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Saltanat-E-Quran (Islamic Pakistan)

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Believers must wear a warm jacket.

as per Hadees-ul-nahee-wal-Munkar

If Hindus can remember 100K years old birth place of ram than what is wrong with what ever hadees?
Seculars in India unmounted a historic mosque, just because right in the center of it their god was born about 100k years ago.
.....their god was born about 100k years ago.

God that was born about 100k years ago is usually considered very old.

@Armstrong Someone must have read the earlier conversations regarding " radicalization " and decided to make their presence known looking at your posts :D

Armstrong has been known to check all the " radicalized " girls.
When did you come back from the range?

Last time you said you were out there rescuing cows and goats that are reportedly being molested by Hindu Imams installed by BB.

Check @BATMAN if you need more info. Not about cows and goats. but Hindu Imams

I am sure you have enough information on the health and wealth of cows and goats.

What can I say, I love cows :D

while wearing a London (or is it Landa) made burgundy jacket.
I think you will find my suit was purchased at Ghakkar Plaza, thank you very much :D

These kids wake up from sleep , one day , and voila a magical one night solution to all of Pakistan's problems . Hormonal urges , I say . Something being copied from some Mullah mouthpiece and Facebook pages and propagated as divine inspiration . Indigenous , wouldn't you say ? :D

It does make me laugh at time, the sheer nonsense some people will believe.
Election will be for Shora not for Ministers

@Azlan Haider

Is a selection of Shura possible in this era and situation or this is another of the brain farts ?

I suggest that all such deluded people read a bit about the early Islamic history and see the number and extent of civil wars back then , declaring the system perfect .

It does make me laugh at time, the sheer nonsense some people will believe.

An inability to compete in the society and a disregard for the existing system due to that , results in such stuff . This is very common thing I see here , in Madarsa Graduates . They are unable to find work , cant walk hand in hand with the rest of the society because of their selective education , they have a repellant mindset , they are most of the time against West and Modernity and an immense desire to return back to their roots - the result they think they should change the whole system so they can achieve all that , the delusions of a perfect world - a utopia . You will see them distributing such nonsensical literature after Friday prayers in Karachi .
@Azlan Haider
Is a selection of Shura possible in this era and situation or this is another of the brain farts ?
I suggest that all such deluded people read a bit about the early Islamic history and see the number and extent of civil wars back then , declaring the system perfect .

Actually Khilafah system itself was a innovation / Biddah
Prophet did not appoint any successor or did not tell Muslims to follow a particular system of government(as per general belief)
Neither does Quran say anything about it
All it says is to obey the "Ulil amr"
"those among you having authority"
Claiming that a particular govt. system is Quranic is a blatant lie @Khaqan Humayun
The Muslims got divided into 2 groups even before the burial of Prophet(pbuh)
One group claimed that Muslim Political system should be run by a divinely appointed IMAM (i.e Ali r.a)
Other group claimed that there is no such thing as divinely appointed leader and Muslims should accept Abubakr r.a as Khalifa

When the selection of a undisputed Shura was not possible during the time immediately following the demise of prophet(pbuh) , how can it be possible today ??
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There is no Saltanat-e-Quran... The quran does not define any system. The System was demonstrated to an extent by the living interpretation of the Quran i.e. the Prophet but that too was for the times and intended to provide an exemplar on how to make decisions and system of rule based on the surroundings.

This Sultanat is the idea of the Mullahs to usurp power for themselves much like the Priests of Christianity did. The dark ages(where cruelty and ignorance was widespread) is what arose out of their version of the Sultanat-e-Injeel(bible)

Come on , Oscar . Why wake these deluded people up ? If they couldn't take a lesson from the results of continuous radical and terrorist struggle for changing the system in one way or other or to be precise " impose " something which the people do not want - even after the killing of 64,000 of the same damned Muslims they claim to fight for , what hope there lies now ? . I tell you , the overdoses of opiate are indeed very dangerous , these people are stuck in some dreamland . Psychosis - a disruption or loss of contact with reality we call it .

I do hope that some day , my dear countrymen can realize that all the systems of governance are more or less - as good as themselves . Because it all boils down in the end to the " common people " . No system would work if the " people to be governed " are corrupt to the core and haywire .

Muhammad(pbuh) was not some "Mullah" either
He was "Rahmatul lil alamin" as per Quran

"And We have not sent you (Muhammad)but as a mercy to the worlds". (Noble Qur'an, 21:107)
A mercy to all mankind , even animals and angels

And look at these Mullahs today
Why do they forget that the same Quran they claim to follow says :

Those who believe (Muslims), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians(star worshipper),- any who believe in Allah(the creator) and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.[2:62]

But for Mullahs believing in Allah and Day of judgement is not enough , they will kill anyone who disagrees with their interpretation of Islam even if he is a Muslim , not to talk about followers of other religions , about whom Allah says in Quran that they shall have no fear !!
You know the sad fact is to see you having done NO study of the modern system of governments.

There is one important philosopher whose ideas have been adopted by pretty much the WHOLE world with few exceptions.

Do you know what his name is?


Any forking idea?

Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu

or in short

Charles de Montesquieu.

Montesquieu - Wikipedia

So do some Iqra / study first before rambling on like my yournger brother's 5th grade classmates.

Sad to see totally ignorant people trying to reinvent the wheel.

utterly paaaathetic.

My people will realize that what I say is right........When we will impose Islamic laws this will kill the base of Talban or any Islamic Fundamental groups they always say we are fighting for Islam.

What you propose is to protect Pakistan from being burned down by Talib-barbarians


your solution is to burn the damn thing down before Talibarbarians can do.

problem solved as per YOU

But Pakistan get burned down anyways.

paaaathetic logic

@Azlan Haider

Is a selection of Shura possible in this era and situation or this is another of the brain farts ?

I suggest that all such deluded people read a bit about the early Islamic history and see the number and extent of civil wars back then , declaring the system perfect .

An inability to compete in the society and a disregard for the existing system due to that , results in such stuff . This is very common thing I see here , in Madarsa Graduates . They are unable to find work , cant walk hand in hand with the rest of the society because of their selective education , they have a repellant mindset , they are most of the time against West and Modernity and an immense desire to return back to their roots - the result they think they should change the whole system so they can achieve all that , the delusions of a perfect world - a utopia . You will see them distributing such nonsensical literature after Friday prayers in Karachi .
I'm not a Madarsa student Politic & International Relations are my subjects.
You know the sad fact is to see you having done NO study of the modern system of governments.

There is one important philosopher whose ideas have been adopted by pretty much the WHOLE world with few exceptions.

Do you know what his name is?


Any forking idea?

Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu

or in short

Charles de Montesquieu.

Montesquieu - Wikipedia

So do some Iqra / study first before rambling on like my yournger brother's 5th grade classmates.

Sad to see totally ignorant people trying to reinvent the wheel.

utterly paaaathetic.

What you propose is to protect Pakistan from being burned down by Talib-barbarians


your solution is to burn the damn thing down before Talibarbarians can do.

problem solved as per YOU

But Pakistan get burned down anyways.

paaaathetic logic

Give me any good Ression how Pakistan will Burned?
Quranic Law are to solve Problems. When Sharyat will have been imposed who TTP will run their movement???
When you select Educated People as Ministers from the same Department How do you think Pakistan will not get Successes??? When Army is Head of state that will continue 20years 30years Plans. I also suggest we should make 4 5 big cites and ports.
We must not raise Taxes too much Hades says "That is not Muslim who take 10% Tax from Muslims.
All I said is reasonable like Big Cited Ports economy policy Railway all...........You know What you don't Like is Quran, who ever talks about Quranic laws you says he is from Madarsa Talban Mulla......... Arn't you Muslim?
There is no Saltanat-e-Quran... The quran does not define any system. The System was demonstrated to an extent by the living interpretation of the Quran i.e. the Prophet but that too was for the times and intended to provide an exemplar on how to make decisions and system of rule based on the surroundings.

This Sultanat is the idea of the Mullahs to usurp power for themselves much like the Priests of Christianity did. The dark ages(where cruelty and ignorance was widespread) is what arose out of their version of the Sultanat-e-Injeel(bible)
really, and how would you explain our caliphate? was those dark ages too?
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