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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

@The Eagle

Can I trust you dealing with such type of idiotic nonsense troll posts when I report them?

Also if my post 3 was edited, can you please tell me why the thread starter's nonsense "your time is counted KSA" is good for if not moronic and ignorant trolling as I clearly demonstrated in post 3?

Do you understand why I sometimes lose my cool and return trolling with trolling?

Every member trusts moderation so you can as well. However, there are few norms when a moderator has to make a call and as a start, the trick is simple that do not quote, I repeat do not quote back or try to act yourself to settle the score as both actions will treated as violation. I don't want to repeat the same again. You are loosing your cool, means you are loosing your argument/debate so it is up-to you that how to take on such matters. Post you counter arguments with manners and civility, report such posts/members violating the rules, without quoting back and move on.
I am afraid this is only your dream that KSA is untouchable.

For sure KSA has Salafist Islam and people in Europe and America have realised this that mother of all Jihadists is Salafism of KSA.

So, for sure KSA+USA Romance is not permanent, but it is like Shia Muta (i.e. temporary Romance).
its until ksa will have money to pay them

what about vat and
Income Tax
Every member trusts moderation so you can as well.

Your moderation is a joke.
You delete every thing that is logical and does not favor your drive, actually now what is left in this thread is rubbish and 99% trolling.

Post below is one example:
Nah mate. Seems something even more sinister. There's this feeling that the dhab lizard chefs have some surprise dish on order. Let's wait and watch.

How on earth is tax on soft drinks, Tobacco, alcohol etc a sin tax?

Its not the tax. its the Saudi, who hurts in butt of the Iranian serpents more than it hurts Iran.
I see that you are your usual self. A sheep. An Arabian sheep, I might add! :D

Your moderation is a joke.
You delete every thing that is logical and does not favor your drive, actually now what is left in this thread is rubbish and 99% trolling.

Post below is one example:

Its not the tax. its the Saudi, who hurts in butt of the Iranian serpents more than Iran itself.

back then it was bush for ummah today is donald trump for ummah saudi style.

How is this related to the bloody tax on cigarettes and energy drinks?

I see that you are your usual self. A sheep. An Arabian sheep, I might add! :D

Look at what you post... I guess you have received extra dose of those hate classes, which QUM runs in Pakistan.

A pack of cigarettes here in Canada has reached $12 dollars and more for some makes..

Please do not educate frogs of a pond.
All the trolls you see in this thread can't control them self, they ought to frogish, while this time tax is from Saudi.
Let's just enjoy, while they boil.
How is this related to the bloody tax on cigarettes and energy drinks?

Look at what you post... I guess you have received extra dose of those hate classes, which QUM runs in Pakistan.

maybe bush and donald were drinking too much energy drink with the saudis. back then it was invasion of iraq under bush now qatar turn under donald, both case saudis were dancing with presidents of usa.
maybe bush and donald were drinking too much energy drink with the saudis. back then it was invasion of iraq under bush now qatar turn under donald, both case saudis were dancing with presidents of usa.

Saudis dancing with or presidents dancing on Saudi tunes... its all how you look at it.
BTW, I see you are missing insult of Barrack Hussein Obama!
Saudis dancing with or presidents dancing on Saudi tunes... its all how you look at it.
In any case, I don't find connection with the holy news, reporting a Saudi sin.

I am not sure but they could be low on oil wealth and want to make most of everything maybe even invade qatar and take thier oil/gas.
We are only scared of Allah (swt).

I am not interested in your nonsense. You are the 10 times banned Indian clown. CBU something. Returning with a new user after every single ban.

Your mental breakdown after Trump's visit to KSA (your former deity) and usual ignorant and deluded discourse can be detected from miles away.

KSA (Bilad al-Haramain) is untouchable and I will not waste my time explaining to you why that is.

This cretin's status update:

back to be banned again, to be banned again so I can come back and be banned again, and then come back and be banned again..
@WebMaster @The Eagle @Slav Defence @Horus @waz will action be taken?

Is there some way that I can cut the internet connection to the call center that he sleeps, lives and works in?

you cannot compete with these RSS Hindu imbeciles sipping cow piss cola and typing shit in their smart phones.
These Hindu Talibans are trying to ban beef to South Indians. PDF is swamped by these cow worshipers, best to ignore them . and have discourse with progressives around the world.

99% of South Indian Hindus do not have any animosity nor are they hyper-nationalists as seen here in PDF. people reading PDF will think all Indians hate KSA, which is BS.
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Your moderation is a joke.
You delete every thing that is logical and does not favor your drive, actually now what is left in this thread is rubbish and 99% trolling.

Despite the provocation, how about report as such per rules and move on without doing so.
Yes you will survive and yes we will still call you the Arabs be it in the true form of nomadic tribes post Oil world whenever that comes.
Enjoy your stay at the top of the food chain thanks to the Oil...

God knows how many hearts have been burned by that oil.

Grow up.
Despite the provocation, how about report as such per rules and move on without doing so.

You are provoked........ because I have pointed at official troll, while you were labeling me as troll?
Whereas the posts you deleted, are clearly of those posters, who are sore in your eyes.
And, stop selling your sorry Report to me. I know how it works and there's no charm in there for me.

God knows how many hearts have been burned by that oil.

Grow up.

Your presence here burn the burnt hearts even more.
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