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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

yes fake acount from 2008 you can see writing and posting
I just don't understand why you can't translate simple 2 minute long videos in Hebrew. Or answer simple questions.

Anyone can make a fake Facebook account in two minutes time or less. Nothing that I have seen from you here makes me believe that you are Israeli. In fact I am quite sure that you are either an Indian or Iranian troll that takes pleasure in writing moronic one-liners in broken English and destroying potentially informative threads.

Also I am yet to encounter any Israeli that is more obsessed about KSA than his own country or Palestinians, Iran or even Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon etc. Very strange. However if there is one thing that I have learnt on PDF, it is that the world is indeed a strange place.

Please continue.

That's "Israeli" cuisine indeed. Sorry I mean Arab. I think it is called Arab which is a synonym of Israeli.

I thought this was your national dish:

depend what is your source if you from arab country every country have its own food if you from poland you have you own food

Whatever dude. It seems that the moderators have given you free license to "kill" us here.
im sorry if i hurt you i realy hope for your country to get advence in every field from defence to other tech fields

Whatever dude. It seems that the moderators have given you free license to "kill" us here.
im sorry if i hurt you i realy hope for your country to get advence in every field from defence to other tech fields
I drank 2 lit of Cola and a pack of cigarettes. I'm one big paapi - I guess! :D

Time for confession: Oh lord I've sinned today...........

On topic: Oil revenues must be in a tail spin........ or House of Saud preparing for some GREAT sinful war against some other Muslim state.... I wonder who it is this time. Syria (checked) Iraq (Checked) Yemen (Checked)...... Next who? I wonder! :D

I ran you ran. I-ran
Finally? May I ask how many Arabs that you are encountered in your life and discussed politics with? One of the most favorite hobbies on the Arab Street, everywhere in the Arab world, is to complain about regimes in power, politicians and politics in general. I don't think that this is any different elsewhere in the Muslim world or the world for that matter.

You are based in the UK, London more precisely, right? How many Saudi Arabians, people from the GCC or Arabs in the UK have you encountered? I don't mean British Arab citizens such as the existing Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese etc. groups.

Do you speak Arabic? Do you visit Arab forums, follow social media etc.? Those are all questions that you need to ask yourself before making it sound like it is a shock for you to hear that people strive for a better status quo.

BTW, I said only if what replaced it would be good. No offense but you are talking about this situation like people in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world were mindless drones.

You should know one thing. Saudi Arabians and Arabs in general usually prefer to discuss such sensitive or in general internal affairs among each other. In general sensitive matters are never paraded in public. People are reserved however don't mistake that for a lack of interest.

In general it is very difficult for foreigners, even sometimes fellow Arabs, to understand all the dynamics that make KSA tick as a society. Sometimes it is difficult to understand for the native youth. Even the House of Saudi finds it difficult to navigate in.

Sorry if this post came off as hostile but PDF is not really the place (with all due respect) for serious non-biased discussion about KSA. I am yet to see it at least. Of course there are knowledgable members here from both the West and East who have lived in KSA and know it fairly well but how many times do we see such discussion about any country here other than Pakistan? Not often.

Anyway lastly have in mind that dissent is rarely tolerated in our region in general or going against the tide.

Not sure if you are genuine but thanks nevertheless.

KSA has the fourth largest foreign exchange-reserves in the world. That's better than 99% of all countries in the world.


I didn't carry a notebook with me to calculate how many Arabs I have spoken too:) But I will be honest with you, I haven't spoken to many Arabs from Saudi Arabia, however, the one's which I did meet weren't interested to criticize the Al Saud family, partly because they benefit from the current system that exists in your country. But my assumption could be wrong, since most patriotic people would not like to speak ill about there country or government in front of a foreigner.

In Pakistan the Prime Minister and his family is corrupt, yet some people will still defend him because of monetary gain. I will agree with your statement that in the Arab world people do like to talk about politics while drinking tea and smoking shisha, however, these were mostly Egyptian, Lebanese and Iraqi Arabs from my experience. In this forum not a single Arab from KSA was willing to admit that regime change was good until it took me three days to finally get Saif-Arab to speak on this issue and open up.

No I don't speak Arabic? No I haven't visited any Arab forum, but I occasionally do follow Al Jazeera. Let me ask you a question. If the people do want to strive for a better status quo, then why haven't they made there voice heard. Furthermore, when if a prince misbehaves does he get punished? They seem to get a jail free card in my opinion. But maybe you can educate me on this.

I don't think people in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world are mindless drones, however, they should be more vocal in there criticism to those who govern them. This never use to happen in Pakistan, only in the last six years things have began to change. You don't need to apologize, I didn't find your post offensive at all. I guess the people of Saudi Arabia can decide their own future, but I will still maintain the viewpoint that if you invested money in the Muslim world it would be more beneficial in the long term. We have 1.6 billion Muslims and effectively we can become the largest bloc in the world. Most of the world's resources are held in Muslim countries, therefore, I find it difficult to understand why we haven't taken advantage of this. Remember brother, there is no such thing as nationalism in Islam. Arab, Pakistani, Yemen, Iraqi means jackshit..we are always Muslims first. Therefore, we have to make ourself stronger. I want to see a prosperous KSA who will become one of the world leaders of the Muslim world.
Nah mate. Seems something even more sinister. There's this feeling that the dhab lizard chefs have some surprise dish on order. Let's wait and watch.

who cares man seriously. just keep Pakistan and Pakistanis outta it i say.
let them fight. they will fight till the last barrel of oil just like the Indian who said we will fight the Pakistanis till the last Afghan.
in the 80s Pakistanis were like 'damn we so unlucky we got no oil' even then the smarter ones would say 'hold on to that thought'
now we know why
what a shitty headline as delusional as the reporter of this news mr. Parag something BTW what is his faith?

Taxing tobacco heavily is a good step. Here in Pakistan we should do that as well.

How taxing energy and cold drinks become "sin tax" for this reporter?
A pack of cigarettes here in Canada has reached $12 dollars and more for some makes.. I used to pay $2 dollars a few years back.. and there are pictures of cancer on the packs that will make anyone puke..So it is quite normal in this case, since it saves lives..This decision was based on comprehensive scientific and economic studies and it works, since more than 70% of smokers stopped smoking cigarettes..
The thing is - Brother - We are already involved........ surprise...... surprise....... No matter what voodoo we do, we are knees deep in this shit. However, if you wanted to say, individually as a Pakistani citizen - then yeah - why not watch some feel good songs/movies and have a good night sleep! :D

who cares man seriously. just keep Pakistan and Pakistanis outta it i say.
let them fight. they will fight till the last barrel of oil just like the Indian who said we will fight the Pakistanis till the last Afghan.
in the 80s Pakistanis were like 'damn we so unlucky we got no oil' even then the smarter ones would say 'hold on to that thought'
now we know why
The thing is - Brother - We are already involved........ surprise...... surprise....... No matter what voodoo we do, we are knees deep in this shit. However, if you wanted to say, individually as a Pakistani citizen - then yeah - why not watch some feel good songs/movies and have a good night sleep! :D

that is what i meant. whatever the state decides we have to tag along for sure. but atleast leave your Simple Jack folks outta it i say
Make no mistake, there will be a major war between the west and the al sauds in the future, maybe in 15 - 20 years from now, maybe longer, but it is going to happen.

I hope they glass every square inch of that desert when they do.
Are you calling for genocide you stupid c*%t?

Sin tax? I hope our mullahs don't learn this from KSA!
Educate yourself:
"A sin tax is an excise tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society, for example alcohol and tobacco, candies, drugs, soft drinks, fast foods, coffee, sugar, and gambling. Two claimed purposes are usually used to argue for such taxes. In contrast to Pigovian taxes, which are to pay for the damage to society caused by these goods, sin taxes are used to increase the price in an effort to reduce their use, or failing that, to increase and find new sources of revenue. Increasing a sin tax is often more popular than increasing other taxes. However, these taxes have often been criticized for burdening the poor, taxing the physically and mentally dependent, and being part of a nanny state."
Saudi Arabia didn't invent this concept and it is exercised in many Western countries.
24 Riyals for a pack of Cigarettes ...

:( :(

a cigarette will cost more than a riyal.

The brotherhood of smokers and our culture is at stake :(

Now we will have to go to Bahrain to smoke too :(
Filling the pockets of enemies of Islam with 110 billion dollars and imposing unusual tax on its citizens indeed a bigger sin

Afro-Arab? Are you talking about your father here? Because I don't know about any Afro-Arab Makkawi Hashemite.

As for your drivel, nobody cares.

Don't worry. We are among the richest people on the planet. I think that people will be able to afford slightly more expensive energy drinks.

The jungle dweller and his mental breakdowns. Kindly return to your call center.
I hope sooner the usmania era return to ksa

Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today
By Parag Deulgaonkar
  • Sunday, 11 June 2017 9:34 AM


Saudi Arabia has implemented 100 percent excise tax on tobacco products and energy drinks, and 50 percent tax on soft drinks from today (Sunday).

Last month, the kingdom announced imposing excise tax from June 11, after the Gulf Cooperation Council unified value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax treaties were ratified in May 2017.

The UAE is set to introduce the excise tax from the fourth quarter.

Price of a 250ml can of “Code Red” energy drink increased to SR4 from SR2, while Red Bull is being priced between SR10 and SR12, Saudi Gazette quoted industry sources, as saying.

Without naming any soft drink manufacturer, the daily said a global soft drink maker reduced its can size to 330ml from 355ml as it introduced a 50 percent price hike.

Officials of Saudi General Authority of Zakat and Tax, the entity responsible for collecting VAT and excise tax, have told local media that they expect excise tax revenues of $1.87 billion (SR7bn) in just six months.

While in March, UAE Federal National Council, Minister of State for Financial Affairs Obaid Al Tayer said tax on tobacco is expected to bring in $545 million (AED2 billion) in annual revenues, he gave no revenue estimate from the soft drinks segment.

In April, Adrienne D’Rose, senior manager, Deloitte, who attended the Ministry of Finance briefing on excise tax, told Arabian Business that the excise tax will be payable monthly by registered businesses, on the 15th day of the following month and companies that resort to “stockpiling” will face penalties.

Brian Conn, partner, tax advisory services, BDO, told this website earlier that the issue of increasing price or absorbing VAT/excise tax will be a major concern for companies selling small value items.

Arabian Business has approached a number of global energy and soft drink manufacturers for comments.

Your time is counted, KSA.

Is it a sin when the SA royals indulge in sex, gambling and booze in Europe? I'm just curious.
It'll be either the US or Russia who nukes them, good luck with your jihad against them. :)

Pakistan has guaranteed nuclear protection to Saudi Arabia. We taught the Soviet Union a lesson in Afghanistan and the American's are licking there wounds because we are winning the war.
24 Riyals for a pack of Cigarettes ...

:( :(

a cigarette will cost more than a riyal.

The brotherhood of smokers and our culture is at stake :(

Now we will have to go to Bahrain to smoke too :(

Yes. Like almost every other thing you may have to go to Bahrain for that.

There is a theory you might wanna contemplate. Bahrain is the most likely place for 'archeological' Garden of Eden. Makes you wonder. Doesn't it.

Humanity is being repealed to its Genesis in every way

Pakistan has guaranteed nuclear protection to Saudi Arabia. We taught the Soviet Union a lesson in Afghanistan and the American's are licking there wounds because we are winning the war.

Make no mistake, there will be a major war between the west and the al sauds in the future, maybe in 15 - 20 years from now, maybe longer, but it is going to happen.

I hope they glass every square inch of that desert when they do.
Close to that time there will be a war between Pakistan-China and India in Kashmir. We will keep poking India and ultimately Mujahideen will start a blow; Chinese troops will enter from Aksai Chin, Pakistani troops from Sialkot working boundary and Azad Kashmir and India's 600,000 troops will be made prisoners of war to respond to the events of 1971. Indian Prime Minister will be invited to Pakistan, Murree Accord will be signed and we will return India's 600,000 prisoners of war. Kesa?
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