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Samjhauta Express catches fire, 42 killed

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Last time i checked, 67 Hindu's were burnt alive by muslims in gujarat.
And what happened after that is disgusting, i have told you this a million times, is that the only trump card in your hat. Its getting quite boring and annoying. I dont find anything kiddish about anything,

yeh yeh and the Muslims burnt alive u forgot the best bakery case akhhhhhh

A Pakistani Woman Minister was killed yesterday for just being a woman, Dont tell me about Muslims killing muslims, I hear about that everyday from the middle east

This is off topic so please open another thread if u want to discuss it

But as u mentioned it my dear the man who killed her is a serial killer and he is mentlky retarted. and also killed four other women in the past also.

Now if u say so what about Hindus killing Hinuds , ithink u forget just recent killing of childern Nethari killing if i spell it wrongly i guess.

Are you telling me ISI doesnt support any anti-india organaizations, Are you freaking serious? You are talking kiddish

So can u say RAW dosnt support anti-Pakistan Organizations ???
RAW does suppport them, They better be, esp with all the tax money i am paying them, Lets not talk about Gujarat,anyways for your info, Best Bakery happened after Godhra.
RAW does suppport them, They better be, esp with all the tax money i am paying them,

Same is the case with every agency if u want ur RAW to support anti-Pakistan thn why u cry about ISI ??

Same formula apply on them.

Lets not talk about Gujarat,anyways for your info, Best Bakery happened after Godhra.

I know i was reffering to burning Muslism alive by Hindu fanatics not the place.

No coming back to the topic

there are even some reports that indian security officials are linking the incident with Khalistan groups :disagree:

see they always blam others.

Let hope if we can get some partial prob which i doubt if there will be any as everyone our there will be shifting blam on others to cover own negligence.

Where did I say it was wrong, They blame ISI cuz they are supporting, Please go Harp about RAW, i really dont care.
You should get out of your Blind Patriotism, accept the dirty linen in your laundry. If they are Khalisitani terrorist, which dont exist now...other than some old hags in canada.Then the ISI support is evident
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Who could have blown up the Samjhota Express?

The latest outrage in the lives of innocent Pakistani citizens is that somebody has detonated a couple of bombs inside the Pakistan-bound Samjhota Express train on Monday, killing 67 persons, mostly Pakistani passengers returning from a visit to India. The tragedy happened about 60 miles out of New Delhi, from where the train had started for Atari at the Pakistani border where the passengers would have changed trains. The explosion was caused in two bogies with suitcase bombs made from explosive powder and kerosene. Similar ‘suitcase bombs’ were found in two other bogies too — they failed to explode.

Most of the victims of the fire that engulfed the coaches were Pakistanis. Out of the total passengers (757) travelling in the train, 555 were Pakistanis because the ‘friendship train’ is basically meant for separated Muslims families. Looking at the pattern of travel on the special train, one can say that Pakistani families travel more often to India than those of Indian Muslims to Pakistan. One can therefore assume that whoever sabotaged the train knew that only Muslims would die and most of them would be Pakistanis. Does that mean that this dastardly act could not have been perpetrated by Muslims? No, it doesn’t. On the contrary, in fact, on recent record, one is almost reluctant to accuse anyone but Muslim terrorists for this act.

The fact that 26 men, 14 women and 13 children died in the blast, gives no clue because the jihad of our day doesn’t bother about what kind of collateral damage it does. However, quite understandably the Indians have lost no time in linking the blast with the explosions in Mumbai last year in July that killed 186, mostly Hindu citizens. Obviously, the Indian railways minister, Laloo Prashad Yadav, who made the accusation, did not note that the passengers killed on Monday were mostly Muslims.

The tragedy was enhanced by the fact that the windows of the train were barred and the doors locked. Although it is normal the world over to seal the compartments, it is probably not wise to seal trains in South Asia where people may need to evacuate to save their lives in short order. Other complaints such as that the Indians are not releasing information are irrelevant. The Jamaat-i-Islami’s Shabab Milli has actually staged a protest in Lahore accusing the Indians of having done the deed. But responsible MNAs who seemed to jump the gun on the incident should have acted with more restraint.

India has lately been victim of sabotage and terrorism, but the trend is more associated with Pakistan than with India. Just as the Indians accuse some lashkar or the other every time there is a blast in India, we used to accuse India whenever there was an explosion on our side, until, of course, our noses were rubbed in the evidence that it was our own jihadis who were doing it. If India has a knee-jerk response, the world doesn’t laugh at it as much as it does when we accuse India, simply because Pakistani Islamist-jihadis like Omar Sheikh and his friends were actually caught doing mischief in India and were sprung from an Indian jail through a hijacking.

Clearly, whoever did it is unhappy over the current state of affairs. Our foreign minister, who was to arrive in India to push the normalisation forward, says it was someone opposed to the peace process between India and Pakistan. This peace process has been initiated at the cost of the jihad being waged by our religious warriors. Some opposition politicians and the jihadi elements have openly accused President General Pervez Musharraf of having betrayed the Kashmir cause by trying to normalise relations with India. The culprits can be narrowed down further. It could be someone who hates General Musharraf more than he loves fellow Muslims.

Why wasn’t the deed done in Pakistan? Simply because then the finger would have pointed to Pakistanis inside Pakistan. Also, the Samjhota Express travels inside Pakistan hardly any distance at all. But Pakistan is wide open to this kind of thing. After the big blast at the Sessions Court in Quetta, the tallest building in Pakistan, the 16-storey Shipping Corporation Building in Karachi, has been hit the same week. There have been blasts in Islamabad — where seminarian girls are up in arms threatening suicide-bombing — that hardly help in our posturings of outrage against India.

Let us keep our fingers crossed and pray it is not a Pakistan-linked terrorist organisation that has killed people going to India to meet their relatives. And let us pray that better measures are taken to secure the cross-border trains plying from Punjab and Sindh. *


Why is that lesser number of travellers travel to Pakistan from India, Especially muslims.

Honestly, it hurts to me ask this, why is south asian lives not valued at all, even in our midst, not even in our land. Sometime I respect USA a lot, 3000 people died, and the whole saw their wrath, For the past 2 decades in India atleast there have 3000 or less citizens loosing their lives very year cuz of some terrorism or the other, Nobody seemed to be bothered. Its as if nothing happened

Assume the author is speaking facts, Why is that lesser number of travellers travel to Pakistan from India, Especially muslims

Its a good article thats why I posted it, I do believe the author is well informed.

Its a fact that more travellers from 'our' side visit India than 'yours' simply coz many many families were torn aprart during the partition but only a fraction migrated to Pakistan leaving the majority behind.

Pakistani's usually have a busy travel itenerary whenever they visit India since their families all spread over several states.

For example, my family is concentrated in Delhi, Allahabad, Lucknow, Bhopal, Mumbai, Mysore, Hyderabad, Nizamabad, Pathankot and Jammu.
Its easier for us to visit them in India in a single trip.
Out of about 720 passangers 553 were Pakistanis, 90% Pakistanis were killed, the Indian Media is quite, .

if these were Hindus God Knows by now the internet and Media would have been flooded with you hate and baseless finger pointing..

Thats plain bullshit. Where the hell did you get that news from.Quit crying jana, its all over the news in India.

Indian fanatics didnt response on the incident, .

Thats why they are called fanatics. :rolleyes:

Indian Media and officials themselves Reported that the accused were allowed to step down before the train was started..

Which indian media? What i have read is that, they have no idea as to "how they got away?". I havnt seen any Indian media saying they were allowed to get away.

Out of about 720 passangers 553 were Pakistanis, 90% Pakistanis were killed, the Indian Media is quite, .

Indian Media and officials themselves Reported that the accused were allowed to step down before the train was started..

You say Indian media were quite and you youselves say Indian media says culprits were allowed to escape. Contradictions glore.
The indians are showing their incompetence again. Blaming Pakistan already. Should've seen it coming though really. These indians always blame their incompetence on Pakistan. Not one time they've properly investigated a case and caught who was really behind it.
Pakistan has much more harder visa restriction then India. Indian govt asked number of time to soften the visa restrictions for Indian.

Read through Neo articles, your country is teeming with anti-social elements, They have more to loose from the peace between India and Pakistan. When Peace takes the front seat, their funding and logistical support takes the back seat. In the end it is all about economics.

The article I posted gives a good analyse of the problem without pointing a finger to either side.
Unfortunately the blame game has already started, as usual, by some **** report from ToI (how very predictable) which is being used by several fora to blame us prematurely.

Please check similar thread in WAB.

LeT has just denied involvement in this tragic event.
LT denies role in Samjhauta train bombing

OCCUPIED SRINAGAR (updated on: February 21, 2007, 11:47 PST): Lashkar-e-Taiba, a group banned by Islamabad, on Wednesday denied involvement in this week's bombing of a cross-border India-Pakistan train, saying its activities were confined to the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK).

Indian detectives claim they have evidence linking the bombing, which killed 68 passengers aboard the Friendship Express, to the group, The Times of India reported.

"Investigators ... have picked up a vital terror trace -- a phone call made to Azad Kashmir from Delhi after Sunday night's attack," the newspaper said.

"The recorded conversation reveals links to the group," it claimed.

The evidence turned "the needle of suspicion more firmly towards" Lashkar-e-Taiba, it claimed.

However, Lashkar denied any role in a statement published on Wednesday on the website of Greater Kashmir, a regional English-language daily.

"We don't believe in such brutal acts and killing of innocents; our activities are confined to Jammu and Kashmir where mujahideen (holy warriors) are fighting occupational forces," Abdullah Gaznavi, the group's spokesman, said in the telephoned statement.

"It's the handiwork of the Indian agencies and the Shiv Sena," Gaznavi charged, referring to a hardline Hindu militant group.

Linking Lashkar to the bombing is a "malicious propaganda aimed at maligning the image of mujahideen," Gaznavi added.


Scuttling of Peace process brings to halt everything Mushraff tried so far, Let me ask you, Peace between Indian and Pakistan, Who are the biggest loosers other than the Arms suppliers?
Without the logistical support , The Extremist forces are basically targets for the IA. Who stands to gain more by bombing,
Extremist Hindu's like the VhP, RSS and Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena doesnt have a history of explosives or IED's. it doesnt mean they cant start now. At the same time if you told 40 men with swords and spears entered the train cut people up, then i my prime suspects and the most likely, would be the Hindu extremist.
Every crime has a pattern and motive, just like serial killers, you have to look into their history. As of now i have to agree with Indian investigating agencies.

Scuttling of Peace process brings to halt everything Mushraff tried so far, Let me ask you, Peace between Indian and Pakistan, Who are the biggest loosers other than the Arms suppliers?
There will be many losers including both governments.
If you're referring to ISI then I don't fully agree coz even if Pakistan becomes a full and matured democracy ISI will always remain a very powerful and influentual institution.

Without the logistical support , The Extremist forces are basically targets for the IA. Who stands to gain more by bombing,
Extremist Hindu's like the VhP, RSS and Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena doesnt have a history of explosives or IED's. it doesnt mean they cant start now. At the same time if you told 40 men with swords and spears entered the train cut people up, then i my prime suspects and the most likely, would be the Hindu extremist.
Too premature to say who's to blame but I'm concerned about the leftists in India who're gaining power in public opinion and sympathy. At this point I'm holding all options open to anything.
Btw, why has India refused to have a joint investigation??

Every crime has a pattern and motive, just like serial killers, you have to look into their history. As of now i have to agree with Indian investigating agencies.
Patterns evolve with the trend and with information available on the weakness of the other side but you have a point there.
Motives are equally strong since peace would end votebanking on your side and justification of 'moral support to freedom fighters' on ours.

Keep in mind that after the Mumbai blasts you were to present 'clinching evidance' of Pakistani involvement in the terror attacks to the world and I simply refuse to accept that the evidance was held back due pressure from the US or even some softer elements within your government.
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