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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

Nothing new for Pak.....

Pak was created when it was like: "Now or Never".....

Pak acquired nukes when it was like: "Eat Grass but Have the Bomb"....

Pak defeated the USSR in Afganistan with the help of the USA, and Pak defeated the USA in Afganistan with the help of the USA when it was like: "With us or against us"....

No easy rides for the countries like Pak and Turkey in this Dunya....
No easy rides for Muslim my brother.
DUNYA IS A YOUR EXAMINATION ROOM, you shouldn't really expect the trophy for that , ours is in next life
Nothing new for Pak.....

Pak was created when it was like: "Now or Never".....

Pak acquired nukes when it was like: "Eat Grass but Have the Bomb"....

Pak defeated the USSR in Afganistan with the help of the USA, and Pak defeated the USA in Afganistan with the help of the USA when it was like: "With us or against us"....

No easy rides for the countries like Pak and Turkey in this Dunya....

If there is one thing that the Turkish Ottoman era teaches us it is that you stick to your principles no matter what. You don't cower in face of hostility and certainly don't give up on your ideals. That is what we need. All these excuses about economy are just that. We have heard them before.

Which is why we need to make Pakistan so powerful and advanced that we can help our average and vulnerable citizens and not rely on others for sustenance. In the mean time, there are huge labour shortages in Japan and other parts of the globe. We need to tap into those markets until Pakistan can sustain itself independently. Cannot rely on outsiders for help forever. We need to become independent at some point. Better to do it now rather than later.
I fully support and feel this. A Pakistan "IN GEAR" is unstoppable, that's a fact.
Interesting and possible....but what made you say this?

india, Japan, south korea, philippines, Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Israel and western powers on one end, and turkey , china, iran, russia, pakistan, malaysia and some others one one side.. there wont be long when muslims regional powers will fight to decimate another.. currently regional powers are stalemating in battlefield
There are many people who wants to damage our relationship with Saudis. This post is such an example. They have to be disappointed though. Pak-Saudi relationship is will only get stronger.

Only the Saudis are interested in breaking this relationship. When you ask Pakistan not to mention Kashmir at OIC you are truly an enemy of Pakistan.
I could write a thesis on this. I'll say take each day as it comes. It was high time Pakistan started to steer its course. However keep things amicable, there's no need to antagonise the Saudis.
Do you think maybe what could be happening regarding Kashmir is that the stakes/pressure/costs etc for Pakistan are higher in current times relative to historical times and maybe Pakistan's call to OIC recently is a different,serious "cry for help" to Muslim brothers of Pakistan's but maybe the Saudis are misreading Pakistan as being impatient instead of fully understanding the possible higher stakes for Kashmir in recent times....just a thought...it could basically be a miscommunication or sharp difference of perspective due to some changed factors.
Different countries have different leadership constructs and bilateral relationships with other countries of choice to their perceived benefits.

You do not like KSA in personal capacity - fair enough. But understand that KSA have provided RELIEF to Pakistan in difficult times.

EMPHASIS: WE can reach out to different countries to endorse [our] Kashmir-related cause in official capacity, but it must be understood that some will reciprocate and others will not. Therefore, Pakistani foreign policy should not be contingent upon this factor [alone].

It is not wise to issue Public statement(s) which might damage relations with an otherwise friendly country. Even blood brothers are not necessarily on the same page on every matter in life.

Constructive criticism of any entity is understandable and even justifiable (I am all for this), but I have noticed that fellow Pakistani are not on the same page while evaluating Pakistani bilateral relations with other countries (lack of consensus); if fellow Pakistani will make it a habit of bashing 'any' friendly country for not supporting Pakistan on a certain issue, [our] enemies will come to celebrate [our] immaturity at display in all its glory in Public platforms and make an effort to capitalize on this dynamic to their advantage in any capacity whatsoever. Right now - I can imagine Indians having euphoria moments while coming across KSA-bashing sessions within Pakistani circles (forums; social media and vice versa). This is the era of Social Media, my friends.


Who told you that I dislike KSA in personal capacity? That is merely an assumption on your part.

You are failing to mention the elephant in the room. No matter what spin you give to this discussion, it all started when Saudis failed to support Pakistan on Kashmir. This is simply unforgivable. No ifs and buts.

KSA provided relief because it had its interests. It wasn't free lunch no matter how helpful for Pakistan. Pakistan has helped Saudis and the US for decades in their fight against Communist Russia. Stop undermining and downplaying your own role. What you also fail to mention is that MBS is not like previous Saudi rulers. He is a lavish and inconsiderate thug. He has killed and chopped up critics in an embassy.

Saudi Arabia under MBS is hostile towards Pak causes. It has proved that it will put India, US and Israel above everything else. That is their choice and we respect that. Just don't tell us to not criticise KSA because remittances are at stake. We will criticise because if you undermine our cause you are not a friend. Whether that puts the relationship in danger is something the Saudis should have considered first.

Remember that friendship and relationships are a two way street. Don't expect flowers when you spit in my face and tell me that Kashmir doesn't matter.

Number one, the Indians are irrelevant. Number two, we should not hold KSA responsible because the Indians would otherwise rejoice? That is pathetic. We are a sovereign country. I can also reverse the same question to you. Have you ever thought what Indians would say about Saudi actions at OIC? You have to defend your stance.
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I have answered that in details I think RAAD 2 thread. I did my master from Italy. My fee was 18 euro a year. Just have to bear living expenses and PhD is mostly funded but fierce competition. Whole point is, just send you students abroad to be taught , for instance, in German unis. (500 euro a year fee). So this means, German public money is being spent on your countrymen studies. Now if they do job there, or return back, it is a win win for Pak.
freaking opportunities for Pakistan!! especially if they learn and become experts in those specialist trades and skillsets...they are employable for life..renewable and electric is next, even if oil will still be here..
Do you think maybe what could be happening regarding Kashmir is that the stakes/pressure/costs etc for Pakistan are higher in current times relative to historical times and maybe Pakistan's call to OIC recently is a different,serious "cry for help" to Muslim brothers of Pakistan's but maybe the Saudis are misreading Pakistan as being impatient instead of fully understanding the possible higher stakes for Kashmir in recent times....just a thought...it could basically be a miscommunication or sharp difference of perspective due to some changed factors.

Just because you have a mouth, it doesnt mean you must use it.

If you have anything to add, make it useful.

We know your anti-Pakistanism from the forum. Now discuss the topic of thread, rather than posit nonsense theories.
"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack." - Marshal Ferdinand Foch, C-in-C of the allied Forces in WW1

As for the timing, nothing can be more than this much perfect:
  • The USA-China tussle is turning into a war (of words, trade, immigration, investment, shipping routes, getting lands back etc.)
  • The plan to divide the KSA via inter-fighting is being finalized. The critical center of gravity is tilting fast toward it as MBS is running toward the Kingship
  • Turkey wants her lands back as they were taken away illegally at the first place
What has come with a wind will be gone with the WIND....

It does seem like all the right pieces are falling into place. This is the Qudrat of Allah swt.

Pakistan has always had a hidden hand supporting us in our worst and best times.

Any other nation would have broken to pieces.

Our bozorg say, "Only by grace (barakat) of Allah swt this nation is still standing."

I believe them.
india, Japan, south korea, philippines, Saudi, UAE, Egypt, Israel and western powers on one end, and turkey , china, iran, russia, pakistan, malaysia and some others one one side.. there wont be long when muslims regional powers will fight to decimate another.. currently regional powers are stalemating in battlefield

Your original post was like a troll. Maybe you yourself did not take it seriously.

However the big threat to Arabs is Israel, and it has always been. Look at Lebanon today, that is proof.
Saudi Arabia has ended a loan and oil supply to Pakistan due to the South Asian nation’s criticism that the Saudi-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is not doing enough to pressure India on the Kashmir issue, marking a new milestone in the deteriorating relations between the two allies.
Pakistan was last week forced to repay a Saudi loan of $1 billion that the kingdom called in after Pakistan insisted it be allowed to lead the OIC’s support for Kashmir, a region largely under Indian occupation and which was annexed by India last year.

The loan was part of a $6.2 billion package announced by Saudi Arabia in November 2018, which included a total of $3 billion in loans and an oil credit facility amounting to $3.2 billion. Those deals were then signed when Crown Prince Muhammed Bin Salman made a visit to Pakistan in February last year.
Relations between the two countries then started to break down, however, when Riyadh turned down Islamabad’s request to convene a special meeting of the OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers. Pakistan continued to demand the OIC use its role to help Kashmir, with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi stating in an interview with the Pakistani news channel ARY last week that “I am once again respectfully telling OIC that a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers is our expectation.”

He went further by warning that Pakistan would be forced to take it into its own hands, saying that “If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of the Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiris.”
Qureshi insisted that the OIC, dominated largely by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab states, must “show leadership on the issue.” He added that “We have our own sensitivities. You have to realise this. Gulf countries should understand this.”
The foreign minister made the comments despite risking his country’s ties with the kingdom, acknowledging that “It’s right, I’m taking a position despite our good ties with Saudi Arabia…We cannot stay silent anymore on the sufferings of the Kashmiris.”
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have historically had strong bilateral relations in the financial, trade and military sectors, making the increased tensions between the two countries a concern for many and particularly for Pakistan, which has been undergoing a financial crisis over the past few years and which saw the kingdom as a primary ally to help bail it out.
This is not the first time such tension was witnessed, though, as Pakistan was pressured by Saudi Arabia to skip the attendance of a major summit on the issues facing the Muslim world in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur in December last year due to the presence of the kingdom’s rivals, Iran and Turkey. Pakistan’s lack of attendance, seen as a challenge to Saudi Arabia’s influence in the Muslim world, caused many to see Islamabad as being subservient to Riyadh.

Good now built that damn pipeline with Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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