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Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood goes live-to-air

The Israel part is highly unlikely, but in the rest you are right. I only made it the conclusion that they want MB to rule all over Arab world, but that would create more Arab division and chaos through a conflict between monarchy regimes and MB blocks.

7abibi can you explain the interest of Qatar to found the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world and outside of it? Or at least give your own opinion. I have heard mixed stories and it would be interesting to see that of an Jordanian who can feel the threat from MB.
You can't compare an absolute Emir to Monarch backed with parliament. The only problem Jordan is facing is an economic one due to the inefficient support by the GCC ,remember that Jordan attended two consecutive GCC along with Morocco in raw. As I stated earlier your regime isn't fascist. To put it bluntly, you can slam him and get away with it.
They are instigating the people against the regime and distorting the truth of what's really going on in Jordan. They over exaggerate when talking about violating human rights. Actually that's pissing me off, Qatar which doesn't have a one single political party or a parliament dictate on others democracy?!!

Look here, would they say the same about their fat emir?
"It used to be taboo to even question the monarchy in a private conversation inside a friend’s home. Now, some protesters carry banners with slogans that blatantly criticise King Abdullah II."

7abibi can you explain the interest of Qatar to found the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world and outside of it? Or at least give your own opinion. I have heard mixed stories and it would be interesting to see that of an Jordanian who can feel the threat from MB.
Qatar won't dare to support MB or at least directly. Are you nuts? HM King Abdullah is a very strong ally with the UAE and KSA ,and Qatar won't even think about it. Though KSA and Qatar funded the MB in Cairo :D I confess.
You can't compare an absolute Emir to Monarch backed with parliament. The only problem Jordan is facing is an economic one due to the inefficient support by the GCC ,remember that Jordan attended two consecutive GCC along with Morocco in raw. As I stated earlier your regime isn't fascist. To put it bluntly, you can slam him and get away with it.

Qatar won't dare to support MB or at least directly. Are you nuts? HM King Abdullah is a very strong ally with the UAE and KSA ,and Qatar won't even think about it. Though KSA and Qatar funded the MB in Cairo :D I confess.

Do you still think that the Al-Saud hold grudges against the Hashemites/see them as Arab rivals? I don't like what I see. King Abdullah II is a great Arab leader and has proven to be a great human and worked closely with GCC and the region. We want all the best for Jordan since it is part of the Arabian Peninsula geographically and also culturally, especially among native Jordanians.

He is a very popular foreign leader in Hejaz. We do not want a chaotic and unstable Jordan. King Abdullah II is not Al-Asad.
I wasn't referring to the Saudis :/
Do you still think that the Al-Saud hold grudges against the Hashemites/see them as Arab rivals? I don't like what I see. King Abdullah II is a great Arab leader and has proven to be a great human and worked closely with GCC and the region. We want all the best for Jordan since it is part of the Arabian Peninsula geographically and also culturally, especially among native Jordanians.

He is a very popular foreign leader in Hejaz. We do not want a chaotic and unstable Jordan. King Abdullah II is not Al-Asad.
I wasn't referring to the Saudis :/

Sorry, I meant the al-Thani's, LOL. It's a bit late. As Blackeagle stated there is some tension between Jordan and Qatar. I don't see why that should happen at all. We Arab Sunni Muslim states need to stick together like glue since enemies are conspiring against us everywhere. This goes for all 1.3 billion Sunnis who are easily manipulated.
7abibi can you explain the interest of Qatar to found the Muslim Brotherhood across the Arab world and outside of it? Or at least give your own opinion. I have heard mixed stories and it would be interesting to see that of an Jordanian who can feel the threat from MB.

I don't trust them, I loath people, who are supposed to be the real representatives of Islam, who resort to lying and taking advantage of the least educated people by spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories which already have seeds in those people minds to achieve their goals. I will not forget how they took advantage of Jordan hard times, it's along story filled with base ways to reach their goals. However, few months ago, the MP decided to raise fuel prices to protect the economy and currency from collapsing noting that people who get less than 12000 JD annually wouldn't be affected as they get subsidy of about $600 annually. So, this raise mainly targeted rich people. Nevertheless, some people went down streets, and started attacking private and public properties and 35 policemen were severely injured, among them a chef in army who was shot in his eye. MB instigated them to keep pressuring the regime to untill it comply with their demands. While we were going through hard times, MB fans were all over internet were calling for a bloody revolution, I took this screen shot myself:
You can watch this intervew to know more about MB foolish mindset from their leader:
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You can watch this intervew to know more about MB foolish mindset from their leader:

Just watched it Blackeagle. Some of the demands this Hamza is advocating for are unrealistic in this complicated time for our region and they cannot be implement successfully without it all ending in chaos. This is the last thing Jordan needs. You and your country should do clever in limiting the power of those individuals or at least make them taste politics which will probably moderate them a bit.

Some of the things, from a Islamic point of view, are not wrong per se but the problem is that they are unrealistic in this situation, time and age. It would do much more harm than good.

Moreover Jordan is doing really good considering the challenges and limited natural resources. King Abdullah II, even if not all Jordanians agree with everything he does, have proven his worth in difficult times. Jordan is not Libya or Syria because the Hashemites are sensible people who have been around since Jordan was created and moreover most Jordanians support them - even privately.

The people are interesting in as easy/good a life as possible and best possible opportunities. As long as the Jordanian ruler/government is providing the people with such opportunities then you have nothing to fear as a nation and people.
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Moreover let me add 7ababi, that I a am a bit concerned about Jordan to say it frankly. The longer the Syrian conflict takes ,partly due to the financial, military and logistic support by the Iranian regime who is desperately wanting to have another ally other than Hezbollah in the Levant, the Russian strategic interest (Tartus naval base) the easier it will be for Jordan to be subjected to tensions. I mean you cannot have more Syrian refugees without that seriously impacting your country negatively. The Arab/Muslim world should do more to prevent such a situation. I know it's not the easiest think to transport thousands of refugees to non-neighboring countries but something more has to be done.

It's easier to cause chaos for some people/organizations when the environment is influenced by chaos itself. So it's a balance between how you deal with potential big problems before they arise and become huge problems. But I have observed the leadership of Jordan and they have dealt with such issues greatly until now. But we don't know what can follow in our region.
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