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Saudi Arabia introduces 'sin tax' from today

wow the Saudis have it tough.

Even they are crucified for their own internal matter of taxes.

The only somewhat stable country in the middle east and the vultures are pecking at it like its thanksgiving.
No offense.... Before discovering oil Saudi was absolutely nowhere in the world. And again when oil becomes worthless Saudi will become a very weak country with low population. You can not buy everything that you need from America and European countries anymore. There would be several countries stronger than you. For example Pakistan a country with "200 million population" will have several times bigger GDP than you; not to mention stronger countries like Egypt, Turkey, India etc...

So as long as you have oil you can be easy but it works as long as you can sell oil.

I don't think other than olive and date any kind of fruit can produce in Saudi.
if oil stay under 50 dollar od barrel
i hope it will be under 30 dollar saudi will bankrupt in 5 years thats what imf say

People need to realize that KSA does not equal the House of Saud.

As I wrote not long ago, there have been 100's of different dynasties in what is modern-day KSA (Arabia) just during the Islamic era (one of the most in the Islamic world if not the most) and similarly in the pre-Islamic era. Some of the earliest known dynasties and rulers in the world originate in Arabia.

We are talking about Bilad al-Haramain. House of Saud or not. In fact it does not bother me if they will one day be gone because they will. However so will the Mullah's ruling Iran, Erdogan, Putin and all others. This is not in our hands.

So I am always baffled by non-Muslims or even Muslims who advocate doom and gloom in KSA. I am not sure that they understand the consequences of such a policy and what that would mean for the Muslim world. However since "we" (or rather our leaders and by default the people too unfortunately) are good at self-destructing lately, such a catastrophic scenario cannot be completely ruled out.

In a perfect world, every Saudi Arabian (with the exception of House of Saud members and Al ash-Sheikh members and a few others that people are not familiar with here) would support a change of regime IF it occurred bloodless and IF something better replaced it. Those are big ifs and especially in times like today where the region is very unstable. Anyway singling out one regime when all Muslim regimes are more or less the same is pathetic if you ask me and it is getting very tiring to say the least. The amount of hypocrisy involved is also staggering.
democracy why not?
Maybe you should educate yourself a bit about pre-Islamic and Islamic history for once? Arabia is one of the historical heavyweights and no educated person can claim otherwise. Your initial claim is like claiming that Iran was "absolute nowhere in the world before the discovery of oil and gas". One could say that it would be another Afghanistan next door without it. However I have news for you. KSA, Iran and all the other oil and gas rich countries of today did not look any different from the non-oil and gas rich countries in the region did 100 years ago.

I am afraid that KSA's future population will be one of the largest in the region. It already is. I am also afraid that all economic forecasts place KSA as one of the largest economies in the world. To be more precise a very respected forecast such as this one below predicts KSA to be the 12th largest economy in the world by 2050.


I am afraid that you are back to trolling and wishful thinking. I suggest to read the many hardcore facts that I mentioned in post 3 in this thread. You obviously missed it. Let me quote it for you.

Please don't bother me idiotic Indian false-flagger.
in 2030 if oil is 0 $ you can survive?
No offense.... Before discovering oil Saudi was absolutely nowhere in the world. And again when oil becomes worthless Saudi will become a very weak country with low population. You can not buy everything that you need from America and European countries anymore. There would be several countries stronger than you. For example Pakistan a country with "200 million population" will have several times bigger GDP than you; not to mention stronger countries like Egypt, Turkey, India etc...

So as long as you have oil you can be easy but it works as long as you can sell oil.

I don't think other than olive and date any kind of fruit can produce in Saudi.

Maybe you should educate yourself a bit about pre-Islamic and Islamic history for once? Arabia is one of the historical heavyweights and no educated person can claim otherwise. Your initial claim is like claiming that Iran was "absolute nowhere in the world before the discovery of oil and gas". One could say that it would be another Afghanistan next door without it. However I have news for you. KSA, Iran and all the other oil and gas rich countries of today did not look any different from the non-oil and gas rich countries in the region did 100 years ago.

I am afraid that KSA's future population will be one of the largest in the region. It already is. I am also afraid that all economic forecasts place KSA as one of the largest economies in the world. To be more precise a very respected forecast such as this one below predicts KSA to be the 12th largest economy in the world by 2050.


I am afraid that you are back to trolling and wishful thinking. I suggest to read the many hardcore facts that I mentioned in post 3 in this thread. You obviously missed it. Let me quote it for you.

*Mod edit: Personal attacks/insults are not allowed."

Great news and expected. This was talked about years ago and has nothing to do with oil prices. KSA's economy is on the right track already and the necessary economic reforms have already been implemented and praised by IMF and everyone else.

January 2017:


May 2017:


KSA will remain a G-20 major economy member state indefinitely and as per all economic forecasts KSA's economy is expected to be among the 13 largest in the world by 2050. 12th largest to be precise.



Saudi Arabians will remain some of the richest people in the world as well.

KSA is also one the largest surplus and creditor nations in the world (top 10), KSA's has one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world (soon the by far largest after the Saudi Aramco IPO materializes), trillions of USD in investment abroad, one of the youngest populations in the world (growing too which is important), one of the most educated in the Muslim and developing world, enormous natural and mineral resources, enormous potential for alternative energy (solar, wind etc.) and most importantly no taxation almost. That alone is among the largest income sources of many states. Not only no taxation for locals but also expats alike.

So all in all introducing a 100 percent excise tax on unhealthy products (that become a big economic burden when people are treated by the healthcare system due to obesity, diabetes, cancer etc.) is a brilliant idea by KSA and the GCC. 2 billion USD within 6 months is not bad either.

Saudi Vision 2030 is well on course. Great to see.

@Arabi @Full Moon @Bubblegum Crisis @Frosty

Read my post above. It is completely normal for services to increase in price. A service like this and its price cannot be static. This happens with all products. The costs of maintaining Makkah, Madinah and running it every single day 24/7 is not cheap either. There are 1.6 billion + Muslims. There will be no lack of suitors ever.

if oil stay under 50 dollar od barrel
i hope it will be under 30 dollar saudi will bankrupt in 5 years thats what imf say

democracy why not?

Please don't bother me idiotic Indian false-flagger. Still relying on that useless IMF article that is what 3 years old?

Now illiterate false-flagging Indian, I suggest taking the look at this and real data:

January 2017:


May 2017:


So much for your nonsense. As I said don't waste my time on nonsense. There are limits of how many "geniuses" that I can tolerate on a daily basis, especially when writing a master's thesis in chemical engineering simultaneously with Ramadan.

in 2030 in oil is 0 $ you can survive?

Indian, we ruled half of the world for almost 1000 years long before oil and gas was discovered. Our ancestors were one of the most influential people in history and built over 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites in Arabia alone. Not only that we are some of the greatest survivors. Very few people would have flourished in an environment and geography like we did. For instance your likes would perish. Arabs are the last people on earth that you should worry about on this front. Even despite all the wealth must of us retain a close connection to the nature that surrounds us (mountains, desert, lowland, sea etc). Despite all the wealth we have retained far more of our culture than arguably most Muslims in the world. Even our traditional dresses we are proudly wearing while others have adopted Western clothing. Just a clear example that illustrates what I am talking about. We are some of the most proud people on the planet and one of the most closely attached to our ancient culture. That is what bothers your likes. Not even wealth and globalization removed this. No Uncle Tom like your likes.
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In a perfect world, every Saudi Arabian (with the exception of House of Saud members and Al ash-Sheikh members and a few others that people are not familiar with here) would support a change of regime IF it occurred bloodless and IF something better replaced it. Those are big ifs and especially in times like today where the region is very unstable. Anyway singling out one regime when all Muslim regimes are more or less the same is pathetic if you ask me and it is getting very tiring to say the least. The amount of hypocrisy involved is also staggering.

Thank God, there is an Arab who has the courage to say that a regime change is good for Saudi Arabia if there was a bloodless coup. Obviously, Islam doesn't accept popular uprising through the common masses, but through the system which could be the Army, Religious Body, or the Bureaucracy in general. This was one of the main reasons why the Arab or Muslim world in general had more stability throughout the centuries in comparison to there western counterparts.

We should question our rulers brother, they are suppose to govern us properly. I have always maintained the stance that things need to change in Pakistan too. In fact I am more harsh to our army who acts as a lame duck in front of our enemies and corrupt politicians. I honestly want to see a strong Saudi Arabia, where it can be one of the great leaders of the Muslim world. I want to see a scenario where the Muslim world doesn't rely on the west, hence why I was angered when you signed that deal with America. Do you think I enjoy slandering Saudi Arabia? The answer is obviously no brother.

in 2030 if oil is 0 $ you can survive?

Why are you so concerned about Saudi Arabia. In 2030 do you think Israel will survive?:) Even if the price of oil does collapse, life will still go on. The Saudi's through there sovereign fund have enough money to invest, but they need to spend it wisely.
First of all, I wish you success for your master thesis. Don't take it personal but this pictures is alarming:



Don't get me wrong, you still have plenty of financial resources but it's getting worse currently.
Oil prices will dip and in my prediction it will hit the 26-30 dollar mark. This will possibly take a year to reach, and then price will bounce back when the stock of supply has reached an equilibrium. This is my opinion:)
Maybe you should educate yourself a bit about pre-Islamic and Islamic history for once? Arabia is one of the historical heavyweights and no educated person can claim otherwise. Your initial claim is like claiming that Iran was "absolute nowhere in the world before the discovery of oil and gas". One could say that it would be another Afghanistan next door without it. However I have news for you. KSA, Iran and all the other oil and gas rich countries of today did not look any different from the non-oil and gas rich countries in the region did 100 years ago.

I am afraid that KSA's future population will be one of the largest in the region. It already is. I am also afraid that all economic forecasts place KSA as one of the largest economies in the world. To be more precise a very respected forecast such as this one below predicts KSA to be the 12th largest economy in the world by 2050.


I am afraid that you are back to trolling and wishful thinking. I suggest to read the many hardcore facts that I mentioned in post 3 in this thread. You obviously missed it. Let me quote it for you.

Please don't bother me idiotic Indian false-flagger. Still relying on that useless IMF article that is what 3 years old?

Now illiterate false-flagging Indian, I suggest taking the look at this and real data:

January 2017:


May 2017:


So much for your nonsense. As I said don't waste my time on nonsense. There are limits of how many "geniuses" that I can tolerate on a daily basis, especially when writing a master's thesis in chemical engineering simultaneously with Ramadan.

Indian, we ruled half of the world for almost 1000 years long before oil and gas was discovered. Our ancestors were one of the most influential people in history and built over 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites in Arabia alone. Not only that we are some of the greatest survivors. Very few people would have flourished in an environment and geography like we did. For instance your likes would perish. Arabs are the last people on earth that you should worry about on this front. Even despite all the wealth must of us retain a close connection to the nature that surrounds us (mountains, desert, lowland, sea etc). Despite all the wealth we have retained far more of our culture than arguably most Muslims in the world. Even our traditional dresses we are proudly wearing while others have adopted Western clothing. Just a clear example that illustrates what I am talking about. We are some of the most proud people on the planet and one of the most closely attached to our ancient culture. That is what bothers your likes. Not even wealth and globalization removed this. No Uncle Tom like your likes.
why do you think im indian?
Indian, we ruled half of the world for almost 1000 years long before oil and gas was discovered. Our ancestors were one of the most influential people in history and built over 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites in Arabia alone. Not only that we are some of the greatest survivors. Very few people would have flourished in an environment and geography like we did. For instance your likes would perish. Arabs are the last people on earth that you should worry about on this front. Even despite all the wealth must of us retain a close connection to the nature that surrounds us (mountains, desert, lowland, sea etc). Despite all the wealth we have retained far more of our culture than arguably most Muslims in the world. Even our traditional dresses we are proudly wearing while others have adopted Western clothing. Just a clear example that illustrates what I am talking about. We are some of the most proud people on the planet and one of the most closely attached to our ancient culture. That is what bothers your likes. Not even wealth and globalization removed this. No Uncle Tom like your likes.

Racism would leave you in a blind alley where even the most closest of friends would let nature complete its course. Your pride will lead you to your fall and it wont be pretty.
But i would prefer answering you from within your post. Yes you will survive and yes we will still call you the Arabs be it in the true form of nomadic tribes post Oil world whenever that comes.
Enjoy your stay at the top of the food chain thanks to the Oil but indulge you NOT in racism and sectarianism.

I will only say the moment one of your racist powerful blokes utter these words 'we are the proud people of Abu Jahal and Ikramah' you will perish. Just like the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians and the Romans will. The order is anybody's guess
Thank God, there is an Arab who has the courage to say that a regime change is good for Saudi Arabia if there was a bloodless coup. Obviously, Islam doesn't accept popular uprising through the common masses, but through the system which could be the Army, Religious Body, or the Bureaucracy in general. This was one of the main reasons why the Arab or Muslim world in general had more stability throughout the centuries in comparison to there western counterparts.

We should question our rulers brother, they are suppose to govern us properly. I have always maintained the stance that things need to change in Pakistan too. In fact I am more harsh to our army who acts as a lame duck in front of our enemies and corrupt politicians. I honestly want to see a strong Saudi Arabia, where it can be one of the great leaders of the Muslim world. I want to see a scenario where the Muslim world doesn't rely on the west, hence why I was angered when you signed that deal with America. Do you think I enjoy slandering Saudi Arabia? The answer is obviously no brother.

Why are you so concerned about Saudi Arabia. In 2030 do you think Israel will survive?:) Even if the price of oil does collapse, life will still go on. The Saudi's through there sovereign fund have enough money to invest, but they need to spend it wisely.
israel will survive who will atack us?

First of all, I wish you success for your master thesis. Don't take it personal but this pictures is alarming:



Don't get me wrong, you still have plenty of financial resources but it's getting worse currently.
thats true he think to develop modern industry take few years meanwhile they will eat there reserves and if they will put tex on people too much or cuy subsideis you will see another arab spring
Thank God, there is an Arab who has the courage to say that a regime change is good for Saudi Arabia if there was a bloodless coup. Obviously, Islam doesn't accept popular uprising through the common masses, but through the system which could be the Army, Religious Body, or the Bureaucracy in general. This was one of the main reasons why the Arab or Muslim world in general had more stability throughout the centuries in comparison to there western counterparts.

We should question our rulers brother, they are suppose to govern us properly. I have always maintained the stance that things need to change in Pakistan too. In fact I am more harsh to our army who acts as a lame duck in front of our enemies and corrupt politicians. I honestly want to see a strong Saudi Arabia, where it can be one of the great leaders of the Muslim world. I want to see a scenario where the Muslim world doesn't rely on the west, hence why I was angered when you signed that deal with America. Do you think I enjoy slandering Saudi Arabia? The answer is obviously no brother.

Finally? May I ask how many Arabs that you have encountered in your life and discussed politics with? One of the most favorite hobbies on the Arab Street, everywhere in the Arab world, is to complain about regimes in power, politicians and politics in general. I don't think that this is any different elsewhere in the Muslim world or the world for that matter.

You are based in the UK, London more precisely, right? How many Saudi Arabians, people from the GCC or Arabs in the UK have you encountered? I don't mean British Arab citizens such as the existing Yemeni, Iraqi, Lebanese, Egyptian, Sudanese etc. communities who are born and breed in the UK.

Do you speak Arabic? Do you visit Arab forums, follow social media etc.? Those are all questions that you need to ask yourself before making it sound like it is a shock for you to hear that people strive for a better status quo.

BTW, I said only if what replaced it would be good. No offense but you are talking about this situation like people in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world were mindless drones.

You should know one thing. Saudi Arabians and Arabs in general usually prefer to discuss such sensitive or in general internal affairs among each other. In general sensitive matters are never paraded in public. People are reserved on this front however don't mistake that for a lack of interest.

In general it is very difficult for foreigners, even sometimes fellow Arabs, to understand all the dynamics that make KSA tick as a society. Sometimes it is difficult to understand for the native youth. Even the House of Saudi finds it difficult to navigate in.

Sorry if this post came off as hostile but PDF is not really the place (with all due respect) for serious non-biased discussion about KSA. I am yet to see it at least. Of course there are knowledgable members here from both the West and East who have lived in KSA and know it fairly well but how many times do we see such discussion about any country here other than Pakistan? Not often.

Anyway lastly have in mind that dissent is rarely tolerated in our region in general or going against the tide.

First of all, I wish you success for your master thesis. Don't take it personal but this pictures is alarming:



Don't get me wrong, you still have plenty of financial resources but it's getting worse currently.

Not sure if you are genuine but thanks nevertheless.

KSA has the fourth largest foreign exchange-reserves in the world. That's better than 99% of all countries in the world.


Also much-needed and praised reforms have taken place in KSA but more needs to be done. That is obvious. This process has just kickstarted. I think that predicting doom and gloom for KSA, like it has been the case for decades, is not a wise thing to do. To assume that status quo will continue is not wise either.

Racism would leave you in a blind alley where even the most closest of friends would let nature complete its course. Your pride will lead you to your fall and it wont be pretty.
But i would prefer answering you from within your post. Yes you will survive and yes we will still call you the Arabs be it in the true form of nomadic tribes post Oil world whenever that comes.
Enjoy your stay at the top of the food chain thanks to the Oil but indulge you NOT in racism and sectarianism.

I will only say the moment one of your racist powerful blokes utter these words 'we are the proud people of Abu Jahal and Ikramah' you will perish. Just like the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians and the Romans will. The order is anybody's guess

Is "Indian" now a racist word? That's news to me. I encourage people here to call me an Arab. BTW, I have to say this, but Semites originate from Arabia. Being Arabs is our "newest" identity. Far older than that. In fact the oldest recorded civilizations were founded by our ancestors. So we will remain prideful people. Rich or poor, it does not matter. Just like it never did.

BTW I suggest taking a look at that troll's numerous ID's (3-4) that he has used just in the past few days and the "quality" of his posts and nature of them. Not only that he is a false-flagger. He has been proven as a non-Israeli. So yes, Indian is the right word to use here. An Aryan Indian if you like.
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israel will survive who will atack us?

If America was to collapse financially which will happen in the near future then Israel will be vulnerable. No more funding, no more free toys to kill the Palestinians, and it will open season to invade your country. Like I said to you before Saudi Arabia will survive even if the price of oil collapse.
If America was to collapse financially which will happen in the near future then Israel will be vulnerable. No more funding, no more free toys to kill the Palestinians, and it will open season to invade your country. Like I said to you before Saudi Arabia will survive even if the price of oil collapse.
thats why we have nukes

thats why we have nukes
every one try to atack wil dieno one want to suicide

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