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Saudi Arabia ends loan and oil supply to Pakistan over its criticism of OIC on Kashmir

Nicely put.
If the 1 b usd loan was due , i don't see anything wrong in the Saudis calling it in. Unless the Pakistanis here expected it to become a grant ?
Their are 26 lakh Pakistanis working in saudi, with annual remittances of 24 b usd this year.
I feel Pakistan has come under Chinese pressure to coordinate on Kashmir by involving the oic.
Previously SA didn't really care much about Indian sensibilities. This is totally unexpected.
Article seems pretty good of an analysis China is pressuring Pakistan it seems?
Blowing things out of proportion as always. I am actually happy that Pakistan's Foreign policy is controlled from Pindi otherwise if it was left to Islamabad and populist mentality it would fcuk every thing up.

You think foreign office would take outright positioning with out a nod?

It's called good cop, bad cop.
Seriously, it will be cheaper even with sanctions

Turkmenistan is available via Afghanistan, free of sanctions or strings.

My take on it is, well, really hard to judge...

If our intentions towards Kashmir are that strong, that we'd be willing to break our ties with KSA could have major affect on our own people too.

KSA could become the next Kuwait for Pakistani's seeking job opportunities. Kuwait hasn't issued Employment Visas to Pakistani's in over a decade. There is great number of work force in the GCC, especially KSA.

And if things go from bad to worse, they may start treating us like Qatari's - meaning our people will only be issued Visas during Hajj.

Did the present Government really think this through? If not, we just gave the Opposition another reason to question their credibility. The Diesel-powered clan won't be happy.

I'm just worried that we go the distance all on our own, and then be left stranded by those who have been pushing us all along - for their own personal interest. It won't be for the first time.

Sometimes you have to do this for your own vital interests. If your 'allies' do not stand with you in your time of need, throw them out.

Invest in countries that actually support you in Kashmir such as China, Turkey, Azerbaycan, Malaysia, and incoming Afghan government.

Arabs...showing true colours..

Arabs pick israel and Zionism over Palestine and Alaqsa.
Now arabs pic hindu fascists and india over pakistani muslims and kashmir.


At this rate, I do not even care what happens to these Arab regimes like KSA, UAE, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and rest of GCC countries.

I care only about the common folk, I would not want them to suffer. However, these states are themselves earning the Azabun Kabir of Allah swt for betraying the Islamic cause.

You cannot say that if they are abandoned by all to fend for themselves against Israeli onslaught, that it is unjust. It definitely is not. Allah swt is all Just.

I feel most sorrowful for the Palestinians, because they are the main victim of treachery of Arab regimes.
I believe this is the correct course of action. We aren't cutting of relations with KSA or the Gulf but letting them know a change of guard is pretty much due at this moment due to their incompetency and lack of initiative in doing anything to resolve the issues facing the Muslim World. They've been failures to push their weight to gain any meaningful advantage or settle disputes -- the danger I'm guessing Pakistan is seeing is an unstable child who will be crowned king in couple of months and his leaning to Israeli and US tilt is far to great for anyone's liking. The last couple of months or even years has shown Gulf favor to India with investments and silent diplomatic support, they have their priorities all wrapped up wrong to begin with, and their tangles in various different issues have exacerbated conflicts in the region -- they've not spared their own Arabs and some Pakistani's are crying about SMQs reaction. Let's be honest, KSA has housed and protected our corrupt diplomats who've done us more harm that the Indians in the long-run, through this have interfered in us carrying out justice.

His reaction isn't just his opinion but that of the ministry he leads, I'm sure lots of high ranking foreign diplomats are angry at KSA, after ditching Malaysia and refusing to come out publicly and support us I feel was the last straw and the voice came out. KSA threw us under the bus after we threw Mahatir under the bus.

@LeGenD @waz @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet@PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit
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Good or bad relationship with the Saudis, those job opportunities for Pakistanis were going to end anyway as the Saudis are going to start employing their own and get rid of foreigners. That is inevitable:

Let CPEC flourish and let's give our own people jobs.
No, you're off the page - far from it fact.

The Saudization has been going on for quite some time. Its not something that just got introduced or was around the corner.

Currently Saudiazation is for White-Collar jobs & rarely targets Blue-Collar jobs. Even if they were after Blue-Collar jobs, it would not just affect Pakistanis, but all expats.

I'm talking about the Labor Force. The guys that are working at the gas station, Construction, Municipality, selling cell-phones, driving big rigs and so on.

You cannot expect all of them to get employed instantly for CPEC upon landing back in Pakistan. Even if they do, do you believe that the wages they'll make will be nearly the same they were making abroad. I doubt it.

We gotta look at the bigger picture. We gotta think about the little guy. Things are bad enough for the middle-class in Pakistan, regardless which Government is in Power. But for these people, you can't image how important their jobs are to them.

I know, i've lived here in the GCC for over 4-decades.
No, you're off the page - far from it fact.

The Saudization has been going on for quite some time. Its not something that just got introduced or was around the corner.

Currently Saudiazation is for White-Collar jobs & rarely targets Blue-Collar jobs. Even if they were after Blue-Collar jobs, it would not just affect Pakistanis, but all expats.

I'm talking about the Labor Force. The guys that are working at the gas station, Construction, Municipality, selling cell-phones, driving big rigs and so on.

You cannot expect all of them to get employed instantly for CPEC upon landing back in Pakistan. Even if they do, do you believe that the wages they'll make will be nearly the same they were making abroad. I doubt it.

We gotta look at the bigger picture. We gotta think about the little guy. Things are bad enough for the middle-class in Pakistan, regardless which Government is in Power. But for these people, you can't image how important their jobs are to them.

I know, i've lived here in the GCC for over 4-decades.


Which is why we need to make Pakistan so powerful and advanced that we can help our average and vulnerable citizens and not rely on others for sustenance. In the mean time, there are huge labour shortages in Japan and other parts of the globe. We need to tap into those markets until Pakistan can sustain itself independently. Cannot rely on outsiders for help forever. We need to become independent at some point. Better to do it now rather than later.
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I believe this is the correct course of action. We aren't cutting of relations with KSA or the Gulf but letting them know a change of guard is pretty much due at this moment due to their incompetency and lack of initiative in doing anything to resolve the issues facing the Muslim World. They've been failures to push their weight to gain any meaningful advantage or settle disputes -- the danger I'm guessing Pakistan is seeing is an unstable child who will be crowned king in couple of months and his leaning to Israeli and US tilt is far to great for anyone's liking. The last couple of months or even years has shown Gulf favor to India with investments and silent diplomatic support, they have their priorities all wrapped up wrong to begin with, and their tangles in various different issues have exacerbated conflicts in the region -- they've not spared their own Arabs and some Pakistani's are crying about SMQs reaction. His reaction isn't just his opinion but that of the ministry he leads, I'm sure lots of high ranking foreign diplomats are angry at KSA, after ditching Malaysia and refusing to come out publicly and support us I feel was the last straw and the voice came out. KSA threw us under the bus after we threw Mahatir under the bus.

@LeGenD @waz @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet

I could write a thesis on this. I'll say take each day as it comes. It was high time Pakistan started to steer its course. However keep things amicable, there's no need to antagonise the Saudis.
We gotta look at the bigger picture. We gotta think about the little guy. Things are bad enough for the middle-class in Pakistan, regardless which Government is in Power. But for these people, you can't image how important their jobs are to them.

I understand your pragmatism, but the deafening silence and now enforced silence is enough. How long will Pakistan compromise their interests due to political blackmail of KSA and gang.

Common man of Pakistan will manage, right now I am more concerned of the people of IIOK (Indian illegally occupied Kashmir.) These people are facing rape, torture, murder, and humiliation on a daily basis.

Their need is far greater than jobs of number of Pakistanis in the Gulf.

In sha Allah, we will find a way to employ them here in Pakistan.

From now on, everything will be fast tracked to achieve self-sufficiency for Pakistan.

Instead of KSA or Iran, we should be seeking Turkmenistan oil and opening the path to Central Asia. Time for the fall of Kabul is over due.

Let's wrap this up so that we can move on to bigger and greater things.

Thank you to China for giving us the much needed leverage to ditch KSA blackmail.
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It is not only will be los for pak but big loos for ksa because common saudis are not with govt once they see new islamic block they will question saud family even inside family we might see a coup ALLAH will make ways if we have good intentions
No, you're off the page - far from it fact.

The Saudization has been going on for quite some time. Its not something that just got introduced or was around the corner.

Currently Saudiazation is for White-Collar jobs & rarely targets Blue-Collar jobs. Even if they were after Blue-Collar jobs, it would not just affect Pakistanis, but all expats.

I'm talking about the Labor Force. The guys that are working at the gas station, Construction, Municipality, selling cell-phones, driving big rigs and so on.

You cannot expect all of them to get employed instantly for CPEC upon landing back in Pakistan. Even if they do, do you believe that the wages they'll make will be nearly the same they were making abroad. I doubt it.

We gotta look at the bigger picture. We gotta think about the little guy. Things are bad enough for the middle-class in Pakistan, regardless which Government is in Power. But for these people, you can't image how important their jobs are to them.

I know, i've lived here in the GCC for over 4-decades.
Thanks for this valuable input.

Problem is that scores of individuals have a much narrow take of things in personal capacity; many are jumping to conclusions about different matters/themes based on their own limited worldview. Few understand the bigger picture unfortunately.

Given the mindset of scores of individuals, it won't be surprising for each to throw 'many' under the bus to proceed as per their respective wishes if granted the opportunity to lead. But each will complain about 'corruption' as well. :rolleyes:

Corruption is not just about pocketing money through unfair means - this menace is also about throwing many under the bus in pursuit of questionable objectives in personal capacity/leading capacity.

WE need to adopt research-oriented approach in personal capacity and push others to do the same (to the extent possible); seeking input from different sections of the country (and more) to understand the bigger picture and draw valuable conclusions in relation to 'any' theme of significance if need be. Pragmatic take of things in short.
However keep things amicable, there's no need to antagonise the Saudis.
why would SA govt wd react on it.. its not like our PM said that.. it can be thought that FM had been signalled from PM, but still...!!
anyway, I said it before, somebody from PTI must play a good cop.
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