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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Indian Army is different. Unless your talking about the soldiers in Kashmir that is a different story. They can be compared to the terrorists/savages/fascists.

Try reading this thread. https://defence.pk/forums/showthread.php?t=3917 which highlights that Indian Army is no less than Islamic Militants (terrorists) and sword has given a good input.


I am the afraid you are confusing Indian army with the Saffron Army. Here are some of generals and foot soldiers of the Saffron Army.

Please let me know if you would like to view pictures of their unsuspected victims too.
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atleast they are not into crashing planes, IED's, Ak-47's, behading's, stoning, public executions etc.

I guess they are old fashioned who still prefer hunting down their unarmed victims with Trishuls. While others prefer to use crude IEDs and kerosene to burn their victims alive. Yet others don’t even care to bother with individual public executions or behadings when they have bloody orgies to participate in.

Intolerance breeds intolerance. If i talk to intolerent freaks like you, god knows when myself will become one like you.

A wise man once said, only to a freak everyone else seems to be a freak too. Think about it.:coffee:
1. Are you suggesting Hindutva doesn’t spread its militant and malicious propaganda on the internet?
2. Just because you have been brainwashed by your Hindutva leaders about the alleged abuses in Bangladesh doesn’t make it true.
3. If Bengalis were so badly treated by the Pakistanis then can you explain how come they are strategically aligning themselves with Pakistanis and increasingly turning anti-Indian?

Yet, sadly, somehow people like you have still managed to harbor so much hate for minorities and Dalits. If it’s not your schools that are teaching so much hate and intolerance then we must look somewhere else for the answer. Maybe we should take a closer look at what is being taught at the mundirs?

Utter Nonsense.

No I did not forget to ask. All of them squarely blame the Hindu mobs for the massacre of thousands of Sikhs. They without a doubt and unanimously say it was indeed the “cunning [Hindus who carried] the grand plan.”

Maybe ironic, but it certainly doesn’t change the fact that Hindu mobs butchered thousands of Sikhs in a single night in New Delhi alone.

Because of humanitarian reasons. Why does it bother you?

Ahh.... Another Mr. Know it all. WOW!

Yes, Irrelevant. Only selfish people expect something in return. Indian Muslims do not have to reciprocate at all. Unlike you, not everyone expects tit-for-tat. Ever heard of goodwill?

As I advised before, please avoid delusional thinking.

Are you seriously denying that Hindu fundamentalists have not massacred hundreds of thousands of Muslims in and around India?

Please don’t forget to share the survey that suggests the Indian Muslims don’t even give a damn and stand shoulder to shoulder with their Hindu brothers. Otherwise, please give it a rest.

Isn’t it bit presumptuous and arrogant to insist that only you know them very well and no one else? What makes you think that I have not lived with the Indian Muslims and could not know how they think or feel?

Yeah...... by going into their graves.

could it be for the same reason for which not even a single Hindutva/VHP/Shiv Sena terrorist is convicted for carrying out ethnic-cleansing and massacres of thousands Muslims in Gujarat?

They may or may not be delusional about who is going to save them or not, but they have no illusions about who is abusing and killing them.

1. Still you have no right or authority to tell others where they can or cannot post. Please refrain from becoming a bully.
2. What if others would take your rants as stupid?

There is no point in having a discussion with your kind of people who has a "religious spectacles" over their eyes.Aparently for you every thing that happens in the world is done to harm the faith you believe.
Everything has to have a religious angle for you,other wise it does not make sense for you.
I can only pity for you.

Even I can harp about the muslims doing that,muslim did this,what muslims in Pakistan do to Hindus and Christian etc etc and make a grand conclusion. But then I dont want to insult the true muslims who i know and who beileve in better understandng among faiths.
Arguing with you will make me no better those weirdo on PDF.

No matter how much you believe in Hindus crushing other faiths under thier shoes..the fact remains that minorities in India have more rights then any Muslim dominated countries have for their minorities.Show me one Muslim dominated country whose's prime minister or president in a non-mulsim,then we will talk.

This is the truth and your living in your own fantasy land doesnot change it.
Typically by now usually Indians have already found the ISI agents and found all the proof to tie-up a Pakistani link with the bombings, but strangely this time they can not even find the people who sold the timers.

Samjhauta blasts were unique in pattern, says probe agencies

Hitender Rao

Panipat, February 28, 2007

Investigating agencies have found a unique pattern in the execution of the February 18 Samjhauta Express blasts with the use of a combination of high and low intensity explosives.

Sources said that the high intensity explosive like the RDX was used in a very small quantity since the idea was not to blow up the railway wagons but cause a devastating fire.

"It was an incendiary device which was used in the blasts. The low intensity explosives were ideal for making devices which cause fire. A small quantity of high intensity explosive was mixed to give propulsion to the fire so that maximum damage can be inflicted. The blast mechanism was devised to suit the conditions in a moving train," said Additional Director-General of Haryana Police, Vikas Narain Rai who is overseeing the SIT probe.

Sources said that had the perpetrators used only a high intensity explosive like the RDX or the TNT it would have probably blown off a part of the wagon like the roof. "The damage then would have been caused in a limited area. In fact, many lives could have been saved in that event," they said.

The SIT squad which had gone to Morbi in Gujarat to verify the shipment details of the Orpat clocks, used as timer in these blasts, is now working on the leads to find out from where these clocks could have been sold.

Although police officials say that it was a difficult task to zero in on the retail outlets from where they were sold. "The fact that these Orpat clocks have been found to be genuine company made products also indicate how crucial the reliability of these timer devices was for the perpetrators. They could have otherwise used a desi version which would have been impossible to trace in the event of its recovery," an investigating official said.

Similarly, the investigators have found that the PET bottles carrying GEHI trademark, which were used to keep the combustible substance, were manufactured by a factory in Mahim, Mumbai and the suitcase were manufactured by a unit in Tri Nagar in Delhi.
Aparently for you every thing that happens in the world is done to harm the faith you believe.
Everything has to have a religious angle for you,other wise it does not make sense for you.

If the Hindu extremists are not killing minorities because of then religion then please feel free to enlighten us why are they killing the minorities in hundreds of thousands?

Even I can harp about the muslims doing that,muslim did this,what muslims in Pakistan do to Hindus and Christian etc etc and make a grand conclusion. But then I dont want to insult the true muslims

What would be different? You are already doing that. Ever read yours, Bull’s, Adu’s, Malay’s, or Sword’s derogatory comments? Please do not let me stop you now.

Arguing with you will make me no better those weirdo on PDF.

Are you suggesting that you are the weirdo on the PDF?

No matter how much you believe in Hindus crushing other faiths under thier shoes..the fact remains that minorities in India have more rights then any Muslim dominated countries have for their minorities.

Some rights! Who cares what kind of rights or how many rights they have if they are still being hunted and butchered in hundreds of thousands by the Hindutva terrorists?
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