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Russia's first Muslim TV channel goes on air

Not exactly Russia has other Options Iranian leaning Iraq and Russia has strong ties with Algeria,

Iraq and Iran, absolutely no. As for Algeria, it just has pragmatic relations with Russia based on mutual interests, Russia being the main source of weapons to Algeria doesn't mean they are allies on Arab interests expense. Yes they are friends but not allies. Algeria is much of a proud country like to be independent. Jordan, Yemen and UAE have great ties with Russia and imported allot of it's weapons but still not called allies. Algeria voted in favor of all Arab league resolutions regarding Syria.
and in the past Russia has saved the Arabs countries from Israel.

Yes, we know that, and that's why we are extremely disappointed at Russia, actually Saudi foreign minister said in a visit paid by Russian foreign minister Sergi Laverov to Arab league, he said "Arab people have long looked up at Russia as their trusted ally and fierce defender of their rights and that's why we didn't expect that attitude" and I agree with him.
Iraq and Iran, absolutely no. As for Algeria, it just has pragmatic relations with Russia based on mutual interests, Russia being the main source of weapons to Algeria doesn't mean they allies. Yes they are friends but not allies. Algeria is much of a proud country like to be independent. Jordan, Yemen and UAE have great ties with Russia and imported allot of it's weapons but still not called allies. Algeria voted in favor of all Arab league resolutions regarding Syria.

Yes, we know that, and that's why we are extremely disappointed at Russia, actually Saudi foreign minister said in a visit paid by Russian foreign minister Sergi Laverov to Arab league, he said "Arab people have long looked up at Russia as their trusted ally and fierce defender of their rights and that's why we didn't expect that attitude" and I agree with him.

I would put Iraq as a choice but depends on how it plays out, but Algeria your right on that .
as for the situation in Syria Russia seems intent on keeping the naval base.
I think he justified himself in his last thread where he said burned turkey(Hindi) is a food delicacy from Russia.

google it Google Translate

stop thinking everybody is plotting against u.
THAT was a crapy justification, then why would he not write his profile name in turkish language, but chose to write it in RUSSIAN.

lol, ploting against us, you can do it for all eternity with out success. we as a civilization and religion lived before you and will live side by side for the rest of human civilization. you guys can plot as long as you want
THAT was a crapy justification, then why would he not write his profile name in turkish language, but chose to write it in RUSSIAN.

lol, ploting against us, you can do it for all eternity with out success. we as a civilization and religion lived before you and will live side by side for the rest of human civilization. you guys can plot as long as you want

He is referring to Hindus.

Russian word for Turkey is индейка(indeyka), индусский(indusskiy) means Hindus. Even the Russian to Turkish translator giving the same. He has intentionally chose that name "Hindu Burn". (If you will press the Ä button, you can see the Roman letters spelling)
just use google translate man, it says HINDU BURN.
i dont know why most muslims call for the death of other faith and its followers. is it inferiority complex of the muslims are that is what ISLAM is all about(intolerance and unjust to other faiths). I am sure its not ISLAM but the followers who want death to others.

sorry man, i do not see that common RUSSIANS who are christians have this mentality, the Russian who started this thread is another madarassa product in russia who has is name in PDF as "HINDU BURN"

dont worry we will not let that happen, hindu animosity is our birth right and we will not share with anyone else be it a muslim from another country, so back off russian muslim just because you are a muslim you think we will let you burn hindus, we will finish India

"I got your back man"
Russia was my ideal country, loved it's flag, nature, people, language, weapons, anthem, history...etc and almost everything related to it until they decided to side with Arab people slaughterers. I even was more of a socialist when I was 18. Arabs in general considered Russia as their trusted ally. I hope it changes it's attitude.

i really like russian type federation a very clever idea for such a big land and their government does respect religion etc but their people are very racist to muslims , they burn mosque pictures and say no muslims etc , if you dont believe me just check anywere.

Good to see that, and it seems that the Orthodox Christian is the most Islam-friendly Christian sect based on the historical records.

the government but not the people , they are racist to muslims and ultra racist to black people.
What's with your username, "индусский сжечь" translating to "Hindu Burn" on Google translate. :angry:

just use google translate man, it says HINDU BURN.
i dont know why most muslims call for the death of other faith and its followers. is it inferiority complex of the muslims are that is what ISLAM is all about(intolerance and unjust to other faiths). I am sure its not ISLAM but the followers who want death to others.

sorry man, i do not see that common RUSSIANS who are christians have this mentality, the Russian who started this thread is another madarassa product in russia who has is name in PDF as "HINDU BURN"

Google translate = fail :rofl:
it is strange how things interrelated

turkish rulers ruled india and there country is called india :cheesy: is it the reason they rulled india?

something like u r karma stuff?

Apart from Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, which Muslim country has obsession with Hindus. :cheesy:
Syrian people are much important than the Russia naval base, they could have kept it if they hadn't side with Bashar, unfortunatly, Russia will be left with no allies in the region after Bashar is gone. However...:tup:

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just use google translate man, it says HINDU BURN.
i dont know why most muslims call for the death of other faith and its followers. is it inferiority complex of the muslims are that is what ISLAM is all about(intolerance and unjust to other faiths). I am sure its not ISLAM but the followers who want death to others.

sorry man, i do not see that common RUSSIANS who are christians have this mentality, the Russian who started this thread is another madarassa product in russia who has is name in PDF as "HINDU BURN"

ashok he explained what his user name meant in a different thread. Hindu Burn is a dish served in Russia a Turkish dish and it is actually called hindi burn, and hindi is turkish for Turkey. He was not trying to be offensive but he should change his username anyway.

THAT was a crapy justification, then why would he not write his profile name in turkish language, but chose to write it in RUSSIAN.

lol, ploting against us, you can do it for all eternity with out success. we as a civilization and religion lived before you and will live side by side for the rest of human civilization. you guys can plot as long as you want

You should ask Webby to change his username then if you don't think his explanation is good enough.
Most Arab and Islamic countries are pro-western, besides Syria (under Assad) and Iran, Russia really doesn't have that many close friends in the ME.

Hopefully, Russia and Pakistan continue their efforts in strengthening bilateral relations and Pakistan finally joins the S.C.O.
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