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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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IED's are the speciality of Kashmiri extremist, I still find hard to see the Hindu angle, but at the same time, there is always first time for everything

Adu as Bull said it wasnt IED, rather bottles of kerosene, sulphur and nitrate mixture.
and in this case its realy hard to swollow that four suite cases filled with these bottles were un-notices by the checking staff at the train.
Hindu extremists are rightly to be suspected in this case.
and if u noticed not even the Indian media is not blaming us so far for they in the hearts of their hearts know that only Muslims were targeted this time and that too about 90% Pakistanis.
I agree with you Jana,
But there were IED's used, but in a very crude away!!!!
It make muslims extremist making the last ditched effort to show Hindu's as extremist to get more funding from ISI.
How is it different from Shia-Sunni bombing each other!!! or for that matter some balocuh might doing this, as it suits their cause...to have india-pakistan warring
hmm just read it how cruel just think how will that mother feal losting 5 kids its not good hmm now have just seen these indians what are they doing blaming pakistan it has started just seen they have arrested person from karachi now they will say pakistanis did it lolz madness i saw in a movie that in delhi a officer say to raw agent that if a bird dies on border say there is a hand of isi same old tactic last time it happened they say paksitan did it but was unable to show evidance and jana good one ahhh waqai khotyian hi hain hope there will be some arrests of hindus but dont think so some where there would be a party that pakistanis killed so many peoples killed last time how they say that pakistan thi spakistan that now they will also jump like monkeys that paksitanis did it pakistanis did it really these peoples are sick :sick:
hmm just read it how cruel just think how will that mother feal losting 5 kids its not good hmm now have just seen these indians what are they doing blaming pakistan it has started just seen they have arrested person from karachi now they will say pakistanis did it lolz madness i saw in a movie that in delhi a officer say to raw agent that if a bird dies on border say there is a hand of isi same old tactic last time it happened they say paksitan did it but was unable to show evidance and jana good one ahhh waqai khotyian hi hain hope there will be some arrests of hindus but dont think so some where there would be a party that pakistanis killed so many peoples killed last time how they say that pakistan thi spakistan that now they will also jump like monkeys that paksitanis did it pakistanis did it really these peoples are sick :sick:

Can somebody comprehend the post for me.
lol,,,i know Bull its pretty non stop...
Monday, 19 February 2007
S Asia rivals' cautious response
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi

The fire engulfed two carriages on the Samjhauta Express .

India and Pakistan have reacted cautiously to the bombing of the Samjhauta (Friendship) express train - unlike in the past when similar attacks have resulted in a full-fledged war of words.

"This is an attempt to derail the improving relationship between India and Pakistan," said Indian Railways Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav.

His words were echoed in Islamabad by Pakistan's Foreign Minister Khurshid Ahmed Kasuri.

"This is very indicative of the minds of those who have done it. The governments of India and Pakistan would not, or should not, allow the perpetrators of this incident to derail the peace talks," Mr Kasuri said.

He advised the two countries against "hasty conclusions" and added that they "should hasten the peace process".

Mr Kasuri is due in India on Tuesday for four days of talks with Indian officials and a lot is at stake here.

Finger pointing

The talks are meant to carry forward the peace process between the two neighbours which slowed down after last July's serial blasts on the rail network of India's financial capital, Mumbai (Bombay).

A scheduled meeting between the foreign secretaries of the two countries was put off. India said it was still committed to the peace process, but that bombings had made it difficult to carry on talking.

Although for the first few days, there was no finger-pointing, Mumbai police later blamed the bombings on Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency.

The peace process resumed after Indian and Pakistani leaders met in Havana

Islamabad rejected the allegation and demanded proof from India.

But the verbal exchange was not allowed to slide into a full-fledged war of words.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf met in Havana in September on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit and agreed to continue with the talks.

And the peace process got a new lease of life.

Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Riaz Mohammad Khan came calling in November and Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee visited Islamabad in January.

Mr Kasuri's visit this week was expected to take the peace process another step forward.

Measured tones

It is obvious the governments on both sides do not want to derail peace moves.

"We must deny the terrorists any opportunity to sabotage the peace process," Mr Kasuri said.

India, too, responded in measured tones.

Without blaming anyone for the blasts, Prime Minister Singh said "the culprits will be punished".

Former foreign secretary SK Singh says: "Looking ahead, I can say both countries will carry on talking and take the peace process forward.

Relations with Pakistan have been strained since the Mumbai train blasts

"In the absence of any specific information," he says, "it's not right to point fingers at anyone or say who could be behind the attack."

But some analysts are willing to hazard a guess.

Former Indian high commissioner in Pakistan G Parthasarthy says: "It is a terrorist act."

He blames Pakistan-based Islamic militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba "or similar elements" for the attack.

"President Musharraf is not exerting enough pressure on these groups and until that happens, terrorist acts in India and Afghanistan will not stop," he says.

'Alive and kicking'

Against such a backdrop, some are saying the talks are meaningless.

Former Indian high commissioner to Pakistan, Satish Chandra, says: "The infrastructure of terrorism is alive and kicking in Pakistan. Terrorism continues to remain an integral part of their foreign policy."

Mr Chandra says by carrying on talking to Pakistan, India is displaying an "approach that is extremely weak-kneed".

"The government says it will continue with the talks. The Indian government's unreal love-fest with Pakistan continues. The talks will only embolden the terrorists from carrying out more such attacks," he says.

Even though the attack on the Samjhauta Express took place on Indian territory, most of those killed in the bombings appear to have been Pakistanis.

In Islamabad, foreign ministry spokesman Tasnim Aslam demanded that India investigate the incident immediately. "We expect the Indian authorities to punish the perpetrators," she said.

Mr Chandra agrees - but he says it is Pakistan-based militant groups who have carried out the attack.

"Look at the number of terror incidents in Pakistan. Many people are killed routinely. Terrorists are not bothered about who they are killing. They have achieved their purpose. Now it's for Pakistan to take steps," he says.

Considering that both sides suffered losses in the attack, some say it may well be the catalyst needed to make the two countries join hands and work together.

Senior Pakistan-based journalist Marianna Babar says the attack on the Samjhauta Express shows how large the terrorists' network is.

"It's the first big challenge for the joint mechanism on terror which India and Pakistan formed after the Havana meeting," she says.

How the two countries deal with this challenge will be an indication of whether the future will be as tense as the present.

But there were IED's used, but in a very crude away!!!!

There is no such news that it was used and Adu why on earth u are ignoring other factors.
Why dont u question security at Indian Railway Station the blunder of ur security men my God four suitcases were even dint checked ????

u can say if it was tiny bomb teh laps is possible but four suite cases filled with Karosene oil bottles??????????????

It make muslims extremist making the last ditched effort to show Hindu's as extremist to get more funding from ISI.
How is it different from Shia-Sunni bombing each other!!! or for that matter some balocuh might doing this, as it suits their cause...to have india-pakistan warring

:disagree: :disagree: this kinda comment i even cant expect from even a new member.
Out of about 720 passangers 553 were Pakistanis, 90% Pakistanis were killed, the Indian Media is quite, Indian fanatics didnt response on the incident, if these were Hindus God Knows by now the internet and Media would have been flooded with you hate and baseless finger pointing.

Indian Media and officials themselves Reported that the accused were allowed to step down before the train was started.

10 persons were travellling Without Passports Now you tell how is it justified that a 10 people were without passports on a Trans-border Train.

it was running acorss the border not LoC that u can justify that Adu.
Please dont play the victim card with me, I am very neutral that doesnt mean i am not aware of the realities.
I have to say you are a very ill-informed person, IED was used to tigger the fire bombs, 4 IEDs were found unexploded and were exploded by in a controlled enviornment by the agencies. IS there any need for me to talk about security lapse, if there werent one this wouldnt have happened. LOC or the international border, for us it doesnt make any differnece, We have terrorist aided by the ISI bombing in bangalore to srinagar, 1000 cuts policy. For your information on an average 1872 hindus are killed every year in the name of kashmir, jihad and other firvolous things. So lets not even get there

i gave you an alternative theory, Like Mr.Kasuri said today , I would not pre-judge or speculate wether this is Hindu or Muslim doing. Unqoute
1 person from Karachi was already caught
i gave you an alternative theory, Like Mr.Kasuri said today , I would not pre-judge or speculate wether this is Hindu or Muslim doing. Unqoute
Yes because Pakistani officials never balmed blindly like Indians do.

1 person from Karachi was already caught

For ur kind informtaion the indian security officials said he was not detaine rather he was helping them :) and let me post u something here

about this brave person from Karachi who had saved many people from killing.


Hunt for bombers gathers momentum

Praveen Swami

Pakistani passenger's blind courage led to recovery of bombs at the heart of the unfolding investigation

NEW DELHI: Had it not been for the blind courage — or foolhardiness — of an inebriated passenger, the police might never have found the forensic evidence at the centre of the fast-unfolding investigation into the bombing of the Samjhauta Express.

At midnight on Sunday night, Karachi resident Osman Mohammed awoke to find his compartment shrouded in smoke. Befuddled, he at first refused fellow passengers' entreaties to exit the compartment. A few minutes later, though, he tried to find his way out, and noticed a small light flashing inside a cheap, plastic-lined suitcase — now known to be one of the several firebombs planted on the train.

In an act of staggering courage, Mr. Mohammed threw one suitcase out of the compartment and dragged a second up to the door as rescuers entered. Both suitcases — a third thought to contain a bomb has now been confirmed to be harmless — were packed with kerosene-filled bottles, stuffed with cotton wool. An electronic circuit linked the detonator to the battery and digital timer.
So now "The Hindu" is a good news paper for you, it was very kind of you not answer the rest of my post. Pakistani officials cry as much as an Indian official, its dirty geo-politics, i suggest you accept it and just move on, No country in the world can claim their hands are not dirty, Life in reality is not a pretty picture.

Mr.Mohammed over there is a Hero in my book, but that doesnt mean that bombings couldnt have jihadi hand in it.

Samjhauta Express blasts: RPF hero loses life


Baljinder Bobby

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 (Gurdaspur):

When Rajinder Singh joined the RPF five years ago, he was a faceless entity. But today, he's being hailed as a saviour of lives.

Rajinder was on duty on the Samjhauta Express when two of its compartments were engulfed in flames following the blasts.

Rajinder, a father of three and the sole earning member in his family, pulled out several passengers from the burning coaches. But in the end, he was consumed by those very flames.

"I am proud of his sacrifice. He has upheld the family's honour," said Satish Kumar, Rajinder's uncle.

"His family is very poor. He has six sisters. How will his family manage without him?" added Surjit Ladi, Rajinder's cousin.

Seeking assistance

Officials at Rajinder's village in Gurdaspur have asked the Punjab government for assistance for his family.

"The Central government will provide compensation, but we have also asked the Punjab government to help the family," said Manmohan Singh, SDM, Gurdaspur.

Rajinder Singh wasn't the only one. Kashmir Singh and Swaran Singh were also on duty on the Samjhauta Express and were killed while trying to save lives.

The onus is now on the Central and state governments to ensure that their families are given all the help they need during this difficult hour.
Pak terrorists behind blasts: Sleuths

Posted Tuesday , February 20, 2007 at 23:42
Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 08:04 Email Print

TERROR TRAIL: Security agencies say the blasts are the handiwork of Pakistan-based militant groups.

New Delhi: The Pakistan National Assembly has called for a joint probe into the Samjhauta Express blasts.

Pakistan Foriegn Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri - who is in India for on a three-day official visit - has asked the world not to blame Pakistan for the blasts.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has assured Pakistan of complete cooperation.

But does all of this absolve Pakistan from blame? Does the country have a hand in the twin blasts that rocked the Delhi-Attari Samjhauta Express?

According to a report in news agency PTI, security agencies probing the Samjhauta Express blasts have said that the incident was the handiwork of Pakistan-based militant groups.

Highly-placed sources in Union Home Ministry were also quoted by PTI as saying that they had "vital clues" which included a telephone conversation between a caller from Delhi to Azad Kashmir.

The sources declined to give out the identity of the militant groups behind the blasts but hinted at sleeper cells of Lashker-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed.

The security agencies have said that the modus operandi - detonating low-intensity blasts with explosive materials comprising readily available combustibles - is a clear indication that these groups were involved in the blasts.

Though the matter would be taken up by the Pakistani authorities as this is a joint probe, PTI has quoted sources as saying that this particular piece of information would not figure in the talks between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries, Pranab Mukherjee and Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri.

The Samjhauta Express was rocked by twin blasts on Sunday night.

The blasts killed 68 people and critically injured many others. Among the dead were both Pakistani and Indian nationals.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had said that the incident was aimed at disrupting the Indo-Pak peace process adding that India would not allow the peace process to be derailed.

He has also promised assistance to all Pakistani families who want to come to India to look for their loved ones who were on the ill-fated train, saying that the Foreign Ministry would provide them with visas.

(With inputs from PTI)
So now "The Hindu" is a good news paper for you, it was very kind of you not answer the rest of my post. Pakistani officials cry as much as an Indian official, its dirty geo-politics, i suggest you accept it and just move on, No country in the world can claim their hands are not dirty, Life in reality is not a pretty picture.

Mr.Mohammed over there is a Hero in my book, but that doesnt mean that bombings couldnt have jihadi hand in it.

hahahhah come on Adu now u act like a kid

i was not making hero out of him just replying to comment that how u without knowqing blamed that a man from Karachi was arrested for the train blast and again there was no qustion of heroism i was replying with link to ur blam'
there is no qustion of good or bad newpaper, we can blam the meida for angling in articles but this was not the artilce and it is news.
U mean if Pakistanis being killed we just move on tell me if the train was met with same blast inside carrying indians what would be the reaction of the Indian media and indians and indian political leaders. No doubt they blam even before the blast.

And as far ur other comments there are reports of use of some other things like power batteries and pipes used in Gujrat
has anything rings in ur ear by the name GUJRAT??
Last time i checked, 67 Hindu's were burnt alive by muslims in gujarat.
And what happened after that is disgusting, i have told you this a million times, is that the only trump card in your hat. Its getting quite boring and annoying. I dont find anything kiddish about anything,

A Pakistani Woman Minister was killed yesterday for just being a woman, Dont tell me about Muslims killing muslims, I hear about that everyday from the middle east

Are you telling me ISI doesnt support any anti-india organaizations, Are you freaking serious? You are talking kiddish
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