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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Samjhauta blasts: Timer device made in Gujarat
Sarfaraz Shaikh
[ 25 Feb, 2007 0045hrs ISTTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

AHMEDABAD: There may finally be some evidence of a Gujarat link in the Samjhauta express blast of February 18. The police here revealed that the watch used as timer device in the explosive used on this train was made by Orpat watch company in Morbi, a town in Rajkot district.

More importantly Haryana police is camping in Morbi trying to figure out when was the last consignment by the watch manufactures sent to Haryana and Delhi.

Sources said that a team of high ranking police officials of Haryana police are in Morbi, assisted by a team of ATS, Gujarat officials. "Preliminary investigations by the ATS Gujarat have revealed that Orpat watch company had sent two consignments of watches during the past three months" said Deputy Inspector General of ATS, Rajan Priyadarshi.

Sources revealed that two consignments of about 500 watches were sent to three dealers in Haryana and three in Delhi. "We cannot reveal the names of the dealers in Haryana and Delhi as the whole incident is probed by Haryana police" said Priyadarshi.

Fire bombs kept aboard Samjhauta express going to Pakistan from Old Delhi railway station exploded on February 18 at about 11.50 pm killing 68 passengers and injuring many.

Gujarat police sources revealed that though they are suspecting a Gujarat link in the terrorist attack, the conspiracy was hatched somewhere on the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border. "We suspect the involvement of sleeper cells of the terror outfits in the incident while the planning is suspected to be done on across the border" added sources.

Priyadarshi said, a few officers Gujarat ATS are still in Panipat. "We have been given some important leads by Haryana police and are working on it", he said.

By the way most of the watches within India are produced in Gujarat.
You go to Bombay and buy a Orpat watch,it would still be produced in Gujarat.

The knifes used by the 9/11 terrorist to hijack was made in China. There you go we have evidence of Chinese involvement in 9/11

Should learn from journo how to twist a story!
This terrorist act is the fault of india and trying to put the blame on pakistan as Indian President, APJ Kalam,said that India wants better ties with Pakistan but the peace process will only benefit if Islamabad fully curbs "cross-border terrorism".
Laying out government policy at the start of parliament's first session of the year, he said that India was still worried about the infiltration of militants into India from Pakistan and attacks launched by them.

APJ Kalam is a cheeky bastard.The indians should be blaming there own security services for screwing up on a massive scale and getting a lot of pakistanis killed and not blaming pakistan for there own failures.
At least take resposibility for your failure to provide security to the passengers when you know fully well that it is a target for terrorists.
Pakistan needs to send a strong message to the indian side and break of peace talks just like the indians would have done if the attack on the train had taken place in pakistan.
The attack on the pakistani passengers was carried out by RAW and elements of the hindu right wing who do not want peace on kashmir.
The indians need to arrest these people and punish them for pakistan to trust india.
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Indians overrun barriers at train dead burial

MEHRANA: Hundreds of Indian Muslims clambered across barricades on Saturday to force their way into a mass funeral of 23 Pakistanis killed in a fire-bomb attack on a cross-border train.

“They may have come from across the borders but we are brothers,” shouted Indian mourner Usman Ali as police cordoned off the mass burial site in Mehrana village, 100 kilometres north of New Delhi.

Undertakers lowered cheap wooden coffins into shallow graves as some mourners wiped tears. But it was a funeral of strangers with the remains of 23 victims charred beyond recognition. They were among 68 people killed in twin blasts last Sunday aboard the Samjhota Express.

Mourners broke through the police barricades at the supposedly high-security funeral site in Haryana. “They were our national guests but we failed in our duty to offer them protection ... This is a day of shame,” said another mourner, pressing against a barbed wire fence.

Government officials carefully marked each coffin with indelible ink before they were lowered into graves identified with matching numbers. “This is being done because both in India and Pakistan DNA samples have been collected and if some match then we may have to exhume those bodies and send them to their loved ones,” Haryana Police Inspector-General Sharad Kumar told AFP.

Haryana Chief Minister Bupinder Singh Hooda turned out to pay his last respects. “This mass outpouring of grief of the people gathered here and their show of sympathy for their Pakistani brothers and sisters killed on the train is a slap on the face of these cowardly terrorists who did this dastardly act,” he said.

At the Wagah border crossing, emotions also ran high as a Pakistani couple who lost five of their six children returned home with the bodies of their three sons and two daughters.

Meanwhile, police were searching for a fugitive railway employee believed to be linked to the blasts.

Mobile phone records show that Taj Mohammad was in the Panipat area at the same time as the blasts, The Indian Express said. Police also recovered 50 bottles of a kerosene mixture from his house in Bikaner district, Rajasthan state, the daily said.


That is a bullshit report, There was a mix of Hindu's and Muslims and other aid organization who helped out the victims. From a guy called Raj Kumar, Who opened free food stall; to the members of Jaish-E - Hind(i think) who were there to help. That is a propaganda article,
And on other side, it states Taj Mohammed absconding, What about hindu extremist angle

What Gujurat has to do with Pakistani muslims? How were they involved?

Thats what your countrymen were trying to justify planning Samjhota express blats to take revange of hinuds killed in another train blasts leading to Gujrat masacar of Muslims, though Mulsims were not involved in that incidents.
What Gujurat has to do with Pakistani muslims? How were they involved?

Actually this has to do with Extremist Hindus; BJP & other terrorist organizations have a hand in this attack; they are pretty famous for attacking Muslims & they are very anti-Pakistani, How can they miss this golden opportunity?.

That is a bullshit report, That is a propaganda article,

Dailytimes is very authentice when it publishes 99% anti-Pakistan news and when it publishes on spot news about india its propoganda :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Dailytimes never propogade against India. the paper is run by the man who had been questioned for his loyality to the country in the past.
Police raided Taj's home and arrested his wife Saira on Thursday as well as another man identified as Salman Ahmed from Mumbai, who strongly resembles a sketch of one of the two main suspects, the Express said.

resemble which sketch ????
the Indian police have issued new sketches which they called modified and look it at these new one these far far away from the previous ones. in the sketches they had made these resmeble Muslims with one the sketch dipicting a man with fair color and colored eyes :disagree:

earlier the indian police picked aboutg 6 indians but they had never revealed their identity. why ???
And now u can see clearly that they had issued names of Muslims :) u can see the trick.
These are the fresh sketches issued by indian police if some1 remmbers the previous ones u can see the difference.

One more thing dint know how to post it with news so i saved it as pic and post it here. its from and the hindu newpaper news.

Suspect bomber behind Samjhota Express tragedy was an Indian: Eyewitness

FAISALABAD: An eyewitness to Samjhota Express tragedy Rana Shaukat has said that a suspect behind blasts in Samjhota Express was an Indian.

Rana Shaukat said that he had pointed out the suspect who showed a ticket and it was confirmed that he was an Indian with no travel documents to go to Pakistan.

The suspect was Indian and from his conversation it seemed that he belonged to Bihar State of India, Shaukat said.

A security guard had advised him to get down from the train when it slows speed as the train was bound for Pakistan, he said.

“Several questions arise in my mind as I am composing myself from the shock of death of my children,” he said.
Actually this has to do with Extremist Hindus; BJP & other terrorist organizations have a hand in this attack; they are pretty famous for attacking Muslims & they are very anti-Pakistani, How can they miss this golden opportunity?.

I guess most of the deaths were Hindus and not Muslims. So it could be a handy work of Islamist extremists to portray India badly by killing a few Hindus.

If India wanted to put Pakistan in bad light they could have set the timer to explode after it crosses the border. Then the whole blame would have come on Pakistan.
Obviously, Indian police consists of psychics........ I am surprised that they still don’t have the names and passport numbers of ISI agents involved in the bombing.....

Train attack: reward amount hiked

Devesh K. Pandey

TRACING SUSPECTS: People take a close look at the poster displaying the modified sketches of suspects of the Samjhauta Express firebombing, in Panipat on Sunday.

NEW DELHI: While clues have started emerging in the Samjhauta Express blasts, the reward money on the suspects who planted the bombs on the train was increased to Rs. 5 lakh on Sunday.

The Haryana police released modified sketches of the suspects a couple of days ago.

Investigations by the Haryana police indicated that the bombs were configured at a place close to the Old Delhi railway station, before they were planted in the train. Raw materials used in the bomb and suitcases were brought by different people from different "directions." The police believe that about six identical suitcases were brought for the purpose.

Though the bombs used appear to be of low-intensity, they are "highly sophisticated" in terms of the circuitry used. Their triggering mechanism had stand-by arrangements at three levels to make sure that they exploded in any case. On the basis of these facts, the investigating team believes that at least one of those involved at the execution stage had undergone training in bomb configuration.

Also, the police have found that the "GEHI PET-1000" bottles used to keep a mixture of inflammable liquid in the suitcases are manufactured in Mumbai. Though such bottles are also found in Andhra Pradesh, the police are at present probing the Mumbai angle.

The electronic watch found from one of the unexploded bombs, which was manufactured in October-December 2006, is suspected to have been bought from the Lajpat Rai Market here in the Walled City.
Train blasts: PMO steps in, tells Rlys to completely revamp passenger security

Pranab Dhal Samanta Posted online: Monday, February 26, 2007 at 0000 hrs

NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY 25: When Railways Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav presents the Rail Budget tomorrow, measures for improving passenger security will be carefully looked at. Because the Prime Minister’s Office, realising that at the end of the day security of Pakistani passengers on the Delhi-Attari Special was India’s responsibility, has stepped in and asked Railways to come up with a foolproof new passenger security paradigm that can be applied across the country.

According to Railways sources, the PMO has expressed concern over the ineffective security arrangements at Old Delhi railway station, pointing out that railway platforms remain overcrowded and accessible to all which makes it an easy target for terrorists.

In fact, it was the PMO’s suggestion to shift the departure of the Attari special that connects with the Samjhauta Express to Safdarjung railway station. Realising that this could at best be an interim measure, the Railways has been told that the larger issue of security can be addressed only through a complete revamp in approach, not just for Samjhauta Express, but all trains.

Given that the last two major terror attacks — 7/11 in Mumbai and the one on Samjhauta — are leading to similar conclusions about railway security, the PMO has also emphasised the need to introduce baggage screening and asked the Railways to come up with concrete plans that can be implemented soon.

Pushed to act, the Railways has taken steps for Samjhauta Express by doing away with unreserved coaches in the train and is now planning to restrict platform entry to only passengers. But clearly, there is recognition to conduct a revamp starting with removal of multiple agencies responsible for security. The other issue that has been flagged is to take a relook at the concept of unreserved travel.
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