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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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What part of “allegedly” do you need help to understand? Ever heard of a book called dictionary?

Why dont you send me one. I dont have the one that you use ****** dictionary
Lets accept this Pakistani Government is not stupid to keep quiet, if Indian government does something of that sort.

Who said Pakistani Government is not suspicious of Indian goodwill? Any idea why the Indian government denied Pakistani Government’s Request for a joint investigation?

Do you understand the consequences if it was proved muslims did it.

Do you mean the consequences would have been any worst than what already happened during the Gujarati massacre in which over 2,000 Muslims were burned alive by the saffron clad army armed with trishuls, Muslim women raped and the fetuses pulled out of their screaming mothers’ wombs only to be set on fire?
Goodwill of the crazy zealots in your community, is actually being felt by the whole world, Thank you,
Goodwill of the crazy zealots in your community, is actually being felt by the whole world, Thank you,

Are you blaming the Americans now? Sure, why not blame whole world but yourself. Thank you.
Are you blaming the Americans now? Sure, why not blame whole world but yourself. Thank you.

Ahh!! let me seee, who has the reputation on a global basis of blaming others for their own failures............?????????
'I feel guilty as I couldn't reach in time'

Press Trust of India
Posted online: Sunday, February 25, 2007 at 1512 hours IST
Updated: Sunday, February 25, 2007 at 1514 hours IST

Panipat, February 25: Some more relatives of Pakistani victims of the Samjhauta Express blasts reached Panipat to search for their kin even as all unidentified bodies were buried in a graveyard.

A week after two blasts on the Lahore-bound 'friendship train' claimed 68 lives, mostly Pakistanis, at least three persons crossed the border today to search for their relatives who are untraceable.

They could not cross over to India earlier because they had not got visas in time, they claimed.

Nineteen unidentified bodies of those killed in the blasts were buried in a graveyard in Mehrana village, five kilometres from Panipat, on Friday even as authorities maintained that they could be exhumed later if some relatives claimed them.
'Involvement of a Pakistani in train blasts unlikely'

Press Trust of India
Posted online: Saturday, February 24, 2007 at 1731 hours IST

Islamabad, February 24: Ruling out the possibility of involvement of any of its nationals in the Samjhauta Express blasts, Pakistan asked India not to carry out a ‘unifocal’ probe into the attack as most of the victims were Pakistanis.

Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam told the Geo TV that it would be unfortunate if the investigations were ‘unifocal’.

"It should be investigated through all angles," she said.

While she preferred not to "speculate" over who was behind the blasts, Aslam said it was unlikely that any Pakistani nationals would have gone to India and carried out the attack as most of those killed or injured were from Pakistan.
Ahh!! let me seee, who has the reputation on a global basis of blaming others for their own failures............?????????

Thank you for the admission; even though an indirect admission, nevertheless an admission.
Ahh!! let me seee, who has the reputation on a global basis of blaming others for their own failures............?????????

As far as I know, India and Afghanistan perfectly fit that definition. Also USA to a certain extent.
one has to understand that as much as you might love and respect your religion, there will be others who do the same with thier respective religion. There is only so much one can take.
one has to understand that as much as you might love and respect your religion, there will be others who do the same with thier respective religion. There is only so much one can take.

Exactly..... That is why the whole world needs to quash the hatemongering and racist savages/fascists of saffron Army.
By the way, you need to learn a thing or two from sources besides the Hindutva literature.
As far I know I refer from the internet sources,unless you believe internet is the Hindutva literature.My isn't that a great achievement for the so called hindutva. You see they dont teach us in school about one faith being greater than another nor they tell that one faith is trying to destroy another.
Hence have to refer hindutva literature.

You mean from people like you or from Hindutva propaganda, right?
Well google would serve you better,but then for you the whole internet is after all Jews-Hindu-Christians conspirary and propaganda.

Could it be a similar reason like when over 12,000 Sikhs were butchered in New Delhi in one night by the Hindu mobs?
Since you seems to know these peoples who suffered,did you forget to ask them if muslims were involved? If muslims were also involved,you cannot mention it, then how can you prove that it is after all the cunning Hindu carrying out the grand plan.
The political party reponsiblle for death of the innocent people are in power today and is headed by a Sikh. Irony? And he is not even planning to take revenge for all the killings by the cunning hindu. How sad.

By the way where did you get that hot air figure? Do you recieve your own version of Hindutva literature?

Please don’t tell us that Pakistani Muslims are off Hindu extremists’ hit list.
Not just Hindus,Indian Muslims, Indian Christian,Sikhs,Buddist,Jains,Paris etc. The few unfortunate Pakistani Muslims who made across to kashmir in to fight the holy war were on the hit list on the Indian Defence forces.Army who chief is a Sikh,deputy chief is a Muslim,Airforce whose chief is a Parsi, Defence minister who is a christian and ofcourse the cunning Hindu army.

Sorry to tell you mate they are on the hitlist of all faith here.

Not only Muslims but also about other minorities too like Christians, Jews and Dalits.

why dont you spend some time doing good for your own country,instead of dreaming about welfare of people of other nations.

Believe me your nation really needs you

Totally irrelevant.
Irrelevant? How can truth be irrelevant? come on when you care so much about their welfare,shouldn't they alteast reciprocate.
Isnt this where your leaders fails. If Indian muslims bother about Pakistani Muslims, Kashmir would have been in Pakistan's pocket long time back.

Sadly for your leaders who for ages have been showing that India-Pakistan conflict is actually a Hindu-Muslim fight,dreaming that Indian Muslims would one day revolt against the cunning hindus thereby justifying the two nation theory.Kashmir would then be just a start of the rise of Muslim from the cunning hindu's rule.

Sadly for your leaders who have been for ages feeding their population about the "horror" of Hindhu's riots on Muslims,could not believe that the Indian Muslims dont even give a damn about the self appointed guardians of Indian Muslims.

Isn't this the crux of Indo-Pakistan conflict?And you say it is irrelavant.

Please spare yourself from hallucinations. I have come across many many Indian Muslims who do not share your delusions.
I have lived and grown up with them and I know them better than you.
A little complain about Shiv Sena and you concluded that they are ready to follows their guardians.They have been facing entities like Shiv sena for years and they know how to deal with them. Please dont stress yourself.

Ever wondered why there are not even one Indian Muslims in most wanted terrorists of the world? Not even ONE!

They know how to keep their household troubles within their house. They are not in a delusion that some well-wishers are present across the borders ang they would cry for them.

Do you own or moderate this forum?
I dont need to own this forum to point out stupid posts.
As far I know I refer from the internet sources,unless you believe internet is the Hindutva literature.My isn't that a great achievement for the so called hindutva.

1. Are you suggesting Hindutva doesn’t spread its militant and malicious propaganda on the internet?
2. Just because you have been brainwashed by your Hindutva leaders about the alleged abuses in Bangladesh doesn’t make it true.
3. If Bengalis were so badly treated by the Pakistanis then can you explain how come they are strategically aligning themselves with Pakistanis and increasingly turning anti-Indian?

You see they dont teach us in school about one faith being greater than another nor they tell that one faith is trying to destroy another.

Yet, sadly, somehow people like you have still managed to harbor so much hate for minorities and Dalits. If it’s not your schools that are teaching so much hate and intolerance then we must look somewhere else for the answer. Maybe we should take a closer look at what is being taught at the mundirs?

Well google would serve you better,but then for you the whole internet is after all Jews-Hindu-Christians conspirary and propaganda.

Utter Nonsense.

Since you seems to know these peoples who suffered,did you forget to ask them if muslims were involved?

No I did not forget to ask. All of them squarely blame the Hindu mobs for the massacre of thousands of Sikhs. They without a doubt and unanimously say it was indeed the “cunning [Hindus who carried] the grand plan.”

The political party reponsiblle for death of the innocent people are in power today and is headed by a Sikh. Irony?

Maybe ironic, but it certainly doesn’t change the fact that Hindu mobs butchered thousands of Sikhs in a single night in New Delhi alone.

why dont you spend some time doing good for your own country,instead of dreaming about welfare of people of other nations.

Because of humanitarian reasons. Why does it bother you?

Believe me your nation really needs you

Ahh.... Another Mr. Know it all. WOW!

Irrelevant? How can truth be irrelevant? come on when you care so much about their welfare,shouldn't they alteast reciprocate.

Yes, Irrelevant. Only selfish people expect something in return. Indian Muslims do not have to reciprocate at all. Unlike you, not everyone expects tit-for-tat. Ever heard of goodwill?

Sadly for your leaders who for ages have been showing that India-Pakistan conflict is actually a Hindu-Muslim fight,dreaming that Indian Muslims would one day revolt against the cunning hindus thereby justifying the two nation theory.

As I advised before, please avoid delusional thinking.

Sadly for your leaders who have been for ages feeding their population about the "horror" of Hindhu's riots on Muslims

Are you seriously denying that Hindu fundamentalists have not massacred hundreds of thousands of Muslims in and around India?

Indian Muslims dont even give a damn about the self appointed guardians of Indian Muslims.

Please don’t forget to share the survey that suggests the Indian Muslims don’t even give a damn and stand shoulder to shoulder with their Hindu brothers. Otherwise, please give it a rest.

I have lived and grown up with them and I know them better than you.

Isn’t it bit presumptuous and arrogant to insist that only you know them very well and no one else? What makes you think that I have not lived with the Indian Muslims and could not know how they think or feel?

They have been facing entities like Shiv sena for years and they know how to deal with them.

Yeah...... by going into their graves.

Ever wondered why there are not even one Indian Muslims in most wanted terrorists of the world? Not even ONE!

could it be for the same reason for which not even a single Hindutva/VHP/Shiv Sena terrorist is convicted for carrying out ethnic-cleansing and massacres of thousands Muslims in Gujarat?

They are not in a delusion that some well-wishers are present across the borders ang they would cry for them.

They may or may not be delusional about who is going to save them or not, but they have no illusions about who is abusing and killing them.

I dont need to own this forum to point out stupid posts.

1. Still you have no right or authority to tell others where they can or cannot post. Please refrain from becoming a bully.
2. What if others would take your rants as stupid?
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