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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Why is that lesser number of travellers travel to Pakistan from India, Especially muslims.

i cant anything about Muslims' travel but just few days there was an indian delegation visiting Pakistan with senior officials, they visited Katas Raj Mandirs in Chakwal and there will be 5,000 indian Hindus who will be issued visas to celebrate some kinda celebrations of the mandir i dont rmmbr now.
Thats plain bullshit. Where the hell did you get that news from.Quit crying jana, its all over the news in India..
Im not talking about the news, offcourse news is all over all im just sayign if indians were killed inside Pakistan like this, you would have been crying like anything non of Hindu fanatics condmned the killing, no such talk show over the incident in indian media that tries to assert the culprits.

Which indian media? What i have read is that, they have no idea as to "how they got away?". I havnt seen any Indian media saying they were allowed to get away.
It was there in ur media on first and second day, onyl today when the Railway people are cuaght in the quagmire, they refute it saying that no one was alowed to get down b4 starting of the train.

You say Indian media were quite and you youselves say Indian media says culprits were allowed to escape. Contradictions glore.

i again saying that i wasnt talking about the news but usual ranting of some maroons there.
and this time as Pakistanis were killed the indian government is sayign peace process must be continued while in last train blasts, all they said oh peace process cant be continues thats what hypocrts do
The catalist in that case was burning 60 hindus in the Sabarmati. In this case there was no catalist. So your point is refusted.
Doesn't refute my point. I would like to know how who was responsible for 60 hindus dieing. Besides, if someone kills 60 people, doesn't mean you go and kill 2000.

Wrong they (i.e the Sang orgs) were in power in the previous govt, the Lahore bus and peace process was started by them. Point refuted.
How does that refute my point? Does shiva sena want peace? Does RSS and VHP want peace? God damn. Use some sense for once. Don't just talk about one organization.

Irrelavent, ignored.
More like you can't counter that statement.

Our guys do that by strikes/ street demonstrations, they are idiots but not butchers. Point refuted.
Yeah well it would show the incompetence in any case. Parties like Shiva Sena, RSS, VHP, and some other groups can easily do this to show the incompetence considering that this was an international train.

Thats a Pak gain not what an Indian would do.
Think again. You got SHiva sena, and other orgs in the same category.

We don't need do much in that aspect, Musharraf is doing an excellent job himself.
Thats irrelevent. They know for a fact that Pakistan will be blamed, and so to get Pakistan more hated inside india, they can easily do that. BJP, Shiva sena are orgs that don't like Pakistan.

What does a Pakistani group gain:

But Pakistanis were targted.
You're right. So actually that would be a loss for Pakistani group rather than a gain. And a gain for an indian group.

Wait till some proof comes out, such things are never hidden. ISI chief sending money to Mohd Atta - also was never hidden.
Yes sir.. still waiting for proof in mumbai bombings, delhi, varanasi, malegaon, and also proof for a dog getting ran over a car in india for which ISI got blamed.
Because when Pakistani civilians are killed in India\, it becomes India's responsbility, it shows India as intolerent country, they could blame the hindu extremeist,
Yes but they know for a fact that Pakistan will be blamed no matter what happens! Its not rocket science dude. Thats they way things work in india. If an indian in india falls off a second story and somehow survives, he can file claim against ISI saying that ISI was behind it, his case will no doubt go to court.

if India blames pakistan or truely finds out pakistan is behind the attack, India cant blame them, cuz pakistani population will think exactly like you why would a Pakistani kill other pakistani. Its a game of chess, where the two players are dirty, The day you get that, you see through the propoganda garbage and understand it better.

Again, this goes back to originally what I said. Pakistan is blamed in any way.
Pakistani establishment wont be blamed directly for it. But the terrorists would have been trained in Pakistan. Unless Musharraf disbands these camps, such things will continue.

Are you tellin me ISI doesnt support Terrorist Jehadi modules in india .
the biggest loosers of peace arent u and me not GOI or GOP but Jehadi outfits, their importance and funding will get cut,it aint rocket science too
Doesn't refute my point. I would like to know how who was responsible for 60 hindus dieing.
Muslims...(indian muslims in the Gujarat case)
How does that refute my point? Does shiva sena want peace? Does RSS and VHP want peace? God damn. Use some sense for once. Don't just talk about one organization.
The Sangh Parivar is a word to collectively address BJP, VHP, RSS Bajrang Dal etc.
More like you can't counter that statement.
It was a rant and not an argument on your part. Hence, I did not want to answer that point.
BJP, Shiva sena are orgs that don't like Pakistan.
You think the Congress and Commies are any different.
Yes sir.. still waiting for proof in mumbai bombings, delhi, varanasi, malegaon,....
Don't behave like a child, and loose your temper, proof does not matter to the GoP/Pak Army, its been shared with the US/UK.

Why else do you think the activity is Balochistan has heated up?

BTW, each and every phone call to Pak is recorded and archived, each and every telecom operator has to record 50,000 odd calls daily. On the night of the blast there were a few calls that went to Pak and one lengthy call to Muzaffarabad. The details have not been released yet. But if its sensational then we may all get to hear it on the news (but for you it would be a doctored tape, that is a hazad we'll have to take). I don't know if you remember Musharraf's conversation with his chief of staff, that was broadcasted during the Kargil war (a day after the IAF Mi-17 was shot down)

The points to ponder are:
Its the attack was Indian origin - then you have nothing to worry about.
But If the attack was jihadi - then your public has serious problems at had, we may also see the rise of peoples power in Pakistan, to curb the army. The Lashkar and Jaish are their babies.
Im not talking about the news, offcourse news is all over all im just sayign if indians were killed inside Pakistan like this, you would have been crying like anything non of .

You are crying here for the Pakistani lives lots, so do w for the Indian lives lost.

Hindu fanatics condmned the killing, no such talk show over the incident in indian media that tries to assert the culprits.

How many muslim fanatics have wept for the indian lives lost?

Again saying that i wasnt talking about the news but usual ranting of some maroons there.

Let me help you here..its morons.

and this time as Pakistanis were killed the indian government is sayign peace process must be continued while in last train blasts, all they said oh peace process cant be continues thats what hypocrts do

Why should GOI be bothered, they are responsible for the Indian lives, if Indian lives were lost due to actions of terrorists based in Pakistan then definitly GOI would keep peacemaking a slow process.
Obviously because india didn't want Pakistan to get those french submarines those engineers were helping building. Doesn't take rocket science to figure that out.

Right did it happen? If RAW's did it did they obtained the objective.

If RAW is so good in creating trouble in Pakistan,do you think they are so stupid to understand a simple thig that killing some engineers would not stop the production of subs.

It Pak government was confident about RAW's involvement why hasn't it tried to convince the French government,as much it has convinced you.

And it does not require rocket science to figure the row it would created if the French really believed that an Indian Gov entity is invovled in murdering their citizens.

Don't you think Pak lost an really good chance to hit back at GOI by convincing the French?
Doesn't refute my point. I would like to know how who was responsible for 60 hindus dieing. Besides, if someone kills 60 people, doesn't mean you go and kill 2000.

Picture this

scenario 1:
60 Hindus returning from Ayodha
Their train is "burnt" near a muslim majority area.All 60 killed
During the burning of the train there were lot of muslims near the train

scenario 2
60 Muslims returning from Mecca
Their train is "burnt" near a hindhu majority area.All 60 killed
During the burning of the train there were lot of hindus were near the train

This is what happened in Godhra

Now you tell me how would the reaction of a muslim be different from a hindu person,if some of his relatives were among the ones killed.

Do you expect common sense to previal in such a situation,be it hindu or muslim

How difficult is for some anti-social elements to add fuel to the sitution?Be it muslim or hindu.

Jumping into conclusion is a favourite pastime in the subcontinent.
when some of the poster being educated,having a better view of the world can jump into conclusion that just because more muslims were killed in the Samjuyota train explosion,hindu extremist are involved,how do you expect these people, who are in the middle of it think better?

The so called leaders of faith get away with heinous crime bcoz people in the sub continent love to jump to conclusion.Fill their ears with little rumours and you have self declared faith protectors ready to kill inocents people to prove it. Be it Hindu or Muslim or for that matter any faith.

There will always be trouble between Pak and India,with the simple reason how they percieve each other.
For an Indian it is an India Pakistan conflict
For an Pakistni it is an Hindu- Muslim conflict.

This is where the trouble lies.How would you have peace when the perception of the conflict itself doesn't match!

Till then expect both sides to blame each other.
Muslims...(indian muslims in the Gujarat case)
Right.. but do you go and kill 2000 people just for that? Using that logic, humanity shouldn't be existing right now.

The Sangh Parivar is a word to collectively address BJP, VHP, RSS Bajrang Dal etc.
Don't tell me these parties like Pakistan. Everyone knows the don't. I am not expecting them to either.

You think the Congress and Commies are any different.
right, so that proves my point further

Don't behave like a child, and loose your temper, proof does not matter to the GoP/Pak Army, its been shared with the US/UK.
What have US/UK done about it? Obviously proof wasn't good enough for them. Besides, someone in your government did say that they will give whatever proof in mumbai blasts to Pakistan.

BTW, each and every phone call to Pak is recorded and archived, each and every telecom operator has to record 50,000 odd calls daily. On the night of the blast there were a few calls that went to Pak and one lengthy call to Muzaffarabad. The details have not been released yet. But if its sensational then we may all get to hear it on the news (but for you it would be a doctored tape, that is a hazad we'll have to take). I don't know if you remember Musharraf's conversation with his chief of staff, that was broadcasted during the Kargil war (a day after the IAF Mi-17 was shot down)
Kargil has nothing to do with this dude. I will safely go ahead.

The points to ponder are:
Its the attack was Indian origin - then you have nothing to worry about.
But If the attack was jihadi - then your public has serious problems at had, we may also see the rise of peoples power in Pakistan, to curb the army. The Lashkar and Jaish are their babies.
This is more of an indian opinion than anything else, fueled by their media and government. I will safely ignore this.
Right did it happen? If RAW's did it did they obtained the objective.

If RAW is so good in creating trouble in Pakistan,do you think they are so stupid to understand a simple thig that killing some engineers would not stop the production of subs.

It Pak government was confident about RAW's involvement why hasn't it tried to convince the French government,as much it has convinced you.

And it does not require rocket science to figure the row it would created if the French really believed that an Indian Gov entity is invovled in murdering their citizens.

Don't you think Pak lost an really good chance to hit back at GOI by convincing the French?
Dude, they TRIED to do something. They didn't succed in it though. They tried to make it so Pakistan doesn't get those submarines or at least get them delayed. Everything in this world is not about trying and you'll come out with flying colours everytime. Sometimes you will fail.
Picture this

scenario 1:
60 Hindus returning from Ayodha
Their train is "burnt" near a muslim majority area.All 60 killed
During the burning of the train there were lot of muslims near the train

scenario 2
60 Muslims returning from Mecca
Their train is "burnt" near a hindhu majority area.All 60 killed
During the burning of the train there were lot of hindus were near the train

This is what happened in Godhra

Now you tell me how would the reaction of a muslim be different from a hindu person,if some of his relatives were among the ones killed.

Do you expect common sense to previal in such a situation,be it hindu or muslim

How difficult is for some anti-social elements to add fuel to the sitution?Be it muslim or hindu.
Dude. For humanity's sake, nobody should go and kill 2,000 people just because a few of their people killed your people. This is unjustifiable, and you're trying to justify it. In Pakistan, Sunnis didn't go and kill 2,000 shias or something else after that blast in Nishtar Park in Karachi. No, it doesn't work like that dude.
Why the Pakistani Govt is such a hurry? It is inhumane to drag seriously ill patients in such a manner.

Pakistan forcelifts Samjhauta survivors

NEW DELHI: Seven survivors of the Samjhauta Express tragedy were forced on Thursday to leave Safdarjung Hospital on short notice and taken away to a waiting Pakistan Air Force aircraft to be flown back home.

All of them were badly burned and a few of them pleaded that they be allowed to stay back for a few days more for their wounds to heal. Some said they had no one at home to look after them. But the doctors said they were helpless; these were orders from above.

It transpires that Pakistan was adamant to take back their citizens who had survived the blast, no matter what their medical condition. To make matters worse for them, they were rushed out of the sanitised burns unit in the afternoon, but until the time of writing their aircraft had not taken off, ostensibly due to ‘‘technical reasons’’. In other words, they are waiting in the plane without medical attention.

Some of them need it badly. For instance, 9-year-old Shamim was on ventilator when he was almost dragged out of Safdarjung’s ICU along with six others and put on a PAF special aircraft to be airlifted to Lahore. Some of the blast victims cried in vain to be allowed to stay back till they recuperated.

As early as Monday, Pakistan asked the Indian government for permission to bring a C-130 transport aircraft to airlift injured Pakistani citizens from Indian hospitals. Baffled, the Indian government took a little time to digest this. The Pakistani victims had been badly injured in body and in spirit and it seemed a very strange request. Finally, India said the injured could be removed only after medical clearance.
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