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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Thats what your countrymen were trying to justify planning Samjhota express blats to take revange of hinuds killed in another train blasts leading to Gujrat masacar of Muslims, though Mulsims were not involved in that incidents.

No one justifies killing of innocent people in my country.If some one does,then that person in not fit to be called a human.

By the way the the crown for killing the most number of innocent muslims in the subcontinent goes to your beloved Pakistani Army,not my country men. 1971 does it ring any bell? They have killed more innocent muslims
than all the Hindu-Muslim riots put together.
Before you rant about others, learn the history of your own nation.
But then yes,it is justified for you because they were "traitors" .

If we all know Muslims were not invovled in the Godhra train incident,why should some one take revenge. And why the hell kill Pakistani muslims? When did they become part of Indian Muslim population ,which you declare that the Hindhu extermist are bent on killing.

What do you know about Hindu-Muslim relation in my country.Have you ever tried knowing something more than the nonsense that you leaders have been telling you,just to prove the two nation theory.

Why do you have bother about Muslims in India.How many Indian Muslims bother about Pakistani Muslims? They don't even give a hoot about what is happening in Pakistan. If you want go and show all your sympathy about their current state in India and they would say it on your face to mind your own business. Get out of the Hindus are born to wipe out Muslims mentality.It is good for you.

If you still want to post such nonsense replies,I suggest you share them with PDF,where you find lot of like minded personalities.Spare this forum.It is probably the only sensible Pakistani forum around.
resemble which sketch ????
the Indian police have issued new sketches which they called modified and look it at these new one these far far away from the previous ones. in the sketches they had made these resmeble Muslims with one the sketch dipicting a man with fair color and colored eyes :disagree:

The last time I checked all my Muslims friends and my current Pakistani roommate,none of them had any colored eyes. They were normal human being nothing special about them.

But yes the Brits here are fair ,tall and colored eyed. Unless you are saying all brits are Muslims and Indian police is looking out for a brit :P
No one justifies killing of innocent people in my country.If some one does,then that person in not fit to be called a human.

Then please feel free to write-off millions of Hindutva terrorists, because they have a nasty habit of going on bloody orgies of minorities and Dalits.

By the way the the crown for killing the most number of innocent muslims in the subcontinent goes to your beloved Pakistani Army,not my country men. 1971 does it ring any bell?

By the way, you need to learn a thing or two from sources besides the Hindutva literature.

Before you rant about others, learn the history of your own nation.

You mean from people like you or from Hindutva propaganda, right?

If we all know Muslims were not invovled in the Godhra train incident,why should some one take revenge.

Could it be a similar reason like when over 12,000 Sikhs were butchered in New Delhi in one night by the Hindu mobs?

And why the hell kill Pakistani muslims?

Please don’t tell us that Pakistani Muslims are off Hindu extremists’ hit list.

Why do you have bother about Muslims in India.

Not only Muslims but also about other minorities too like Christians, Jews and Dalits.

How many Indian Muslims bother about Pakistani Muslims?

Totally irrelevant.

They don't even give a hoot about what is happening in Pakistan. If you want go and show all your sympathy about their current state in India and they would say it on your face to mind your own business.

Please spare yourself from hallucinations. I have come across many many Indian Muslims who do not share your delusions.

If you still want to post such nonsense replies,I suggest you share them with PDF,where you find lot of like minded personalities.Spare this forum.

Do you own or moderate this forum?
if some1 remmbers the previous ones u can see the difference.


Here is the old image
Old scars yet to heal in Gujarat
By Shakeel Akhtar
BBC News, Delhi

Janata Nagar, a district on the outskirts of Ahmadabad in India's western state of Gujarat, is buzzing.

Young and old, dressed in their best colourful clothes, are milling about in a huge tent erected on one side of the road.

They are here to attend Khushboo Rawal's wedding.

Five years ago, on 27 February 2002, Khushboo's grandmother was killed along with 58 other Hindus when their coach in the Sabarmati Express train was allegedly fire-bombed by Muslims in the town of Godhra.

The deaths sparked off some of the worst religious rioting India has seen since independence - more than 1,000 people, most of them Muslims, were killed across Gujarat.

Unofficial estimates put the number of dead far higher.

Among those killed in the riots was Khushboo's father - an activist of the hard-line Hindu organisation Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP).

Those few days changed Khushboo's mother Bela Ben's life forever.

She remarried to Bharat Bhai Panchal, who also lost his wife in the Godhra inferno. Today, the couple are trying to leave behind the bitterness of the past and move on.

"Earlier I had one family, today I have two. Today it is Khushboo's marriage," says Mr Panchal.

"One day I will celebrate my own son's marriage with the same gaiety and fervour. This is what I wish now."


Eleven of those killed in the Godhra train fire came from Janata Nagar. Khushboo Rawal's groom was in the coach in which her grandmother and others perished.

He too was injured but managed to escape.

Khushboo's neighbour, Prakash Kumar, lost his wife but says he does not want to live with hatred.

Five years on, are others in Gujarat ready to do the same?

There seems to be no overt communal tension and Gujarat's political leaders would have one believe all is well in the state.

"The situation has improved a lot," says Purushottam Rupala, the president of the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) which governs Gujarat.

"Relations between the two communities have been smooth. There's no tension. The economy is growing."

Social scientist Ghanshyam Shah says Gujarat's reputation for religious hatred is unjustified.

"Society, by and large, does not approve of what happened in 2002. We did a survey and only 7% said it was right, 74% of those surveyed said they disapproved."

A group of Hindu students in Ahmadabad, the state's main city, endorse the view.

"Things are fine," is the often repeated statement one hears.

But on closer scrutiny one can see that hatred against Muslims has become entrenched.


Social activist Hanif Lakdawala articulates the fear in the community when he says the situation post-Godhra has actually worsened.

"Children and the young generation are growing up with hatred. They are very conscious of their religious identity. Here human relations are determined on the basis of religion," he says.

In the town of Baroda which witnessed days of violence after the train attack, Muslim intellectual JS Bandookwala says: "The situation is so bad for Muslims that our only hope is that we must emphasise education and have a say in the state's economy."

His concern is justified when you consider the economic fallout of the riots. The Muslim economy has been completely shattered in the past five years as the two communities have become polarised.

Mr Lakdawala says after Hindu hardliners distributed pamphlets across Ahmadabad which said the city's famous "Italian Bakery" was owned by a Muslim, its sales were affected.

Also, no Hindu employs Muslims any more because of fear of reprisals from hard-line political elements.

Many say they would like to, but is it worth the trouble, they ask?

Five years after madness gripped the state, the scars are yet to heal. Godhra's tragedy is not over yet.
Look at the first pic, it looks photoshopped, get me a new one

The post above me states, that Godhra was done by muslims,,,
Look at the first pic, it looks photoshopped, get me a new one
If you are in india u can find the modified pics in major cities as per police they had posted these for identification in major cities

secondly the pic was picked up the indian newspapers here is the link from where i posted it here


The post above me states, that Godhra was done by muslims,,,

i will again repeat that the Godra incident was found as accidental by a committee headed by a retired Indian judge and according to the report of the committe Muslims were not involved in that
I stand corrected, but with your reputation of propaganda, plagarism and manipulation, i have to think itd not beyond you.

Are you sure the first two is revised, what if it is 4 different people, There is no doubt godhra is done by muslims, i will take your arguement, why should hindu's kill hindu's, if they can then samjutha can also be done by muslims
I stand corrected, Are you sure the first two is revised, what if it is 4 different people,

Dont ask me if am sure. this was stated by the indian police that they had modified the sketches and revised version of the earlier sketches.

Rest i dont want to go into personal abuses just like some people :)

why should hindu's kill hindu's, i will take your arguement, if they can then samjutha can also be done by muslims

:) im saying and as per report of the Indian committee the fire was in Godhra was an accident so there is no qustion of hindus killign other hindus in that case neither i said it was started by Hinuds.

There is no doubt godhra is done by muslims,
So u are denying the report of the Indian committe that it was not started from outside no involvment of Muslims.
Even the Forensic investigations by indians proved that Godhra blam on Muslims was not correct.

and if you are so much confident it was started by Muslims so come up with some proofs.
Show me report, where they state they revised the pictures,
Maybe they had to do cuz of various reasons, maybe the second set is more accurate, There absloutly no reason to think of a conspiracy in this stage. Lets accept this Pakistani Government is not stupid to keep quiet, if Indian government does something of that sort.

Please give other people due credit for their intelligence,and have to say is far more than what you posses.

If it is not Muslims, then it has to be the Hindus, Dont give me the report, Do you understand the consequences if it was proved muslims did it. 9/11 was caused by foriegn nationals, and look at the stage muslims is in the US. Here they are living among us. Sometimes it is important to keep secret for the greater good.
Show me report, where they state they revised the pictures, .


Train attack: reward amount hiked
Devesh K. Pandey

Photo: PTI/ Shahbaz Khan

NEW DELHI: While clues have started emerging in the Samjhauta Express blasts, the reward money on the suspects who planted the bombs on the train was increased to Rs. 5 lakh on Sunday.
The Haryana police released modified sketches of the suspects a couple of days ago. Investigations by the Haryana police indicated that the bombs were configured at a place close to the Old Delhi railway station, before they were planted in the train. Raw materials used in the bomb and suitcases were brought by different people from different "directions." The police believe that about six identical suitcases were brought for the purpose.

Adux u can read the entire news as the link is posted.

If it is not Muslims, then it has to be the Hindus,

it was an accident, reprots say the fire was started accidentaly as at the time of its erruption people inside the train were cooking. So no Question of Hinuds or Muslims started it. Its another thing that Hinud fanatic parties used the incident for political reasons and killed hundreds of Muslims as revenge.

Dont give me the report, Do you understand the consequences if it was proved muslims did it.

U mean the person who headed the committed deliberately put it as an accident just to save the Muslims from Hindu fandamentalists lash ???
Even then Muslims bear the burnt of that accidental fire.

u have ur own opinion anyone can say whatever he thinks about any incident.
But im not talking about what i think im talking about the findings in Godhra incident.
Enough of the blame game. It is water under the bridge and what is done cannot be undone. Whether Hindu or Muslim it was a heinous crime and carried out by the scum of the earth.

What is needed now is that authorities of both the countries should ensure that a similar incident does not recur.
Adu herez another link for modified sketches


Samjhauta's faces of terror change

Posted Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 16:19
Updated Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 21:13 Email Print

BLASTS PROBE: Rs 5 lakh has been announced who can provide information on the two suspects.

New Delhi: The investigation into the Samjhauta Express blasts continues. The Railway Police in Panipat have now released modified sketches of two men, who are suspected to be behind the terror attack.

The sketches have been modified on the basis of information provided by some new eyewitnesses. Security agencies had detained several people for questioning this week in connection with the investigations.

Bharti Arora SP GRP Ambala range said, “These are improvised version made after more eyewitnesses account. We are sending the posters across to Delhi as well as Attari. We are going to crack the case as soon as possible.

A cash award of Rs 5 lakh has also been announced for anyone who can provide information on the two suspects.

On February 20, The Haryana Police had released sketches of two men, who are suspects in the terror attack.

Adu the previous sketches were released on Feb 20 now they had issued new yesterday

In a suspected terror attack, two bogies of Samjhauta Express caught fire near Panipat in Haryana, leaving 66 people dead and over 50 injured.

The fire broke out in the train at Shiva Village under Chandni Bagh police station in Panipat district, about 100 kilometre from national capital Delhi. The train, also called Attari Express, was going from Delhi to Lahore via Attari in Punjab.

The bi-weekly train had left Old Delhi Railway Station at 2240 hrs IST on Sunday. The fire was noticed in the last two bogies of the train when it reached the railway crossing near the village. Eyewitnesses say they heard an explosion before the train caught fire.


niaz u are right but saying that everytime its Pakistan and not considering own fault is also not gonna do anything to improve the relations.
niaz u are right but saying that everytime its Pakistan and not considering own fault is also not gonna do anything to improve the relations.

Twist twist twist more facts.
The post above me states, that Godhra was done by muslims,,,

What part of “allegedly” do you need help to understand? Ever heard of a book called dictionary?
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