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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

Saudi Arabia is not just the biggest funder of terrorism but also creator of terrorism

Nice attempt, but you don't even know what terrorism is, do you?
It is, by virtue, a word used by gov. and the top brass in order to alert and create hatred in people towards a group; before Israel came into being, the Britishers called the Arabs and Jews of the Mandate 'terrorists'; because they rebelled against the them.
Nelson Mandela; once 'the greatest terrorist in the face of humanity and an extreme danger to whites'; turns out he was just a freedom fighter and now became a symbol of peace all around the world. Weird, huh?
Perceptions keep changing, and there's no permanent terrorist.

they are afraid to invest in their people for one reason:- they will be exposed

They already are investing in the people and the country.
Nice attempt, but you don't even know what terrorism is, do you?
It is, by virtue, a word used by gov. and the top brass in order to alert and create hatred in people towards a group; before Israel came into being, the Britishers called the Arabs and Jews of the Mandate 'terrorists'; because they rebelled against the them.
Nelson Mandela; once 'the greatest terrorist in the face of humanity and an extreme danger to whites'; turns out he was just a freedom fighter and now became a symbol of peace all around the world. Weird, huh?
Perceptions keep changing, and there's no permanent terrorist.

They already are investing in the people and the country.

pray tell me who is Saudi rebelling against?

investing in the people ohh really ? --->

Al Arabiya report on poverty in Saudi Arabia - YouTube
We're waiting for the day when an arrogant Saudi Arabia's oil runs out. They have no other source of income - no indigenous industries or agriculture worth the name. They'd become paupers begging for aid as the petro dollar jelly bag starts drying up! And that's when the world will start becoming a better place to live as the terror funding machine grinds to a halt!

I hope that's sooner than later! :smokin:

Hard luck, better luck next time.


I met a huuuuge number of people online and when you confront them for their racism they immediately claim they know someone that died in 9/11. It has been over played so much that it is only .0001% chance it is true.

Just wondering if KSA is the culprit for 9/11 then why USA still gives them visas?

"The number of Saudis studying in the United States has soared recently with more than 50,000 of them currently enrolled in US colleges and universities, reflecting the strong relationship between Washington and Riyadh in the education sector and other fields."

Saudi students throng US stall at education fair - Arab News
Look what I found:

A saudi's opinion on his homeland's medieval education system which is producing the hundreds of suicide bombers we've seen in the past decade alone.

This medieval Saudi education system must be reformed

The current textbooks do not spare most Muslims from the accusations of polytheism, deviance, hypocrisy, and outright apostasy. For example, the 12th grade book on "monotheism" claims that many in the Muslim world community have returned to polytheism. That could be ignored until you know what the texts teach about polytheists. In the classical Takfiri (declaring others to be outside of religion's bounds) style, the text allows for the killing of apostates and polytheists, and it does not take much to qualify as one or the other. Membership in capitalist, communist or secular groups makes you an apostate, and disagreeing with the Wahhabi/Salafi anthropomorphic characterisation of God makes you a polytheist.

The texts offer a chilling definition of murder as the intentional killing of "protected souls." You won't object very much until you know who meets the definition of a "protected soul". Let us see if you are among those who are protected. The text explains that "protected souls" include free Muslims, free (non-slave) non-Muslim citizens of Muslim countries, and non-Muslims who travel to Muslim countries by invitation of Muslim hosts. The rest are not deserving of the status of a "protected soul". If this is not license to kill the majority of the world's population, I am not sure what is.

Very chilling stuff


One of that most disturbing messages offered by the textbooks is that slavery is legitimate, and that young children can be married by their fathers to adults or other children. Child marriage is legal in Saudi Arabia and girls as young as four have been married in Saudi courts. To understand the mentality of these texts' authors, you need to wonder why there is not a single photo of a living being throughout the entire 12 years of educational text that I have reviewed. The authors believe that photography is polytheistic, and they make that clear in several lessons dedicated to such teachings
There are countless madrassas in India and most have them are funded from gulf money. But I don't they are producing any suicide bombers. I think the government of Pakistan can cure this menacec by taking courageous steps.
that does happen in big cities, i think they are granted a licences of some sort but that system does not exist in North-Western regions

I strongly feel religion should be invoked for love and peace. War, revenge retaliation should be motivated by love for one's motherland and not religion. Religious is literally uncontrollable and spread to any place. I think the remains of Afghan Jihad are the problem for Pakistan. Some of these next generation militants have links with middle east and funding is no problem for them.

In Afghanistan it is done by Afghan Taliban. Do Pakistanis think they are terrorists??
Not at all. They are at the service of the Zionist and the west. You will find all the death and destruction in Muslim countries only. All the suicide bombing carried out in Iraq Pakistan Afghanistan if killed 1 foreign national, it killed 100s own nationals. They don't let the peace prevail and that's the Zionist agenda....
A "Madrassa" is a Islamic religious school. Some are known to brainwash children and turn them into a teenager mullah or some extreme Madrassa's can even turn some kids into suicide bombers
But do tell me something does a school like KGC or APC or even Beaconhouse offer you free education, lodging and three times food a day free of cost?....
Are you calling most of middle east as terrorist nations????? I mean exluding Iran, Iraq and Syria???
GCC combined with zionists are the real terrorists, what more evidence do you need?

You are the terrorist & terrorist sympathiser,

ohh boyy you think you are your govt with get away so easily ? Saudi/GCC govt is responsible for funding/financing radicalising people to fight a zionist war againsts all humans.
=Al Bhatti;2868838]Hard luck, better luck next time.

You are a Pakistani you no that right,Saudies having money or not can't possibly effect you in any possible way+electric cars hybrids and other techs are catching on its no longer a matter of luck.


Just wondering if KSA is the culprit for 9/11 then why USA still gives them visas?

They help them kill and destroy Muslim countries dahhhhhhhhhh.

"The number of Saudis studying in the United States has soared recently with more than 50,000 of them currently enrolled in US colleges and universities, reflecting the strong relationship between Washington and Riyadh in the education sector and other fields."

Yet in Pakistan your country and Afghanistan they pay the terrorist to destroy schools and kills engineers, professors and other educated personals but you are telling us how many of them are in US universities.

Private Universities don't care if you fail or pass as long as you pay the mighty fees and being foreign students i am sure these Saudis pay top dollar.
but being a Pakistani yourself i am not sure which part of 50 or 100,000 Saudi going to school or college benefits you? and do you not see what saudi money has done to Pakistan who are you people?
Some rich Saudi folks may be funding terrorists and the like.

But I really doubt if the government is funding them. Can you imagine the kind of response they'd get from the US? After all, they are flying F-15s.
Some rich Saudi folks may be funding terrorists and the like.

But I really doubt if the government is funding them. Can you imagine the kind of response they'd get from the US? After all, they are flying F-15s.

yes USA will stop them immediately from killing Muslims or helping USA destroy Muslim nations you are absolutely right.
yes USA will stop them immediately from killing Muslims or helping USA destroy Muslim nations you are absolutely right.

Their government kill Muslims in large numbers? Where?

Since when did the US set out destroying Muslim nations? A bunch of USAF guys visited my country today for an exercises. Does that count as "Oh look, those evil Yankees are trying to destroy my nation"???

American soldiers have died from suicide attacks in Iraq. And if they knew that the funding came from the Saudi government, do you seriously think they'd still be doing business with one another? Do you honestly think they are that stupid?
Terrorism in Saudi Arabia​


On November 17, in central Riyadh at the junction of Oruba/Olaya road, a car bomb killed British national Christopher Rodway and injured his wife Jane. The bomb was placed underneath his vehicle and detonated as it approached a traffic signal.

The following week on November 22, in Riyadh close to the RSAF HQ, a car bomb detonated on a vehicle driven by British national Mark Payne. Although the driver and his three passengers were injured, all survived the attack.

Less than one month later on December 15 in Al Khobar, a small IED in a juice carton left on the vehicle (in the parking lot of the Souks Supermarket - now Panda) of British national David Brown exploded as he attempted to remove it. Brown survived but lost his sight and part of his right hand.


On January 10, a small bomb exploded outside the Euromarche supermarket in Riyadh. There were no casualties.

A bomb placed in a waste bin outside the Jarir bookstore on Oleya Road in central Riyadh on March 15 injured British national Ron Jones. Jones, American Charles Bayar, and Canadian David Soni , all employees of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), were taken from hospital and arrested by Saudi authorities. During detention, Jones was subjected to torture to extract a 'confession' before being released without charge after 67 days.[2] Soni was treated similarly, and released along with Jones. Unable to work due to their harsh treatment in detention, Jones and Soni left Saudi Arabia soon thereafter. Bayar was held in solitary confinement, was closely interrogated but not tortured, did not sign any confession, and was released after 11 days without charge after the U.S. State Department (through the behind-the-scenes efforts of Bayar's wife Julia, a former Washington DC lobbyist, which secured the intercession of Bayar's local U.S. congressman and U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a West Point classmate of Bayar's) issued a formal demarche to the Saudi Government demanding consular access to Bayar. He returned to work at SABIC but left Saudi Arabia without authorization in January 2002 to resume his law practice in New York.

On May 3, an American doctor Gary Hatch received injuries to his face and hands after opening a parcel bomb in his office in Al Khobar.

On the eve of the U.S. strike on Afghanistan on October 6, a pedestrian suicide bomber (who Saudi authorities claim to have been a Palestinian dentist) killed an 33 year old American employee of Halliburton from Duncan, Oklahoma: Michael Jerrald Martin, outside the popular Metropolitan Store (Mushiri Trading) in Al Khobar. An American co-worker, Keith Maples, was also injured, as well as one Briton and two Filipinos.
U.K. citizen involvement

Publicly, the Saudi authorities blamed the car bombing campaign on a small group of western expatriates, mainly British, who they claimed were fighting a turf war over the illegal distribution of alcohol. All of those involved in the 'alcohol trade' were arrested and detained. Despite the arrests, the attacks on western nationals continued.

Early in 2001, video taped 'confessions' by William Sampson and Sandy Mitchell were aired on Saudi state TV channels. Apart from the confessions, which both men later retracted, there was no evidence to link any of the western detainees to the bombing campaign. Sampson and Mitchell were later sentenced to death but were eventually released (but not pardoned) along with several other British detainees in August 2003 in a prisoner exchange deal brokered by the UK and US for Saudi detainees from Guantanamo Bay. Both men maintain their innocence, citing torture was used to extract 'confessions.' Court action taken in the UK by the men since their release failed after the UK High Court supported Saudi Arabia's defense under the State Immunity Act 1978.

In their interrogation of suspects and in charges brought against detainees, the Saudi Mabahith were wholly uninterested in alcohol trading and did not charge the men with alcohol offenses. Those charged with the murders were accused of carrying out the attacks on behalf of MI6, the British Secret Intelligence Service. Diplomats from the British Embassy in Riyadh were investigated by Scotland Yard and cleared of any involvement. One of those investigated was Deputy Head of Mission in Riyadh, Simon McDonald, who was later appointed British Ambassador to Israel. Although British Embassy officials in Riyadh were aware of the continuing abuse of detainees, they failed to secure the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London in pushing hard for their release.


In May, a Sudanese national attempted to shoot down a U.S. fighter jet taking off from the Prince Sultan Air Base with an SA-7 missile. The attempt failed, and in June the Saudis arrested several suspects.[3]

A month later on June 20, in the Riyadh suburb of Al Nakheel, a British national, Simon Veness, a 35 year old bank employee, was killed after a bomb placed underneath his vehicle exploded a few seconds after he set off for work.

On June 29, a car bomb placed on the vehicle of an American couple in Riyadh was disarmed by Saudi authorities.

On September 29, a car bomb killed German national Max Graf in central Riyadh.


On February 20, Robert Dent, an employee for BAE Systems was shot to death in his car while waiting at a traffic signal in the Granada district of Riyadh.

A Saudi was killed on March 18 in an explosion at a villa in the Al Jazira district of Riyadh where police uncovered a cache of arms and explosives. It is believed that he was manufacturing a bomb at the time.

At a house in the same district of Riyadh on May 6, police were involved in a shootout with suspected militants. All nineteen suspects escaped and police unearthed another large cache of arms and explosives.

The insurgency took a giant leap forward with the Riyadh Compound Bombings; on May 12, attackers drove three car bombs into residential compounds housing Westerners and others, killing 26 people. Nine bombers also died. The compound bombings led to a harsh crackdown against militants by the Saudi government who until this point had been in denial about the terrorist threat within the Kingdom. Police and National Guard troops were involved in hundreds of raids, seizing weapons and equipment used by the militants. Throughout most of 2003, these helped in keeping the anti-foreigner attacks down.

On November 8, hours after the U.S. embassy issued a warning about attacks in Saudi Arabia, a truck bomb struck the al-Mohaya residential compound in Riyadh, killing 17 workers and injured more than 100. Most of the victims were Muslims, prompting outcry among Saudi citizens.


After the Muhaya bombing, militants either halted or were prevented from committing their attacks. Security forces continued their raids and arrests. On April 21, a car bomb struck a building originally used by the Saudi police, killing five and injuring 148. This marked the start of a new campaign by the militants.

On May 1, the 2004 Yanbu attack left six Westerners and a Saudi dead. The attackers were killed or captured.

On May 22, German chef Hermann Dengl was shot to death in Riyadh at an automated teller machine by Panda exit 10.

On May 29, the militants staged one of their most complex attacks, known as the 29 May 2004 Al-Khobar massacres. Gunmen scaled a fence of the Oasis compound, which houses the employees of foreign oil companies, and took dozens hostage. They are said to have separated Christians and Muslims and shot the Christians. Of those killed, 19 were foreign civilians; the rest were Saudis. The gunmen escaped.

On June 6, gunmen shot and killed an Irish cameraman of the BBC, Simon Cumbers, and also wounded reporter Frank Gardner.

On June 8, American Robert Jacobs of Vinnell Corp. was shot in his Riyadh villa.[4]

Another American expatriate, Kenneth Scroggs, was shot to death by two gunmen outside his home in Riyadh on June 13, and an American working for Lockheed Martin, Paul Marshall Johnson, was kidnapped at a fake police checkpoint in Riyadh.

On June 18, Johnson was reported beheaded in a video released to the news media. On the same day, Saudi security forces killed Abdel Aziz al-Muqrin, at that time the country's most wanted man.[5]

On August 3, Anthony Higgins, an Irish expatriate, was shot and killed at his desk at the Saudi-owned Rocky for Trade and Construction company, in the Al Rawda district of Riyadh. The attackers' use of silencers on the pistols led investigators to believe it was an act of premeditated murder and not simply an act terrorism aimed indiscriminately at the expatriate community. Tony, who had worked in the Kingdom for almost 25 years, had been an active member of Saudi Arabia's underground church and although unconfirmed, most who knew him, believe he was gunned down for his impassioned but indiscreet efforts to spread the Christian faith within Saudi Arabia.

On September 15, Edward Muirhead-Smith, a British man working for Marconi, was shot to death in his car outside a supermarket in Riyadh.

On September 26, Frenchman Laurent Barbot, an employee of a defense electronics firm, was shot to death in his car in Jeddah.

On December 6, militants staged perhaps their most brazen attack, the storming of the American consulate in Jeddah. They breached the compound's outer wall and began shooting, though they did not enter the consulate itself. A Yemeni, a Sudanese, a Filipino, a Pakistani and a Sri Lankan—all employees of the consulate—were killed, and about ten others were wounded. All of the gunmen were killed.

On December 29, suicide car bombs exploded outside of the Saudi Interior Ministry and the Special Emergency Force training center, killing a passerby and wounding several others. Though damage to each building was incurred, the attacks did not result in large-scale casualties, and was the last significant attack of the insurgency. Two suicide bombers were killed.[6]


Saudi security forces made a great deal of successes against insurgents. Many militants were captured and several killed, many by American forces in Iraq. One of these, Saleh al-Oufi, who was killed on August 18.

Saudi security forces and Al-Qaeda cell members waged a three-day gunfight starting April 3 in the town of Al-Ras in the Qassim region. Security men killed 14 militants, wounded six others and captured three. Among the dead were Saud Bin Hommoud Al-Quatii, a weapons smuggler, explosives expert and Afghanistan veteran, and Kareem Al-Tihami Idriss Al-Mejjati, a Moroccan extremist suspected of bombings in Casablanca. Other slain militants included ani Bin Abdullah Al-Joaithen, a suspect in the Al-Muayya residential compound bombing in Riyadh in November 2003; Faisal Bin Muhammad Al-Baidhani, an explosives expert responsible for the December 2004 bombing of the Ministry of Interior building and emergency forces headquarters; Majed Bin Muhammad Al-Masoud, Fawaz Mufdi Al-Anazi, Abdul Rahman Bin Abdullah Al-Jarboue, Nawaf Bin Naif Al-Hafi and Abdussalam Bin Suleiman Al-Khudairy. [7]

On December 28, Saudi security services killed Abdul Rahman Al-Suwailemi and Abdul Rahman ibn Salen Al-Miteb in separate incidents. In the morning, Al-Miteb was stopped by two policemen and opened fire, killing both. This set off a running firefight, during which three other policemen were killed. Automatic weapons, grenades, forged documents, and almost half a million riyals in cash were also seized.

Despite these successes, foreign governments still have travel warnings in effect for Saudi Arabia.


While attacks by militants have decreased dramatically since late 2004, violent incidents still occasionally occur. On February 24, two explosive-laden cars tried to enter the Abqaiq oil plant, the largest such facility in the world and producer of 60% of Saudi Arabian oil. Both cars exploded when fired upon by guards, killing the two bombers and two guards. A successful attack could have seriously crippled oil production.[8]

In June, six militants and a policeman were killed in a gun battle in Riyadh.[9]


On February 4, Saudi security forces arrested ten people suspected of fundraising for "suspicious groups" outside of Saudi Arabia that engage in terrorism. Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Mansour Al-Turki said seven Saudi citizens and one foreign resident were arrested in Jeddah while two Saudi citizens were arrested in Medinah. A-Turki went on to say, "We know of the group's activity as a whole but we also need to define the role of each of the arrested members." The Interior Ministry issued a statement saying, "Security forces, in the framework of their efforts to fight terrorism and its funding have arrested a group of suspects believed to be responsible for collecting donations illegally and smuggling the money to suspicious groups that use it in deceiving the sons of this nation and dragging them to disturbed areas."[10]

In March, lawyers for some of the accused defended their clients by stating they were simply peaceful reformists. A petition was delivered to King Abdullah asking that he consider a constitutional monarchy, and was signed by 100 prominent business leaders and academics.

On February 26, suspected militants attacked a group of nine French citizens who were returning from the historical site of Madain Saleh in the northwest of Saudi Arabia. The group, traveling in three vehicles had been looking for remnants of the Hejaz railway track and had apparently stopped for a rest approx 90 km north of Madinah when three assailants traveling in a 4x4 vehicle stopped then singled out and shot all four males in the group. Two died at the scene, a third en route to hospital and the fourth, a sixteen year old boy, died the following day after undergoing surgery to remove a bullet from his lung. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. On March 7, authorities announced the arrest of several suspects and stated that they were hunting two named individuals in connection with the attack.

On April 6, security forces were involved in a gunbattle with militants at a property 20 km outside Madinah. One of the militants, a Saudi national named as Waleed Ibn Mutlaq Al Radadi, was killed in the shootout. One police officer was also killed and several were injured. Al Radadi had appeared on a list of 36 most-wanted terrorists in 2005. An Interior Ministry spokesman said that the shootout was linked to an investigation into the killings of the French expatriates in February.

On April 19, Saudi authorities announced the arrest of eight people who had allegedly aided and abetted in the killings of the French expatriates in February. They also stated that Al Radadi had been the mastermind behind the killings.

On April 27, the Saudi Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 172 terrorist suspects in a series of raids on seven cells in the Kingdom in an operation lasting several months. The largest of the cells numbered 61 members. Unprecedented amounts of explosives and weapons of various types were uncovered after being buried in the desert. Also recovered was over $US5 million in cash. Some of the cells had trained as pilots and planned attacks on military and oil installations as well as the assassinations of high profile individuals. Most of the suspects were said to be Saudi nationals.

On November 28, security forces arrested 208 terrorist suspects across the country.


On 28 August, A suicide bomber blew himself up in Jeddah during a Ramadan gathering that included Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, head of the security services. It was the first attempt on the life of a royal since the murder of King Faisal in 1975.[11] The prince was treated at a hospital and released.


On 26 June 2011,[12] the Specialized Criminal Court, a non-Sharia court created in 2008,[13] started hearing charges including "possessing explosives, missiles, military weapons, and chemical materials and smuggling said items into the country for terrorist acts on behalf of al-Qaeda" against 85 people. The charges included involvement in the Riyadh compound bombings.[12]

In September 2011, 38 Saudi citizens and three others suspected of being involved in al-Qaeda appeared in the Specialized Criminal Court on charges including "training in militant camps in Pakistan, fighting in Iraq [with] Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, financing terrorism, transporting weapons, forging documents, inciting militants to fight in Iraq and [harbouring] suspected [terrorists]".[14]

An unnamed 45-year old woman was tried in the Specialized Criminal Court starting on 31 July 2011. On 29 October 2011 she was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment for "sheltering people wanted for security related matters and inciting terror acts in the kingdom, possessing two pistols [that she gave to militants] and financing terrorism and terror acts through collecting more than 1 million United States dollars ... and sending the money to [al-Qaeda]." The woman denied the charges and said that she had been kidnapped by two al-Qaeda members with whom she had previously been married.[15]

Terrorism in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Their government kill Muslims in large numbers? Where?

Since when did the US set out destroying Muslim nations? A bunch of USAF guys visited my country today for an exercises. Does that count as "Oh look, those evil Yankees are trying to destroy my nation"???

American soldiers have died from suicide attacks in Iraq. And if they knew that the funding came from the Saudi government, do you seriously think they'd still be doing business with one another? Do you honestly think they are that stupid?

we are not here to cure ignorance and stupidity, may i suggest you read these forums or ask people with eyes and brains it shouldn't take you that long to get all the answers you are looking for that is if you are willing to accept the reality.
This is really really funny and the height of ignorance. People saying that the Saudi royal family is supporting the very Group that is trying to assassinate its members..... Really conspiracy theories know no bounds:

"Assassination attempt
On August 27, 2009, Muhammed was slightly injured by Abdullah Hassan Al Aseery (al-Asiri), a suicide bomber linked to Al-Qaida. Al Aseery spoke to the Prince a few days prior to the bombing and expressed a desire to turn himself in as part of the country's terrorist rehabilitation program. This was an apparent ploy to get admitted to the Prince's palace. Al Aseery is believed to have traveled to Jeddah from the Yemen's province, Marib. During Ramadan, Al Aseery waited in line at the Prince's Jeddah home as "well-wisher" . He exploded a suicide bomb, killing himself, but only slightly injuring the Prince, who was protected from the full force of the blast by Al Aseery's body.[8][9][10] Muhammad appeared on state television with a bandage around two of his fingers on his left hand. He stated, "I did not want him to be searched, but he surprised me by blowing himself up. However, this will only increase my determination to fight terrorism in the kingdom." [11][12]

This was the first assassination attempt against a royal family member since 2003, when Saudi Arabia faced a sharp uptick in al-Qaeda linked attacks."

Muhammad bin Nayef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is really really funny and the height of ignorance. People saying that the Saudi royal family is supporting the very Group that is trying to assassinate its members..... Really conspiracy theories know no bounds:

"Assassination attempt
On August 27, 2009, Muhammed was slightly injured by Abdullah Hassan Al Aseery (al-Asiri), a suicide bomber linked to Al-Qaida. Al Aseery spoke to the Prince a few days prior to the bombing and expressed a desire to turn himself in as part of the country's terrorist rehabilitation program. This was an apparent ploy to get admitted to the Prince's palace. Al Aseery is believed to have traveled to Jeddah from the Yemen's province, Marib. During Ramadan, Al Aseery waited in line at the Prince's Jeddah home as "well-wisher" . He exploded a suicide bomb, killing himself, but only slightly injuring the Prince, who was protected from the full force of the blast by Al Aseery's body.[8][9][10] Muhammad appeared on state television with a bandage around two of his fingers on his left hand. He stated, "I did not want him to be searched, but he surprised me by blowing himself up. However, this will only increase my determination to fight terrorism in the kingdom." [11][12]

This was the first assassination attempt against a royal family member since 2003, when Saudi Arabia faced a sharp uptick in al-Qaeda linked attacks."

Muhammad bin Nayef - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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