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Sanjay Dutt Breaks Down

they are behaving as if he is being hanged , its just a 3 year jail term , considering the kind of crimes he did it is still less . He knew about bombings before itself but din't inform police about it , and was in contact with prime accused even after the attacks , he deserved even more than this , no sympathy for him.
Jim and Krait talking about Sanjay Dutt.

Jim : Why's he sent to jail, Krait ?

Krait : Because we have to punish him.

Jim: He didn't do anything wrong.

Krait : Because he's the citizen India deserves, but not the one it needs right now. (He made a mistake and he is respecting decision of courts, repenting his crimes rather than playing victim card.)

So we've convicted him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero.

He's a Real Youth Icon,

a Shining example of Respect of a Citizen to Law of Land,

a Symbol of Repentance.


The Dark Knight (Ending Scene) - YouTube
He is an actor...a good actor..Did he put glycerin in his eyes or was that natural?..Well if I forget to pay IT advance tax for any quarter, they demand roughly three times of it even if it is a couple of thousand rupees...and this fellow knew what he was doing. But we must admit that justice is very slow. The last 20 years is more tortures than this 3.5 years. Any way he must serve the jail to clear his mind, if pardoned than he will have guilty feeling for the rest of his life before his nation...3.5 years is not a long sentence. And he may be freed before that owing to good behavior and deeds.
System will not change till Salman Khan is not thrown into jail.
System and Salman Khan ?

I strongly recommend that Sanjay Dutt should go to jail and spend some time in it.

A child rapist and murderer was sentenced to death/. He then acted nicely for years. He was freed on parole.

A month later he raped and killed another minor.

So when I see these types of criminal roaming free, I think aren't we be selective ?

Jail Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, they broke the law, they deserve it. But here is Sanjay Dutt that deserves pardon after lets say 6 months or 1 year depending on his behavior.

But I don't know what to tell the parents of that second girl raped and murdered by that Rapist. I don't know if we Indians have right priorities or not ?

We have to change a lot.
Why so much sympathy & media circus? This guy has committed a crime & was given minimum possible punishment for the crime he committed. No one, including the media seems to be asking one simple question... why was he flirting with known criminals & anti-national elements? Does he regret associating himself with them bunch? Haven't heard anything from him in that front.
Why so much sympathy & media circus? This guy has committed a crime & was given minimum possible punishment for the crime he committed. No one, including the media seems to be asking one simple question... why was he flirting with known criminals & anti-national elements? Does regret associating himself with them bunch? Haven't heard anything from him in that front.

The guy was very very lucky. It is so odd as to be legally bewildering how everyone connected to transportation of the weapons from Sanjay Dutt's house got severe punishment under TADA but somehow the guy was asked for the weapons directly from Anees Ibrahim got away with just an illegal arms charge.
The guy was very very lucky. It is so odd as to be legally bewildering how everyone connected to transportation of the weapons from Sanjay Dutt's house got severe punishment under TADA but somehow the guy was asked for the weapons directly from Anees Ibrahim got away with just an illegal arms charge.

He is son and brother of a congress MP.
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