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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

Create a thread in the Suggestions subforum and tag some of us who are interested.

Tag @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @PaklovesTurkiye and similar members who are pro-Turkish. We can work something out.

Please stop taking it out on Mods, actually it is not 100% their fault. We can discuss details there.

Agreed. We can all help to work things out if any issues arise amongst our Turkish, Iranian or Arab brothers on PDF. Feel free to tag me or any of the other brothers mentioned in the above post.
A very interesting heated debate is on.
The best way to do work is to do it in a good way, Let it be good or bad, doing is more important than that work. For, the outcome depends on it. So can we judge it accordingly? IMO our way is more emotional than rational.
we need a well planned thorough approach than a hastily ill-mannered one.
At present can we afford an antagonized relationship with our time tested ally KSA who is not in position to support us anymore. the answer Is quite obvious NO. so keep this relationship on a slow burner, where it may not be harmful to Pakistan's interests. Time never remain same dear.
Now comes the question of Iran, Can Pakistan find the alternative of KSA in shape of Iran. The answer is, Maybe, maybe not. But a few months back, Iranian interests were fully aligned with our chief enemy India. Iran and India were in hand in hand against us in Chahbahar as well as in Afghanistan. So to be a true Pakistan friend, Iran may need some time to pass a litmus test. still being in a nascent state.
what is the conclusion? No need to be harsh with anyone, be self-reliant in protecting our interests and goals. No one sacrifices one's interests for the sake of others. Be a mature judge, not offending judgemental.
Bringing together like-minded countries like Turkey, Malaysia Iran, and Pakistan is for more important than criticizing your old allies. KSA and UAE are in the American pocket at present . they are doing their best to safeguard their respective interests. the question is why can not taking care of ourselves? Instead of blaming them, we should turn this challenge into new opportunity to promote and enhance our common goal of friendship to develop economically politically, diplomatically, and militarily. Because India has chosen its ally America, while Russia still cherishes the Indian market. Be sensible, be self-reliant in all fields. these days are tough for Pakistan, comings are tougher and more adverse. The only hope is Belief in ownself and Allah.
Check the linked post; my 2 cents in it.

Perhaps this news item is overblown and/or misleading because I do not think that KSA-PAK bilateral relations will fall apart due to a single statement.

Trust me our relation with Saudia will literally fall apart, you've no idea about this man MBS. He can go to any extend to safe his ******** ***.
We are going to get oil from Iran but the deferred payment agreement for supply will be made with another country for it.


I m worried about pakistan labour in saudia.
A very interesting heated debate is on.
The best way to do work is to do it in a good way, Let it be good or bad, doing is more important than that work. For, the outcome depends on it. So can we judge it accordingly? IMO our way is more emotional than rational.
we need a well planned thorough approach than a hastily ill-mannered one.
At present can we afford an antagonized relationship with our time tested ally KSA who is not in position to support us anymore. the answer Is quite obvious NO. so keep this relationship on a slow burner, where it may not be harmful to Pakistan's interests. Time never remain same dear.
Now comes the question of Iran, Can Pakistan find the alternative of KSA in shape of Iran. The answer is, Maybe, maybe not. But a few months back, Iranian interests were fully aligned with our chief enemy India. Iran and India were in hand in hand against us in Chahbahar as well as in Afghanistan. So to be a true Pakistan friend, Iran may need some time to pass a litmus test. still being in a nascent state.
what is the conclusion? No need to be harsh with anyone, be self-reliant in protecting our interests and goals. No one sacrifices one's interests for the sake of others. Be a mature judge, not offending judgemental.
Bringing together like-minded countries like Turkey, Malaysia Iran, and Pakistan is for more important than criticizing your old allies. KSA and UAE are in the American pocket at present . they are doing their best to safeguard their respective interests. the question is why can not taking care of ourselves? Instead of blaming them, we should turn this challenge into new opportunity to promote and enhance our common goal of friendship to develop economically politically, diplomatically, and militarily. Because India has chosen its ally America, while Russia still cherishes the Indian market. Be sensible, be self-reliant in all fields. these days are tough for Pakistan, comings are tougher and more adverse. The only hope is Belief in ownself and Allah.

Neither KSA, UAE, nor Iran can be trusted. I am just being honest here.

We need to wait for some changes in Iran before trust can be re-established. It will take time, and a Taliban government in Afghanistan to make Tehran move forward.

We should keep neither as enemies, but be wary of those countries I mentioned. Every nation of the Arab world is beholden to one of the three, except for a few Maghreb countries.

Pakistan should concentrate on its ties with time-tested allies like China and Turkey. Someone here mentioned about there being "no free lunch," and that is very to the point. We cannot expect Turkey, China, nor Mahathir to make up for the inherent weaknesses in our own society.

Pakistan must stand on its own two feet. That is why I see this falling apart of KSA ties as a blessing in disguise. I have said the same about BD too, in the past.

Sometimes things happen to us, we don't know why they are happening, but eventually we have to put faith in God and believe there is some good in it.

When we were suffering Indian TTP terror campaign, losing 100s of people daily to bomb blasts, and our children to drone strikes, the whole world counted us out.

Pakistan did not cower, we did not break, we trudged on. Pakistani awaam suffered hardship on hardship, but never lost their faith.

People stepped out of their home and walked over streets to work or to shop which had been bombed just yesterday.

I remember what people said, "zinda rehna ya marna Allah ke haath me hai. Hum kyu dhare?"

Pakistan is blessed because the people of Pakistan can suffer more than any other nation. We are patient and loyal to our state.

In sha Allah. We will get through this.
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