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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

Well that's right they're built on shaky grounds. Remember the Shah? Saddam? Gaddafi? I'm not going to talk about their deeds, good or evil, but one thing was for certain they didn't have the consensus of their people.
No one is saying support, but no need to lock horns. Pakistan can pursue it's path without fear.

Agreed. Although on this occassion we need to praise the FM who gave a befitting reply. We are not like GCC nations who have sold themselves to Israel on the issue of Palestine. Pakistan is not going to sellout on Kashmir.

GCC nations cannot hold Pakistan hostage. We will work with Iran and the region.
This isn't hasty.
We have watched these shit houses sell the Palestinians down the river now they are trying to sell us and the Kashmiris down the river as well.
They care for no one but their own throne and kingdom.
Better to get out now.

I agree, and I'm talking about the future , not what happened. You don't need to become their nemesis.
The Palestinian similitude is spot on, Kashmiris actually find themselves in a worse state i.e. at least the Gaza Strip and the West Bank can rule their own land, even though it's shrinking.
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Make it a top priority. How can a cowboy nation across the ocean dictate the terms on what Pakistan can and cannot do? It is an abomination that a sovereign nation cannot freely decide to participate in a gas pipeline project. That is the level we have stooped to. We are constantly being blackmailed. We are mentally paralyzed to make sovereign decisions. We have a whole generation of people who are afraid to speak up and say what is in the best interest of Pakistan. Constant fear mongering has clouded the judgement. All we need is a threat from another country and we lie down. No we are not going to turned to stone age. It is absurd.

Bro, you are very inspiring and are saying it how it is. We DO need to start thinking about ourselves and not give a damn about others or what they think. It's perfectly natural and healthy to do so. Let's do what is best for Pakistan. To hell with the rest.
I agree, and I'm talking about the future , not what happened. You don't need to become their nemesis.
The Palestinian similitude is spot on, Kashmir actually find itself in a worse state i.e. at least the Gaza Strip and the West Bank can rule their own land, even though it's shrinking.
I'm sorry, if we are going to appease them to keep them onside then we are going to lose out. If they are not going to support us on this matter then we have to look elsewhere for that support.
They know where we stand.
The ball is in their court.
The control of the Arabs is in the hands of the United States and Israel. This decision is not their own. USA and Israel are driving the puppets for protect India, that's all. This is what we have been telling for a long time in the Turkish thread. That's why many of our Turkish friends were banned and left the PDF.
SA and UAE gone nuts long ago. With all that amount of money they see themselves among every other Muslim country and untouchable. They try the coups, they change the governments, they intervene everywhere, they fund the entities like enemies of the state.
Cia backed FETÖ also partly funded by UAE, they tried to overthrown Erdoğan.

Conclusion : These guys know once they lost the throne, they will be beaten to death on the streets like Qaddafi and Saddam and there is ONLY one way to keep the throne. Listen the orders of the CIA and Israel.
I suspect this is exactly whats going on behind the scenes with the objective of getting our way by putting the other party under pressure. And i mentioned a similar theory a couple of days back.

My Comments were Directed at some not so Bright Ideas that members in this threads and other threads like this are Putting forward as to what Pakistan should do to make a new alliance with this nation or that nation. Disregard Sanction and trade with Iran without thinking of consequences. Pakistanis need to understand one simple fact. Political power without Economic power is Sterile. And no country is a bigger example for this fact than ours. We have made our self Economically dependent on the same nations we want nothing to do.

Even now most Dont actually want Pakistan want to stand on its own feet but change camp from GCC to Iran or Turkey. We need to ditch this Follower mentality. Coming back to Topic at hand Pakistan and KSA are going through this phase because both sides expect the other side to do what they want but arnt willing to reciprocate be that due to Domestic tensions and fault lines or due to Economic affairs. But one thing is clear Pakistan is calling the Saudi Bluff if they blink first then we would get what we want and our Relationship will move away from master slave mindset. And i suspect this is exactly what will happens. Such decades old and time tested geopolitical relations arent something that could be changed in a heart beat and Pakistan and the Benefits it brings cant be replaced. But we need to get over the childish behavior some are showing due to these Tensions and understand realpolitik. If you remember what Shihryar Afridi was saying about Saudis when we were trying to get bailouts from KSA and UAE in 2018 you will understand why i dont want these Einsteins any where near Policy making.

Turkey and Iran don't force Pakistan not to speak up on Kashmir. The Saudis clearly do. It is not about new or old alliances. It is about safeguarding your interests without compromising them.

Also, we don't have to be anyone's lackey to become an economic power. We already have one of the largest economic powers on our side i.e. China. You leave it up to China. They understand what they are doing. We are just simpletons always looking for excuses to screw up great opportunities presenting themselves. Always quarreling and arguing because we put our personal interests above Pakistan. I am glad we have China as our mentor. Thank God we didn't screw up CPEC.

You remember what many members on this very forum used to say when we were fighting US WoT some years ago? How will Pakistan survive when US aid is halted? Well guess what, the aid stopped long ago and Pakistan survived.
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No you don't bro. Things done in haste are never good.

Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Clemency is from Allah and haste is from Satan.”

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2012

I do not disagree with that quote -- however, what Pakistan is going through has been building up for decades it's not something in haste or happened over night. Saudi's have been kicking the can down the road, and their petro-dollars has made Pakistan insufficient through manipulation, almost to the point of being a drunkard.

Let's be real honest, what benefit can the Saudi regime provide:
- Oil
- Jobs
- Loans

- Oil: Iran and as @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan said go the Caspian route and have a direct pipeline into Pakistan
- Jobs: Unless your in a White-Collar job you will be making good money, if not your living hand to mouth a kasi or street corner rari wala would make more in a day, your a practical slave and shown no issat, what do that call us in the Gulf Misqueen
- Loans: Go straight to China and have some sort of mechanism in place of accountability; and knowing Chinese they wouldn't hesitate

We really need to create another block OIC is defunct and most of all the Saudis' can't lead and need to be pushed aside.
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The control of the Arabs is in the hands of the United States and Israel. This decision is not their own. USA and Israel are driving the puppets for protect India, that's all. This is what we have been telling for a long time in the Turkish thread. That's why many of our Turkish friends were banned and left the PDF.


By the way, can you please encourage the Turkish members to come back Inshallah.
The control of the Arabs is in the hands of the United States and Israel. This decision is not their own. USA and Israel are driving the puppets for protect India, that's all. This is what we have been telling for a long time in the Turkish thread. That's why many of our Turkish friends were banned and left the PDF.

You call those Turkish members back. They are our brothers.
The development comes at a time when Pakistan faces a challenging situation as its IMF programme also remains technically suspended for the past five months


The budget estimates suggested that the government was hoping to receive minimum $1 billion worth of oil in fiscal year 2020-21, which started from July.

Pakistan has not received oil on deferred payments from Saudi Arabia since May as a deal signed between the two close allies for provision of $3.2 billion worth of the fuel under the arrangement expired two months ago.

The $3.2-billion Saudi oil facility was part of the $6.2-billion Saudi Arabian package announced in November 2018 to ease Pakistan’s external sector woes, the Express Tribune reported.

The agreement expired in May and efforts are being made by the finance division to renew the facility, the petroleum division spokesperson Sajid Qazi was quoted as saying by the paper.

Pakistan is awaiting response from the Saudi government over its request to further extend the facility, he added.

The development comes at a time when Pakistan faces a challenging situation as its IMF programme also remains technically suspended for the past five months.

Returning of Saudi loans and expiry of the oil facility could strain the official reserves of the central bank, which are built purely by taking loans, the paper said.

The budget estimates suggested that the government was hoping to receive minimum $1 billion worth of oil in fiscal year 2020-21, which started from July.

Pakistan has already returned a $1-billion Saudi loan — four months ahead of its repayment period, the paper said.

Citing sources, it said Pakistan could also return the remaining $2 billion cash loan, subject to availability of a similar facility from China.

The agreement over $3-billion cash support and $3.2-billion oil facility per annum had the provision of renewal for two more years.

Saudi had rolled over its $3-billion loan from between November 2019 and January 2020. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has termed the rollovers of Saudi Arabian, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Chinese assistance critical for Pakistan’s debt sustainability.

Pakistan's repayment of the $1-billion Saudi Arabian loan after borrowing from China and expiry of the oil facility underscores challenging relations between the two Islamic nations, the report noted.

The Saudi oil facility that had been secured after hectic backdoor lobbying with the royal family remained underutilised in the last fiscal year.

The $769 -million deferred payment facility on supply of oil was availed from the Saudi government, according to the spokesman of the petroleum division.

The Saudi facility faced roadblocks since the beginning. Initially, both the countries had a plan to make the facility operational from January 2019. But it actually became operational from July last year.

The UAE had also announced a $6.2-billion package for Pakistan in December 2018, including a $3.2-billion oil facility. But later on, the UAE reduced its financial assistance to $2 billion and also shelved the plan to give a $3.2 billion oil facility on deferred payments.

The UAE and Saudi Arabian oil credit facilities were part of the $14.5-billion package agreed with three friendly countries, including China. After coming into power, Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government faced an immediate challenge of filling a $12-billion hole, which the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz government had left behind due to a widening current account deficit, the report said.

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