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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Did you see the Saudi Police investigating 9/11 in New york, Did you see the British police do that over there. Its Indian land, Indian police will do, IF something similar happens in Pakistan, Pakistan can handle it. They are sharing information, that is more than enough.
Please Leftist organization doesnt have the capability, or even the public base.
I am not talking about the ISI, ISI is the governmental organization. I am talking about the jehadi outfits like Let and JeM and their likes.

And I do believe clinching evidence is there, But our governments are more bothered about keeping Mushraff clean as well keep the peace process. neo, no disrespect, ISI

But International Politics plays the lowest with all indians, except for the communist. The reason we are playing catch up to the chinese, as well as when we were caught napping by the String of Pearl startegy.Its all about Dam poltics, Power politics, reservation, Movie actors, cricketers etc etc. Indian votebank doesnt play on pakistan. Look what happend to the BJP.
Peace is good for both Indian and Pakistan government's, so much have changed from 47, and adding more to that 9/11 has made an impact on both our countries leaders. I see a bright future for both our countries, There are small hurdles, and from our prespective Jehadi's are some of them
What about 'walk an extra mile' approach?

A joint investigation will be seen as a Confidance Building Measure and should send the right signal to the rougue elemnts on either side of the border.
We should stand united and denounce terror alltogether, only then we can fight it from the grass root.

Just my $0.02.
We have to travel lil more together before we get to that stage, There are so much mistrust between at present

Nidhi Razdan

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 (New Delhi ):

The Samjhauta Express blasts dominated the meeting between the Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers in the Capital.

There will be no joint probe and instead information on the investigation will be shared by India during the first meeting of the joint anti terror mechanism in early March.

Pakistan's National Assembly had passed a resolution demanding a joint probe on Tuesday.

"As per the law of the land, the investigations will have to be done by India," said Pranab Mukherjee, Union External Affairs Minister.

"The Indian PM has assured our PM that results of the investigation will be shared and I am sure the joint anti terror mechanism will take cognizance of this," added Khurshid Kasuri, Foreign Minister, Pakistan.

Intelligence information

NDTV has learnt that during their one on one meeting, Kasuri asked his Indian counterpart for intelligence information to be shared right away by New Delhi.

But India maintained that the joint anti terror mechanism would be the right forum for this.

The Pakistani foreign minister also asked for a meeting between railway officials on both sides to discuss how security could be improved.

When asked about the possibility of Pakistan based groups being involved in the attack, Mukherjee said this was no time for conjecture.

In just two weeks from now, the joint anti terror mechanism will hold its first meeting in Islamabad. The Samjhauta Express blasts will be the test case to see if the two countries can fight terror together.
'No proof of LeT hand in blasts'

Posted Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 14:58
Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 22:03 Email Print

New Delhi: India and Pakistan on Wednesday ruled out any joint probe into the Samjhauta Express blasts but said the findings of the investigations will be shared at the joint terror meeting scheduled for March.

After a meeting between the Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers in Delhi on Wednesday, Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid M Kasuri told journalists that there is no confirmation about the involvement of Lashkar-e-Toiba in the Samjhauta blasts.

The two ministers discussed the Atari Express blast investigations among other issues and reiterated their commitment to dialogue and cooperation in fighting terror. In fact, the Samjhauta blast issue was at the top of the discussions in the meeting.

At the joint press conference held after the meeting, Kasuri clearly said that the investigations of the Atari express blast will be reviewed at Indo-Pak joint terror mechanism meeting next month. "There are no words strong enough to condemn this act," Kasuri said. "In the joint terror mechanism meeting next month, we will take cognizance of this." The joint terror mechanism is to meet in Islamabad on March 6.

The two sides also reviewed the progress in the peace process, the Kashmir issue and the joint survey of Sir Creek. The countries also signed a treaty on reducing the risk of nuclear accidents and another on preventing untoward incidents in the waters shared by the two countries.

India assured Pakistan that it will make every effort to bring the perpetrators of Samjhauta Express blasts to justice. "The Government of India will make every effort to bring to justice these perpetrators of this heinous act," External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said.

Mukherjee expressed hope that the fourth round of composite dialogue process in Islamabad on March 13 and 14 between the Foreign Secretaries of the two countries would help further promote bilateral relations. Reviewing the progress under the Joint Commission, he said the joint survey of the Sir Creek was "progressing smoothly".

Kasuri told reporters that the purpose of the meeting was to "further the peace process". India had reacted positively to his suggestion that both countries have agreed to appoint retired judges to look into the human rights issue, he said.

The Pakistan Foreign Minister said the priority was to secure the release of those who have completed their sentences. While Pakistan has come out with names of four judges for the purpose, Kasuri said Mukherjee told him that New Delhi also had some names in mind for the purpose and it was a matter of few days before the matter is finalised.

Mukherjee said he handed over to Kasuri a list of relatives of missing Indian Prisoners of War wanting to visit Pakistan. He said Islamabad had agreed to receive them during his visit to that country last month.
Yes because Pakistani officials never balmed blindly like Indians do.

Have they blamed India after they caught and hanged the culprits? They havnt so the answer is India didnt play a role.

About this brave person from Karachi who had saved many people from killing.

Main Entry: hyp·o·crite
Pronunciation: 'hi-p&-"krit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritEs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai
1 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
- hypocrite adjective
Now if u say so what about Hindus killing Hinuds , ithink u forget just recent killing of childern Nethari killing if i spell it wrongly i guess.

Adu meant Muslims killing muslims out of relgious hatred. Nethari was not relegious hatred.
The indians are showing their incompetence again. Blaming Pakistan already. Should've seen it coming though really. These indians always blame their incompetence on Pakistan. Not one time they've properly investigated a case and caught who was really behind it.

Pls Ahsan. Did India blame Pak for this. Hardliners on both sides of the borders benefit from this.

India courts have upheld the proofs provided by the investigative agencies and have handed pusihments to all accused. So you cant say we havnt caught or punished anybody.

On the other hand even after catching and hanging the cuplrits in Pakistan, pakistan still doesnt have anythign to blame India.
What about 'walk an extra mile' approach?

A joint investigation will be seen as a Confidance Building Measure and should send the right signal to the rougue elemnts on either side of the border.
We should stand united and denounce terror alltogether, only then we can fight it from the grass root.

Just my $0.02.

Neo its sad we say this but this is the truth. "We dont trust you". Personally i also wont trust the Pakistani est.
Neo its sad we say this but this is the truth. "We dont trust you". Personally i also wont trust the Pakistani est.

No offence taken.

Personally I believe that as long as the people in power on bothsides belong to the generartions that witnessed and suffered the partition, there will be no trust, only prejudice.
Have they blamed India after they caught and hanged the culprits? They havnt so the answer is India didnt play a role.
Actually india has played role in terrorism inside Pakistan in the past.. like killing of those french engineers. Thats just one example. They've also been involved in terrorism in the remote western parts of the country.

Pls Ahsan. Did India blame Pak for this. Hardliners on both sides of the borders benefit from this.

On the other hand even after catching and hanging the cuplrits in Pakistan, pakistan still doesnt have anythign to blame India.
Yes, they've blamed Pakistan for this already. Look onto page 2 or 3 of this topic.

And see the thing is, RAW can easily bribe people to go and put a bomb at a place. Simple as that.

Pakistan hasnt provided proof for the French case, They said India first , then they made it balouchi's, since they killed the chinese too.India is involved in Pakistan and I will not deny that, and they better be. though I wish otherwise, Our countries are hostile, it is the duty of RAW, since ISI quite rampant in India

Indian Government has not Blamed Pakistan Government for the Train Issue. Indian Sleuths have Pointed fingers at Pakistani based(note) elements, cuz of the extensive use of IED
Actually india has played role in terrorism inside Pakistan in the past.. like killing of those french engineers. Thats just one example. They've also been involved in terrorism in the remote western parts of the country.

And the French are still ready to sell scorpenes and Rafales to India even after India blew some of their citizen?
What purpose does it serve by killing the French engineer?
You kill some of these guys,DCN will replace them with another bunch.

It would have never effected the production schedule,probably delay for a couple of months.
Why would RAW kill people from a friendly country and such an important arms supplier like France?

Their death was not worth the relation with France.
And the French are still ready to sell scorpenes and Rafales to India even after India blew some of their citizen?
What purpose does it serve by killing the French engineer?
You kill some of these guys,DCN will replace them with another bunch.

It would have never effected the production schedule,probably delay for a couple of months.
Why would RAW kill people from a friendly country and such an important arms supplier like France?

Their death was not worth the relation with France.

Good points, but unless it is proven France cannot do anything, hence relations between France & India were not effected.
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