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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

Well, we all go in deep details . KSA govt need money to meet govt expenses . So, they are exploring more venues to impose taxes. In Pakistan we have variety of VAT. We impose VAT because people don t pay tax and KSA is following same foot step.... In future KSA govt will impose more different type of taxes on foreign worker to imported luxury goods ....

I thought for minute Saudi mullah following this...... j.k

You will be hurt either way.
As you know, beating one self is ban in Saudi and yet Iranians still complain about it.

why would i be hurt i dont drink fizzy pop or smoke.

Trump stole Arabian people's money just a week ago.
Now the poor people have to pay the price of their illegal kingdom.

was it 110 billion for over priced weopens sale?.
saudis are going to kill a few arabs for that or maybe steal qatars oil/gas fields, time to expand borders.
was it 110 billion for over priced weopens sale?.
saudis are going to kill a few arabs for that or maybe steal qatars oil/gas fields, time to expand borders.
Exactly, the main eason behind introducing Muslim brotherhood and Hamas as terrorist groups. Ensures Israel's safety and on the other hand Trump will have someone to pay for innocent blood of Syrian and maybe Qatari people
Well, we all go in deep details . KSA govt need money to meet govt expenses . So, they are exploring more venues to impose taxes. In Pakistan we have variety of VAT. We impose VAT because people don t pay tax and KSA is following same foot step.... In future KSA govt will impose more different type of taxes on foreign worker to imported luxury goods ....

I thought for minute Saudi mullah following this...... j.k

back then it was bush for ummah today is donald trump for ummah saudi style.

Lol I came here thinking it was a tax on people who commit sins, but as usual I'm disappointed to see it's just another sensationalistic news article from the media.:disagree:.
How on earth is tax on soft drinks, Tobacco, alcohol etc a sin tax?:hitwall:. Even here we have much higher taxes on such products . Jheez......
It all depends on the justification for imposing new taxes. In the civilized world, governments use taxation on tobacco, alcohol, sugar, drinks etc. as a measure to reduce/sanction unhealthy consumption. In this case, it's seen as a "sin tax".

But nice to see that you can pay for your sins either in hell or as of now in the Kingdom of Saud.

Zaza Kurds have never been known for intellect in recorded history but there must be limits.

A so-called "sin tax" (the use of "sin tax" is the invention of the author if it was not clear already) is just any tax on a vice. It is a term used to refer to taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, soda drinks etc. in many countries across the world. This isn't Saudi Arabia taxing things for religious reasons.

Usually the extra money is channelled into paying for the social harm caused by the products being taxed. It's actually quite a good system. It both increases government revenue and discourages people from buying those products by making them pay extra. Basically excise tax or otherwise known as a sumptuary tax as well.

Recently implemented not only in KSA but across the GCC after the GCC unified value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax treaties were ratified in May 2017.

what a shitty headline as delusional as the reporter of this news mr. Parag something BTW what is his faith?

Taxing tobacco heavily is a good step. Here in Pakistan we should do that as well.

How taxing energy and cold drinks become "sin tax" for this reporter?

This Indian:

Zaza Kurds have never been known for intellect in recorded history but there must be limits.

A so-called "sin tax" (the use of "sin tax" is the invention of the author if it was not clear already) is just any tax on a vice. It is a term used to refer to taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, soda drinks etc. in many countries across the world. This isn't Saudi Arabia taxing things for religious reasons.

Usually the extra money is channelled into paying for the social harm caused by the products being taxed. It's actually quite a good system. It both increases government revenue and discourages people from buying those products by making them pay extra. Basically excise tax or otherwise known as a sumptuary tax as well.

Recently implemented not only in KSA but across the GCC after the GCC unified value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax treaties were ratified in May 2017.

This Indian:

i suspected so. his name already smelled a a rat. these gangees never failed to shame themselves
Hey Hasani do not bother yourself too much. Here is just a forum. You should curse your Saudi regime as they have made several countries as their enemies.

Fact is bitter however Saudi regime is getting weaker day by day and many countries and peoples are praying and lurking to see fall of Saudi regime.

Why should I curse anybody when the average Saudi Arabians lives better than 95% of all Muslim and developing countries and their countrymen along with other GCC states? The only thing that is lacking in the GCC is political rights but that will arrive in due time. Already positive and encouraging changes have occurred in recent times. People are demanding this as well and mother time will do what is needed. Same case in Iran btw which has similar challenges on this front which you are well aware of. In fact every informed person is.

It's in fact rather the opposite whether ones like the House of Saud or not. KSA's power has only been increasing and nothing points to that changing but rather the opposite.

Also is this post really being written by an Iranian neighbor? Or am I becoming blind? The irony is simply too great, bro.

Lastly understand that there have been 100's of different dynasties in what is modern-day KSA (Arabia) just during the Islamic era (one of the most in the Islamic world if not the most) and similarly in the pre-Islamic era. Some of the earliest known dynasties and rulers in the world originate in Arabia.

We will be fine regardless as will Bilad al-Haramain. House of Saud or not. In fact it does not bother me if they will one day be gone because they will. However so will the Mullah's ruling Iran, Erdogan, Putin and all others. This is not in our hands.

Anyway if I were to be a broker I would bet on the House of Saud outliving the Mullah's in Iran just like they predated them. However that is just me.

i suspected so. his name already smelled a a rat. these gangees never failed to shame themselves

You can usually guess based on the thread titles and content whenever an Indian is involved. They are especially common in UAE media. However it's important to note that not all of them are like that. Not sure what the author of this article intended to with this "sin tax" but it failed miserably.

Well, we all go in deep details . KSA govt need money to meet govt expenses . So, they are exploring more venues to impose taxes. In Pakistan we have variety of VAT. We impose VAT because people don t pay tax and KSA is following same foot step.... In future KSA govt will impose more different type of taxes on foreign worker to imported luxury goods ....

I thought for minute Saudi mullah following this...... j.k

@HAIDER, may I ask you a personal question? How old are you? I have news for you. KSA is not Iran. Our clerics have nothing to do with economic policies. The only areas where they directly impact the economy are those where some of their retarded 25-30 year old fatwas (a few specific now deceased clerics fatwas) are directly impacting the society, such as the non-existing (non-codified) 25 year old ban against women driving and a few others. However with MbS at the helm, vast majority of the population being against this and Saudi Vision 2030, I will give such recently invented "laws" little time left. You must be either incredibly naive or incredibly ignorant to think otherwise. I thought that you were somewhat familiar (for PDF standards) of KSA, GCC and the Arab world seeing that you have many Arab friends.

Pet Shop Boys is a bad omen. Try this instead:

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Why should I curse anybody when the average Saudi Arabians lives better than 95% of all Muslim and developing countries and their countrymen along with other GCC states? The only thing that is lacking in the GCC is political rights but that will arrive in due time. Already positive and encouraging changes have occurred in recent times. People are demanding this as well and mother time will do what is needed. Same case in Iran btw which has similar challenges on this front which you are well aware of. In fact every informed person is.

It's in fact rather the opposite whether ones like the House of Saud or not. KSA's power has only been increasing and nothing points to that changing but rather the opposite.

Also is this post really being written by an Iranian neighbor? Or am I becoming blind? The irony is simply too great, bro.

Lastly understand that there have been 100's of different dynasties in what is modern-day KSA (Arabia) just during the Islamic era (one of the most in the Islamic world if not the most) and similarly in the pre-Islamic era. Some of the earliest known dynasties and rulers in the world originate in Arabia.

We will be fine regardless as will Bilad al-Haramain. House of Saud or not. In fact it does not bother me if they will one day be gone because they will. However so will the Mullah's ruling Iran, Erdogan, Putin and all others. This is not in our hands.

Anyway if I were to be a broker I would bet on the House of Saud outliving the Mullah's in Iran just like they predated them. However that is just me.

You can usually guess based on the thread titles and content whenever an Indian is involved. They are especially common in UAE media. However it's important to note that not all of them are like that. Not sure what the author of this article intended to with this "sin tax" but it failed miserably.

@HAIDER, may I ask you a personal question? How old are you? I have news for you. KSA is not Iran. Our clerics have nothing to do with economic policies.
my friend my brother ...don't take thing personal. We all respect you. Religions has always influence on politics....anywhere in the world from one form to another. Some places its obvious , some places it hidden. Take example of Middle East or South Asia.
P.S we are jealous because you are rich ... you need to invite us KSA and serve us good Mandi also in sarendib , we all stop talking negative .... howz that ? .. lolzzz
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my friend my brother ...don't take thing personal. We all respect you. Religions has always influence on politics....anywhere in the world from one form to another. Some places its obvious , some places it hidden. Take example of Middle East or South Asia.
P.S we are jealous because you are rich ... you need to invite us KSA and serve us good Mandi , we all stop talking negative .... howz that ? .. lolzzz

This is the best way to prepare Mandi.

More modern version:

It would be my pleasure. However no politics or talk about House of Saud and what not. Too much of that here already, lol.

BTW don't eat too much during Ramadan. It's unhealthy and counterproductive.

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Zaza Kurds have never been known for intellect in recorded history but there must be limits.

A so-called "sin tax" (the use of "sin tax" is the invention of the author if it was not clear already) is just any tax on a vice. It is a term used to refer to taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, soda drinks etc. in many countries across the world. This isn't Saudi Arabia taxing things for religious reasons.

Usually the extra money is channelled into paying for the social harm caused by the products being taxed. It's actually quite a good system. It both increases government revenue and discourages people from buying those products by making them pay extra. Basically excise tax or otherwise known as a sumptuary tax as well.

Recently implemented not only in KSA but across the GCC after the GCC unified value-added tax (VAT) and excise tax treaties were ratified in May 2017.

This Indian:

i don't know why but these indians are always worries about internal matters of KSA
i don't know why but these indians are always worries about internal matters of KSA

In particular the 200 million Indian Muslims love to talk about KSA and the Arab world. However most of that talk is cordial. In fact that goes for many Indian Hindus as well as the Arab world, Arabia in particular, have millennia old trade ties and other ties with South Asia. However there is a loud group among them who are obsessed about Islam and Muslims and for them Arabs are the epitome of that or The Godfather if you like. One of them had a mental meltdown (as usual) in this thread if you take a look back. However rest assured that none of us give such people any thought let alone take them seriously.

BTW as you might know, the biggest Indian diaspora in the world is located in the GCC so whether we like it or not millions of Indians are somehow connected to this part of the world either directly or indirectly.

However I don't know anything about how much focus there really is inside India, Indian media etc.

Maybe @Nilgiri can tell more. I believe that he is from Southern India. Most Indians in the GCC are from Southern India (Kerala in particular).
Make no mistake, there will be a major war between the west and the al sauds in the future, maybe in 15 - 20 years from now, maybe longer, but it is going to happen.

I hope they glass every square inch of that desert when they do.

I may have some grievances against the Al Saud family, but don't even think about bombing the country that contains our holy places. Trust me every single Muslim who fears God will tear them apart. But before that happens we will nuke India and its citizens for having such thoughts:)
Why should I curse anybody when the average Saudi Arabians lives better than 95% of all Muslim and developing countries and their countrymen along with other GCC states? The only thing that is lacking in the GCC is political rights but that will arrive in due time. Already positive and encouraging changes have occurred in recent times. People are demanding this as well and mother time will do what is needed. Same case in Iran btw which has similar challenges on this front which you are well aware of. In fact every informed person is.

It's in fact rather the opposite whether ones like the House of Saud or not. KSA's power has only been increasing and nothing points to that changing but rather the opposite.

Also is this post really being written by an Iranian neighbor? Or am I becoming blind? The irony is simply too great, bro.

Lastly understand that there have been 100's of different dynasties in what is modern-day KSA (Arabia) just during the Islamic era (one of the most in the Islamic world if not the most) and similarly in the pre-Islamic era. Some of the earliest known dynasties and rulers in the world originate in Arabia.

We will be fine regardless as will Bilad al-Haramain. House of Saud or not. In fact it does not bother me if they will one day be gone because they will. However so will the Mullah's ruling Iran, Erdogan, Putin and all others. This is not in our hands.

Anyway if I were to be a broker I would bet on the House of Saud outliving the Mullah's in Iran just like they predated them. However that is just me.

You can usually guess based on the thread titles and content whenever an Indian is involved. They are especially common in UAE media. However it's important to note that not all of them are like that. Not sure what the author of this article intended to with this "sin tax" but it failed miserably.

@HAIDER, may I ask you a personal question? How old are you? I have news for you. KSA is not Iran. Our clerics have nothing to do with economic policies. The only areas where they directly impact the economy are those where some of their retarded 25-30 year old fatwas (a few specific now deceased clerics fatwas) are directly impacting the society, such as the non-existing (non-codified) 25 year old ban against women driving and a few others. However with MbS at the helm, vast majority of the population being against this and Saudi Vision 2030, I will give such recently invented "laws" little time left. You must be either incredibly naive or incredibly ignorant to think otherwise. I thought that you were somewhat familiar (for PDF standards) of KSA, GCC and the Arab world seeing that you have many Arab friends.

Pet Shop Boys is a bad omen. Try this instead:

No offense.... Before discovering oil Saudi was absolutely nowhere in the world. And again when oil becomes worthless Saudi will become a very weak country with low population. You can not buy everything that you need from America and European countries anymore. There would be several countries stronger than you. For example Pakistan a country with "200 million population" will have several times bigger GDP than you; not to mention stronger countries like Egypt, Turkey, India etc...

So as long as you have oil you can be easy but it works as long as you can sell oil.

I don't think other than olive and date any kind of fruit can produce in Saudi. My two cents.
I may have some grievances against the Al Saud family, but don't even think about bombing the country that contains our holy places. Trust me every single Muslim who fears God will tear them apart. But before that happens we will nuke India and its citizens for having such thoughts:)

People need to realize that KSA does not equal the House of Saud.

As I wrote not long ago, there have been 100's of different dynasties in what is modern-day KSA (Arabia) just during the Islamic era (one of the most in the Islamic world if not the most) and similarly in the pre-Islamic era. Some of the earliest known dynasties and rulers in the world originate in Arabia.

We are talking about Bilad al-Haramain. House of Saud or not. In fact it does not bother me if they will one day be gone because they will. However so will the Mullah's ruling Iran, Erdogan, Putin and all others. This is not in our hands.

So I am always baffled by non-Muslims or even Muslims who advocate doom and gloom in KSA. I am not sure that they understand the consequences of such a policy and what that would mean for the Muslim world. However since "we" (or rather our leaders and by default the people too unfortunately) are good at self-destructing lately, such a catastrophic scenario cannot be completely ruled out.

In a perfect world, every Saudi Arabian (with the exception of House of Saud members and Al ash-Sheikh members and a few others that people are not familiar with here) would support a change of regime IF it occurred bloodless and IF something better replaced it. Those are big ifs and especially in times like today where the region is very unstable. Anyway singling out one regime when all Muslim regimes are more or less the same is pathetic if you ask me and it is getting very tiring to say the least. The amount of hypocrisy involved is also staggering.

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