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Saras: How much indigenous is it???

Serioulsy wats the problem with our neighbours..?
Problem? what:cheesy:

First they taunt us for not being unable to produce a fighter ,tank etc..


Second if we start producing them then they ridicule it by saying junk,doesnt work,plane doesnt take off etc..

You have lot of issues:D

I am just trying to understand the meaning of indigenous, when everything from design to raw material is imported.

here is more proof that the avionics design was carried out by Indians and adheres to the ARINC Standards
ARINC 429 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paper from IEEE
IEEE Xplore - Sign In



Among the major assemblies in the prototype, NAL was responsible for the fabrication of the fairing, the flap, the aileron, the rudder, the elevator and the nacelle, HAL for the wing, TAAL for the horizontal tail, the vertical tail and the stub wing.

TAAL was involved in building up the first three prototypes of the 14 seat, SARAS aircraft for the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL). TAAL has manufactured the entire airframe of the aircraft (excluding the wings which are manufactured by HAL) including tooling, parts and assembly. The first prototype is now under flight-testing.

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You seriously need to comprehend what you blabbering.

Just a hint, nothing closer to what you listed.

Try little harder.
You seriously need to comprehend what you blabbering.

Just a hint, nothing closer to what you listed.

Try little harder.

did you even bother to read what was posted? :lol: If you wish lets go over this one by one :police:
Some seems to revel in humiliation.

I would prefer if someone else correct these, for a change:D

You said the black boxes were penny + giles, but India supplies them with electronic components to make the same . So Penny + Giles products are not indigenous rite?

Shilpa International (Impex) Pvt. Ltd.

Penny+Giles | Sales

Penny+Giles | Sales

India is the 8th largest producer of Aluminum in the world!
List of countries by aluminium production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of the many, Jindal, also based out of Bangalore, makes aerospace grade aluminum. ISRO being one of its main clients
Jindal Aluminium Ltd.

here is more proof that the avionics design was carried out by Indians and adheres to the ARINC Standards
ARINC 429 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paper from IEEE
IEEE Xplore - Sign In



Among the major assemblies in the prototype, NAL was responsible for the fabrication of the fairing, the flap, the aileron, the rudder, the elevator and the nacelle, HAL for the wing, TAAL for the horizontal tail, the vertical tail and the stub wing.

TAAL was involved in building up the first three prototypes of the 14 seat, SARAS aircraft for the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL). TAAL has manufactured the entire airframe of the aircraft (excluding the wings which are manufactured by HAL) including tooling, parts and assembly. The first prototype is now under flight-testing.

Taneja Aerospace & Aviation Ltd - Aerostructures Division - Work Examples
Beautiful pictures and a good initiative by New Delhi. But having worked with and knowing a common Indian's intellect and talent shown by them here in West, I must say that I expected something much more spectacular than this.
Its really amusing to see some members being so stuck up on the word "indigenous"! Really!!?

In the pure sense of the term, NO, none of the technologically advanced products any country makes are "indigenous". Blatant copyright infringement and copying does not count as indigenous, no matter what some may claim to be otherwise. So there it is. Its also highly amusing and ridiculous that many here come up with really ridiculously absurd numbers, quoting them as percentage "indigenous". How people come up with such 'interesting' numbers is beyond me! Get a life people.

The important thing here is India is developing industrial capabilities to design and manufacture such technologically advanced products, considering the fact that Indian economy was originally envisioned as an agrarian one!

Indigenous is a very relative term. In the context of Indian made products, especially in this case of aircrafts, "indigenous" means the capability to design and manufacture the product in India. Period.

Indigenous is used in the sense, the ability to completely develop/manufacture something, mere designing on computer doesn't mean developing an aircraft, the real challenges are faced when it comes to physical production, technological breakthroughs and reaching success.

When something is not indigenous at all then why call it ? This aircraft isn't indigenous moreover it looks like made in several countries and assembled in India. And any country on the planet can do it provided with enough of funds.

Honestly speaking, i dunno why people related to defense developments in India are so obsessed with the word Indigenous, where every new project is announced as an indigenous development and later either turns out to be a help from some other country or import of a 100 parts and then assembled in India.

Why not simply mention the countries involved or helping in the development process. Just as Pakistan mentioned in case of Thunder, (Pakistan developed it with the help of China).

Maybe the like other some other stuff people on these projects can't keep up to the expectations on in accordance with the hype created of India leaping ahead in defense developments and such words are openly said to make it feel strong.

Anyway, Im not gonna come back on this thread so no need of posting hateful replies. I know that the facts are going to be ignored and it will be me who will be rather targeted.
Indigenous is used in the sense, the ability to completely develop/manufacture something, mere designing on computer doesn't mean developing an aircraft, the real challenges are faced when it comes to physical production, technological breakthroughs and reaching success.

When something is not indigenous at all then why call it ? This aircraft isn't indigenous moreover it looks like made in several countries and assembled in India. And any country on the planet can do it provided with enough of funds.

Honestly speaking, i dunno why people related to defense developments in India are so obsessed with the word Indigenous, where every new project is announced as an indigenous development and later either turns out to be a help from some other country or import of a 100 parts and then assembled in India.

Why not simply mention the countries involved or helping in the development process. Just as Pakistan mentioned in case of Thunder, (Pakistan developed it with the help of China).

Maybe the like other some other stuff people on these projects can't keep up to the expectations on in accordance with the hype created of India leaping ahead in defense developments and such words are openly said to make it feel strong.

Anyway, Im not gonna come back on this thread so no need of posting hateful replies. I know that the facts are going to be ignored and it will be me who will be rather targeted.

Well said.
Beautiful pictures and a good initiative by New Delhi. But having worked with and knowing a common Indian's intellect and talent shown by them here in West, I must say that I expected something much more spectacular than this.

That I don't deny, may be due to DRDO recruitment not based on merit .

I heard >80% brahmins were recruited and since they are everywhere, they do not allow merit based recruitment. This has allowed a sorry state in every division. Maybe am wrong.;)
That I don't deny, may be due to DRDO recruitment not based on merit .

I heard >80% brahmins were recruited and since they are everywhere, they do not allow merit based recruitment. This has allowed a sorry state in every division. Maybe am wrong.;)
Brahmin? You mean the Hindu priest class? My man, you might want to be careful here not to hurt religious sentiments of members with your sarcasm. Indians aren't the only Hindus worldwide or even here. If you want to be sarcastic about Indians, talk to them referring to their nationality and not a religion that is preached universally by people of different races and nationalities.

Let us stick to the topic now, shall we?
That I don't deny, may be due to DRDO recruitment not based on merit .

I heard >80% brahmins were recruited and since they are everywhere, they do not allow merit based recruitment. This has allowed a sorry state in every division. Maybe am wrong.;)

post reported
Indigenous is used in the sense, the ability to completely develop/manufacture something, mere designing on computer doesn't mean developing an aircraft, the real challenges are faced when it comes to physical production, technological breakthroughs and reaching success.

When something is not indigenous at all then why call it ? This aircraft isn't indigenous moreover it looks like made in several countries and assembled in India. And any country on the planet can do it provided with enough of funds.

Honestly speaking, i dunno why people related to defense developments in India are so obsessed with the word Indigenous, where every new project is announced as an indigenous development and later either turns out to be a help from some other country or import of a 100 parts and then assembled in India.

Why not simply mention the countries involved or helping in the development process. Just as Pakistan mentioned in case of Thunder, (Pakistan developed it with the help of China).

Maybe the like other some other stuff people on these projects can't keep up to the expectations on in accordance with the hype created of India leaping ahead in defense developments and such words are openly said to make it feel strong.

Anyway, Im not gonna come back on this thread so no need of posting hateful replies. I know that the facts are going to be ignored and it will be me who will be rather targeted.

You guys are just trolls with no comprehension of design of civil aircraft. Going by your knowledge on the definition of word indigenous, the boieng 787 has parts from all across the world ...so why not blame that plane first? Since that is already ready and the first delivery will be made soon?

Secondly, Can you tell me how many saras planes are in production? For just 2 aircrafts why does India need to create industries to manufacture prototypes?

Thirdly, as I said people like you come here with no knowledge about anything, before you look lowly on what I posted, go read power electronics and device physics, in particular with parameters like temperature!!! come back we will continue with your arguments.

Fourthly, there are strict standards for civil aircraft!!! For example every aircraft, regardless of the country of origin has to have a TCAAS systems(traffic collision and avoidance system), these devices must able able to communicate with each other and take corrective action when necessary, regardless of the type of plane!! Why re create such systems for prototypes?

Did you forget honeywell, GE, Boeing etc already have a base in India!!!!

Lastly, can you please explain why China who has considerable experience, is taking support from 19 countries to help build it? In fact its the same/similar honewell systems in that as well..Or look at the sukhoi 100 ..they have boeing as a consultant among others!

If you dont understand dont troll!!!!! If you guys know how to make a plane and rival with Boieng or Airbus please show the rest of the world...
Brahmin? You mean the Hindu priest class? My man, you might want to be careful here not to hurt religious sentiments of members with your sarcasm. Indians aren't the only Hindus worldwide or even here. If you want to be sarcastic about Indians, talk to them referring to their nationality and not a religion that is preached universally by people of different races and nationalities.

Let us stick to the topic now, shall we?

Yes brahmins, have cornered all the positions in DRDO, now if they are priest class, working class, begger class, doest not matter. The fact is a single caste has managed to corner a majority share in DRDO without merit. This is being reflected in the DRDO output, or lack off.

It is nothing religious, pure and simple discrimination.

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