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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

this is just blackmail especially to pakistan as thier alot of pak worker. saudi are pressuring.

Before 9-11, there was a ban on Pakistan labor for many years, all because of Benazir and Asif Zardari's cheap leadership. No one called it black mail.
There are many world states in alliance, are they black mailed?
Your drive is pathetic. If you were a bit of Pakistani, you would declare war with Iran who kill and conspire to kill Pakistanis on sectarian basis. Give jobs to RAW. Give passports to Pakistan's most wanted!
BTW, why you tribe have to spam in every discussion... why not open a thread, where all your claims are under one heading!
Make no mistake, there will be a major war between the west and the al sauds in the future, maybe in 15 - 20 years from now, maybe longer, but it is going to happen.

I hope they glass every square inch of that desert when they do.

That's never going to happen, now keep dreaming.
You are provoked........ because I have pointed at official troll, while you were labeling me as troll?
Whereas the posts you deleted, are clearly of those posters, who are sore in your eyes.
And, stop selling your sorry Report to me. I know how it works and there's no charm in there for me.

As far as I know, didn't call anyone troll the way you mentioned. Rest about selling sorry, not a worth to discuss. Rest about other trolls, reporting as a better option. I don't know where I missed to say it clearly as possible. This is for everyone that none is suppose to walk away with violation as caught so, without quoting back, keep reporting and mods will handle as such.

Make no mistake, there will be a major war between the west and the al sauds in the future, maybe in 15 - 20 years from now, maybe longer, but it is going to happen.

I hope they glass every square inch of that desert when they do.

Indians :argh:...
Before 9-11, there was a ban on Pakistan labor for many years, all because of Benazir and Asif Zardari's cheap leadership. No one called it black mail.
There are many world states in alliance, are they black mailed?
Your drive is pathetic. If you were a bit of Pakistani, you would declare war with Iran who kill and conspire to kill Pakistanis on sectarian basis. Give jobs to RAW. Give passports to Pakistan's most wanted!
BTW, why you tribe have to spam in every discussion... why not open a thread, where all your claims are under one heading!

well i didnt vote for them, big bad pakistani vote for them by the way azad kashmiris dont have much to say.
saudis tried hard to make us bend to join the yemen war but it didnt work. now they saying who are you with, us or qatar bush style atititude.
they give pakistani peanut and the pakistani sells his kid to saudis. i dont know if you mean working with iran or against iran, dont forget they are neighbour but saudi are far away. you want ki ss the arab a ss that ok with me but i dont want too. saudi funded isis, what about qatar funding terror groups on behalf of usa. all oil rich middle eastern countries collaborate against muslims. if we got problem with iran then it time pakistani leadership grow some balls or atleast military should make it clear if this happens thier will be consequences, these countries have one weakness that is exposing thier activities publically while they claim ummah brothership.

saudis dont even support kashmir, ok iran does lip service but atleast they know how to fake it.

nawaz is not from azad kashmir.
Every inch of Azad Kashmir is Pakistan and it will remain as such. Soon Indian occupied Kashmir will be part of Pakistan too.
Don't talk like you live in another state.
Education, health, infrastructure, security and administrative perks, all are paid by poor Pakistani state.
Rest... there's no limit what one can write... so enjoy your freedom, because clearly you are out of argument.
BTW., facts remains facts and your frogish can't change any of it.
Every inch of Azad Kashmir is Pakistan and it will remain as such. Soon Indian occupied Kashmir will be part of Pakistan too.
Don't talk like you live in another state.
Education, health, infrastructure, security and administrative perks, all are paid by poor Pakistani state.
Rest... there's no limit what one can write... so enjoy your freedom, because clearly you are out of argument.
BTW., facts remains facts and your frogish can't change any of it.

Not until the death of every single last Indian on the face of the earth!
Not until the death of every single last Indian on the face of the earth!
Are you counting those as Indians, who waive Pakistani flag, those who are killed on suspicions of eating beef burger, raped just because they are fasting!
I am not sure but they could be low on oil wealth and want to make most of everything maybe even invade qatar and take thier oil/gas.
KSA has one of the largest gas reserves of the planet, with proven 33 trillion cf while Qatar has 24 trillion cf.. so that is unlikely to happen KSA just started exporting its gas..

Are you counting those as Indians, who waive Pakistani flag, those who are killed on suspicions of eating beef burger, raped just because they are fasting!
And where that Karma thing came from.. they have forgotten the most shared principle of life between every religion and even with the atheists..
Every inch of Azad Kashmir is Pakistan and it will remain as such. Soon Indian occupied Kashmir will be part of Pakistan too.
Don't talk like you live in another state.
Education, health, infrastructure, security and administrative perks, all are paid by poor Pakistani state.
Rest... there's no limit what one can write... so enjoy your freedom, because clearly you are out of argument.
BTW., facts remains facts and your frogish can't change any of it.

wtf you on bout pakistan state decides everything azad kashmir just gets token power.
poor pakistani state stop chatin shit oversea pakistan put alot of money into it, most shops and bussiness is cos of oversea investment. Maybe these days pakistan has decided to invest because of cpec, more money to steal.
indians should keep out of it you more likely to be welcome in lahore than azad kashmir so dont even try saying indian should grab azad kashmir.
Not sure why they call it sin tax. We have taxes on tobacco related stuff and alcohol but still sell them but don't make it sinful or shame on the customers who bought them.
Yup oil market is very slow, due to two major factors, Iran sanction lifted and US start producition ...in coming years Hajj and Umrrah cost will be increased, its already very high.

With epidemic proportion of diabetes in that region and worldwide, a tax on sugar drinks is long overdue.

Not sure why they call it sin tax. We have taxes on tobacco related stuff and alcohol but still sell them but don't make it sinful or shame on the customers who bought them.
Dont know but that name is in the Uk tax book as well as here in South Africa. Liquor and cigarette tax is called sin tax. Wine here is not taxed - it is considered grocery.

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