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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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yeh i think you are right cuz we even had views from Bull who was celebrating killing of Pakistanis on Indian soil saying why should GoI and media bother about them they will only bother if indians were killed on our soil.

Ahsan the point is they are still denying their fault at the security on the train.

Cry cry cry baby.........

PS: Did anybody get a feeling that i was celebrating the killing of pakistanis?
yeh i think you are right cuz we even had views from Bull who was celebrating killing of Pakistanis on Indian soil saying why should GoI and media bother about them they will only bother if indians were killed on our soil.

Ahsan the point is they are still denying their fault at the security on the train.

Where did BULL celeberate, This is the second instance you are trying to manipulate and spew propaganda. Bull said GOI shouldnt have to be bothered.I would say it was harsh, he didnt celebrate it. I have high regards for you, coming from you is such a shame
Didnt I already tell you about the security lapse, why are you going in circles and circulating propaganda.
:what1: :what1:

what 9/11 has to do with Gujrat incident and the finding by an indian Hindu judge in Gujrat incident that Hindu fantaics were wrong to blam Indian Muslims for that incident just to eleminate More Muslims in India.
Im going here cuz most of the indians are comparing Samjhota Express incident with that of the Gujrat and justifying that.

I am not justifying anything, I have told you about what I feel on Gujarat.But if you want me to put a sticker on my head which says I am ashamed of gujarat everytime something bad happens in your place, so as to make you feel good, then you got the wrong guy. If muslims are targetting christians citing various reasons from bombings to supporting Israel and even the crusades, then why cant hindu's attack for the wrongs commited to them by the muslims, HinDuKush anyone.
Where did BULL celeberate, This is the second instance you are trying to manipulate and spew propaganda. Bull said GOI shouldnt have to be bothered.I would say it was harsh, he didnt celebrate it. I have high regards for you, coming from you is such a shame
Didnt I already tell you about the security lapse, why are you going in circles and circulating propaganda.

Adu dont make it personal fight. it was just harsh??? wasnt it inhuman to say that if my countrymen die its something to cry for and if urs die its nothing to do with us but ok it was his comment and i replied what i felt but thn comments like cry cry baby which he uses when out of comments is just ranting .

Rest if only u accept that there was security laps does it mean they had taken the responisbility for the laps. and howcome u say posting news and new development is going circles and propogating.

and last i also have high regards for you but sarcastic comments on Muslims and posting something off topic from u is also a shame for me and gives me feeling that Indians can never stop hating us.
If muslims are targetting christians citing various reasons from bombings to supporting Israel and even the crusades,

no one justifies even if Muslims do that.

then why cant hindu's attack for the wrongs commited to them by the muslims, HinDuKush anyone.
See u are again coming to the point if u are talking about Gujrat incident and saying that Hindus targeted the Muslims cuz the attack was from Muslims thn its coming back to quareone Adu.

That is the entire point i was trying to put that it was unearthed by Indian committee itself that the fire on that train was accidental not by Muslims.
Sarcastic comments, You have a belief it is us only Indians who are making all the problems, Where have you accepted your mistakes, I have in how many threads.

You dont show respect to the dead by crying, so desi. For the security lapse, do you want the Prime Minister of India to cry, We see nearly 3000 people dying of terrorism every year. 15 school childeren and 3 teachers drowned in my city of cochin yesterday; There are so much bloodshed and sadness around the world, in both sides of the world. You are the one who was trying to make all the blame on indians, when you yourself know there elements in your society who are capable of this and have a definite motive.

I intend to make it personal with you, especially since i thought you being a woman and we both having similar backgrounds, you would have the mental capacity and bigness of character to see the other side of the fence and be far better than us men who are quite frankly idiotic. Unfortunatly you are behaving exactly like us. We feel that Pakistani's will never stop hating us.
This is going on for too long, the thread has been locked until further notice.
Indian police hunt fugitive railway employee

NEW DELHI 24/02/2007

Indian police are searching for a fugitive railway employee believed to be linked to the blasts which killed 68 people on a train to Pakistan, a report said Saturday.

Mobile phone records show that the suspect, Taj Mohammad, was in the area of Panipat, north of the capital, when the blasts took place at midnight Sunday, The Indian Express said.

Police also recovered 50 bottles of a kerosene mixture from his house in Bikaner district, Rajasthan state, the daily said.

Kerosene was used to create a huge firebomb aboard the "Friendship Express" as it headed north from Panipat to Lahore.

Police raided Taj's home and arrested his wife Saira on Thursday as well as another man identified as Salman Ahmed from Mumbai, who strongly resembles a sketch of one of the two main suspects, the Express said.

Police believe Ahmed was on the train.

"They are all suspects now," Bikaner police inspector general Laxman Meena told the paper.

Investigators have spread the net across three states and questioned numerous people this week.

The Times of India has reported that a recorded telephone call made shortly after the blasts pointed to Lashkar-e-Taiba, the main Islamic group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir.

But Lashkar, which India blamed for an attack on its parliament in December 2001 that almost pushed it to war with Pakistan, denied any role in the firebombing.

India has ruled out a joint probe with Pakistan, but promised the "perpetrators of this heinous crime will be brought to book."

"Whatever information will be available ... will be shared," at the first meeting of a new India-Pakistan anti-terror panel starting March 6, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said Wednesday.

Mukherjee met his Pakistani counterpart Khurshid Kasuri in New Delhi on Wednesday, keeping scheduled peace talks on track despite the blasts.

India holds mass funeral for train blasts victims AFP
Saturday February 24, 2007

A mass Muslim funeral was to be held Saturday for the charred remains of two dozen people from the firebombing of a train headed to Pakistan as police hunted a railway worker for the attack.

Grave-diggers were busy at this northern village during the morning, preparing for simple Islamic burials.

Volunteers joined state employees at the graveyard, 100 kilometres (60 miles) from the Indian capital, close to where the "Friendship Express" was blown up at midnight Sunday killing 68 people.

The mass funeral was to be the last act of the tragedy, laying to rest the final 24 passengers who were so badly burnt they are no longer recognisable.

"They came on a holiday, for a wedding or just as tourists and the least we can do is to give them a decent burial," said Mohammad Shaheen, chief executive officer of the Wakf or Islamic trust that supervises Muslim graveyards.

"We are now almost certain that most of the bodies we have here are of Pakistani citizens although two corpses are so badly burned that not even their sex can be determined," deputy adminstrator Amit Agarwal, from the neighbouring town of Panipat, told AFP.

"Six bodies were buried here yesterday according to Islamic laws and today too we will accord all respect that is due to the dead," he said.

Relatives attended Friday's burials watching their loved ones, wrapped in a simple white shroud, being lain in the ground as Islamic scholars read prayers.

The families said they could not aford to repatriate the bodies.

The mass funerals were decided upon as the corpses were rapidly decomposing in a temporary mortuary without refrigeration, the authorities said.

Among Saturday's grave-diggers was a Hindu, Radhey Shyam, who said he was working out of compassion for the victims.

"They were the guests of our country and this is the least one must do," he said, supplying drinking water to the army of people cutting shallow graves.

Meanwhile, police were searching for a fugitive railway employee believed to be linked to the blasts.

Mobile phone records show that Taj Mohammad was in the Panipat area at the same time as the blasts happened, The Indian Express said.

Police also recovered 50 bottles of a kerosene mixture from his house in Bikaner district, Rajasthan state, the daily said.

Kerosene was used to create a huge firebomb aboard the train as it headed north to Lahore.

Police raided Taj's home Thursday and arrested his wife Saira as well as a man identified as Salman Ahmed from Mumbai, who strongly resembles a sketch of one of the two main suspects, the Express said.

Police believe Ahmed was on the train.

"They are all suspects now," Bikaner police inspector general Laxman Meena told the paper.

The Times of India reported that a recorded telephone call made shortly after the blasts pointed to Lashkar-e-Taiba, the main Islamic group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir.

But Lashkar, which India blamed for an attack on its parliament in December 2001 that almost pushed it to war with Pakistan, denied any role in the firebombing.

India has ruled out a joint probe with Pakistan.

However, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said Wednesday: "Whatever information will be available ... will be shared" at the first meeting of a new India-Pakistan anti-terror panel starting March 6.

Mukherjee met his Pakistani counterpart Khurshid Kasuri in New Delhi on Wednesday, keeping scheduled peace talks on track despite the blasts.

Samjhauta blasts: Timer device made in Gujarat
Sarfaraz Shaikh
[ 25 Feb, 2007 0045hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

AHMEDABAD: There may finally be some evidence of a Gujarat link in the Samjhauta express blast of February 18. The police here revealed that the watch used as timer device in the explosive used on this train was made by Orpat watch company in Morbi, a town in Rajkot district.

More importantly Haryana police is camping in Morbi trying to figure out when was the last consignment by the watch manufactures sent to Haryana and Delhi.

Sources said that a team of high ranking police officials of Haryana police are in Morbi, assisted by a team of ATS, Gujarat officials. "Preliminary investigations by the ATS Gujarat have revealed that Orpat watch company had sent two consignments of watches during the past three months" said Deputy Inspector General of ATS, Rajan Priyadarshi.

Sources revealed that two consignments of about 500 watches were sent to three dealers in Haryana and three in Delhi. "We cannot reveal the names of the dealers in Haryana and Delhi as the whole incident is probed by Haryana police" said Priyadarshi.

Fire bombs kept aboard Samjhauta express going to Pakistan from Old Delhi railway station exploded on February 18 at about 11.50 pm killing 68 passengers and injuring many.

Gujarat police sources revealed that though they are suspecting a Gujarat link in the terrorist attack, the conspiracy was hatched somewhere on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border. "We suspect the involvement of sleeper cells of the terror outfits in the incident while the planning is suspected to be done on across the border" added sources.

Priyadarshi said, a few officers Gujarat ATS are still in Panipat. "We have been given some important leads by Haryana police and are working on it", he said.
I bet $100; this is the work of Hindu extremist & BJP members.
I bet $100; this is the work of Hindu extremist & BJP members.

You are really not off the mark. Hindu extremists/terrorists groups are known to use crude explosive devices and glass as shrapnel.
I bet $100; this is the work of Hindu extremist & BJP members.

Hmm.. why not some Christian or Jews extremist? India has a good number of Christian or Jew population. They seems to have lot of reasons to kill muslims.
Just wondering..
Hmm.. why not some Christian or Jews extremist? India has a good number of Christian or Jew population. They seems to have lot of reasons to kill muslims.
Just wondering..

why not UFO's? :rolleyes:

One word for you: "Gujarat"
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