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Russian FM Lavrov visits Vietnam


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Updated : 4/14/2014 10:47:29 AM

(VOV) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will pay an official visit to Vietnam on April 15-16 at the invitation of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh.

Lavrov’s visit takes place at a time when both Vietnam and Russia are strengthening their comprehensive strategic partnership which was upgraded in 2012. Russia was one of the first countries establishing strategic partnership with Vietnam during President Vladimir Putin’s Vietnam visit in March 2001.

Before flying to Vietnam, Lavrov is making a one-day trip to China on April 15 at the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov visits Vietnam | VOV Online Newspaper
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Russia is increasingly isolated over the Crimea case and now seeks support from the comrade Vietnam.
the Russians know Vietnam is a reliable friend, unlike CCP.
Russia is increasingly isolated over the Crimea case and now seeks support from the comrade Vietnam.
the Russians know Vietnam is a reliable friend, unlike CCP.

Actually, Russia has never been stronger in receiving support all over the world. Crimean situation isolated NATO instead of Russia. All BRICS nations supported Russia quietly or openly, 12 voted against sanctioning them, 60 abstained. This versus 100 countries of which half of them are probably forced to vote or suffer Pentagon's displeasure.
Russia is increasingly isolated over the Crimea case and now seeks support from the comrade Vietnam.
the Russians know Vietnam is a reliable friend, unlike CCP.

My friend, you are too obsessed with China.

Putin is going to visit China in the next month for negotiating the business, since USA wanna displace them as the unique supplier for the oil and gas for Europe, then who gonna replace the lost European market for Russia? Then answer is obvious, China.

Russia, China aim to finish gas talks before Putin's May visit - report| Agricultural Commodities| Reuters
My friend, you are too obsessed with China.

Putin is going to visit China in the next month for negotiating the business, since USA wanna displace them as the unique supplier for the oil and gas for Europe, then who gonna replace the lost European market for Russia? Then answer is obvious, China.

Russia, China aim to finish gas talks before Putin's May visit - report| Agricultural Commodities| Reuters
you are negotiating with Russia over gas supply in the past 10 years? and no end in sight? why so long?
the Western media reports China refuses to support Russia in the last session of UNSC, is it true?

Ostukraine: Vorwürfe gegen Russland im Sicherheitsrat der Uno - SPIEGEL ONLINE
you are negotiating with Russia over gas supply in the past 10 years? and no end in sight? why so long?
the Western media reports China refuses to support Russia in the last session of UNSC, is it true?

Because Russia wanna sell us at the same price as for the European nations, while we demand a slightly cheaper price since we contributed the most for the construction of the pipelines.

Now with the risk of losing of the main European market, Russia is going to accept that deal.

Russia is a pragmatic and realistic country, China's huge powerful tangible support vs Vietnam's little weak lip service, tell me which one are they going to choose?
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Actually, Russia has never been stronger in receiving support all over the world. Crimean situation isolated NATO instead of Russia. All BRICS nations supported Russia quietly or openly, 12 voted against sanctioning them, 60 abstained. This versus 100 countries of which half of them are probably forced to vote or suffer Pentagon's displeasure.
does India support Russia openly?
Because Russia wanna sell us at the same price as for the European nations, while we demand a slightly cheaper since we contributed the most for the construction of the pipelines.

Now with the risk of losing of the main European market, Russia is going to accept the deal.

Russia is a pragmatic and realistic country, China's huge powerful tangible support vs Vietnam's little weak lip service, tell me which one are they going to choose?
ha ha ha ...you are smart business people, always look for discount. LOL
sure, you are right China is a big market, hardly to be ignored.

as for VN, we have invested $2.5bn so far in oil and gas projects in Russia. perhaps you will receive gas from a Vietnam invested project. who knows. :laugh:


Vietnam channels .5bn into Russia at end of February | Tuổi Trẻ news
Abstained. Just like you guys.

Then how our Viet friends here all condemned about China's "betrayal" against Russia?

What kind of double standard is this? India's abstain is help, while China's abstain is betrayal?

ha ha ha ...you are smart business people, always look for discount. LOL
sure, you are right China is a big market, hardly to be ignored.

as for VN, we have invested $2.5bn so far in oil and gas projects in Russia. perhaps you will receive gas from a Vietnam invested project. who knows. :laugh:


Vietnam channels .5bn into Russia at end of February | Tuổi Trẻ news

2.5 billion is just peanut, while China can offer 100 times more.
We cannot as we are not permanent member state.

Even china didn't.it meekly abstained

I suggest that India to stay with the same position even you are a permanent member, since you can't afford to completely jeopardize the relationship with the West when you are not stronger than them, and Crimea is also not your core national interest.

The abstain is the best solution and best indirect support for Russia.
I suggest that India to stay with the same position even you are a permanent member, since you can't afford to completely jeopardize the relationship with the West when you are not stronger than them, and Crimea is also not your core national interest.

The abstain is the best solution and best indirect support for Russia.

Yup we would have done the same under the current situation:rolleyes:
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