of it.
these terrorist coming here and trying to brain wash people.
USA killed these terrorists SOB yes some civilized were killed but those were by accident and I pray for them.
now tell me these camel fckers kill by accident.

If I'm not mistaken the rest of the 'Western World' is pointing fingers at Iran or Pakistan ! Saudi Arabia isn't on the cards...yet !
You are watching too much crap, I never seen an Iranian get seen as a terrorists here in the uk.
the newspapers alway say BS.
saudi arabian are hated in the USA and UK because their culture IS terrorism.
these terrorist coming here and trying to brain wash people.
USA killed these terrorists SOB yes some civilized were killed but those were by accident and I pray for them.
now tell me these camel fckers kill by accident.

Mosa, I'm all for liberty and freedom, but thats just wrong ! Surely a Goat comes before a Camel in that progression ? :agree:
Actually is something like that happened, I wouldn't be on a internet forum crying about it. And I certainly wouldn't start hating a whole race, linguistic group, religious sect or country because of it.

Nobody, not even you know what you would do if that were to occur. So, better shut up rather than insulting someone who has lost his good friend/relative in a tragedy and making a fool out of yourself.:tdown:

If I'm not mistaken the rest of the 'Western World' is pointing fingers at Iran or Pakistan ! Saudi Arabia isn't on the cards...yet !

That is where the ideological root of terrorism lies. And for anyone who would say I'm saying Islam is the root of terrorism, no, there is another alien phenomenon which emerged from there whose name I need not mention.
these terrorist coming here and trying to brain wash people.
USA killed these terrorists SOB yes some civilized were killed but those were by accident and I pray for them.
now tell me these camel fckers kill by accident.

You are watching too much crap, I never seen an Iranian get seen as a terrorists here in the uk.
the newspapers alway say BS.
saudi arabian are hated in the USA and UK because their culture IS terrorism.

Your tantrum is very appreciated as it also points out the true nature of S-19 a favorite friend of Iranians here and what is their views. And it is people like you that drove us into standing firm with our nation and our country and our leaders in fighting the shameless propaganda directed at us from everywhere on earth. We will not forget you all of you who demonized us and dehuminzed us. We will show you all and mark my words by God we will.
Mosa, I'm all for liberty and freedom, but thats just wrong ! Surely a Goat comes before a Camel in that progression ? :agree:

Yes keep defending him.
these people are having innocent people killed in your country by suicide bomber yet you defend him. why? because he is fellow "muslims"?
If the devil came on earth tomorrow and lied by saying he is a muslim would you call him a brother? you should like mature muslims not terrorists loving group of people like saudis.
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