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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

Because it is stupid to say that any one country is responsible for the human race not being at peace.

If any one country is responsible for hurting world peace in this day and age, that country is America.

They are the ones who have invaded three separate countries in the past decade (2001-2011) alone.
Chinese friend, setting aside the American crimes and brutalities. You just can not deny the amount of terror these Wahabis from the House of Saud are exporting into the world... All these terror attacks against Shia targets in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Afghanistan are sponsored by the Wahabis. They are scum of the earth
A "Madrassa" is a Islamic religious school. Some are known to brainwash children and turn them into a teenager mullah or some extreme Madrassa's can even turn some kids into suicide bombers

...While most are simply schools for chilcren who want to learn the Din and Quran..
Unless, ofc, you're Implying the real Shaytan is Islam itself
Chinese friend, setting aside the American crimes and brutalities. You just can not deny the amount of terror these Wahabis from the House of Saud are exporting into the world... All these terror attacks against Shia targets in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Afghanistan are sponsored by the Wahabis. They are scum of the earth

Keep it comin... Keep it comin... I LOVE thisssss. HAHAHAHAHAaaa
I hope a comet hits their country and kills them all.
they are genetically terrorists.

Of course! these people are all terrorists.

This much hatred will kill you. Dont pray for something for others, which you dont want for your self. @topic, training terrorist, supporting them are part of politics and money, its not new, it was from ancient time and it will be in future, and every power greedy people or group do this, directly or indirectly. But labeling a country or its citizens as terrorist supporter is lame.
A country having money and looking for dominancy with particular propaganda through implementation of 3rd party's interests... :hitwall:

Moreover it will be injustice to point finger on single country. Need to pull out hidden country which is root cause of all crimes.
Chinese friend, setting aside the American crimes and brutalities. You just can not deny the amount of terror these Wahabis from the House of Saud are exporting into the world... All these terror attacks against Shia targets in Iraq,Syria,Lebanon,Afghanistan are sponsored by the Wahabis. They are scum of the earth

I don't really know much about that particular issue, sectarianism etc. I feel bad for anyone who dies in such incidents.

In my opinion, the real destabilizing force in the world is America, and their outposts such as Israel. At the end of the day, it is the American interests their proxies that fuel instability in the region.

And Saudi can surely help us to break the American hold over the region one day, if they choose to. That is what I hope will happen.
We're waiting for the day when an arrogant Saudi Arabia's oil runs out. They have no other source of income - no indigenous industries or agriculture worth the name. They'd become paupers begging for aid as the petro dollar jelly bag starts drying up! And that's when the world will start becoming a better place to live as the terror funding machine grinds to a halt!

I hope that's sooner than later! :smokin:
We're waiting for the day when an arrogant Saudi Arabia's oil runs out. They have no other source of income - no indigenous industries or agriculture worth the name. They'd become paupers begging for aid as the petro dollar jelly bag starts drying up! And that's when the world will start becoming a better place to live as the terror funding machine grinds to a halt!

I hope that's sooner than later! :smokin:

At one point of time I hated the world hatred for us.. But now I LOVE it. Boooooo A Saudi is coming for youuuuuu Boooooo. Hide your wife. Hide your kids and hide your husbands cuz they are Sauding errybody out ere
My friend was killed in 9/11, how would you feel if you knew someone close who was killed in Mumbai attack?

And you supposedly belive, even for a second, that it was KSA state sponsored?
You cry "America Buzurg Shaytan!" while at the same time believing in their propaganda, well done.
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