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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

Turkey and Iran don't force Pakistan not to speak up on Kashmir. The Saudis clearly do. It is not about new or old alliances. It is about safeguarding your interests without compromising them.

Also, we don't have to be anyone's lackey to become an economic power. We already have one of the largest economic powers on our side i.e. China. You leave it up to China. They understand what they are doing. We are just simpletons always looking for excuses to screw up great opportunities presenting themselves. Always quarreling and arguing because we put our personal interests above Pakistan. I am glad we have China as our mentor. Thank God we didn't screw up CPEC.

You remember what many members on this very forum used to say when we were fighting US WoT some years ago? How will Pakistan survive when US aid is halted? Well guess what, the aid stopped long ago and Pakistan survived.

Bro, if you ever go to war or stand for the position of prime minister of Pakistan, I am 100% with you. You have my full support and vote.

PS..........:lol:........I remember those dark days of late 2001 when some people used to claim that Pakistan is only 3 months away from total collapse without american aid and support...........:lol:.........nearly 20 years later, we are stronger than ever............8-)
Jobs: Unless your in a White-Collar job you will be making good money, if not your living hand to mouth a kasi or street corner rari wala would make more in a day, your a practical slave and shown no issat
just train pur people. teach our Fsc student foreign languages.. help them find admission in universities of Sweden, Italy, Germany, Norway, China and if have money then UK, USA, Japan, Korea... a few thousands in coming years can send more remittance than millions in Gulf..
and I think we have to understand Saudi dependence on India, due to US pressure as some Turkish member said... I think SA asked us to give back 1 billion$ early, on excuse of bad economy, is bogus (they must have 250 billion$ in reserve). Perhaps US has made them to do so. That is why China helped us (bcz it might be indirect US pressure for us to move away from China.)
Anyway, what if India started a war, and lost it (vs China & Pak). Then UAE and SA will buy major companies of India, at cheaper rates (post-war). I guess, Pak should make a deal for that with SA, for such case. :yahoo: @waz
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Bro, I hope you're right.

There is no reason to be jazbati like them. We understand them, we deal with them. Let us not take it too far. If they make the mistakes of cutting us off, we can reciprocate.

Next generation of Arabs, Iranians, etc. can say to us that we never betrayed or backstabbed them. This is what is happening in Tehran. You will see it in KSA eventually.

People will ask why MBS cut off ties with beloved brother Pakistan. Saudis will be furious.

Just to emphasize, modern day Arabs and their rulers are very anti-Islamic and couldn't care less about Islam or Muslims. One big mistake Pakistanis make is to assume that the Islam unites all Muslims when in reality it no longer does.

They are not following Islam the proper way and they no longer believe in brotherhood of Muslims. All that matters to them is money. That is both KSA and Iran factions.

However we are not like them, we can keep holding the olive branch out to them, hoping they change their ways.

We cannot let them dictate policy to us, esp not in relation to our interests and our Kashmiri brothers.

Whole world can burn, but we will never abandon Kashmir. We will do anything for our blood.

Turkey and Iran don't force Pakistan not to speak up on Kashmir. The Saudis clearly do. It is not about new or old alliances. It is about safeguarding your interests without compromising them.

Also, we don't have to be anyone's lackey to become an economic power. We already have one of the largest economic powers on our side i.e. China. You leave it up to China. They understand what they are doing. We are just simpletons always looking for excuses to screw up great opportunities presenting themselves. Always quarreling and arguing because we put our own personal interests above Pakistan. I am glad we have China as our mentor.

You remember what many members on this very forum used to say when we were fighting US WoT some years ago? How will Pakistan survive when US aid is halted? Well guess what, the aid stopped long ago and Pakistan survived.

When we stop being afraid to do the right thing for ourselves and for the world, then Pakistan will become a power.

Otherwise we will live a meager existence and eventually die.

Pakistan must expand and become aggressive to meet the upcoming challenges. It will be a very challenging time, but alhamdulilah we are blessed with so many fortunes.

I do not disagree with that quote -- however, what Pakistan is going through has been building up for decades it's not something in haste or happened over night. Saudi's have been kicking the can down the road, and their petro-dollars has made Pakistan insufficient through manipulation, almost to the point of being a drunkard.

Let's be real honest, what benefit can the Saudi regime provide:
- Oil
- Jobs
- Loans

- Oil: Iran and as @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan said go the Caspian route and have a direct pipeline into Pakistan
- Jobs: Unless your in a White-Collar job you will be making good money, if not your living hand to mouth a kasi or street corner rari wala would make more in a day, your a practical slave and shown no issat, what do that call us in the Gulf Misqueen
- Loans: Go straight to China and have some sort of mechanism in place of accountability; and knowing Chinese they wouldn't hesitate

We really need to create another block OIC is defunct and most of all the Saudis' can't lead and need to be pushed aside.

We must never allow anyone to be able to blackmail us again. Kashmir is not up for discussion with anyone.

If OIC refuses to act on Kashmir, we rip it to pieces and start an actual defense pact for Muslim countries with tangible benefits for us.

Tukey, Malaysia, Pakistan, and next Afghan government can be a good start.
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just train pur people. teach our Fsc student foreign languages.. help them find admission in universities of Sweden, Italy, Germany, Norway, China and if have money then UK, USA, Japan, Korea... a few thousands in coming years can send more remittance than millions in Gulf..

I wish they would expand some programs they already have at HEC. I have a few friends who are studying in PhD programs overseas (Germany for example) fully funded by the government, and their now back home and teaching, under the program their is a goal of generating 10,000 PhDs. Problem is accountability how and where funds are spent.

CPEC Project could've generated more jobs by creating vocational schools to train people in various roles in maintaining the infrastructure, etc. But it's the job of the government who've neglected this -- all I can do is just gives ideas and if people in position can read and implement this would do wonders for Pakistan.
I have a few friends who are studying in PhD programs overseas (Germany for example) fully funded by the government, and their now back home and teaching, under the program their is a goal of generating 10,000 PhDs
I have answered that in details I think RAAD 2 thread. I did my master from Italy. My fee was 18 euro a year. Just have to bear living expenses and PhD is mostly funded but fierce competition. Whole point is, just send you students abroad to be taught , for instance, in German unis. (500 euro a year fee). So this means, German public money is being spent on your countrymen studies. Now if they do job there, or return back, it is a win win for Pak.
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This loan means nothing. Remember the meeting in Malaysia about Kashmir without Pakistani participation. I will never forget this one.

Words cannot describe what harm the Saudis did to the Kashmiri cause back then. They forced IK to back out of this meeting which was attended by Malaysia, Turkey, Iran and Qatar - all nations openly supporting Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It was surreal....
Regional Geopolitics is changing at a very fast pace. Pakistan and SA are going in opposite directions, and nothing is going to stop this. This was bound to happen. By the way, SMQ issued statement on behest of the Pakistan Establishment, so this is going to become official policy moving forward. Saudi's can like it or hate it, but Pakistan is not standing in the US/India/Saudi camp anymore. There is a new block Emerging, and Saudis are not part of it.
This loan means nothing. Remember the meeting in Malaysia about Kashmir without Pakistani participation. I will never forget this one.

Words cannot describe what harm the Saudis did to the Kashmiri cause back then. They forced IK to back out of this meeting which was attended by Malaysia, Turkey, Iran and Qatar - all nations openly supporting Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.
SA must understand too. That if it comes to a country core issues, even a tiny country can go bonkers. Kashmir is way important for us than, lets say gas pipeline with Iran.
This loan means nothing. Remember the meeting in Malaysia about Kashmir without Pakistani participation. I will never forget this one.

Words cannot describe what harm the Saudis did to the Kashmiri cause back then. They forced IK to back out of this meeting which was attended by Malaysia, Turkey, Iran and Qatar - all nations openly supporting Pakistan's stance on Kashmir.

It was surreal....

Pakistan showed weak hands, and lost respect. If you abruptly change your mind over a phone call and for months you've stated you will go to Malaysia who you trust your words next?
Regional Geopolitics is changing at a very fast pace. Pakistan and SA are going in opposite directions, and nothing is going to stop this. This was bound to happen. By the way, SMQ issued statement on behest of the Pakistan Establishment, so this is going to become official policy moving forward. Saudi's can like it or hate it, but Pakistan is not standing in the US/India/Saudi camp anymore. There is a new block Emerging, and Saudis are not part of it.

This is what some aren't getting, SMQ wouldn't have said what he did unless he has the backing of our policy makers (aka Pak Army).
There are many people who wants to damage our relationship with Saudis. This post is such an example. They have to be disappointed though. Pak-Saudi relationship is will only get stronger.
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