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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

thats why we have nukes

every one try to atack wil dieno one want to suicide

that is quite Jewish of you sir. sitting on a stockpile and not using the tiny bits of it.
I say you fry them like a good Schnitzel now lol

disclaimer: Just kidding on the, hmm well that bit. lol
I've changed my opinion regarding OPEC and its influence on oil price.

Fracking sets the price.

I agree with your statement in regards to OPEC influencing the price of oil. There are too many producers in the market and I believe alternative energy is where the smart money is funneling into. I think Saudi Arabia did a good policy when it invested $45 billion in the soft bank fund in technology. At least they are now diversifying there investments instead of putting eggs in one basket.
I agree with your statement in regards to OPEC influencing the price of oil. There are too many producers in the market and I believe alternative energy is where the smart money is funneling into. I think Saudi Arabia did a good policy when it invested $45 billion in the soft bank fund in technology. At least they are now diversifying there investments instead of putting eggs in one basket.
they should cut all subsideis put tax on fuel like every country taxex is the best income for country
people can not like it its there problem
Finally? May I ask how many Arabs that you are encountered in your life and discussed politics with? One of the most favorite hobbies on the Arab Street, everywhere in the Arab world, is to complain about regimes in power, politicians and politics in general. I don't think that this is any different elsewhere in the Muslim world or the world for that matter.

You are based in the UK, London more precisely, right? How many Saudi Arabians, people from the GCC or Arabs in the UK have you encountered? I don't mean British Arab citizens such as the existing Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese etc. groups.

Do you speak Arabic? Do you visit Arab forums, follow social media etc.? Those are all questions that you need to ask yourself before making it sound like it is a shock for you to hear that people strive for a better status quo.

BTW, I said only if what replaced it would be good. No offense but you are talking about this situation like people in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world were mindless drones.

You should know one thing. Saudi Arabians and Arabs in general usually prefer to discuss such sensitive or in general internal affairs among each other. In general sensitive matters are never paraded in public. People are reserved however don't mistake that for a lack of interest.

In general it is very difficult for foreigners, even sometimes fellow Arabs, to understand all the dynamics that make KSA tick as a society. Sometimes it is difficult to understand for the native youth. Even the House of Saudi finds it difficult to navigate in.

Sorry if this post came off as hostile but PDF is not really the place (with all due respect) for serious non-biased discussion about KSA. I am yet to see it at least. Of course there are knowledgable members here from both the West and East who have lived in KSA and know it fairly well but how many times do we see such discussion about any country here other than Pakistan? Not often.

Anyway lastly have in mind that dissent is rarely tolerated in our region in general or going against the tide.

Not sure if you are genuine but thanks nevertheless.

KSA has the fourth largest foreign exchange-reserves in the world. That's better than 99% of all countries in the world.


Also much-needed and praised reforms have taken place in KSA but more needs to be done. That is obvious. This process has just kickstarted. I think that predicting doom and gloom for KSA, like it has been the case for decades, is not a wise thing to do. To assume that status quo will continue is not wise either.

Is "Indian" now a racist word? That's news to me. BTW, I have to say this, but Semites originate from Arabia. Being Arabs is our "newest" identity. Far older than that. In fact the oldest recorded civilizations were founded by our ancestors. So we will remain prideful people. Rich or poor, it does not matter. Just like it never did.

BTW I suggest taking a look at that troll's numerous ID's (3-4) that he has used just in the past few days and the "quality" of his posts and nature of them. Not only that he is a false-flagger. He has been proven as a non-Israeli. So yes, Indian is the right word to use here. An Aryan Indian if you like.

hmm maybe i got the wrong impression from your post but trust me being proud of something given to you by chance or higher authority is not very productive indeed.

now you are bringing in the Semites. like seriously man who cares? drop this Arab v Ajam fantasy and that goes for the Israelis well not many Semitic Jews in Israel though, lets say Jews too.
they should cut all subsideis put tax on fuel like every country taxex is the best income for country
people can not like it its there problem

Why do you continue this comedy? Why are you the only supposed "Israeli" user here that is obsessed about KSA? Why are you creating numerous ID's and posting the same comments? What is your agenda here?

Since you seem so interested in KSA, you would have noticed that steps towards that direction have already been taken and will be taken. This is a public secret. Once that happens the populace will demand direct participation and accountability and thus the needed and continuous political reforms will continue. You see, it's not that complicated.

And indeed, for many if not most countries, tax income is one of the largest sources of income for the state. Now can you now imagine KSA being in the very favorable position that it is completely without this giant (potentially) income source? Or imagine KSA opening up economically, socially and politically? Now if you add everything that is known, I mentioned a few well-known facts in post 3, coupled with existing and future trends, you will realize that this tiring "doom and gloom" nonsense talk belongs in your local call center. Not in the real world.

Also KSA is one of the last resource rich countries to be singled out. Take a look at the miserable use of resources by many countries just in the MENA let alone Africa, Latin America, Asia (Central Asia in particular) and then scream doom and gloom. However nobody here or elsewhere does that because most of those countries are not given the publicity that KSA is.

Take a look at what is going on in Venezuela while we speak. The country with the largest oil reserves in the world. Now that is doom and gloom.

Oh the horror, energy drinks will be twice as expensive in KSA.

Time for mass-protests like in Venezuela:

hmm maybe i got the wrong impression from your post but trust me being proud of something given to you by chance or higher authority is not very productive indeed.

now you are bringing in the Semites. like seriously man who cares? drop this Arab v Ajam fantasy and that goes for the Israelis well not many Semitic Jews in Israel though, lets say Jews too.

Facts are facts my friend. I am only countering trolls. Otherwise I have enough to be proud of that only I am the source of. However when ignorants are at it, sometimes the heat is turned on. Besides this Arab v Ajam fight is something that only exists in the head of non-Arabs mostly. Saudi Arabians and Arabs are not "nationalists" in the Western sense of the word. Ajam = Persian btw. (de facto). Thus nothing to do with Arabs against the world nonsense narrative.

So no 2pac songs for the occasion.

Why do you continue this comedy? Why are you the only supposed "Israeli" user here that is obsessed about KSA? Why are you creating numerous ID's and posting the same comments? What is your agenda here?

Since you seem so interested in KSA, you would have noticed that steps towards that direction have already been taken and will be taken. This is a public secret. Once that happens the populace will demand direct participation and accountability and thus the needed and continuous political reforms will continue. You see, it's not that complicated.

And indeed, for many if not most countries, tax income is one of the largest sources of income for the state. Now can you now imagine KSA being in the very favorable position that it is completely without this giant (potentially) income source? Or imagine KSA opening up economically, socially and politically? Now if you add everything that is known, I mentioned a few well-known facts in post 3, coupled with existing and future trends, you will realize that this tiring "doom and gloom" nonsense talk belongs in your local call center. Not in the real world.

Also KSA is one of the last resource rich countries to be singled out. Take a look at the miserable use of resources by many countries just in the MENA let alone Africa, Latin America, Asia (Central Asia in particular) and then scream doom and gloom. However nobody here or elsewhere does that because most of those countries are not given the publicity that KSA is.

Take a look at what is going on in Venezuela while we speak. The country with the largest oil reserves in the world. Now that is doom and gloom.

Oh the horror, energy drinks will be twice as expensive in KSA.

Time for mass-protests like in Venezuela:

Facts are facts my friend. I am only countering trolls. Otherwise I have enough to be proud of that only I am the source of. However when ignorants are at it, sometimes the heat is turned on. Besides this Arab v Ajam fight is something that only exists in the head of non-Arabs mostly. Saudi Arabians and Arabs are not "nationalists" in the Western sense of the word.
venezuella is real faild country with all that oil they are crushing but they was against us so u dont realy care
venezuella is real faild country with all that oil they are crushing but they was against us so u dont realy care

You are truly an enigma.

BTW since you are displaying Israeli flags. Do you have any clue about what dish is the national dish of Israel? Can you help me?
Facts are facts my friend. I am only countering trolls. Otherwise I have enough to be proud of that only I am the source of. However when ignorants are at it, sometimes the heat is turned on. Besides this Arab v Ajam fight is something that only exists in the head of non-Arabs mostly. Saudi Arabians and Arabs are not "nationalists" in the Western sense of the word.

I want to believe that but the evidence is just not there to be honest. No human can afford to be arrogant or have pride lest his deeds which cannot be judged by humans as per analytical thinking.

I can understand that the trolls are a mess but they give you a chance to beauty your message and thus use them instead of feeding them. just my 2 cents
Why do you continue this comedy? Why are you the only supposed "Israeli" user here that is obsessed about KSA? Why are you creating numerous ID's and posting the same comments? What is your agenda here?

Since you seem so interested in KSA, you would have noticed that steps towards that direction have already been taken and will be taken. This is a public secret. Once that happens the populace will demand direct participation and accountability and thus the needed and continuous political reforms will continue. You see, it's not that complicated.

And indeed, for many if not most countries, tax income is one of the largest sources of income for the state. Now can you now imagine KSA being in the very favorable position that it is completely without this giant (potentially) income source? Or imagine KSA opening up economically, socially and politically? Now if you add everything that is known, I mentioned a few well-known facts in post 3, coupled with existing and future trends, you will realize that this tiring "doom and gloom" nonsense talk belongs in your local call center. Not in the real world.

Also KSA is one of the last resource rich countries to be singled out. Take a look at the miserable use of resources by many countries just in the MENA let alone Africa, Latin America, Asia (Central Asia in particular) and then scream doom and gloom. However nobody here or elsewhere does that because most of those countries are not given the publicity that KSA is.

Take a look at what is going on in Venezuela while we speak. The country with the largest oil reserves in the world. Now that is doom and gloom.

Oh the horror, energy drinks will be twice as expensive in KSA.

Time for mass-protests like in Venezuela:

Facts are facts my friend. I am only countering trolls. Otherwise I have enough to be proud of that only I am the source of. However when ignorants are at it, sometimes the heat is turned on. Besides this Arab v Ajam fight is something that only exists in the head of non-Arabs mostly. Saudi Arabians and Arabs are not "nationalists" in the Western sense of the word. Ajam = Persian btw. (de facto). Thus nothing to do with Arabs agains the World nonsense narrative.

So no 2pac songs for the occasion.

Do not you want to be a secular society with more freedom? democracy?
You are truly an enigma.

BTW since you are displaying Israeli flags. Do you have any clue about what dish is the national dish of Israel? Can you help me?
so you testing me do you want to talk in facebook and see im israeli?

No, I would prefer to emulate Israeli-occupied territories in the West Bank. Or the average Indian slum.
its funny you think im indian but you free to think what ever you want

You are truly an enigma.

BTW since you are displaying Israeli flags. Do you have any clue about what dish is the national dish of Israel? Can you help me?
you talk about flafel humus?
so you testing me do you want to talk in facebook and see im israeli?

I just don't understand why you can't translate simple 2 minute long videos in Hebrew. Or answer simple questions.

Anyone can make a fake Facebook account in two minutes time or less. Nothing that I have seen from you here makes me believe that you are Israeli. In fact I am quite sure that you are either an Indian or Iranian troll that takes pleasure in writing moronic one-liners in broken English and destroying potentially informative threads.

Also I am yet to encounter any Israeli that is more obsessed about KSA than his own country or Palestinians, Iran or even Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon etc. Very strange. However if there is one thing that I have learnt on PDF, it is that the world is indeed a strange place.

Please continue.

you talk about flafel humus?

That's "Israeli" cuisine indeed. Sorry I mean Arab. I think it is called Arab which is a synonym of Israeli.

I thought this was your national dish:

I just don't understand why you can't translate simple 2 minute long videos in Hebrew. Or answer simple questions.

Anyone can make a fake Facebook account in two minutes time or less. Nothing that I have seen from you here makes me believe that you are Israeli. In fact I am quite sure that you are either an Indian or Iranian troll that takes pleasure in writing moronic one-liners in broken English and destroying potentially informative threads.

Also I am yet to encounter any Israeli that is more obsessed about KSA than his own country or Palestinians or even Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon etc. Very strange. However if there is one thing that I have learnt on PDF, it is that the world is indeed a strange place.

Please continue.
yes fake acount from 2008 you can see writing and posting
I drank 2 lit of Cola and a pack of cigarettes. I'm one big paapi - I guess! :D

Time for confession: Oh lord I've sinned today........... plz don't smack me, I'll send a cheque to the House of Saud, from my sinful earnings on the 15th of every month.... :P

On topic: Oil revenues must be in a tail spin........ or House of Saud preparing for some GREAT sinful war against some other Muslim state.... I wonder who it is this time. Syria (checked) Iraq (checked) Yemen (checked)...... Next who? I wonder! :D
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