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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

I could write a thesis on this. I'll say take each day as it comes. It was high time Pakistan started to steer its course. However keep things amicable, there's no need to antagonise the Saudis.

They sure as hell did antagonise Pakistan on Kashmir. The GCC nations are characterless monarchies. Drunk in their wealth. At a time when these rich Arab nations should be guiding the Islamic world they are busy creating rifts.

Why should we support such crooked corrupt monarchies? Because they have money? What a foolish argument. What worth is money when you are selling out on your principles?
They sure as hell did antagonise Pakistan on Kashmir.
Stop acting sped 10% of their exports are to India. It would be dumb to risk losing that much money and ruining your economy.
They sure as hell did antagonise Pakistan on Kashmir. The GCC nations are characterless monarchies. Drunk in their wealth. At a time when these rich Arab nations should be guiding the Islamic world they are busy creating rifts.

Just to emphasize, modern day Arabs and their rulers are very anti-Islamic and couldn't care less about Islam or Muslims. One big mistake Pakistanis make is to assume that the Islam unites all Muslims when in reality it no longer does.
Just build the Iran pipeline already and be done with it.

Immediately. Another great project held hostage by the Americans and GCC nations. We have made a habit of worshipping certain entities. We are afraid and our mind is completely warped.

What will happen if GCC remittances stop? Well, we will have less. We will continue to breathe.
True but the precedence has been set. It may take a few years but the Iran/Pakistan pipeline will eventually become a reality.

Make it a top priority. How can a cowboy nation across the ocean dictate the terms on what Pakistan can and cannot do? It is an abomination that a sovereign nation cannot freely decide to participate in a gas pipeline project. That is the level we have stooped to. We are constantly being blackmailed. We are mentally paralyzed to make sovereign decisions. We have a whole generation of people who are afraid to speak up and say what is in the best interest of Pakistan. Constant fear mongering has clouded the judgement. All we need is a threat from another country and we lie down. No we are not going to be turned to stone age. It is absurd.
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I could write a thesis on this. I'll say take each day as it comes. It was high time Pakistan started to steer its course. However keep things amicable, there's no need to antagonise the Saudis.
How do you defy their wishes and interests without antagonising them?
You can't make omelettes without breaking eggs.
You think foreign office would take outright positioning with out a nod?

It's called good cop, bad cop.
I suspect this is exactly whats going on behind the scenes with the objective of getting our way by putting the other party under pressure. And i mentioned a similar theory a couple of days back.

My Comments were Directed at some not so Bright Ideas that members in this threads and other threads like this are Putting forward as to what Pakistan should do to make a new alliance with this nation or that nation. Disregard Sanction and trade with Iran without thinking of consequences. Pakistanis need to understand one simple fact. Political power without Economic power is Sterile. And no country is a bigger example for this fact than ours. We have made our self Economically dependent on the same nations we want nothing to do.

Even now most Dont actually want Pakistan want to stand on its own feet but change camp from GCC to Iran or Turkey. We need to ditch this Follower mentality. Coming back to Topic at hand Pakistan and KSA are going through this phase because both sides expect the other side to do what they want but arnt willing to reciprocate be that due to Domestic tensions and fault lines or due to Economic affairs. But one thing is clear Pakistan is calling the Saudi Bluff if they blink first then we would get what we want and our Relationship will move away from master slave mindset. And i suspect this is exactly what will happens. Such decades old and time tested geopolitical relations arent something that could be changed in a heart beat and Pakistan and the Benefits it brings cant be replaced. But we need to get over the childish behavior some are showing due to these Tensions and understand realpolitik. If you remember what Shihryar Afridi was saying about Saudis when we were trying to get bailouts from KSA and UAE in 2018 you will understand why i dont want these Einsteins any where near Policy making.
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why would SA govt wd react on it.. its not like our PM said that.. it can be thought that FM had been signalled from PM, but still...!!
anyway, I said it before, somebody from PTI must play a good cop.

I'm not sure, we'll just have to see. I like the whole "good cop" approach.
They sure as hell did antagonise Pakistan on Kashmir. The GCC nations are characterless monarchies. Drunk in their wealth. At a time when these rich Arab nations should be guiding the Islamic world they are busy creating rifts.

Why should we support such crooked corrupt monarchies? Because they have money? What a foolish argument. What worth is money when you are selling out on your principles?

Well that's right they're built on shaky grounds. Remember the Shah? Saddam? Gaddafi? I'm not going to talk about their deeds, good or evil, but one thing was for certain they didn't have the consensus of their people.
No one is saying support, but no need to lock horns. Pakistan can pursue it's path without fear.
See post 56 bro.
Lighting fires is easy, putting them out isn't. We don't need to be hasty.
This isn't hasty.
We have watched these shit houses sell the Palestinians down the river now they are trying to sell us and the Kashmiris down the river as well.
They care for no one but their own throne and kingdom.
Better to get out now.
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