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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

If that were true then we wouldn't have had some really, really nasty guys coming out of the Iranian Cultural Centres here in Pakistan, in the past ! No one...has a monopoly on Terrorism...except the one who commit it and those who instigate it ! One might even argue what the Pakistani Establishment has been incessantly talking about for the past 5-6 years i.e those terrorists who blow themselves up in Pakistan have connections with India or even the United States ! Ironically enough the Afghan Taliban who were actually recognized by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE...haven't been involved in a single incident against Pakistani Forces or the People of Pakistan ! Additionally, I would counsel you to actually read the works of 'Abdul Wahab' because, whereas I may not agree with it wholeheartedly, the idea was really good and no where does he talk about such barbarity that is instigated by these terrorists !

You are only analysing it in the context of your country, that too impartially and in a very selfish manner.

- Sectarian shia-sunni war in iraq, claimed 500k lives. Suicide bombers mainly of Saudi origin.

- Wahabi ideology in Afghanistan has never allowed the country to remain at peace since 1978 after the communist revolution. Killed countless in war against USSR and insurgency against government. Civil war. Then the US invasion.

- Destruction of Chechnya, hundreds of thousands killed due to this extremist ideology. Whole city destroyed

- 9/11 and numerous other terrorist attacks.

- Saddam, backed by these Saudis, killed hundreds of thousands of shias ......


I have read Wahab's "Kitab-at-Tawhid". At first glance you would find nothing harmful there. But it is the mode of interpretation which is the culprit. At that time it is understandable as some muslims were deviant from true islam and worshipping graves etc. but at present, that "mode" of interpretation has become a culprit in itself. Certain quranic verses (I can bring the examples) are being interpreted as permission to kill non-believers when actually the context under which those verses were revealed is something else entirely. I consider "wahabi" ideology to be at the root of this (not Abdul wahab himself) because the mode of interpretation comes from his literatures.
Haha yes, you've been to Pakistan and know it all :lol: Most people on this forum aren't what they claim to be, you can't base a whole nation because of few online trollers on an anonymous forum were claiming 'We're Pakistani, and hey look, we hate 'Wahhabis/Arabs/KSA'' :disagree:

My dear Sir, this is but partially true.

Unfortunately Pakistanis have not learned how to be loyal to their motherland. So we are divided along sectarian and ethnic lines regardless of our educational background and our social status.

We claim to be Musalmaans, but in reality our actions do not show that. No I am not judging anyone's Musalmaaniat. I am just pointing out the fact that our actions do not show we believe in anything more than petty-corruption and thievery.

In our homes, husbands are not loyal to wives and wives are not loyal to husbands. yes we brag about our family values while throwing all the good things in the gutter.

In our offices, we are not loyal to our superiors and our superiors are not loyal to the company/department

In our streets, we are not loyal to our Mohallah, our playgrounds, and thus end up defecating either literally or virtually and thus turning our beautiful streets and towns into garbage dumps.

In our mosques we are not loyal to Allah, we just say it, while doing everything that Allah forbade us to do.

In our towns, we divide ourselves proudly along biradaris and tribes and look down upon other tribes and biradaris for one reason or the other.

Many of us who settle down in the West, turn out to be the 5th columnist, hating the very countries who give us citizenships and asylums. We live in New Yorks of the world, and actively work to destroy the very cities we live in. What can I say, we have lost the very concept of loyalty.

So yes some of you are Wahabis, and some of you are Shias, and some you are perhaps Sunnis or whatever.

Some of you claim to be loyal to Saudi Mullahs and some of you claim to be loyal to Irani Ayatullahs.

So you are all loyal to everything but to your own country and your motherland.

No wonder our beautiful country is on a constant downhill journey straight towards Jahiliyaah, hatefulness, sectarianism, and ethnic fascism.

You're the one lecturing me on inferiority complex? Silly boy, change your flags to your real country and then come and lecture me :disagree:

make yourself known if you have the guts, and you will see what will happen to you in the UK.

You dare live in a country who people suffered from extremist and yet you call me one.
I am not the one blowing up buses.

So is it going to be one of these :


Or one of these :

You are only analysing it in the context of your country, that too impartially and in a very selfish manner

Wahhabi ideology is basically the ideology that 'Quran reigns supreme' as far as I know. Hence Wahhabis take the Quran more seriosuly and give less importance to Hadith. Mosa can correct me if I'm wrong..

The word Wahhabi itself is being misused like the word 'Islamist' (which logically speaking, should simply mean Muslim) and the word 'Fundamentalist' (which, again logically, should simply mean one who follows the fundamentals, which is obviously a necessity of every religion)
I never respected the BNP here in UK.
but after seeing the comment made here I have changed my mind.
we will see how much you enjoy seeing them slowly rise to the top.
you dare call me lier, you dare live in nation who lost lives due to extremists.

yes keep hiding yourself, one day god willing you will pay for it.
Wahhabi ideology is basically the ideology that 'Quran reigns supreme' as far as I know. Hence Wahhabis take the Quran more seriosuly and give less importance to Hadith. Mosa can correct me if I'm wrong..

Yes you are wrong because there is no such thing as a Wahhabi ideology in the first place. The word Wahhabi is originated from Iran to distance KSA from the Sunni world since Saudi Arabia drew strength from the Sunni world and thus it is painting it as something that is new entirely and not Sunni you see. It is only people like Poseidon and S-19 who clearly shown their hatred that tend to propagate this idea.
Nothing will happen? keep thinking that.
you support extremists, if you dare then why not make yourself heard?

I love to see how nothing will happen.

LOL, the metropolitan police would be knocking his door right there and then.

Last time I heard, some guy named "Azhar" made fun of British soldiers in his FB status and he got thrown in jail for that alone. :wub:
LOL, the metropolitan police would be knocking his door right there and then.

Last time I heard, some guy named "Azhar" made fun of British soldiers in his FB status and he got thrown in jail for that alone. :wub:

That is why I asked him to make himself known.
he will be send to guantana where he belongs.
You are only analysing it in the context of your country, that too impartially and in a very selfish manner.

- Sectarian shia-sunni war in iraq, claimed 500k lives. Suicide bombers mainly of Saudi origin.

- Wahabi ideology in Afghanistan has never allowed the country to remain at peace since 1978 after the communist revolution. Killed countless in war against USSR and insurgency against government. Civil war. Then the US invasion.

- Destruction of Chechnya, hundreds of thousands killed due to this extremist ideology. Whole city destroyed

- 9/11 and numerous other terrorist attacks.

- Saddam, backed by these Saudis, killed hundreds of thousands of shias ......


I have read Wahab's "Kitab-at-Tawhid". At first glance you would find nothing harmful there. But it is the mode of interpretation which is the culprit. At that time it is understandable as some muslims were deviant from true islam and worshipping graves etc. but at present, that "mode" of interpretation has become a culprit in itself. Certain quranic verses (I can bring the examples) are being interpreted as permission to kill non-believers when actually the context under which those verses were revealed is something else entirely. I consider "wahabi" ideology to be at the root of this (not Abdul wahab himself) because the mode of interpretation comes from his literatures.

If the Sunni and the Shi'ites are butchering each other...then both sides are to ne blamed ! I personally know a couple of Shi'ites who were so disgruntled by Iran's incessant attempts at exporting their Revolution through the Iranian Cultural Centres and arming Shi'ite militant groups in Pakistan that they even petitioned the Bureaucracy to regulate these Cultural Centres....so my friend its never one-sided. Additionally, I have a few family members who immigrated from Iran to present day Pakistan because Sunnis were treated like sh*t in Iran in the backdrop of the Revolution...so its not the ideology but extremism thats the key !

Do you have any idea what we - the Allies - did in Afghanistan ? It wasn't the Wahhabi Ideology but a perversion of Islam that was taught to those Afghans and Pakistanis alike to win the Cold War. We used Islam and Saudi Arabia wasn't even a very bigger player in that !

In Iraq - Whereas Saddam might have been supported by Saudi Arabia (though judging by history...the first Gulf War anyone ? it probably isn't true), Moqtada Al Sadr (I dunno what the spellings are) were supported by Iran ! So blaming Saudi Arabia for all the ills in the Muslim World...is being criminally negligent of the facts !
If the Sunni and the Shi'ites are butchering each other...then both sides are to ne blamed ! I personally know a couple of Shi'ites who were so disgruntled by Iran's incessant attempts at exporting their Revolution through the Iranian Cultural Centres and arming Shi'ite militant groups in Pakistan that they even petitioned the Bureaucracy to regulate these Cultural Centres....so my friend its never one-sided. Additionally, I have a few family members who immigrated from Iran to present day Pakistan because Sunnis were treated like sh*t in Iran in the backdrop of the Revolution...so its not the ideology but extremism thats the key !

Do you have any idea what we - the Allies - did in Afghanistan ? It wasn't the Wahhabi Ideology but a perversion of Islam that was taught to those Afghans and Pakistanis alike to win the Cold War. We used Islam and Saudi Arabia wasn't even a very bigger player in that !

In Iraq - Whereas Saddam might have been supported by Saudi Arabia (though judging by history...the first Gulf War anyone ? it probably isn't true), Moqtada Al Sadr (I dunno what the spellings are) were supported by Iran ! So blaming Saudi Arabia for all the ills in the Muslim World...is being criminally negligent of the facts !

They fear us. They know our strength, their hatred only gives us more fuel to keep on going. To keep on building our nation to shove it in their face. To make them regret the day they ever looked at the Shahadat flag in disdain.
Modus operandi has been to create&fund certain people by selling salafi/wahabi ideology through huge bribed, when general people oppose they are silenced either with force or with bribes.

Saudi Arabia is not just the biggest funder of terrorism but also creator of terrorism.

They fear us. They know our strength, their hatred only gives us more fuel to keep on going. To keep on building our nation to shove it in their face. To make them regret the day they ever looked at the Shahadat flag in disdain.

House of saud's strenght lies in marrying children & filling harems with expensive prostitues, dont we know?
If the Sunni and the Shi'ites are butchering each other...then both sides are to ne blamed ! I personally know a couple of Shi'ites who were so disgruntled by Iran's incessant attempts at exporting their Revolution through the Iranian Cultural Centres and arming Shi'ite militant groups in Pakistan that they even petitioned the Bureaucracy to regulate these Cultural Centres....so my friend its never one-sided. Additionally, I have a few family members who immigrated from Iran to present day Pakistan because Sunnis were treated like sh*t in Iran in the backdrop of the Revolution...so its not the ideology but extremism thats the key !...!

Good analysis.

Ayatullah (May God punish him for his crimes in Pakistan) Khomeni was the first one to fund terror in Pakistan. Saudis came later.

the so-called revolution was utterly disastrous for minorities everywhere but especially in Iran and in Pakistan.

Iranians who were born and bread for 100s if not 1000s of years in iran such as Jews, Bahais, Parsis, and Sunni Muslims were all kicked out of their motherland Iran all under the Stalinist regime of Ayatullahs.

While in the same time, any Shia willing to become revolutionary was giving free access to Iran based training centers.

Having said that,

Iranian ideology should be blamed and so should the Saudi ideology.

Both of these ideologies are terrible and destructive for weak-from-inside countries such as Pakistan.

Mullahs indoctrinated with Saudi money, and Ayatullahs indoctrinated with Iranian money are the most destructive force for any society and especially for Pakistan.

So it is sad to say that the very Islamic ideology is to be blamed as it snatches away the humanity from gullible followers. Nothing different from other fascist ideologies like the ones used by Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc. etc.

House of saud's strenght lies in marrying children & filling harems with expensive prostitues, dont we know?

Either that, or their real strength lies in investing for their people. The arab spring has spread like fire all across the Middle East; yet Arabs seems to be quite calm and un-agitated in KSA.
If the Sunni and the Shi'ites are butchering each other...then both sides are to ne blamed ! I personally know a couple of Shi'ites who were so disgruntled by Iran's incessant attempts at exporting their Revolution through the Iranian Cultural Centres and arming Shi'ite militant groups in Pakistan that they even petitioned the Bureaucracy to regulate these Cultural Centres....so my friend its never one-sided. Additionally, I have a few family members who immigrated from Iran to present day Pakistan because Sunnis were treated like sh*t in Iran in the backdrop of the Revolution...so its not the ideology but extremism thats the key !...!

Good analysis.

Ayatullah (May God punish him for his crimes in Pakistan) Khomeni was the first one to fund terror in Pakistan. Saudis came later.

the so-called revolution was utterly disastrous for minorities everywhere but especially in Iran and in Pakistan.

Iranians who were born and bread for 100s if not 1000s of years in iran such as Jews, Bahais, Parsis, and Sunni Muslims were kicked out of their motherland Iran all under the Stalinist regime of Ayatullahs.

While in the same time, any Shia willing to become revolutionary was giving free access to Iran based training centers.

Having said that,

Iranian ideology should be blamed and so should the Saudi ideology.

Both of these ideologies are terrible and destructive for weak-from-inside countries such as Pakistan.

Mullahs indoctrinated with Saudi money, and Ayatullahs indoctrinated with Iranian money are the most destructive force for any society and especially for Pakistan.

So it is sad to say that the very Islamic ideology is to be blamed as it snatches away the humanity from gullible followers. Nothing different from other fascist ideologies like the ones used by Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc. etc.


duplicate post
Either that, or their real strength lies in investing for their people. The arab spring has spread like fire all across the Middle East; yet Arabs seems to be quite calm and un-agitated in KSA.

they are afraid to invest in their people for one reason:- they will be exposed
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